Hey i'm back with another chapter, so listen for those of you wondering the story will not have a plot or anything, unless i change my mind because i'm not very good with leading up to things or stuff like that just thought I should say that

After departing from eachother Spider-man swings his way back to his department to get some sleep. He was happy that he got back with Black cat, but the thing that was bothering him right now was what the other heroes might think of them both, could they treat him like a monster after what happened?

"What will Aunt may say about me?" thought Spider-man. His aunt has no idea about him being Spider-man, but he fears just like everyone else she would hate his alter-ego.

"I haven't even thought this"

After reaching his apartment and putting away his suit in his backpack, he called Aunt may to check up on her. She answered. "Hello?"he heard her say. "Hey aunt may its me"

"Oh Peter! it's so good to hear from you, how've you been?"

"Great Aunt May, just calling to check on you"

"Well that's sweet of you Peter, thank you"

"You're welcome Aunt May, need anything?"

"No, but thank you for asking"

"Alright, listen are you okay after everything that happen with the city and all?" he asked worridly

"Oh well, since you asked I was a little shaky during all of it, especially when we all evacuated I was worried about you you know?"

"Well I did tell you I was evacuated along with everyone else"

"And I'm glad you did, you almost gave me a heart attack, and don't even get me started on what Spider-man did"

Hearing what Aunt may said made Peter sad but didn't show it in his voice "Yeah crazy huh?" he said in a somewhat low tone

"Well goodnight Peter I have to go"

"Good night Aunt may"

The next day

11 AM morning

Another normal day at New york sky is blue, the streets are busy and we find our hero web-slinging through the skyline. He makes a hard swing up practically floating in mid-air.

"Alright what'dya got for me today New york" said Spider-man. A few seconds later he heard the police radio he installed in his mask for ocasions

"We have a robbery of experimental stolen Stark tech by what appears Spider-man in a blue suit officers in pursuit"

Spider-man's eyes widen as he dives bomb and swings to the location " *sighs* of course city hates me after the incident and now crooks try to frame me and make the people hate me more. Alright let's do this!" says Spider-man as he makes a sharp right swing to the speed chase.

At the chase

We see police in pursuit of what looks like Spider-man carrying a bag of the stolen tech that was reported. The figure holsters the bag over his shoulder while bringing two fingers to his ear and speaks"Taskmaster I've retrieved materials you asked."

"Excellent my pupil escape the police and head to the rendeavous point"

"Yes sir"

The figure bolted straight forward full web-swing and outran the cops. As he escaped he felt someone push him hard out of the sky and onto a rooftop. It was Spider-man and upon getting up from the fall and prepared to fight the "copy spider"

"Alright what're you? clone? alternate universe? step brother?" said Spider-man in his normal joking manner. But he formed a shocked after getting a good look at his openent

The unknown assailant stood up from the ground and revealed himself to be...

"Hey if it isn't my evil twin number 3: Blood spider" Spider-man somewhat suprised seeing him here.

"Heh, wasn't expecting to see you here Spider-man" said Blood spider as he got up

This was the infamous somewhat known pupil of taskmaster specificaly trained in a fighting style extremely similar to Spider-man if not more, Blood spider is one of taskmasters students his suit his similar to Spider-man's suit only instead of red and blue, Blood spider's suit iss dark blue and giant red spider logo going from the chest to his back, he had white lenses on his mask just like Spider-man only having a black and red edges around his lenses.

Lastly his web fluid come out from the back of his hands ( like black Spider-man) that refils with a tube that connects to a pack on his back looking like a old-fashioned and exposed version of Spider-man's web shooters, but efective.

Spider-man got into a fighting stance "Alright two things one: what did you steal from Tony stark? Second: can you please be the first and ONLY bad guy to surrneder just for today? cause I got to get ready for a date" said Spider-man hoping he would surrender. But apparently he was gonna be a little late

(Alright just a warning this is the first time I've written/ described a fight scene so I might be a bit bad, but I've read a lot of action stories for practice so... lets how I do. wish me luck)

Blood spider struck as fast as lighting he charged at Spider-man and went for a kick unfortanautly for him Spider-man's Sider-sense helped him and side stepped to the left and kicked him in the chest sending blood spider a few feet away


Spider-man groaned in annoyance "Seriously you're just gonna do s the same everyone else has done I mean come on you know how this is gonna end"

Blood spider recovered from the during the banter "You think you're so funny, but you're also overconfident"

Blood spider charged at spider-man delivering a fake punch front flipped over spiderman sweep kicked his legs making him fall and land on his back with a "OOF!" blood spider then kicked Spider-man a few feet away.

