The DragonBall Z Show: Trunks Warns Goku

DISCLAIMER: I do not own DBZ. And who does, really? Isn't us, the fans, who truly own DragonBall Z? For we are the ones who.. *BANG* thud!

SETUP: Okay, this obviously takes place when Trunks warns Goku of the androids. If it dosen't.. well then, somebody has been tampering with muh stories!

The gang watched from one side of a crater as Goku talked this purple- haired stranger. Just an hour he had killed Freeza and his father King Cold, and when Goku returned from space he immediatley requested that they talk in private.

The young warrior looked at Goku coldly and said, "Hello, Son Goku. My name... is Trunks."

A confused Goku said, "I thought your name was Mary Ann."


"Well, everybody's always calling you Mary Ann Trunks."

"No, Goku, that's Mirai Trunks."

"Oh, I see Mariah Trunks!"

Trunks just sighed and continued with what he had to say.

"Goku, my name is Trunks. I come from the future. I am the son of Vegeta and Bulma."

"WOW! Bulma and Vegeta!? Y'mean Bulma leaves Yamcha for Vegeta!?"

"Yes, but that's not..."

"Jesus! What kinda skank do you have to be to sleep with an asshole like Vegeta!?"

"Dude! That's my mom!"

"Who is?"


"Oh... so that means she had sex with Vegeta, right!

"Y-y-yes, it does! But-but that's not..."

"That's how my son was born, afterall. But then again, you could just be a freak!"


"So was she naked when they had sex!?"

"I-I-I'm sure she..., I mean I-I-I mean; CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT THE FUTURE!?"

"Okay..... So in the future when she has sex will she be naked?"

"GOKU!!!" He took a second to calm down and then continued. "Listen closely, because I'm about to tell you about..."


"........ Please don't do that... the future."

"COOL! I love bedtime stories!"

"It's not a story! It actually happened!"

"... Want some popcorn?"

Trunks sighed a great sigh. "Just listen!"

5 MINUTES LATER (3 episodes for those who speak DragonBall Z-ease)

"And that's the future. Well, Goku, do you think you and the Z Fighters can be fully prepared for that?"

".... Hm? I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Wh-wh...! Weren't you listening!?"

"... You is the opposite of me."

"Oh for Kame's sake! Listen! Androids come..."




"Androids come and..."





Trunks said that louid enough for everybody on the other side of the crater to hear it. They immediatley started gasping and murmuring and stuff.

"Dammit," said Trunks after he realized what had happened.

"What about me, Mariah? Do I get killed by the androids?"

"No. You die of a heart virus before they even come."

"Oh, don't worry! I'll kick it's ass before it can kill me!"

"Um, Goku I don't think you understand..."

"No, you don't understand! I've defeated many bad guys, so one little virus won't be much for me!"

"B-but, Goku, you can't just..."

"Nope!" interuppted Goku. "I'll kick it's ass!"

Trunks took a bottle out of his pocket and started to hand it to Goku. "Well, here's the antidote just in case..." Before he could finish Goku slapped the bottle out of his hand.

"Don't need it!"

"But, Goku," Trunks said after picking the bottle back up, "These pills will make you feel better and..."

"GASP! You were gonna sell me drugs, weren't you!? Gimme that!" Goku then took the bottle , threw it into the air, and blew it to hell with a ki blast.

"Well, wait to go, Goku! Now I have to go back in time and..." Goku interreupted Trunks by blowing away his time machine with a ki blast.

"HEY!!!" shouted Trunks. "Dude, that was my ride home!"

"I don't care," Goku said proudly, "Just as long as I keep my city drug free!"

"Goku, you're a dumbass!" said Trunks.

"Yep," agreed Goku!


There ya'll go. Hope nobody lost track of who was who in this story.