A/N: Yo, mates. I have no excuse for not updating except laziness, loss of interest and life. With the new year, in gunna try and dedicate myself to trying more with my Fanfictions, and with my other hobbies, so I'm hoping to be able to update this as much as I can and quicker than I have been.
Shoutout's to my reviewers;
I-Love-Trunks-1 – Thanks for your help about how to update my story. Sorry I didn't reply as ive been on a life hiatus it seems.
Alicia Olivia Mirza – I know! Thinking about Hogsmeade when Sirius and everything else should be higher on the list! Maybe he and Hermione should have lessons together! XD
Emmelyn97 – Thanks. I'm pleased that you love it so.
BeckNiece – I'm glad I'm updating as well! And thanks for thanking tired mommy as well. They deserve a large portion of credit for the last chapter!
Rabbit887 – Glad your excited and thank you. First we will have reintroductions then the situation will be re-explained to Sirius and Harry.
LOTRcool – First off, I LOVE your name. LOTR is cool! XD I'm really happy that you enjoy all of my chapters!
Lilly-flower15, kaykay25, Mentathial, ragsweas, I and Guest x2 – Happy you enjoyed it, and so sorry for taking almost a year.
Senyuu – I tried to go for a dramatic approach that I thought would attract people to read it. I'm glad I've been able to do it proud.
Princess Of Flames - I agree I've been dragging it out. When I began writing this I was concentrating more on having lots of chapters and split it up. I'm hoping to get better now I'm writing again.
Guest who asked about James - If you'd read my earlier authors notes, you would have read that I'm going to call the James of the future, Jaye to avoid confusion of James (Harry's Dad) and James II (Harry's Son).
PanCakes - It was your review that it has been almost a year back in August that had me finally getting back to this. I realise I'm such a hypocrite, as I don't like when authors leave their stories half done, then do the same with mine.
And all of my favouriters / followers!
Again, I'm so very sorry about leaving this so long, and hope i can get back to writing again for you guys, as well as for myself.
Do note that this chapter happens at the same time as the meeting in the great hall in the chapter before, when Ginny is asking Jaye if he's Harry's son.
And also note that its sooooo hard keeping control of so many characters in the same place! Like I try not to forget anyone and to have everyone speak but damn it's hard!
Disclaimer – I think we all get it by now! Me no own! Do I really have to keep doing these when it's so plainly obvious I do not own!
Last Chapters;
They all stared at Jaye, waiting for an answer. He looks at Teddy for what to do. The latter just sighed and put his head in his hands. 'Ugh. Yes he's Harry's son from the future.' He admitted reluctantly. They were failing miserably at keeping things secret.
"…and yet all you're worried about is not going to Hogsmeade?" "Sorry, professor," Harry said sheepishly. Minerva just sighed as they walked up the steps to the main entrance door.
"We have him," Remus interrupted him suddenly, getting him to stop mid curse. "You what?! You already have him? WhereWhatWeneedto-" "Go shower and then we'll go meet everyone again."
Chapter 5
Sirius grumbled as he was guided by Remus to the latter's new chamber, given to him ready for his stay as a teacher. As they arrived, Remus gestures to one of the doors. "You'll find the bathroom through there. I'll go look for some clothes for you to wear." He informed Sirius as he walked towards another door, into the bedroom.
Sirius entered the bathroom and took a look at himself in the mirror, then sighed. The hair he once took pride in was knotted and filthy; definitely worse than Snape's. He had a small, uneven amount of stubble upon his chin and his eyes were small and tired.
He removed his tattered and filthy robes and turned the shower on. After a refreshing 20 minutes he exited from underneath the hot, soothing water to find a pile of robes waiting nearby. He slipped into them, happy to be wearing comfortable and clean clothes for the first time in 12 years.
He left the room to see Remus waiting for him. "Well," Sirius called out. "Am I better now?" He smirked at Remus as the latter laughed at him. "Let's go then. I believe everyone will be waiting."
