In the future many centuries and civilizations later, vampires are dying out. Vampires can no longer sire other vampires, with the exception for the original family. The blood became too diluted and vampires weren't surviving past weeks or months at a time. At first, the vampire community thought it was a sickness or a spell placed by a witch. Then it became clear, the closer you were to original blood, the longer it took for you to die. The originals saw this and let it be undisturbed for centuries, until only 10 vampires were left, but then they soon died within a century. All that was left were the original family members: Elijah, Niklaus, Kol and Rebekah.
The 3 original brothers came up with a plan to keep the vampire race alive. It would involve each of them forcing themselves on their sister. Rebekah was the only hope for the survival of vampires. She needed to birth as many original children as she could, and unlike a human mother, she did not have to wait weeks in between each child birth before waiting to birth another child, she simply had to wait an hour or two before her body fully healed.
"She cannot know what we are doing" said Elijah to his brothers.
"Are you mad! She would kill us if she knew what we planned to do to her - with her" said Kol.
"It must be done. I will not let vampires become extinct, even if it kills me in the process" elijah said gritted between his teeth. He paced back and forth the dimly lit library.
"We must have rules, before I agree to anything" said Niklaus pouring himself a drink and taking a seat on the couch.
"Agreed" said Kol with a chuckle.
"What are they. I'm sure you've already decided what they'll be" said klaus.
Elijah looked at his drink for a moment, poured it down into his mouth, crossed his legs and simply stated "there will be 5 rules. 5 rules only. They must always be followed and never broken. If they are ever to break, I will not let this go on with our sister. I will stop it and we shall never speak of it and will erase Rebekah's memory"
"What are they Elijah" said Kol rolling his eyes while going to lean against the bookshelf.
"They are as follows -
1: You must never bite.
2: No blood sharing.
3: Do what you must to reach climax.
4: Once climax is reached, the interaction has come to an end.
5: Make it quick. " Elijah stated. He looked at his brothers for protest, but he was meet with agreement."
"Now, we will also follow a schedule, we will not violate our sister at our own pleasure, but only to serve a greater purpose. Who would like to go first" asked Elijah while finishing his drink. He thought about what order they would follow. He knew klaus was a forceful as well as painful fuck. He would see the human women in the morning once he was done with them. Niklaus would leave them bitten, bloody, and unable to walk. He also knew Kol wasn't much kinder. He witnessed his human women leaving a day or two after he fucked them. Elijah didn't know which one was worse. But he knew he should bed his sister in between Kol and Niklaus taking turns.
Klaus thought about what his brother just asked, he wanted to fuck his sister first, hard and long, but he couldn't seem to eager. "I'll go first Elijah, then you then Kol" said klaus calmly.
Elijah nodded and Kol didn't disagree, but also didn't agree. Kol thought he too wanted to be the first to exploit his sister. He had always fancied her. He often dreamt of what he could do to her if she wasn't his sister. Now with the vampire race dying out, it's as if his wishes had been granted. He could have his sister in every single way imaginable under the guise of "the greater good"
"We are going to have to tie her up" said Kol to his brothers. "She won't come easy, and will fight us till the end"
"I'll take care of it" said klaus with a smirk walking out of the library making his way to his sisters room.