
District Twelve:

Cherokee Esmeths (16)- D12 Female:

I patted my friend Ashley's back as she sobbed. Beside us, Mauve rolled her eyes and smiled, shaking her head. I shrugged up at her, knowing this was a routine. Cinder just huffed, as she waited impatiently for Ashley's episode get over.

"Who is it this time?" I asked, vague enough not to get her boyfriend's name wrong. She changed the guy so often, it was hard to keep track. She wiped her eyes and sniffed. "Raven. I-I saw him… yesterday… with some other girl," She burst into more sobbing. I narrowed my eyes.

"Hold on, are you saying this idiot chose some other girl over my best friend?" I just about growled I could feel my temper rising. This was simply not done. I set my jaw hard as I waited for Ashley to answer. She meekly nodded, before tearing up again. I exhaled slowly and stood up.

"Cherokee, no. I know what that look is and I'm not going to let you do this. You can't go around threatening people just because they didn't like your friend," Mauve said firmly, holding my shoulder. I blinked at her.

"Mauve, he didn't just threaten any girl, he threatened Ashley. My best friend. And it's the number one rule of being a friend that you kick the butt of anyone who hurts your friend," I countered. Mauve looked like she was going to argue, but I simply laughed, throwing my head back. I patted her shoulder gently. "Relax, will you? I'm not going to eat him, I'm going to talk to him. Give him a piece of mind for hurting my best friend."

I could tell she didn't want to, but she nodded gingerly. Cinder had simply lost all interest in our conversation and was looking at her reflection in a small handheld mirror. She looked flawless, of course, she always did, but I knew from experience that telling her that would be of no use. I looked over at Ashley.

"You have any idea where Raven could be?" I asked. Ashley nodded slowly. "He usually hangs out with his friend near the back entrance of the school after it gets over," she answered, wiping her eyes.

"Well, cheer up, Ash, we're going to… um… tell him things!" I improvised, shooting a nervous look at Mauve.

"Honestly, Ash, you're gorgeous, I don't even know what you saw in him," Cinder spoke for the first time. Ashley seemed confused as to how to respond to that, and before she could decide, I grabbed her hand and pulled her along in the direction she'd specified.

It didn't take us too long to find them. In a fairly quiet place, the sound of a bunch of teenage boys wasn't hard to follow. We found them leaning against the back fence, as large as bloody life, chatting up a storm. They shot me a look and quieted down in the slightest.

"Um, hello? Someone here who's clearly giving off a We-need-to-talk vibe?" I gestured to myself, drawing their attention. The boy with pitch black hair in front looked over and raised a brow. His gaze flitted to Ashley and he huffed in annoyance.

"Oh my God, Ashley, how many times? No, okay? It wasn't true love or any of that crap. It was a little thing, and I decided I don't want to be with you. No offense." Raven told her, as her lower lip started quivering.

"Okay, first of all, that is totally offending, mister stupid, and second of all, you don't just break someone's heart like that, okay? Especially not my friend's. That girl there? She's freaking flawless. She's kind, and sweet and caring and pretty and basically everything that an amazing person comprises of. You'd have to be stupid to not see that, but I'm guessing Stupid is like, your middle name," I took a deep breath, as the boy in front of me furrowed his eyebrows.

"Sorry, was that too many words for your tiny little brain to comprehend? I'll say it slower, okay? Ashley…fabulous. You… stupid." I smiled, "Was that slow enough?"

I didn't give him a chance to respond. "Well, no need to say anything. By the time you say a comeup, uch less a good one, we'll be done with this year's Games. So listen to me, okay? And try to keep up. My friend here," I pointed to Ashley who was softly smiling through her tears, then turned to Raven, "Is a precious human being, and deserves a freaking prince. I have no idea what possessed her to like you, who cant see how lucky you are. And if I see her cry again, or even frown because of you, let me just say it wont be too good for you. I'm sure you all know who my father, and you do not want to mess with Cherokee effin' Esmeths. And you definitely don't want to mess with her friends. Because if you do, I will put you on a bed in the hospital, in the painful way."

I turned around, only taking a moment to savor the speechless expression on his face, before I grabbed Ashley's hand and started pulling her away. I could feel Mauve smirking behind me. "Well, it may have been a little illogical, but the look on their faces was worth it," She muttered. I laughed, pleased most of all to see the smile on their faces, especially Ashley's. I hated it when anyone made my friends cry. Actually, I hated when anyone was a jerk to anyone, period. If you didn't like someone, you could stay away from them, or break it to them softly. There was no need to be an absolute git about it.

