Time's Inconsistencies

AKA Buddyfight 100 Episode 34 AU and Cardfight Vanguard crossover

AKA the crazy story idea that wrote itself out.

The Future Force was active. Here in this distant, ruined future. Did this mean that somewhere out there, he was still alive? Did this mean that this future was still very near the present?

Suzaku Kenran never did say exactly how many Earth years away was their so called distant future. After all, time passes differently depending on the world they were on. A thousand years may pass in the Dragon World, and maybe only a hundred would pass in the human world.

But more importantly, Tasuku was finding his surroundings awfully familiar. The only memory he had before he and Jack met was that of a destroyed world, and wandering around the area where the Disaster hit, watching as parents and children reunited, while he had no one. The Disaster had struck slightly before they met, but not on the scale of devastation that Tasuku recalled.

Tasuku had kept quiet about it. He knew he had lost his memories, told no one about it, and he wasn't even sure if his memories of dust covered ruins were true.

At least... Until now.

Tasuku didn't know what to think anymore. How had he ended up in the past? Who exactly was he, to have been important enough to be sent back in time at his young age? And he worried, what if once Yamigedo and the Hundred Demons were completely gone, would he disappear along with this doomed timeline? What would happen to Jack? Gao? Everyone?

As he pondered and hacked at his enemies, Tasuku never spotted a little armored blue dragon stare at him wide eyed from the shadows, before running off to find its future selves and Vanguard.

So... Yeah. Starting a new fic. I blame marathoning the past 20 or so episodes of Future Card Buddyfight 100. And the sub for episodes 26-40 finally being available on Youtube. And episode 34 for making me even think of this damn plunny! Oh! And also the fact that Tasuku is pretty much Kai and Aichi's love child. You see where I'm going with this (Somewhat.).

The thing is, I'm basing this entire fic on the fact that no one was very clear on how many years into the future they went. The only indicator was Sophia's lookalikes. Who look really young, younger than Tasuku and the others, but old enough to have been Sofia's future kids. More on this will be revealed in chapter 2(Technically done with that.) so I'll explain more when I post it.

Also, I'm not very knowledgeable about Buddyfight and Cardfight outside of the anime. I research the lore for both occasionally, but I don't really play the game. So I may avoid writing Buddyfights or Cardfights, both canon and original.

Yeah... So for those of you looking forward to Consume the Darkness, Return it to Light, sorry! This idea has taken over for the next week or so, but please know that this will not be a priority fic. I will continue writing this when I feel like I want to write about Tasuku (Or the other character) as this is a pretty serious fic, which will explore the universe that holds both Buddyfight and Cardfight. It will take loads of time. It will take lots of rewatching episodes. But this fic, which will touch on headcanons upon headcanons, ideas upon ideas, and so many character interpretations, will be so. Damn. Worth it.

So, thanks for reading this first chapter! Leave a review/pm/comment, and I'll reply back as soon as I can. Leave questions too!

Kiri Kaitou Clover