"Ugh" Spider-man attempted to get back up but it was thanks to his spider-sense that he dodged a bunch of webs shot at him. "Woah close one there buddy you almost got my costume all sticky" Blood spider responded by delivering a series of blows to him, luckily thanks to Spider-man's speed and reflexes he was able to dodge some of them.

Spider-man caught one of his fists and punched him in the face with his other arm, blood spider got disoriented by this that he dropped the bag of tech that he stole, spider-man saw this and delivered a right hook along with a spinkick, backflip kick knocking him to the ground and webbing him up

"Ugh, you're going to pay for this Spider-man" Spider-man crouched next to him "Yeah you and every other bad guy I web up for the police" Spider-man punched him hard in the face knocking him out. Police helicopter s could be heard coming towards him " Well time for me to go" Spider-man swung away before the police arrived "

He perched on a building looking over the city he then remembered some thing " oh my god! I'm late!"

Felicia's penthouse

Felicia was waiting patiently on her balcony waiting for her lover who was 20 minutes late, that was until she the familiar sound of a "thwip" next to her, "not very punctual are you?" she said without looking, Spider-man who was crouched in his usual wall crawling pose on the window said "Sorry I was a little busy with a guy robbing some tech" she turned and smirked at him "So, got anything planned for us today?" Spider-man got off the wall and walked up to her pulling her close "I'm sure i'll think of something" Black cat lifted Spider-mans mask up to his nose and kissed him, he kissed back.

30 minutes later

In an alleyway

6 Armed gunmen we're loading crates into a white van one was each end of the alley, two we're moving the crates, one was in the van and the last one was patrolling the area the guy in the van was the first to spek up "Come on hurry up before someone sees us " the patroller replied "Shut up and get ready to turn on the van" "Whatever" they all stayed silent until...


"MMHHMM!?" one the gurds on on end seemed to have had his mouth shut by a white fluid then was hoisted up in a white cocoon on the side of a building, the one on the otherside was hoisted up by what looked like a rope with a claw at the end

the guy who was patrolling noticed his missing allies "Hey guys where's dan and jake?"but when he turned to look at his friends they we're gone, the man panicked and raised his rifle and kept turning" who's there!? WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?"


The man turned around and got punched in the face knocking him out, the one who knocked him out reavealed to be Spider-man, walking up next to him was Black cat "Really? you could'nt have saved the last one for me? " asked Black cat "Well I was debating wether or not he would shoot you instanlty" replied Spider-man shooting a webline to the roof swinging up "Well when you put it like that " said black cat following her boyfriend by shooting her grappling hook

When they got to the roof they continued "So anything else you got for me today?" asked Black cat "Well we could do my schedule and swing the city while listening to JJ rant about me for 1 hour because I got to go to college" he turned to look at her and she walked up to him and smirked seductivley and moved her hands on his chest "Well in that case I got a little something for us to do in" she purred Spider-man noticed her tone and got nervous "Wh-What do you have in mind ?" he asked slightly backing up only for her to step forward, she leaned into his ear and whispered "Tag, your it"

In an instant she pushed Spider-man away and ran away hopping from building to building "Ha, this game brings me back" Spider-man jumped up and chased her across the rooftops "Come on Spider thought you be faster than this!" Black cat leapt from roof to roof while ocasionaly using her grappling hook to make a sharp turn Spider-man could'nt keep up with her but instead he decided to cut her off, Spider-man stopped for a second and fired one web-line on each side then joined them while using one hand to hold them together he used his free hand to fire a web-line behind him to a building, he joined his hands together struggling a bit, took a deep breath and...


Spider-man let goed of both web-lines and rocketed above and past Black cat, the moment he past her he spun 180 degrees, started swinging and past her while touching her shoulder "HA! you're it!" he yelled. Black cat just grinned and started chasing him 'Huh that was a new trick' she thought

A few hours later at midnight

Peter's apartment

The couple stayed silent on top of the apartment. Spider-man broke the silence "Soo..? see you tomorrow?" she looked at him with a playful smile "Now Peter I love you but I have to have some space now don't I?" she said while walking towards the edge "Oh alright... then I'll call you?" she turned and looked at him and blew him a kiss. Black cat fired a whip "Catch ya later Spider" and swung off. Spider-man smirked and went back inside for some rest

Authors note: Well alright guys sorry it took me awhile but I managed finish this chapter let me what you think in the reviews and a special shoutout to Neotyson and noir valor for their great advice and continued support

.Just wanted to say to everyone I am HYPED for the new Spider-man PS4 game looks awsome

Don't know how long is left for this story cause I want continue to my other stories that I have planned, but don't I'll be writing faster now that I have three weeks off so thats good.

Fav and review!