"Guys, I have to get home, you know how particular Dad is about the way I look at the Reapings, right?" I told them once we were close enough to my place. It was located right between the Reapings Square and the school, and the three of them passed it on the way to their houses. They nodded before each giving me a hug, and Cinder winked at me, telling me to go slay it with a bomb dress. I told her I certainly would, if I went into the Games. Then I would slay stuff. Otherwise, I would try to lay off murder.

I opened the door with the key I had, and strolled in, to find my father sitting on the sofa. He looked up from his newspaper at me with a smile, which seemed a little forced.

"Anything wrong, Dad?" I asked, wondering why he would look like that. It wasn't as though he was under pressure of me being Reaped, I had my name in the bowl lesser times than most of Twelve's population. Being the daughter of the mayor, I hadn't any need for tessarae.

Yes, I was the mayor's daughter. That almost immediately had someone cast as a spoilt brat who didn't care about anyone else. It took a while for people to think of me as a normal human being and not some plastic bratty princess. Obviously I still had some episodes, but that was only because some people were jerks. Had Raven apologized to Ashley and broken up with her nicely, I wouldn't have yelled at him. I cared about people and tried my best to be nice to them, but anyone being rude to anyone else for no reason was not something I liked.

My father walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder, which was the national fatherly symbol for we-need-to-talk-about-something-you-probably-won't-like.

"Cherokee, being the mayor's daughter, you have a reputation to hold. You cannot simply go around picking up fights with random boys because they made your friend sad. And you cant be making friends with absolutely anyone, you have to choose people-"

"Dad, enough!" I exclaimed, drawing his attention, "How did you get to know about that so quickly? Our house is barely a fifteen minute walk from school, and I sure didn't tell…" I trailed off as it dawned on me, and my father's guilty expression was further proof I was correct. "You've been having someone follow me!?"

"Cherokee, its only for your protection!" He explained.

"I don't buy it, Dad. Seriously, I'm sixteen, and every time I become close with someone who isn't stinking rich, you can't take them away from me! I yelled at that boy because he was being an absolute git to Ashley, and he deserved it," I cried.

"sweetheart, I only want you to be friends with the best, and I don't want any… civilian influencing you to be disgraceful," He said softly.

"So what, you take them away, like you took Ryker away? You'll move to another district with me?" I yelled, almost immediately feeling bad as my father's face became hurt.

Granted, I didn't remember too much about Ryker, but I was still a little bitter about it. Before we came to Twelve, Dad had been posted in district Six. I basically grew up there, and that was where I met Ryker. It happened when we were very young, but it didn't matter to us, that much. We were really good friends, and over a while, developed feelings for each other.

People called it puppy love, and some even said we would get over it within no time, but we really did like each other. However, he came from a relatively poor background, which my father didn't approve of. He wanted nothing but the best for me, and being poorer, Ryker didn't fit that. He though he was influencing me, distracting me.

So he attempted every method to take me away. He changed all my classes, he put a Peacekeeper to watch me all the time, but we still managed to see each other. Then, when all else failed, he requested the Capitol to have him transferred to another district entirely, tearing me away from not only Ryker, but all my friends there as well.

But as I grew up, I knew he never meant me any harm. I sighed, seeing the hurt flash in his eyes.

"Dad, I know you want to protect me, but really, what will happen if I yell at one idiot for hurting my friend? What will happen if I hang out with someone who isn't stinking rich? It wont affect me, Dad. I'll still be the Cherokee you love. If anything, hanging out with only people who are posh will get me the label of a narcissistic self-obsessed unlikable brat," I ended, spewing out the most unflattering adjectives I could think of.

My father smiled, showing me the kind twinkle I loved seeing as a squirt. He wrapped me in a one-handed hug, and ruffled my hair with the other. "We'll take more of this later, but now you need to get dressed. I have to be present early, remember?" I nodded up at him, forcing a smile on my lips, but I knew it would take a little more effort to convince him entirely, but I was starting to get through to him. He sighed and pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head before pulling away.

"And don't worry, Dad. People are only going to change me if I allow them to do so, which will only happen if I'm not happy with who I am. And, not to sound self-appraising, but I don't think I'm about to do that anytime soon."

