(A/N): Okay so this is a Soulmate fic with a D/S element. Now I'm well aware there are lots of those out there and this is hardly an original idea, however, I kinda wanted to take a shot at it. I'm going to say this is going to be mostly A/U because while the story will have elements of the original story and even certain events that relate back to actual story events its not going to follow that world closely enough I don't think to not be A/U.

This Story's World: In this world a person is either born a dominant or a submissive. If born a dominant they will have a sort of celtic like design around their left wrist that comes together on the inside of the wrist with the shape of a diamond. If born a submissive they will have the same celtic like design around their left wrist but where it comes together in the inside of the wrist the shape is a heart. At the age of sixteen the name of the dominant/submissive soulmate will appear in elegant scrawl, to match the celtic design on the left wrist, on their right wrist. If it is a dominant the submissive's name will be in blue and if it is a submissive the dominant's name will appear in black. Not all dominant's and submissive's are the same age though typically the older one will usually be the dominant, if they are not, but in some cases it can be the submissive. If a dominant or submissive turns sixteen and their soulmate is not yet of age then when the name appears on their wrist it will be in the correct color but faded, once the submissive becomes of age the name will darken to the vibrant color its meant to be.

Once the dominant and submissive have meant and connected the shape on their left wrist will fill in, in the case of the submissive the heart will be filled in with the color black and in the case of the dominant the diamond will be filled in with the color blue. To connect their must be a physical touch such as a handshake, a hug, a kiss, some sort of physical connection. If there is only a meeting with no physical touch no connection will occur. Once a connection occurs the submissive soulmate essentially belongs to their dominant soulmate, at this point the submissive would live with the dominant and their life as a pair starts. This is not to say submissive's have no rights but they do belong with their dominant's and cannot be removed. The reasons for this are health involved as much as anything for if a dominant and submissive soulmate have connected and are kept apart then the submissive will start to get sick. This is nature's way of ensuring the bond is not tampered with once made.

In this word their are two types of bonds, the two-way bond and the triadic bond. The two-way bond is the most common and involves one dominant and one submissive. The triadic bond, which is more rare, involves one dominant and two submissive's. In the case of the triadic bond the dominant in question has all the normal traits of a dominant but those traits are amplified significantly, thus making them more protective, stronger, and yes more domineering in a way. The idea of course is that two submissive's will balance out those amplified traits and a dominant like the one in a triadic bond is rare hence the rarity of the bond itself.

Summary: Kurt Hummel was born a submissive, he's accepted that. He knew that when he turned 16 that a dominant soulmate's name would appear on his wrist. He just never thought another submissive's name would too. He doesn't want to be connected to anyone though let alone two people. He wants to graduate high school and escape Lima, he wants go to college and start achieving his dreams but sometimes what we want and what we need turn out to different things. The challenge is in letting ourselves have what we need even it if its not what we want because sometimes what we need is what ultimately gives us what we want.

Warnings: A/U; Soulmate D/S; Sebklaine (not your thing don't read)

Sweet sixteen, Kurt never really understood that phrase or why anyone thought it was cute. In his opinion turning sixteen wasn't really a reason to celebrate. Of course, plenty of people disagreed with him but Kurt was used to being the minority opinion. There was only a couple weeks of school left and Kurt found himself wishing his birthday fell after school was out for the summer so he wouldn't have to deal with prying eyes that would undoubtedly pry. Hell it was only Thursday so he couldn't even be blessed with it being the last day of school for the week. It probably wouldn't be so bad today except that Kurt was always younger than everyone else because he'd started his schooling sooner. All his friends, and everyone he knew at school had turned sixteen last year. So there wouldn't even be the added benefit of a bunch of other people in the same boat to take the attention off of him, which made today suck even more. He briefly wondered if he could talk his dad into letting him stay home, the chances were good if he played the pity card. Kurt sighed, he wasn't the boy that skipped school and skipping for something that happened to everyone at sixteen seemed silly, even if he did really want to. He looked at his wrist for like the umpteenth time this morning. It had happened when he was sleeping, seems it was that way for everyone. He scowled at his wrist like it was responsible for all his life's misery. He apparently couldn't have even been normal even in this. Most people would wake up and find a name scrawled around their wrist in an elegant circle, submissive's would see their dominant's name in elegant black scrawl circling their wrist and dominant's would see their submissive's name in elegant blue scrawl circling their wrist no one really knew the reason for the colors it just was. Dominant's name were always in black and submissive's names always in blue. Kurt huffed, apparently he had to go and be different again because as he looked at his wrist the names of two individuals was clear.