The smirk fell off of Sirius' face as he became nervous. Remus noticed this and nudged his friend affectionately. "Hey, Padfoot. Don't worry; they all know you're innocent." He took a deep breath then smiled again. "Okay. Let's go"
"Come along now, Mr. Potter, everyone is waiting." Minerva said as she guided Harry away from the two men. "But what about them? Wont they be joining us?" Minerva glanced over at the laughing men and smiled. "I believe they will join as at a later time. Come now, let's hurry up."
And off they walked to the Great hall. The doors were slightly ajar and so Harry stopped at the gap before entering. Through the gap, he could see the gathering teachers and the familiar colour of the Weasley hair. He could also hear voices;
'We are form 25 years into the future. We have come back in time with information on how to better the world and to stop the upcoming war.'
'Wow.' 'So if you're from the future and look like Harry, that makes you a future relative!'
As he heard this, Harry held in a breath, and slipped into the Great Hall without alerting the gathering, Minerva following his lead.
They joined everyone else as they stared at the youngest boy, Jaye he believed was the name he was told, waiting for an answer. He saw him glance at the other boy, Teddy for a moment and the latter just sighed and put his head in his hands.
"Ugh. Yes he's his son from the future." Harry let out his held breath and gasped, "I can't believe it!"
Everyone turned around as they heard Harry gasp those words, while Teddy and Jaye could only stare at the young version of their Dad / Godfather. "Harry!" Ron exclaimed along with his parents, but Harry didn't seem to hear them as he was staring right back at the two young and unfamiliar, yet at the same time familiar, boys. Jaye really did look like him, and his father.
Bar from the lack of glasses and the ginger-brown coloured hair and eyes, the boy standing across from Harry could pass as his twin, both their hair a messy, uncontrollable mop on their heads, and the same eye shape and face. Harry stared at him in shock while also trying to get his head around the fact that this Jaye claims to be his son, and from the future no less!
While Harry evaluated Jaye, who stared at him awkwardly ('This is freaky! Gosh looking at my dad when he's practically the same age as me!'), the rest of the rooms inhabitants were also getting over these new facts.
A silence came across the room, only broken as Teddy, with his head in his hands, muttered "This is definitely not how this was meant to go. I should have thought this through more, and probably left Jaye behind."
This broke the silence and brought Harry back to his senses. "Are you telling the truth? Are you really my son?" He asked with his voice breaking.
Jaye just grinned at him. "Yup, James Potter the second, son of one Harry Potter, at your service. You can call me Jaye though."
Harry again let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and just stared at Jaye again, while the rest of the gathering gasped again.
"Oh Harry, that's such good news, that you have kids in the future! And look at him; he's such a handsome boy!" Molly beamed at Harry.
Jaye looked sheepishly at his (secret (for now)) Grandmother. "Ahh, thanks, Gra- *cough* aww" A sharp jab in the ribs from Jaye had him stopping. "Um, Molly." Teddy nodded in approval at Jaye's fixed sentence, thinking to himself again that he should DEFINITELY have left Jaye behind.
"We should have guessed earlier, you look so much like both James and young Harry here!" Pomona smiled at both young Potters. "Should have thought about that, shouldn't we Ted. I mean, it's not like we could have kept it a secret long what with how much I look like my Dad." Jaye said as he turned to talk to Teddy.
"Uhh, yeah I really didn't think through this hard enough. And I had everything else planned! No one was meant to know wed come back. Trust you, Jaye"
"Hey, it's not my fa-" Jaye's reply to Ted was interrupted by Ron. "Hey, how come you weren't going to tell anyone you'd come back in time!?"
"Think with your head, Weasley. Time travel on this scale will rewrite history and all of our future's. Everything that was written to be our future will never happen, so why would we allow them to continue on this journey of messing with the universe!" Exclaimed SSeverus in a loud yell, causing the Weasley kids to flinch, especially Ron.
"Now, now Severus, no need to grace us with such high, dulcet tones." Said Dumbledore calmly (see what I did there XD). He turned to face the gathering of people and the time travellers. "What I'm sure Severus meant, is that these two young gentlemen are rewriting history, your futures, and that they weren't going to inform us of this so that we would not intervene."
"Yet we should!" Severus hissed urgently. "They are messing with our lives here!"
"Hey!" Ted stood tall and glared at Snape. "Yes, you could say we are messing with your lives, but if you knew what coming for you in the following years, you'd agree that this must be done!"
