It would be years later when Kiera would pick up Revan's holocron again. During the Vong War, it was too much of a temptation when Kiera struggled with her dark side the most. The losses piled on too soon. Then came the death of the light in the Jedi Order.
Anakin Solo.
Kiera and Harry had been on that mission as one of the few that survived. Sometimes, looking back, Harry almost wished he hadn't. Jacen was never the same after the war, he noticed that.
Then again, neither was Harry or Kiera. He remembered dying all too well, and wondered who had greeted Anakin upon his death. Was it Chewbacca? Was it Ganner Rhysode? Or was it even Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala themselves?
The answer kept Harry tossing and turning, that was for sure.
When Kiera re-opened the holocron, she was centuries more mature, older, despite her face reading to be in her mid-twenties. She began passing wisdom of the light as well as the dark into the holocron, to temper out the evil that had once possessed the holocron and her ancestor.
They would get married right before the Swarm War. While Jacen and Jaina lived rather exciting lives at that time, Harry, Atris, and Kiera were much more grim. They had only themselves and Harry's little brother to fight for.
When the Swarm War ended, Harry began to notice how Jacen was influencing his little brother. While Ben was opening up to the Force more, Harry was suspecting things that he feared, but Mara and Luke ignored.
"Hello Harry, Atris. I killed a little girl for my fourteenth birthday."
Harry had dropped his lightsaber and embraced his little brother. He couldn't believe the glazed blue eyes that fit a shell-shocked veteran rather than a boy of fourteen with frizzy red hair and a freckled face.
Kiera began doting heavily on the little boy- as much as he would've pretended to hate being called little, she saw in his eyes, underneath the facade that he was panicking at never having a childhood.
She later confessed to Harry that she would never raise her child like Mara hadn't been able to raise Ben. While Harry had done his best whenever he was in rotation with many Jedi babysitters, he knew that Ben had needed his mom and dad.
He hated thinking of Mara like that, especially when she died. He felt it in the Force, and he believed Ben when he told him that it was Jacen- not Lumiya. Harry hated himself for not seeing it sooner. Kiera hated herself even more. She knew the dark side- why couldn't she have figured out the signs?
They fought in the Second Galactic Civil War. But they resolved on one thing. They were going to settle down at the Academy, only take on teaching positions- something Kenth Hammer was happy to let them do.
While Ben still insisted on going, Kiera still showered him with gifts before he did so. Han and Leia had Harry and Kiera babysit Allana occasionally, and Harry saw Jacen Solo clearly in the little girl.
Atris never married, always said she was married to the Jedi Order. She still hung around occasionally, and was made the hold-mother of their child. Indeed, Kiera and Harry had three children- Anakin Jade, Mara Jade II (who much preferred Mara Shan), and Jacen Jade, all named for the fallen.
Eventually, Harry and Kiera retired on Tattooine, it just felt right. Their children visited on occasion, having become great Jedi Knights.
Harry never forgot and never returned to Hecate VI, nor did he, Atris, or Kiera tell the story to anyone. In her old age, Kiera passed the story to the holocron, one of the greatest secrets in the Galaxy.
All wasn't well, but it was enough for Harry.