Jerry Mines(18)- D12 Male:

I stuffed my books inside the locker and slammed it shut. God, this place was beyond frustrating. The dank walls, the idiotic teachers and the absolutely intolerable other students. I shouldn't even have been here, really. I didn't need all this crap. I mean, what would all this do for me ahead? The history of Panem didn't matter to me, and what in the world would I do with the rest of the other subjects?

I mean, I wouldn't be working or anything, so why did I need to know all this? My father had enough money for me to live a lavish style all my life, and even without that there was no way I would work down there in the dumps with those rats. And by rats I mean the others here in twelve.

I sighed and realized for the millionth time that I couldn't do anything about it. Goodness, even the laws of Panem were stupid. I hated this school and its people, but I had to attend.

I slung my bag over one shoulder and decided to make my way out of this insufferable hellhole. I began striding down the hall, but had only gotten a few feet before a door opened to my left and someone stumbled out, carrying a huge stack of books and papers. She, being the blind idiot she was, didn't look where she was heading, and pummeled straight into me.

"Oof!" I let out as I was knocked over and she fell to the side. Her entire stack of papers went flying in every direction, and the books fell on her head, and knocked her glasses off.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, while attempting to gather her books in one spot. But I wasn't about to accept some lame apology from some lame geek.

"Sorry!? SORRY!? Who the hell do you think you are, huh? You knocked over my effin' bag, and all you say is sorry!?"

She looked up at me. "Excuse me, but I think the greater damage was mine. You have to merely pick up your bag, while I have to restack all these books and gather all the papers."

I couldn't believe this! This good for nothing low life was actually talking back to me!? I snarled at her and grabbed a handful of her hair, not really caring about the number of bystanders who were now watching us and did nothing to aid me. She yelped but I was bigger and stronger.

"Did you just argue with me? Don't you freaking know who I am? I'm an effin' king, you understand?" I yelled in her face as she struggled. I bent down and picked up her glasses and held them up for her to see, and as she reached for it, I pulled it away from her. I threw it back on the ground and stomped on it, taking care to break the lens and the frame. The girl let out a cry as I shoved her down and stood up.

"Don't ever dare to speak to me that way, roadkill," I spat as I turned to walk away. I could hear a teacher coming our way, calling my name, but I couldn't have cared less. Even if I did get into 'trouble', I didn't give a flying eff about it, and my Uncle could get me out of it without blinking an eye.

I just kept walking.

The streets of District twelve looked as disgusting and repulsive as ever. The grey asphalt like a colorless base to the surroundings, which were covered in a thin, translucent veil of darkness. Not many people were laughing and cheering, because they were either starving to death, or breaking their backs working in the mine.

The others who could afford some luxuries were relatively more colorful, but it only transitioned from a drab, dirty ash to some bland, dull colors, the area I was currently in now. The richer area of Twelve was a bit more lively, but sometimes they tried to make up for the lack of important life in the Seam and turned out to be annoying more than cheerful.

I didn't dislike people, as such. I just thought they were below me. And was I wrong? I mean, I deserved to be better than the others. I was clever, rich, and not to mention good looking enough to make most of the girls swoon, with my olive skin and defined features. I was the nephew of one of the richest men in the district, which meant I could do what I wanted to without worrying about the consequence. And I wasn't about to let that go waste, was I?

My house was only a small distance from the school, which was why my uncle didn't send someone to pick me up. And the walking would be good for me, not that I needed to get in shape. I made it a point to work out everyday and keep myself in good shape.

I slipped the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door, knowing for a fact my uncle would be at work right now. There were others in the house, of course, but I wasn't about to waste my time waiting for them to open the door. I headed for my room, not wanting to be late for the Reapings. Not that I cared, or anything, the people who were Reaped would just be some homeless slackers who would die anyway. But if I went late, I would have to stand near the back, with the Seam kids' repulsive selves near me. I shuddered at the mere thought.

I closed the door behind me, and went to my wardrobe to pick my outfit. I swiped through the expensive clothes I had and selected a dark tuxedo and a white shirt. I slipped into the bathroom to wash my face and felt the cool liquid against my skin as I did so. I looked up into the mirror and used the water in my hands to brush my hair into rough spikes. My dark hair went perfect with my olive skin and dark eyes. My face was well-defined and my cheekbones were chiseled. I looked pretty darn good, if I could say so myself. And I could say so myself.

It didn't take me too long to slip into the tuxedo and I made my way out, only to be intercepted by my aunt and cousin. Seeing my cousin in her elegant beige dress, I smiled and pulled her into a sideways hug.