"Listen." Ted calmed down. "We weren't trying to be deceitful and change your lives behind your back. I thought it'd be easier to do this without anyone knowing. But now you know, and while it has changed our plans a bit, I'm sure we can work together to fix this and still change things for the better."
Everyone in the room pondered over Ted's statement, and slowly agreed, albeit hesitantly.
"While I'm sure we all agree with what you've said, it is only to an extent. What if we don't want to change the future to come? Surely it can't be that awful that you'd need to change it for us?" Minerva asked.
"By our time, things have settled, but it's the time before that we intend to change. The years to come in this current time period will be trying, full of conflict, secrets and many deaths. We are trying to better the world for you!" Jaye explained to them, trying to show their urgency.
Most of those in the room understood how the two boys felt, knowing themselves the feeling of wanting to go back and start again following the wars and darkness from 13 years ago, when Voldemort was still at large.
Silence descended again upon the room, Harry interrupting it to ask, "What about me? Or the me you know, that is. If you change the past, our future, won't the life you have disappear?"
With this topic brought up again, Jaye and Teddy looked down to the floor. "Well... Yeah, we will change our time and stop its existence, but we'll stay here even as our time and family disappears." Jaye had tears in his eyes, and Ted leaned to him to bring him into a hug.
Harry had a weird feeling in his chest, he couldn't seem to deal with his son, Can't get used to that, being so sad. "You're willing to give up all you have to help us? To save us from our future?"
"Yes, we are. My mum, dad, siblings, everyone I know will stop existing, but i can save them in this time. Besides, they always live on in my heart and memories." Jaye gave a sad grin to his young father. His words brought tears to the eyes of many of the rooms inhabitants.
"You are such a brave child." Filius said to Jaye, then turned to Teddy. "And what about you, Ted. Are you willing to give up all you have, as well?" All heads turned to Ted, all thinking the same.
No one knew much about the other time traveller. Well, its not like they knew much about Jaye either, but Teddy was a mystery to them all. They couldn't quite place his face as it seemed familiar yet not, at the same time. His hair, now turquoise, gave them no hint to his parentage, though raised eyebrows of a few as it seemed he was a metamorphmagus, and those were rare.
Ted, nor liking all attention on him, gave a quick answer. "Yes I am willing to give it up, to save them and you all. I'll give up mine and Jaye's family and siblings, but keep them with me."
Percy's head rose at this and he glanced between both time travellers. "Wait, are you and Jaye related, you said him and your siblings?" All eyes rested on Ted following this, curious. "You don't look much alike though." Ginny noted.
Ted felt for the 57th time that evening the want to face palm. "Ugh, I'm no good at keeping secrets either." He laughed. "Ah me and Teddy here are god-brothers! Though he's basically a Potter as he's with us all the time and part of the family. That's why he calls me and the other 2 his siblings." Jaye gave Teds answer.
"Righ', so you an' Jaye 'ere are related by god parents then?" Hagrid asked. "Yeah, Harry's my godfather. That's how I'm part of Harry and Jaye's family." That pieced together some information about Ted for those in the room trying to figure out the boy.
"So who are your parents then?" "Yeah, they must be close to our Harrykins for them to name him as your godfather." Fred and George asked the question all wanted to know the answer to.
When Ted gave no answer, Jaye slid across to him and poked him teasingly. "Ah come on now Ted, they know my dad, the least you can do is tell them yours." Ted gave him a weak glare. "That was your choice." "Ah, ah, actually, it was you who said Harry was my Dad. So, if you don't tell them I will!" Jaye grinned at Ted, his face splitting more with his wide grin when he saw Teddy's glare.
"I can never win with you can I?" Jaye poked him again. "Nope" He said, popping the 'p'.
"Gah, fine." He turned to his awaiting audience and took a deep breathe, opening his closed eyes.
"My dad is Remus Lupin."
There was a sudden bang of wood, a muffled "oof" and an exclamation of "Hey, watch it Moony!"
There we go. Finally an update! Woohooo! XD I'm posting this as I have some of chapter 9 written as well, so the next update will hopefully be soon. I'm gunna try all I can to not leave you guys as long as i have.
See ya next chapter,