Kadota POV

"Wait! Izaya!" I call out. His hand is still latched on to me and we've been running quite fast after leaving the sushi restaurant. I'm getting exhausted.

"Izaya! *Pant* *Pant*" I begin breathing hard, cursing my stamina, and he finally stops.

"Sheesh, Dotachin, you need to work out more. How do you plan on putting up a fight with Shizu-chan if you're that weak?" He teases, not even looking at me as he spoke. He was searching for something.

I scan my surroundings to figure out why he was even doing that. There were barely no one else around us. It was practically just the two of us. The placed resembled an abandoned park with dust and fallen leaves everywhere. Is he planning to do something to me here? Why does it have to be so isolated and… a fight? The though made my skin crawl. No, No, No… There's no way…

"I don't know what you're scheming but there's no way I'd even try to put up a fight with Shizuo, sorry." I cross my arms, very serious. "Not happening." I say sternly.

"It was a joke, just come over here then." Izaya pulls me again. After a few steps I realize that he was heading for a bench and stop my half-hearted retaliation of yanking me around. I was just dragging my feet along, making it a little harder for him to pull me.

He leads me on to sit down the bench, I comply. Let's just get this over with.

"Now then…" he sits right next to me. Too close… our shoulders are mere centimeters apart.

"…go on." He doesn't even look at me as he said that.

I stare at him for a second. There's no point. I sigh, he's still not looking at me. His gaze is fixed on absolutely nothing, it's just… not directed at me.

I lean on the back rest and close my eyes. "What do you mean by that? I've got nothing to say." I open my eyes after the last word, now we're both looking at nothing, just facing at whatever it is in front of us.

"Now, now, Dotachin… don't be like that." He flails his hands around, probably indicating that I shouldn't be making it a big deal. "It's that! That! You know… as a human, it's easier to let go of something once you get it out or at least talk to someone about it."

"You already know… there's no point… just get this over with already." I say coldly. I hope that didn't make me sound bitter or anything.

He breathes in hard with an open mouth and releases a heavy sigh right after. "Fine… have it your way then." He sulks.

"I mean…" You're not yet done?

"I just wanted to give you the opportunity or make it easier for you… You were all up and ready to get a punch or two from Shizu-chan earlier too, now you're chicken."

"I don't want to hear that from a coward. How long did you run from Shizuo?"

"That's the past. Past! That's also why! I'm making you say it! I know from experience that it's easier to let go after confessing!"

"Well, in your case, the feelings were mutual. Mine is completely different. Plus, the reality of it all is barking itself at my face."

"Uwah… Dotachin, you're really bitter." I knew he'd say it.

"What's the point? What, if I confess will you accept me?"

"You never know…" he teases.

"Izaya, that sort of teasing, stop it." I warn. "Shizuo will cry."

"Pfft… Nah, both of us would get the punch we deserve." Izaya snorted. "Well, if you're going to be that stubborn…" He stands. "I give up!" He raises both hands up straight and twirls around to look at me. "Dotachin is a man of action and not words after all… I don't even know what I expected, silly me." He grins at me with amused eyes. If you knew what would happen, why bother trying then.

"Dragging you along was pointless too! Here I though all the adrenaline would make you talk…" Izaya adds on. He walks back two steps away. "I'm leaving… What about Dotachin?"

I look at him for a moment. Consider me a romantic, but I swear the way he just stood there looking at me, waiting for an answer, with both his hands on his back, dark locks waving with the wind, sunlight right behind him… Love really does make you more beautiful doesn't it?

I close my eyes. It's blinding. "I'll stay here…" and open them again, now facing the direction where he wasn't in my line of sight.

"Still a little tired from earlier… "

"Eeeeh… you're really turning to an old man." Izaya pouted.

"…get your ass back to that guy already, he's…" I remember the way he glared. "…probably worried."

I hear a snort form Izaya again. "I'm serious…" I say with a warning tone. I really am…

"Hahaha! I'm really popular…" Izaya laughed. I take a quick glance when I hear a footstep. His back is facing me now with both hands in his jacket pocket. "…just saying." I look back at him, tired and curious at the same time.

"Shizu-chan was the one who suggested I talk to you…" he peeks at me with a smile. "I was really surprised! One minute he's like 'Don't even try to comfort him!'" He even tries to imitate the guy's facial expression and tone.

"Then, I tease him again about wanting to talk to you, and he just mumbles a 'Fine.'" Izaya pouts.

"We've already talked. Don't worry…" I pause for a second. "In this case, I probably understand him more than you do." I say as I shrug. Probably took the whole night to convince himself, huh?

I smile at a simple thought that came to my head. This is bad. That makes me a bit happy… even in this situation. I jolt as I sense a gaze, Izaya was staring at me with an amused grin pasted on his face.

"Dotachin…" he starts. He turns around again, now completely facing me. "…Shizu-chan had a really angry yet sad face the entire night you know." He smiles. It's such a nice smile, but with those words that came with it… Should I be running away now?

"Is that so?" I ask, acting confused. Dangerous, the single sign of my eyes looking happy would be the death of me.

"Something about, losing confidence was it?" Izaya begins. "You know, Dotachin, one thing that made me agree with all this being in a romantic relationship with Shizu-chan was when he himself admitted he was a simple minded idiot."

"And… the confidence of an idiot is really terrifying adding in the fact that he is, Shizu-chan, is even scarier." He continues. "For someone who really likes overthinking, it's amazing."

"Haha!" he starts laughing for some reason. Oi, oi, I'm getting dumped here and you're reminiscing on your romantic moments? I snort at the thought.

