Hello everyone! Enjoy!

Chapter 20

Puck laughed as he watched Mike tackle Sam as they played football in the backyard of his house. "Hey go easy on him, you know he's not used to playing without pads."

Sam smirked. "Please I do a way better job than you do. I think you've gotten soft."

"Really? Okay let's settle this then."

Just before they were about to start up again, Maria interrupted them.

"Boys you know I hate you guys playing aggressively without any padding," she told them.

"Come on Mom, it's not like it'd be our first time doing it," Puck replied before quickly closing his mouth.

"Way to go Puck," Jake laughed, bringing lemonade to his mother who shook her head.

"Hey don't act like I haven't caught you in a few lies the same way," she told him before looking at Maria. "Must be genetic."

"Yeah let's just hope they stay this bad," Maria laughed. "Do you want to bring out the cake now?"

"Yeah I think that would be the perfect distraction from this football game," Jake's mom replied.

Maria gathered everyone before looking at Jake. "Well it's your birthday so why don't you say a few words to everyone?"

He nodded before looking at everyone. "Thanks for coming to my party. I've really appreciated how you guys have all made me feel welcomed since I moved here. Being an only child got pretty lonely at times so finding out that I had a brother and sister really made a difference. Despite how it happened, I'm glad we're all together now. So cheers to the first birthday spent together."

"The first of many," Puck smiled before everyone started singing happy birthday.

After Jake blew out his candles, his mother got a knife. "Okay who wants a piece?"

As everyone fought over which part of the cake they wanted, Puck walked over to Rachel. "Not getting any cake?"

She shook her head. "No, my stomach has been giving me problems all day, I think I'm going to skip cake."

He froze and raised an eyebrow. "You're not…"

Catching onto what he was asking Rachel immediately shook her head. "No complete opposite. That time of the month."

"Oh thank goodness," he breathed out in relief. "Well are you ready for our anniversary next week?"

"It's still so weird to be with someone who actually remembers," she replied.

He shrugged. "Well I remember and I'm going to make it great. And that's without the sex."

"Really? So there won't be any funny business that night then."

"I mean if it leads to that it won't be the worst thing in the world," he smirked as she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Puck let's go!" Sam called. "We're playing another game."

"I'm starting to miss having you all to myself," Rachel joked.

"Next weekend I'm all yours." He leaned in and kissed her before looking at her again. "But right now I need to go kick some ass."

Rachel laughed as Puck went to go play with the guys. She was happy that things were back to normal with Puck and the guys. It made their relationship easier and she could tell he was a lot happier. Everything was the way it should be.


The next weekend, Puck smiled to himself as Rachel walked out her house.

"Ready for a night of love?" he asked.

"Definitely, I am very excited," she replied as they got in the car.

Puck drove to a restaurant outside of town much to Rachel's surprise. When they got inside and sat down, he looked at her.

"Order anything you want."

"Are you sure?" she raised an eyebrow. "This place is expensive."

"I've been saving up for this very occasion so it's fine I promise."

Giving in, Rachel nodded as the waiter came to them. Once their orders were taken care of, she looked back at Puck. "So I have some news."

"I'm all ears."

"I told my dads about us meeting Shelby."

"Really?" he asked. He had been trying to convince Rachel to tell her dads the truth about their meeting in hopes it can happen again. "How'd they take it?"

"They were understandably upset that I did all of it without them knowing. Of course I told them that I begged you to keep it a secret so they're not upset with you or anything."

"Wow. So what now?"

"I get to at least talk to Shelby on the phone every now and then for right now. When I move to New York after high school it's another story."

"Well at least you have contact with her now." When he noticed her happiness going away, he frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Have you thought about what you're going to do after graduation? I mean I know we still have senior year but that'll be over before we know it. I'm sure we'll still be together by then, at least I hope we will, and I don't know what'll happen after that so I just-"

"Hey relax," he said, taking her hand. "I want us to last too but graduation's a year away. We have time to figure out what'll happen next but for tonight, I just want to focus on us and how happy I am that I'm here with you after months of waiting and never knowing if I would ever get this chance."

Rachel smiled and squeezed his hand. "I love you."

"I love you too," he kissed her hand. "So what play are we seeing this summer?"

As she excitedly told him of the options of plays and musicals they could see in New York that summer, Puck couldn't help but smile. This time last year she was dating his best friend and now they were here. Rachel loved him and wanted to be with him and he was able to rebuild his friendship with Sam. Everything had fallen into place for them and he couldn't be happier with the outcome.

That's the end! Thanks for reading and keep a look out for my next update for one of my other stories. Bye for now :)