Conclusion [Next Morning—West Household]

Barry stirred from the blissful slumber and inhaled the cool morning air contentedly. For the first time in weeks, he'd slept contentedly. He felt elated for Iris and Eddie not to mention Caitlin and Jay. He held out hope for Cisco…if they could drag him out of the lab long enough….

…still Eddie's return proved miraculous enough in itself….

He got a second chance! He certainly deserves it! If Patty is going to be with me as a CSI then Joe should have the best partner. Musing about his detective reminded him of the wonderful woman lying next to himself. He smirked and kissed her brow; his lips whispering across her forehead so as not to wake her. Time to make her an awesome breakfast. He carefully slipped out of bed, threw his sweats on and crept down the stairs so as not to wake anyone.

About halfway down said staircase, the aroma of brewing mocha java revealed he wasn't first in that regard….

Barry stuck his head into the kitchen. There he found Eddie sitting at the table deep in thought. The latter had a still full steaming mug in front of himself on the table. The coffee maker perked away softly in the corner. "Everything okay?"

Eddie stirred and regarded the other man. "Hmm? Hey, Barry. Good morning. I was just thinking about how lucky I am. Sorry. Didn't wake you with the coffee smell, did I?"

Barry shook his head. "Nope. And you mean how lucky we both are. By the way, that was you I saw in that dream place, right?"

"Yeah. You needed a kick in the pants, Chief. I volunteered." Eddie grinned. "Imagine my surprise when I found out being with Iris was part of the arrangement." He shrugged. "You all need someone to keep things going. Again I wasn't going to leave Iris alone. She's been through enough. And I'm glad you're finally figuring out how to treat Patty."

Barry rolled his eyes as he rummaged through the refrigerator. "Yeah. I haven't been the greatest boyfriend where she's concerned. I'm looking to change that though." He removed a box of strawberries and blueberries. He followed by setting an egg carton on the counter followed by some shredded cheese, two bell peppers, a stick of butter and a package of deli ham. "Patty loves her omelets. You want in?"

"Seriously? You're making an omelet? Iris says your cooking's like microwave-centric," Eddie teased.

"Fine. Be that way. You're going to eat those words," Barry gibed. He cracked six eggs into a mixing bowl, poured a touch of milk into it and whisked them at just above normal speed. "Maybe you can slice the fruit for me while I handle this?"

"Sounds like a plan," Eddie concurred. "Sorry Joe had to leave early. It would've been a great breakfast for everyone."

"Double breakfast date, right? Think the girls would go for that?" Barry supposed as he diced the ham and peppers at eye-blurring speed. He greased the pan with the butter. Then he poured the egg mixture into the pan. Finally he strategically placed the meat, peppers and cheese in the center of the yellow bubbling mix.

"Somehow they might let us off for slipping away early. Yeah." Eddie finished slicing the strawberries and washing the fruit. Then he separated the respective berries into two bowls. He inhaled deeply of the cooking breakfast on the stove and nodded. "You're off to a rapid start."

"I am the Flash. Comes with the territory," Barry cracked. He took a pair of spatulas out and managed to flip the omelet keeping it in one piece. He took three coffee mugs out of the cabinet. Then at super speed, he poured and fixed the respective coffees. "Left some for a refill if you'd like?"

"Yeah I'll do that. Thanks," Eddie expressed allowing his grin to grow by leaps and bounds. He had to admit that how Barry had grown impressed him. "Just don't burn your creation, Genuis."

"I won't. Some things though need their own time. Iris talked about your stuff. After Patty told me she loves these, I figured I'd try my own." Barry rolled his eyes. "Let's say…it took a while to learn this."

"Yeah I noticed you burned a few along the way." Eddie sipped on the coffee. "Important thing is that you're taking the step for her. For what's it worth, I'm proud of you." He nodded in acknowledgment.

"We all inspire each other. Got to be like that," Barry tested his creation and pulled it off of the heat. Then he produced four plates, sliced the huge omelet into quarters and set each quarter on its own plate. He took out four little bowls and spooned some of the fruit into each. Reaching back into the fridge, he grabbed a bottle of whipped cream and topped each one with a tiny flourish. "Okay?"

"Yeah it'll pass muster all right," Eddie noted with a nod. "Down here or do we bring the feast up?"

"How about we all eat here?" Patty supposed from the kitchen door where she and Iris watched them hard at work. "Kind of adds to the ambiance."

"Great. We were thinking of how to surprise you both," Eddie lamented.

"Having you here is surprise enough for me," Iris assured him while letting her lips whisper a pleasant good morning across his.

"Beats waking up to Barry's nightmares. Glad those and your counterpart are history, Eddie," Patty noted with relief. "I love to see him like this." She rubbed her chin against his right shoulder. "Whatever have you got there for me? I don't suppose you ran to Florence or something for that?"

"Nope. Just my own little cooking skills. I'm relaxed. Figured I'd treat my lady like a princess. Figured we could share?" Barry supposed.

"Oh I suppose we can. Keep being like this, Barry. I might reward you later," Patty cracked while letting her eyes shine into his. "Care to split breakfast with us, Guys?"

"Definitely." Iris took a mug from the counter and sipped on it. "Mmm…and you fixed it the way I like it."

"You bet I did," Eddie fibbed knowing that Barry had beaten him to the punch in that regard. "Maybe we might adjourn to the table?"

"I can't wait to see what Chef Flash came up with this morning," Patty chimed in.

"You do inspire the light," Barry declared while taking two plates and setting them on the table. Then he did the same with the other plates and the fruit bowls before any of them could blink. "All set." He took his coffee and headed for the waiting feast. "Get your coffees. Everything else is waiting"

"So anything else on the agenda? I've got the day off," Iris noted.

"And I don't start until day after tomorrow back at the precinct," Eddie indicated.

"Same here. Maybe we can enjoy the day? At some point, maybe invite Caitlin and Jay for a couples' night? For now, I'd like to enjoy the moment though," Barry suggested.

Patty savored his culinary creation and nodded in approval. "That's a plan."

"A walk in the park and maybe some dinner? I'm game," Eddie agreed while looking to Iris.

"It's unanimous." Iris hugged her revived fiancé and smiled at the other couple across the table. At last, everyone indulged in their happiness. At last the nightmares had left them alone. And they could enjoy their bliss.

And isn't that preferable to the tortures from the nightmares over all?

THE END (for now)…..