Triadic soulmate bonds were not unheard of, Kurt was thankful they weren't that rare at least, but they were rare nonetheless. Normal two way bonds of course had the traditional dominant and submissive. Triadic bonds always had one dominant and two submissive's. To date no one seemed to be able to determine how triadic bonds came to be, however the dominant in triadic bonds was considered a rarity which is what people attributed to the rarity of triadic bonds in general. Triadic bond dominants had the all the traits of any dominant but all of those traits seemed to be amplified significantly. A lot of people seemed to think this made absolute sense since that dominant would be charged with the care of two submissive's. Kurt scoffed as he looked at the name in blue and the name in black entwined around his wrist. He didn't need anyone to take care of him thank you very much, he was quite capable of taking care of himself. The one piece of good news was that he did not recognize either name which meant he didn't know them for which he was thankful. Perhaps with a bit of good luck and he could avoid them entirely at least until he graduated college and had started his undoubtedly successful career.

"Forget this," Kurt said to his empty room straightening and throwing the sheet off himself. "I am not going to let this bother me or change my life in anyway I refuse," he vowed to himself. With that firm declaration Kurt got up and began to prepare for the day. He went through his morning routine stoically and then with determination he selected his outfit for the day with a devil may care attitude. He slid into his black Tom Ford slim fit jeans and tucked in his Alexander McQueen short sleeve harness shirt. He had briefly contemplated wearing long sleeves to cover the scrawl around his wrist but ultimately decided to say "fuck it". He slipped his feet into heaven known as his Jimmy Choo Jamie's or black shiny leather boots and attached a simple triangle design collar chain to his shirt collar. As he started packing things in his Salvatore Ferragamo messenger bag he looked to his dresser and in a brief moment of turmoil he grabbed his Salvatore Ferragmo double wrap leather bracelet with Gancini and attached it to his wrist over the scrawl of his soulmates names. It was a weakness, Kurt didn't care. Kurt looked at himself in the mirror appraising what he saw. The jeans hugged his legs and ass accenting all the right curves and his shirt allowed the muscles in his arms he did possess to show as well as give a hint of the toned chest underneath. Everything came together flawlessly but something was missing. Instantly he realized what and slipped back into his closet emerging with his Fendi selleria belt which he fastened around his waist. Smiling at the resulting product, "perfect," he said smiling at his reflection.

Kurt flitted down the stairs grabbing his keys. "Morning dad, off to get my coffee," he said going for the door.

"Hold up kiddo," Burt said detaining his son.

Kurt closed his eyes sighing. Why he thought he would just be able to escape out the door he did not know, he should have known better.

"You okay?" Burt asked. He knew his son, he knew that while most children Finn included were happy about these days his son had not been. He'd even specifically asked his dad not to through him a birthday party.

"I'm.."Kurt paused. He didn't want to lie to his dad and he had been a lot lately. He was so worried about his heart he'd let a lot of stuff go by not informing his father."

"Kurt," Burt said with that tone that said please don't lie to me.

"I'm managing," Kurt said, he couldn't lie to his dad not about this. "I'm not happy but we both knew I wouldn't be," Kurt said shrugging. He looked over as his dad lifted his arm sliding the bracelet down just enough to see the scrawl on his son's wrist. Kurt closed his eyes at his father's gasp.

"Oh kiddo," he said and the worry was clear in his voice.

"Don't," Kurt said wrenching his arm back, blue-gray eyes snapped to his father unshed tears making them glisten, "just don't say anything okay, I'm going to get coffee and then I'm going to school and I need you to act like its just another day please," Kurt said the last word pleaded in a soft voice.

It was the last word, that soft voice that made Kurt sound like he was eight again and his mom had just died. "Be careful and have a good day at school, just another couple weeks and it'll be summer vacation," Burt said trying to keep it light.

