Final Author's Notes:

I think the chapters with Hazel, and the one with Will proposing to Nico, really suck, maybe I'll rewrite them some day. I intentionally kept the wedding scene short, because if I would've written a longer one, it would have inevitable become a duplicate of the one in How Not To Get Your OTP Together (that story is really funny! Check it out!).

I really wanted to depict Hades as a loving Dad, one who cares about his son's luck, and not about the gender of his son's partner. I hope I achieved that, because in many stories, Hades is depicted as an old-fashioned homophobic, and I don't like that.

Maybe I'll consider writing a Reyna-Rachel-story, because I think they really fit together, and unless Thalia-Nico, Artemis-Percy and whatsoever (those stories really exist!), Reyna-Rachel is canon-conform (that's important to me).

I hope you enjoyed reading this story :)