My cousin was pretty much the only person I cared about. My Uncle was relatively better than others because he paid for pretty much everything, while my aunt just managed the household. My cousin was the only person I cared genuinely about. That was probably because she didn't always try to change me. She loved me for who I was, and cared about me.

"Jerry, did you really have to wear the most expensive outfit you could find? We have this one for parties, not for the Reapings…" She said in her usual disapproving manner. I scowled at her.

"Aunt Clara, I will wear whatever I want wherever I want to. And why shouldn't I? All those scums from the Seam should see how much better I am than them," I shot back. My aunt sighed exasperatedly, but didn't say anything.

I headed out the door, with my cousin and aunt on my heels. Our house was a mere five-minute walk from the Square, like the houses of anyone of significance. I really didn't want to have to wait in line to get some blood taken from my finger. I mean, seriously? These people didn't so much as deserve my blood. Their filthy equipment touched the Seam kids, and now I was disgusted by the fact that it touched me. I glared at the lady, who ignored me. Ignored me. ME!? I would've handed it to her right there, but the blood was taken and I had to move. I decided I didn't even want to see her face anymore.

I found my way to the eighteen year-old section and stood away from the people, not wanting their poor dirty bodies anywhere near mine.

The escort made me want to puke. Dielle was dressed in another neon jumpsuit, this one bright pink, and her hair was spiked in all directions, dyed a bright blue.

"Hello District Twelve! I'm sure you all missed me! I missed you all as well!" She exclaimed into the microphone even though no one confirmed missing her, which I'm sure no one did. She babbled on a little more, but I honestly tuned out. I mean, I really couldn't care less which two idiots were picked to go die in the arena.

However, a collective gasp rippling through the people pulled my attention towards the name called. I saw the Mayor standing up, his hand over his mouth to contain his emotions, but his eyes clearly glistening with tears. Then my eyes travelled to Peacekeepers making their way towards the sixteen year old girl's section and dragging one of them out. At first the girl limply followed, but as she was pulled into the open, she seemed to come to her senses.

She thrashed against the Peacekeepers, "My FATHER WILL HAVE YOUR HEADS FOR THIS!"

I almost laughed when I realized who she was. The Mayor's Daughter. What was her name? Chincumbee? Chipanzee? Eh, I didn't care. What's-her-name was just about thrown onto the stage, where she immediately ran into her Father's arms, who kissed the top of her head.

"Um, sweetheart?" Dielle prompted, as Cherokee pulled away from her father. The Mayor wiped at his eyes as Cherokee (so that was her name) made her way towards Dielle. When she was offered to speak, she took a deep breath.

"District Twelve, I can't say I'm psychic, but I hope this isn't the last you'll see of me…" She managed.

I could tell she was keeping her tears at bay, but I couldn't get myself to feel anything for her. She was boring, prissy and weird.

However, this stuff had attracted my attention long enough for me to hear the male tribute's name.

"Jerry Mines!"

Did she just…

My mouth dropped open. I had been Reaped!?

I could feel my breathing speed up, until the truth hit me. Why in the world would I be sad?

I had nothing to fear, because none of the others could ever beat me! I mean, seriously, I worked out, I was handsome, and I was overall plain amazing. The sponsors would be all over me, and I would pluck the others off one by one.

With that thought, I ran out into the open , and made my way to the stage. The audience seemed a little surprised after the drama of the previous Reaping, but I had nothing to worry about, while this midget would probably die in the bloodbath.

"Well, I ain't happy to be speaking to you slimeballs, but I'll be giving you your first victor!" I yelled. Dielle seemed not to know what to do as I turned to a somewhat shocked Cherokee. I took the time we used to shake hands to take in her appearance.

I wasn't going to lie, she was really pretty. With high cheekbones and dimples, she had a natural sweetness to her face. Her dark blue eyes shone with unshed tears, and her dark hair was pulled back with a golden hairband, which was crowned with metallic flowers. I shook her hand firmly and let myself be ushered to the waiting room.

My Uncle rushed in, followed by my aunt and sister. He put his hand on my shoulders, looking sad for some reason.

"Son, I'm so sorry this happened," He said, pulling me into an embrace. I shifted uncomfortably, and waited for him to let go. He did so about moments later.

"Jerry," Linda cried as she hugged me next. I didn't mind her too much, even though I didn't get the tears on her cheeks. She stayed close to me much longer than my uncle, but when she pulled away, I asked the question I had been waiting to.