Kurt gave his dad a watery smile then slipped out the door. Burt stared at the closed door for a moment before going to the table and grabbing his coffee cup and making his way to the computer to research triadic bonds. There weren't extremely common, but occurred enough for their to be a wealth of information and Burt was going to learn it all, for Kurt's sake because he was positive his son wouldn't even look unless pressed and Burt did not want to press right now but he would take care of his son.

The school day passed rather uneventfully, for which Kurt was grateful. Of course it passed uneventfully because he was avoiding people like the plague and dodging to his classes and doing his best to be silent and invisible. He had decided to skip Glee Club today, he just couldn't handle the prying eyes of his friends which is why he had been avoiding them all day. Plus he didn't really feel like being around the few bonded couples that had happened in that room. No one was surprised when Rachel and Finn's names appeared on each other's wrist though plenty of people gagged. Nor was anyone surprised when Santana and Brittany's names appeared on each other's wrist, in fact Kurt had been extremely happy for his girls. Everyone had been shocked when Tina's name appeared on Artie's wrist as she had dumped him to date Mike. Things had apparently been rocky for Tina and Mike for a while though, which they hadn't shared till the marking happened. Then it seemed to make sense why they couldn't make a go of it despite their attraction to one another, Tina was meant for someone else. Artie had been extremely happy to have her back and after a few months they were just as in love as they had been once before and everyone was happy for them. As for Mike he hadn't found his soulmate yet, her name was Yuki Li but that was all he knew and he didn't know the name so for now he was just waiting to meet her but he seemed content with that. The other shockers in Glee Club where Quinn and Puck. When Quinn had seen the name Alice Perkins in black on her wrist she'd just about feinted and when Puck had seen the name Issac Maher in blue on his wrist he'd just stared and seemed very confused. Over the months though both had seemed to come to terms they were destined for relationships they had absolutely not seen coming. Sam had chosen to not reveal who his soulmate was and while some of the other members pestered him about it Kurt had respected the decision. It was one of the many things that had made Sam and Kurt close friends throughout the year. Mercedes had grinned when she had shown Kurt her wrist and when he read the name Rashid Williamson in black he'd started laughing.

Kurt was so busy trying to avoid his friends and get out of the school building that he wasn't on high alert for his bullies as he normally was. It was a little difficult when you were trying to avoid so many people. So the shove caught him off guard and thus he slammed into the unforgiving metal lockers with brutal force causing him to cry out before he slipped and hit the floor making him wince as yet more impact bruises were likely forming. He looked up to see Karofsky glaring at him but it didn't seem like his normal hateful glare more like he was genuinely pissed at Kurt for something. Kurt was so taken aback he didn't register the hand reaching for him till Karofsky had gripped him by the arm pulling him back to his feet. Kurt snapped back as the boy started dragging him down the hall and began struggling.

"Let me go you neanderthal," Kurt said eyes full of hate. Kurt tried yanking but Karofsky's grip was firm and to strong for Kurt to break. The brunette boy looked around and despaired at the empty halls that he'd been grateful for before when it seemed like he'd be able to make a clean getaway. He was so busy trying to pull away from the bigger boy he didn't realize where they were going till he was shoved into the boys locker room. His shoulder hit the metal and he winced again. He turned on Karofsky in fury. "Would you stop throwing me around like some kind of rag doll you brute," Kurt snapped blue-green eyes blazing in fury.

Kurt realized suddenly Karofsky was just standing there starring at him. He rubbed at his shoulder and scowled at the jock. Karofsky moved towards him and Kurt went to bolt to the side but the football player was faster and pinned the smaller boy to the lockers. Karofsky placed his arms on either side of Kurt's head leaning in close so their bodies were practically touching and faces mere centimeters away from one another. Suddenly Kurt realized Karofsky wasn't trying to hit or harass him this was different.

"What do you want?" Kurt asked, proud when the question came out firm.

Karofsky looked at him and his hazel eyes were muddied with confusion. "I'll never have what I want not now," the bigger boy said full of despair.

Kurt was confused, none of this made any sense. "What are you talking about?"

Karofksy grabbed Kurt's arm with the bracelet pushing it down just enough to see the elegant scrawl.

