Chapter 6:
Isengard used to be directly outside Fangorn Forest with some of its trees even growing inside the domain of the white wizard. The lush green of the forest had flowed perfectly into the gardens of Saruman. In his mind eye Harry could still picture these gardens as he had created them after the Valar had notified him of the coming of the Istari. Harry knew that Saruman had often times walked through his domain and spoken to the green. Saruman had been a good and kind man.
But what he had done this time could not be described with words in any tongue and so Harry expressed his rage and betrayal in a primordial scream that was felt even in Mordor where Sauron suddenly fixed his eye on Isengard.
Pure power flowed from the timeless Guardian as he looked out over the burned and barren wasteland that was Isengard and the outskirts of Fangorn Forest. Emerald green eyes hardened and his voice was twisted into something demonic. "ARISE FANGORN OF THE OLD GREEN, ARISE AND CRUSH THOSE WHO WOULD HARM US!"
Treebeard, as some called him, was taking the hobbits to a safe place to return to their homes when suddenly he heard a scream that he never thought he'd hear. The Guardian was seriously pissed of about something. But not even that scream could have prepared Treebeard for the voice that rang through the forest. They were called to war!
For once Treebeard abandoned his leisure pace and sped towards Isengard where the scream originated from. "What's happening?" Merry asked but Treebeard didn't answer for they had arrived at Isengard and could now see the damage that the fires of Isengard had caused.
Saruman could only look on in fear as his fortress was laid to ruin by the Ents of Fangorn forest. They had already broken through most of the defences and had broken the dam to flood the place. This was the end for his reign over Middle Earth but he still hoped for survival for surely the Ents would leave his fate to that fool Gandalf. And Gandalf simply didn't kill those who he thought useful.
Yes this might be the end of his dominion over Middle Earth but he would wait until Sauron had defeated the free people and then he would once more rule from the tower of Orthanc.
But while Saruman looked out over the destruction of his domain he failed to notice the approaching form of his demise.
Harry stopped in front of Orthanc and looked up at the balcony where he could see the form of Saruman. He looked around himself and noticed that all forms of resistance had been broken so he looked back at Saruman again and spoke to the mortal fool. "Saruman!"
"Saruman!" Saruman looked down when he heard a voice yell his name and what he saw made his heart stop beating for a moment. At the base of his tower stood someone who he thought to be a myth, a fairy tale. For if his eyes did not deceive him the Guardian stood there, and he looked everything but happy about seeing him. The Guardian spoke to him. "Saruman ruler of Orthanc, head of the Istari. You have made a grievous mistake. When the Valar notified me of your order's coming I created the gardens of your domain. I allowed you to live near my forest. I did this because I was told that you would never harm an innocent life!" While the Guardian spoke he rose up towards Saruman by creating a growing tree beneath his feet. And when he finished speaking he was at the same height as the fallen Istari. "It appears I was mistaken..." And when those emerald eyes filled with anger and disappointment looked at him Saruman felt that his life was over. The Guardian, according to legends, was not known to be merciful to those who harmed his creations.
Finally got around to making this.
I hope you enjoyed and please review!
I don't know when the next installment will be made because exams are coming for me. :S