"Why're you guys crying?"

They gave me a strange look, as I continued. "I mean, I know I'm Reaped, but we also know I'm going to win in there, don't we?"

"Jerry, sweetheart," my aunt started, but I cut her off.

"No, seriously. Look at me. The sponsors'll love me. The only threats are the careers, and I'll squash them like gnats too."

My uncle seemed unsure, while Linda continued to look sad. My aunt gave me a somewhat reprimanding look, just as the Peacekeeper burst in to inform us our time was up. My aunt looked me right in the eye as the three started to leave.

"Overconfidence can kill just as violently as a knife, Jerry. Don't let it be your killer."

With that, she went out and shut the door behind her, leaving me alone.

Strangely, I didn't have any other visitors.

Cherokee Esmeths(16)- D12 Female:

I wasn't going to cry. I wasn't going to cry.

I repeated these words over and over in my head as I waited for my family. I wouldn't see my father because he was the mayor and the mayor's couldn't see the tributes. But I could still feel the shadow of his embrace as he spoke his final words to me before I had to let go.

I stopped msyself. I knew what I was doing. I was giving up. I couldn't afford to do that. If I gave up now, ai would have less than zero chances of winning. I wasn't strong, and I wasn't skilled. The only thing I had were my brains and my words. If I could use those, maybe I had some hope after all.

I suddenly heard the door open and before anything else felt someone crash into me, sobbing and wailing. My younger sister, Alice. I hugged her back, hoping this wasnt the last time I would do so.

"Hey, hey, shhh..." I sputtered out as Alice pulled away. I tried for a smile. "Now, we don't want to get my outfit dirty before I go into the Capitol, do we?"

"I can't believe this happened! I'm going to lose my sister!' She cried. I was about to contradict her when Mum interrupted me.

"Alice, we are NOT going to lose your sister. Cherokee's coming back to us. I know she is." She said, giving me a firm look. I flung myself into her arms, and nodded.

"I'm going to try, Mum. I know I'm not strong, or skilled, but I have strengths, like everyone else. I have to overshadow my weaknesses with those very strengths," I declared. My mother pressed her lips to my forehead.

"Your Father asked me to tell you this, Cherokee. It doesn't matter what happens in there. Just know that we love you more than anyone will ever. And nothing, not even the Hunger Games will change that."

It was getting really difficult to hold my tears back, but I managed. Mum knew the Time was getting over, so she pulled the two of us into another right hug, before the Peacekeeper outside held the door open. I guessed the respect was extra for the Mayor's family, and I watched them head out, finding myself praying I would see them. Again.

My friends were next, but we didn't talk much. Ashley was a crying mess and Cinder seemed like she would personally punch through all the walls. Mauve was relatively more normal, but I could tell it wasn't easy on her either.

Seeing my friends made me sadder, but as they told me they believe I could do this, it only helped boost my confidence. Of course, it was still at a fair low, but it was better than planing the flowers I wanted on my coffin.

I wasnt strong. I was unskilled, physically small, mentally unprepared and a whole horde of my weaknesses. But if I had one strength it was my determination.

And I was determined to come back home a victor.

~. ~. ~. ~



I know this update is late too, but seriously. I've been really busy. I'm in a higher grade and nowstudies are whopping my butt. Also, I've recently gotten into graphics editing, and the Euro Cup is On. And I barely get time for these two things either because school. So here I am at four in the morning typing thus out, sleepy as eff.

Sorry if this is a stinky Poopy chapter... I tried my best, but do let me know if there's any way I can improve, because I know that list is freaking huge! Also, how did you like these two? The last of our cast! (THAT RHYMES HAHAHAHAHAHA OKAY I GO TO SLEEP NOW JAHAHAHAHAHAHA) Whaddya think they'll do in the Games? I should mention that I do NOT share Jerry's views on people. I like people :) and am I sleepy. Yes. BUT SERIOUSLY LEMME know yourthoughts! :))))

Seriously thoigh, your reviews are amazing. They seriously make me smile so hard people think I've just recently won a lottery, and I cannot believe the support y'all are giving me. Keep being awesome guys... :")

I want to thank Reader Castellan and FlawlessCatastrophe for Jerry and Cherokee. These characters were Bawse, and Reader and Brooke, if I messed them up, I'm so bloopin' sorry... hope I wrote them well though...

Until next time then,
