A/N: Greetings new readers, and you faithful readers who are here from my original story Insomnia which this is going to be sort of based on (this is like a power reboot, lol). I don't have much to say other than I hope you enjoy the story!

Chapter 1:

Wide Awake

The skinny thin branches began to reach out and tear at the scared girls skin as she desperately ran from her pursuers. She could hear herself wheeze; her lungs screaming at her to stop but the terrifying voices that rang out behind her forced her to keep going.

"Run! Run! Run like you always do!"

"No matter where you go we will always be here with you~"

With violent jolt upright Haruna's eyes then opened in shock as her heart beat wildly within her chest.

"So much for sleeping in." Haruna thought to herself in frustration as she slowly dragged her tired body out of bed earlier than most nineteen year olds would. Although as her mother loved to remind her, she wasn't exactly like most nineteen year olds in the first place. While her friends were out and about exploring the partying college scene made up of booze, boys, and possible regrets, Haruna's on the other hand preferred more of the "at home" scene. Or in other words, just her and the living room sofa nose deep in a one of her favorite manga books.

It had been that way a while for Haruna. High school had been a hellish experience and was almost exactly when the nightmares began. They had started off as small nightmares about being late, forgetting HW, etc. But as the years passed and high school grew worst soon the nightmares changed into something else entirely. Her Nightmares began to become filled with strange people, wicked voices, and flashes she could not understand. And even now although those years of her life were over and done with, the dreams remained.

"It's done with, its over. Ok! new day...new day..." Haruna mentally repeated to herself, as she brushed her wavy brown hair back into a simple low ponytail that came to rest gently between her shoulder blades. She then proceeded to shove back the not so pleasant memories of her past as she continued to get dressed for work. After all not everything was all gloom and doom in her life.

Haruna's mother worked in a library in the next town over, and it was because of this that Haruna was granted a temporary summer job there. And if there was anything besides family that Haruna loved, it was books. Books were one of the things she could always count on to brighten her day, to pull her away from the boredom she felt day after day. Manga especially held her interest- the series One Piece to be exact-never failed to bring a smile to her face.

Often Haruna's mother would literally have to force her to put the volumes of the pirate based adventure down so she could actually remember to eat her dinner at the table. There was just something about the series that Haruna truly loved. The adventure, the fights, the friendships, and well just all of it made Haruna yearn for an adventure of her own.

"Yes!, Just enough time today to visit the lake before I head off to work. After all it looks like I do have some free time." Haruna said to herself out loud shoving a piece of cold toast her mother abandoned on the kitchen counter into her mouth. Dressed in nothing but a simple tank top and jean combo, Haruna then stuffed her phone and a random volume of One Piece into her small backpack and headed out the door.

It had taken Haruna about a week or so to finally convince her mother to let her ride the local bus to get the library, instead of having to wake up early each summer morning with her mother and drive. In fact now that she had gotten use to riding the local bus, Haruna found that if she timed it just right she had time to go down to lake or what she referred to as her "secret spot".

For a lake that was as big as it was, sometimes it was shocking to Haruna that not a lot of people ever went down to hang around or swim in its waters. Sure, one time or another when she waited at the bus stop she would sometimes hear people talk about the lake and its supposedly "mysterious" waters. Though the fact that it was less visited just made it all the more appealing to her.

Having walked a distance and now that she had pushed past the many trees that seemed to almost guard the secluded lake, Haruna let out a sigh of relief/contentment as she walked down towards lake's dockside and took her usual (somewhat uncomfortable) seat in the middle of the worn looking wooded dock. However just before she could truly relax, when turning around to pull the volume of One Piece from her bag, her moment of bliss was interrupted.

A slender looking man made his way through the trees and was now walking towards the lake where she sat on the dockside. The man seemed to walk with intent and the fact that he had not announced his presence instantly set Haruna on edge. Almost immediately Haruna got to her feet and turned to fully face the man, now painfully aware of just how alone she really was.

"Uh is this private property? If so, I'm sorry for trespassing. I was just leaving." Haruna said in a strong tone, trying to hide the subtle shake in her voice. As the slender blonde haired man was now standing right in front of her, his eyes scanning her. Almost as if he was cornering her. This forcing Haruna to almost instinctively take two steps back towards the lake.

"Oh no no no, its nothing like that! I just see you walking out here by yourself from time to time and thought that this time I should say hello." The blonde man said with a smile, as he again made a couple steps closer to Haruna edging her closer to the end of the dock.

Warning bells began to go off in Haruna's mind as she stood silently in front of the blonde man in an almost daze. The man looked in to be well in his 30's, and although he had looked slender from a far, now that she was staring at him he was actually quite sturdy. That and despite his smile, Haruna couldn't help but feel on edge at his creeping closeness.

Her mind raced as she tried to think of a response to answer the man. Or a way to gently make an exit for herself without coming off as rude or anymore afraid than she already was. Like a helpless baby bird in the eyes of a snake, her heart drastically picked up speed as adrenaline began shooting throughout her tense body. Her boots now at the end of the dockside.

"Manners to hell, I've got to get out here fast." Haruna thought to herself as she then without further thought attempted to make a fast break past the strange man, only to almost instantly find her right arm caught in a strong painful grasp.

"Not so fast there kitten I didn't even catch your name." The blonde man said with a sharp laugh, his grip on Haruna's arm tightening.

"Get away from me you sicko!" Haruna yelled out, finding her voice as she desperately tried to wringe herself free from the man's grasp. Gathering all the breath in her lungs she then began to yell loudly her instincts kicking in as she began to twist and lash out at the man. Praying that someone-anyone- would hear her yells and come see what was going on.

"Shut-up! Shut-up! You bitch!" The man roared in anger. Haruna then with all her might reared back her left arm and elbowed the man in the stomach, his sharp hiss of pain letting her know that her hit had connected.

But just when Haruna was almost past the man, his hand shot out again in a messy last ditch effort to reach her. Then what was meant to be a grab turned into a hard shove, as Haruna was pushed off the end of the lakeside dock and into the cold dark waters of the lake with a cry of surprise.

"I'm going to drown!" Haruna thought to herself in panic as she couldn't seem to remember to close her mouth rather from shock or from fear. The water rushing into her body as her vision started to blur and darken, her body shutting down.

"I..can't...I'm...so tired" Haruna thought to herself, her body tingled and her eyes finally closed as she fell deep into the darkness of a world unknown.

Well that's all for now! I'm just sort of testing the waters for this (no pun intended!) so I hope you enjoyed it ;) Also on an important note: I am looking for a Beta Reader, so if interested please do not hesitant to shoot me a message.

Feel free to review, favorite, and follow! constructive feedback is always great~