Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight.

Warnings: female Harry, language, bashing of various Harry Potter and Vampire Knight characters, and in my stories there's always the possibility of a yaoi or (more rarely) yuri pairing.

Notes: As you guys can tell from the title and summary, this is a re-write. I changed female Harry's name from Hayden to Euphemia. It sounds more dignified (since she's a noble in this), and according to the Harry Potter wiki Euphemia was the name of her paternal grandmother, i.e. James' mother. I know that most think his parents were Charlus and Dorea Potter nee Black, but it was actually Fleamont and Euphemia Potter.

Side pairings aren't set in stone. For the original story I was considering Takuma and Luna, which still might happen, but no promises. I might pair him with Senri Shiki instead. Pairing Yagari with Remus was also a possibility, but he might end up with Cross, or I might not bother at all with the older generation. The only one that I'm certain of at this point is Aido and Sayori.

Also, I'm far more familiar with the anime than the manga, so if I leave something out, that very well might be why, since the manga goes farther.



Euphemia moved swiftly as she flew (figuratively, not literally) through the trees of the Forbidden Forest as she made her escape.

Why did she need to escape, you ask?

Well, unfortunately, the secret that she had kept close to her chest for the last few years in order to avoid the very circumstances she was now in had come to light.

They had, finally, discovered her secret.

Euphemia Lily Potter, the Girl-Who-Lived, was a Level B (aka noble or aristocrat) vampire.

Now, she hadn't expected to be able to keep it a secret forever. Really, she had never been that lucky. But she had been hoping to finish school first!

Hogwarts was her second home, and now she had to leave it and her real friends behind so that she wouldn't be executed by the very people who owed their lives to her.

Ungrateful prats, the lot of them.

Really, though, she had seen it coming. Her secret would be unveiled, and they would metaphorically grab the pitchforks and torches, demanding that she be burned at the stake, or whatever.

After all, while being a vampire wasn't illegal in the wizarding world (mainly because the odds were not in the wizards' favor for the massacre that would cause), the Ministry of Magic could hardly allow their 'savior' to become a 'dark creature' and let her live.

Geez, no wonder so many of the weaker vampires had sided with Voldemort. They wanted protection from the magical world, and unlike the higher level vampires weren't strong enough to protect themselves against magic.

Anyway, back to the present.

Euphemia didn't dare look back, hearing the shouts and screams behind her as her pursuers stumbled into the local acromantula nest, which, now that Aragog had passed on, was even less welcoming to humans.

Considering how many people were likely in the search party (*cough* mob *cough*) looking for her, she didn't bother to turn back, not bothered about their chances of surviving the encounter.

Besides, maybe Ron would get bitten…

'He always did have the worst luck.' Euphemia thought to herself with a smirk.

Ron had been the first to attack her after seeing her eyes go red when she caught the scent of someone's blood in the Great Hall.

Sheepishly, she admitted to herself that apparently she shouldn't have waited until dessert to have one of her Blood Pops, but really, that hardly excused everyone for their reaction. It's not like she went to attack!

It was second year all over again, but instead of whispering behind her back and shunning her, everyone tried to kill her.

Anyway, thank Merlin she had Neville and Luna on her side.

They had managed to set off a distraction, gaining the attention of everyone in the hall as she left the castle, summoning her things as she went.

Hermione, she noticed, had seen her leave, wide-eyed and pale, not making a move to stop Euphemia or get everyone else's attention as she made her escape, but Euphemia wasn't sure if Hermione had just been too shocked or if she could actually count on her.

In other words, until further notice, Euphemia counted her as a…tentative ally. It was up to Hermione whether or not they could return to being close friends.

In other news, Euphemia was sure that she had lost the mob by now. Vampires had enhanced senses, and she hadn't heard anything from them in over ten minutes, and it's not like the group was stealthy enough to sneak up on her.

When she reached the edge of the lands attached to Hogwarts, she sighed, feeling the wards try to cling to her. The castle didn't want her to leave.

Aristocrat vampires each had a special ability, and Euphemia's was the ability to see and feel auras, which was extremely useful and had many uses.

Therefore, she knew that it wasn't that the castle was trying to stall her so that the mob could catch up, but because it wanted to be able to provide the safety and comfort that should have been the right to any student, the safety and comfort that various influences had ensured that Euphemia couldn't find in the castle, even if she did consider it to be her first home.

Unfortunately, she had never been truly safe at Hogwarts, and the castle was helpless to make it so, and as such the wards released their grip on her.

"I know." Euphemia whispered, feeling the faint emotions that the wards (as an extension of Hogwarts) were giving off. "I'm sorry, too. Goodbye."

And she turned on the spot, disappearing.

Three hours later, when the remnants of the glorified search party arrived (Euphemia would have been gratified to know that Ronald had indeed been bitten by an acromantula or three), no trace of her was left.

Please review! :)

Also, this takes place in the modern day. I don't know when Vampire Knight is supposed to take place, but if I went by the Harry Potter timeline, I wouldn't have a clue where to start, what existed at that point, etcetera. I'm only twenty, therefore I'm going to stick with what I know.