Chapter 15: My Family
Raph sighed happily as he watched his mate playing with little Caleb in the park across the road from their apartment.
It had been 2 weeks since their adventure in the world of magic and everything changed. Donnie had decided to move out of Casey's apartment to move into his own place in Queens.
April moved in with Casey with the big news that she was 6 months pregnant with Casey's kid!
The Fugitoid returned to New York with them and became a professor at a university. Michelangelo had decided to re-open his old pizzeria that now did all kinds of different parties
Raph got a job as an ninjutsu instructor.
Leo decided to be a stay at home and take care of their child since Raph made more money then they know what to do with. Raph chuckled slightly as Caleb burst into a fit of giggles as he attempted to grab the rattle his mommy was shaking in front of his little face.
"Hey Raph."
Said turtle looked up and saw Casey Jones, April, Professor Honeycut and Donatello standing behind the bench he was sitting in, carrying a few bags full of baby items and some food.
"Hey guys, what ya doin' here?" He asked.
"Me and April were heading down town to get some baby stuff when we walked into Donnie and the doc in a diner." Casey said.
"Afterwards we all went for a walk to talk and catch up a bit. We came passed the park and saw you, Leo and Caleb and decided to say hi." Don explained. Raph just shrugged and turned his attention back to his beautiful mate and gorgeous child.
Raph smiled a bit as he thought about all the important people in his life.
Leo, Caleb, Mikey, Donnie, Casey, April, the Fugitoid, Master Splinter and Karai. He sighed happily.
This is my family...