Chapter 14: This Aint No Place For Animals

A.N. Just started a glee rewatch and I forgot how much I love the show as a whole, not just the characters. Feel a bit bad for killing Mercedes off so early now.

Song: This Aint No Place For Animals by Hands Like Houses

It's been hours now and we still know nothing

The scars just don't heal the same, when we collide

Santana awoke with a start. She had that dream again. That dream that suggested maybe she wasn't as safe as she was being led to believe. That dream where all of her deepest darkest desires came true only to be ripped away from her in as brutal a fashion as possible.

The twin sized bed she was laying on suddenly seemed smaller than it already was. She looked down to see Quinn squeezed inbetween her and Rachel. Rachel who was practically hanging off the bed.

Quinn snored, then almost as if she knew she did it, scrunched her nose up and frowned. The look was only broken by another snore.

Rachel slept like the dead apparently. Her upper body was positioned so she was laying on her back, but her lower body had twisted itself into being pressed right up against Quinn's backside.

Santana had thought that last night was a fluke. Quinn comforting her after her very brief panic attack, then kissing her. Santana had been wanting that for forever. Then Rachel had caught them and told them in no uncertain terms that she liked them and Santana was pretty sure she'd been wanting that forever too.

It had all seemed a little too good to be true.

But now, she was waking up next to them. They hadn't run away. They weren't disgusted with her or with each other. They hadn't talked about it further but it was pretty obvious that they were on the same page.

Quinn started to groan and peaked one eye open, "Rachel...stop poking me."

Santana raised an eyebrow at the request. Rachel wasn't touching Quinn. At least not with her hands. One arm was over her eyes and the other was dangling off the edge of the bed.

Quinn whined again, "Rach." She squirmed to get away, but her only other option was on top of Santana.

That's when Santana saw it. What exactly was poking Quinn. Rachel groaned, and reluctantly opened her eyes. Quinn had done the same, turning around to see why Rachel was torturing her in her sleep.


Rachel followed both girls line of sight. She instantly covered herself with the pillow placed under Santana's head.

"I-um-sorry about that. Please don't freak out."

Quinn looked up at Rachel and frowned at the sheer panic on the girl's face. Santana was still staring at Rachel's crotch.

"Why would we freak out?"

"Because this is weird. And I was practically dry humping you in our sleep."

Quinn chuckled, "No you weren't. Just poking me."

Rachel didn't seem too convinced.

"Rachel, it's okay. We already sort of knew anyway. It's sort of obvious sometimes."

Rachel looked even more scandalized by that fact.

"Don't worry, I don't think anyone that matters has noticed. San and I just pay a lot of attention to you." A blush settled over Quinn's cheeks.

"If she's so cool with it then why hasn't she said anything?" Rachel nodded her head toward Santana.

Santana was still staring at the pillow silently. She wasn't disgusted or any other negative word Rachel could come up with. Instead, she was the complete opposite.



"You good?"

"I'm great."

"See, Rach. She's fine. We like you because you're you. This just means there's more you to like."

Rachel's shoulders slumped in relief.


"We should get some breakfast or something?"

Rachel agreed and hopped off the bed. The pillow now forgotten as her...situation had subsided.

Quinn followed her, then turned around when she realized they were missing someone.

"San? You coming."

"Yeah...just give me a sec."

"Where's Finn?" Sam asked.

The rest of the group shrugged. They hadn't seen him since the previous day. The bunker was big and no one would be surprised if he got lost.

"He'll probably turn up if he gets hungry enough." Luca said inbetween his bites of Frosted Flakes.

Rachel nodded in agreement.

"So, what are we doing today? I sort of got used to always being on the move, and now that we aren't..." Blaine said from his spot inbetween Luca and Sam. No one could see it, but under the table he was holding both of their hands.

Rachel couldn't see what was going on under the table, but she could see Luca, and she knew her twin better than she knew herself. She knew that smug look on his face meant he had got something that he wanted. Whether that meant sex or an actual relationship with Blaine and Sam, she'll have to find out later.

"Not much. You guys can explore the bunker, maybe one of you will find Finn while you're adventuring." The group laugh. Everyone except for Puck.

"That's it!" He shouted, startling everyone around him, "I've had enough of this. Finn could be missing and you don't even care." He was speaking to everyone but he was staring at Rachel.

"We care, we just didn't think it was a big deal. It's pretty hard to get out of this place, unless you ask someone. We can go look for him now if it'll make you feel better." Rachel suggested.

"No. I don't need any more of your help. This whole thing has been a disaster. Our lives were perfectly fine until you and your twin showed up."

"You think I asked for the zombie apocalypse to happen?" Rachel asked with a roll of her eyes.

Puck ignored the question, "You got my friends killed. We would've been fine if you hadn't showed up."

"Shut up, Manwhore." Santana glared at the boy.

"No, let him talk, San."

"Oh, standing up for your girlfriend?! Or should I say one of your girlfriends? If I'm a whore, Santana, what does that make you?!"

Santana went to lunge at the boy, but Quinn was a tad quicker. She practically caught Santana and sat her in her lap. Quinn's arms wrapped tightly so she couldn't move. Santana tried though, her hips squirmed in attempt to slip free. Quinn had to bite her lip.

"This is stupid. I should've went my own way earlier. And took my friends with. At least then they'd be alive."

"I'm not going to stop you, but I highly recommend against that." Rachel said.

"I don't care what you recommend, Rachel. I'm leaving and finding Finn. And when I do, I'm not coming back. Who's coming with me?"

There's a pause for a good thirty seconds before Mike, Tina, and Kurt stand. Brittany following a few seconds later, a glare focused on Santana or Quinn or Rachel. It's not obvious, they're all sitting really close to each other.

When no one else moves to stand, Puck nods and turns around. The other three make to follow him.

"How do I get out of here?"

"The same way we come in. There's probably someone standing there now. They'll open up the door for you."

Puck gave no further acknowledgment, he and his small entourage just left.

"He's going to get himself killed, isn't he?" Sam asked to no one in particular.

Rachel shrugged, "Hard to say. Let's hope he's not stupid enough to go back to Lima, and he should be relatively okay. As long as this doesn't spread."

"Well, at least they got rid of themselves. You guys were the only ones I liked anyway." Sugar said. The group laughed when she didn't bother to blame that on her asperger's.

Rachel looked at everyone who was left, Santana, Quinn, Luca, Blaine, Sam, and Sugar. How convenient.

"I agree with Sugar. I couldn't come up with that many family nicknames anyway." Luca said through another bite of his cereal which he had never stopped eating.

Rachel rolled her eyes at her brother. She felt the same way. She had been feeling dragged down by everyone ever since they had broke into that government facility. It would be nice not to have to whisper whenever they wanted to talk.

"Yeah, I didn't want to have to share my phones." Sam dumped several phones onto the table. No one was sure where he had been hiding them.

"Why do you need 6 IPhones?" Santana asked.

"One for each of your phone numbers. I'm going to have to label them though because I keep getting them mixed up. Speaking of, Sugar, if I sent you a sexy text yesterday, please ignore that."

The group laughed again.

Yeah, maybe Puck and them leaving wasn't a bad thing. This was their family.

I'd never say that we step to the other side

To keep us from brushing shoulders

But it's collisions we need to remind us that we're alive