"Hey," Kurt shouted, "stop that let go," he wriggled trying to get his arm loose and that's when he felt it. The erection pressed into his hip. He went completely still as Karofsky groaned but then sobbed as he looked at Kurt's wrist.

"I knew it," the bigger boy said softly. "I don't turn sixteen till August did you know," Karosky said conversationally. "But I know you were turning sixteen today," he closed his eyes as he spoke pressing closer rubbing on Kurt.

"Get off," Kurt whispered.

"I wanted it to be you but I could tell by the way you acted today," the boy moaned despite the despair in his voice. "I could tell my name didn't appear on your wrist because of the way you acted today." Karofsky paused breathing heavily. "I have to have one taste I have to," he whispered into Kurt's hair smelling the scent feeling the softness against his face.

"What?" Kurt asked confused and this time it didn't come out firm his voice shook in fear.

Before Kurt knew what was happening Karofsky grabbed his face hands on either cheek and kissed the boy firmly using the shock to slip his tongue into that sweet mouth as he rubbed up against that lithe body. Tears fell down his cheeks and the wetness moistened Kurt's skin. The brunette tired to wriggle away or push the body over him off but it was useless. Karofsky had sixty pounds at least on him and was a head taller.

"David get off me," Kurt gasped as he managed to rip his mouth away.

Karofsky ignored the plea but groaned into Kurt's neck as he still pushed and rubbed against the boy. "Say my name again please Kurt," Karofsky said desperate to hear his name in that high pitched voice one more time.

Kurt shook his head his own tears falling now as he couldn't get away. Karofsky was licking and sucking and biting at his neck and ear as he rubbed against him. The pace got unbearable and the heat surrounding them was intolerable and just when Kurt was sure he was going to pass out Karofsky grunted and stilled against him. Kurt quickly realized what had happened and thought he might be sick as his stomach churned. Kurt sagged against the lockers as Karofsky backed up and he could finally breathe again. The flash brought him back to life and blue eyes looked up in horror at the cellphone aimed at him.

"Your not mine and that kills me," Karofsky said tears still falling down his face. "I had to have one taste though, one time, and a picture to remember it," he said desperate, "to remember you, what I could have had if fate wasn't so cruel."

"You asshole," Kurt screamed tears trailing down pale cheeks, "get the fuck away from me and stay away from me," the brunette cried before bolting around the big body and out the door of the locker room.

Karofsky let him go, he got what he wanted, what he could get. He looked at the picture he had gotten of Kurt standing, sagging against the lockers, hair mussed and face flushed, lips swollen from when he had kissed him. He looked perfect, it was all he would ever have of him. He sat on the bench staring at that picture till he heard people and slowly got up and left. Whatever name appeared on his wrist in August it wouldn't be Kurt Hummel and for that Dave was sad and angry.

Kurt had run out of the school, jumped in his car, and sped home. He was amazed he got there safely for all the care he'd taken. He quickly entered his home and rushed upstairs dropping his things he ran to his bathroom quickly divesting himself of his clothes he hopped in the shower and turned the heat high. The water scaled his skin turning it pink but Kurt didn't care. He scrubbed and scrubbed trying to erase the taint he felt. Afterwards he stumbled out of the shower and brushed his teeth gargling mouth wash twice before pulling on some sweatpants and a t-shirt throwing his perfect ensemble in the laundry hamper before collapsing on his bed. He let the tears come then and only then, he looked at his wrist that lay in front of his face thinking how his day had gone from bad to worse. Karofsky had caught him by surprise, literally, the boy lived to make his life hell how could he like him and terrorize him. It made little sense to Kurt at the moment. Later he would think and realize that Karofsky's confusion over his own sexuality had caused him to lash out at Kurt when really he'd just wanted to be with him, the proverbial pulling on pigtails. Right now all Kurt could be was upset and nauseous. He wondered as he looked at the names on his wrist Blaine Anderson in blue and Sebastian Smythe in black, what they would think of what he had been through today. He ended up crying himself to sleep not sure how to go on from here.

(A/N): So let me know what you all think...reviews welcomed, flames are not *goes to hide with a book and glass of Moscato*