"What is that? Revenge?" I start, his eyes widen and starts to laugh again. "Hahahaha! It is! It is!" he admits. It's very effective… even the way you're laughing right now. It must be nice to be that idiot. If I were him, I could just embrace you right now while you're looking like your best and laugh with you.

But… I can't do that. I smile…sadly.

"Anyway!" He collects himself and stop laughing. He raises his hand directed at me with his index finger upward. Is he giving me a warning? "Though I do believe that someone like Dotachin is able to and is surprisingly allowed to make my Shizu-chan lose confidence. I still don't like it!"

"Shizu-chan may see you as an aspiring rival but positively someone he can rely on to take care of me, but as you two most certainly understand…" he brings his hand to his chest. To his heart. "That's something I'm the only one allowed to decide on."

I stand up this time. "That's true…" I look Izaya in the eyes confidently, finally. "…It's an honor to be acknowledged by your idiot." That's what made me happy… a bit.

"It also feels good to know your idiot received some damage." This is it.

I smile at Izaya. He smiles back at me. Knowing completely what I'm trying to imply.

"That's right! To think that protozoan actually lost confidence even for one night." He goes on.

"One night? Are you sure?" he sneer. "He was practically shooting laser beams at me earlier with his eyes." I shrug. "Clearly…" I hold out an open hand directed to Izaya, wanting, for his hand to reach out and put it over mine. "…he still thinks I have a chance."

"Oh, do you now?" He slowly hovers his hands on top of mine. Not even a chance, huh… aaaah… what am I even expecting?

"Yeah, I mean, this is perfect opportunity. It's an irony that he's the one that gave it to me. He really is an idiot." I shrug again. "With him completely on guard like that… scared. He's probably lost some points on your book, right?"

"Yeah… after all that talk he gave me…" Izaya looks at both our hands. Twirling his fingers like he was actually thinking twice about putting it on mine. "…honestly." He looks back at me.

"I'm very disappointed."

He finishes with a warm smile directed at me. I could only smile back before everything went black.

"Let's go drinking!" Togusa continues to pester on. I sigh and lean my head on the window. Hurts…

I cringe at the pain again, I can't believe that guy hasn't killed anyone with his punches. He may have held himself back but it still freaking hurts.

"Dotachin, do you want more painkillers?" Erika asks me from behind. We were in the usual, the van. Togusa right next to me in the driver's seat with Walker and Erika behind us. Its night time already, they picked me up from Shinra's place just a few minutes ago and are now interrogating me on how the heck did I get this huge black eye on my right, a fractured hand, and bruises all over my back.

I deserve it. Is what I want to say but I wonder if they'll accept that. Might as well try.

"No, I don't need it. I deserved it, this pain." I answer. Uwah, that sounded emo, I'm a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah, you sure did." Erika says

"You're going to get kicked by a horse, Kadota-san." Yumasaki squeezes in.

"That's why, we should just drown our sorrows with alcohol!" Togusa adds.

These guys... I sigh at their comments. "Fine."

"Eh?" They all say at the same time.

"Let's go burry ourselves in alcohol." I look back at them and grin.

Erika and Yumasaki makes big smiles while Togusa nearly tears up with happiness.

"Yooooooooooosh!" they cheer.

"Kadota-san's treat!" What?

Izaya POV.

"You know… you didn't really need to go that far." Those honey colored eyes looks straight at me right after I said that. "Haha… you lost more points." I tease.

This time, we're at my flat. Me in my favorite chair in front of the computer while he's over there sulking on the sofa watching TV.

"Points? What are you talking about?" Namie interrupts, she was on her way home, nearly at the door.

I twirl around my chair once before standing up quickly from my chair. "Well if you must know, Shizu-chan here was eaves dropping on an important confession and it ended with him beating up the guy."

"But don't worry, Shizu-chan was at least kind enough to carry him to Shinra's place… and now he's back with his friends." I assure her.

"Riiight…" She responds. Namie sounds so interested, doesn't she? Nope. I glance at Shizuo before looking back to Namie and make a shooing gesture with one of my hands. Be gone!

She sighs and finally, leaves. After hearing the door click close, Shizuo stands up from the sofa and turns off the TV.

He makes his way towards me, gaze never leaving, practically… my entire body. "You look like you're about to swallow me whole." I snicker. "Not that I would mind."

He loosens his bow tie, still moving forward. "I'm taking those points back."

"As expected…" I raise both my hands to welcome him into an embrace. "…an overly confident idiot Shizu-chan is better than a depressed one!"

"I wasn't depressed…" he denies but responds lovingly to my invitation. He places his hands around my waist as mine settle on his shoulders like they belonged there. They really do.

"… The thought that he might do something to you just crossed my mind and before I knew it, I was out looking for you two." He explains.

"If you're going to lie, at least make it more realistic." I pout. "Minus 10 points." I announce right after. There's no way I would need protection from Dotachin, you protozoan.

"Tsk…" He squeezed his eyes shut for that one.

I giggle at the effort though. I lean on him and we begin to embrace each other tightly. His arms are completely wrapped around my waist now, one hand creeping dangerously downward. While my arms loosely envelope his neck; I stand on my toes a bit and whisper to him.

"Shizu-chan, be confident. After all, this isn't a love triangle."

Author: End. Sorry for the mistakes, characters aren't mine. Thanks for reading down to here, much appreciated, hope you had a fun and meaningful read! Flames and reviews are loved, srsly. Also, I am planning on finishing Izaya's fanclub, for those who read that, please look forward to it! If you have any questions about this story please feel free to ask away. I'll be sure to answer. Thanks again!