It's been years… ever since high school…

Self-proclaimed mortal enemies, they've been fighting to break each others necks since the day I saw them together… If I remember correctly, the only thought that came to me as I watched the both of them was… how I had to avoid getting involved with these two…

Years passed and the only difference from when we were high school was that our worlds become bigger… and that I've somehow gotten involved *sigh*…

Then one year ago, he came back… after waking up from my coma… after all the hell he broke loose… after he nearly died because of him… he came back.

Even I was surprised…

Exactly how does this kind of relationship come out from all of that? We had our own guesses as to why they were like that in the past, but no one would ever think that the silly fantasies of a deranged fujoshi/otaku would actually be the one hitting the mark.

There they were, one minute their fighting and the next they're making up and making out in some dark alley and I swear I didn't follow them or anything, I just passed by and they were there, how was I supposed to know that?

But after going through all this, seriously… a lot really changed after that, it's a drastically fast change those two lovebirds are causing, especially that psycho manipulator…

I could compare it to a domino effect, he falls down on him and the one that now seemed like was always there behind him is there to catch and fall with him. One by one, the next dominos falls and reaches me…


Nothing new going on, Walker and Erika are at their own world and Togusa is cleaning the van, again. Peaceful days are a lot more common now compared to before. Well, comparing it to before would probably make your regular bad day be considered as a peaceful one though. Here I am, sitting in the shotgun seat of the van just idly looking around and half sleep, listening to the excited tones of voices surrounding me and the busy streets, I consider it as a calming sort of noise.

"Dotachin?" Erika speaks up from behind me, her hands resting on the shoulders of my seat. "Sleepy?" she asks.

"You shouldn't bother Kadota-san like that Karisawa-san, just let him sleep. He has less energy compared to us after all." Walker sneaks in a rude remark.

"Who are you calling old?" I reply with an unamused tone.

"Kadota-san… are you… still…" Togusa adds in, I quickly glare at him. He's been doing this too often. "No, I don't need a drink." Maybe he's considering it as a running gag but I have no intention on being his second-man and playing along with it.

"Ah! Speaking of, we haven't seen Iza-chin today at all!" Erika adds in. "Nor Shizu-chan…"

"Fufufufu.." She laughs with every intention to tell us that she's thinking of something dirty about the two. My right brow twitches, luckily unnoticed.

"Maybe…" She starts with an annoying smile.

"STOP" we all stop her.

"Now, now, Karisawa-san let's return back to what we were doing just now? Well? Which of the new ones are you going to watch this season?" Walker saves us.

"Ooooh! Definitely this one!" Erika releases my seat and goes back to facing walker. They're voices again become background for my ears.

"Kado-" Togusa begins.

"You, stop it too…" It's an automatic reaction now.


…the noisy streets and flashing lights really seems calming right no-

With my eyes wide with shock and my mouth slightly open, I stare at the scene. It was like a scene of some cliché romantic movie, people were all passing by, the lights were all blinking and nearly blinding vehicle lights were invisible from my line of sight. Across the street, right in front from where we were, a familiar physique, the practically uniform bartender suit, that warning sign colored hair. What the hell is he doing?

What the hell does he think he's doing?

I was mad. I was so damn furious. I calmly exit the car, Togusa asks where was I going and I told him. "Just gonna grab a drink." Without even looking him in the eye. I hear him mutter a "huh?" but ignore him and I walk to cross the street.

Nearly there.

Just a few more steps.

Two feet away from them.

He does it again.

With gritted teeth…

I punch him… in the face as hard as I can

He doesn't fall, his legs just barely bended, his face is now directed opposite of me, oh well; I can imagine the shock in his eyes.

His companion should also be in shock, I rather not look.

I remain quiet as he pauses to figure out what was going on. It was short.

He slowly looks to where I am, eyes seriously hungry to kill.

He's mad? What right does this asshole have?

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I stop him from talking first.

"…" he remains quiet. He's noticed it's me. A confused and surprised filled face replaces his murderous expression. Maybe the punch actually worked and made him come to his senses.

"You… " I begin in a low and completely unamused tone.

"…do you have any idea what you're doing?"

The questioned seemed to have reached deafened ears since he barely reacted with only a twitch of a brow.

"If you were never serious with Izaya then give him to me." Now I've said it. I can't believe I said it.

I'd swore I'd give up. I forced myself to smile every single time. Kept telling myself to think of his happiness, how much fun he's having with him, how much this guy will definitely protect and take care of him, and how much they looked absolutely… …mesmerized… with each other. Heck, it was enough to blind me.

"….wha-?" he starts.

His angry eyes come back alive and I snap. As I said, what right do you have to be angry at a situation like this?! Don't you understand what you're doing?! Don't you realize how much he'll be hurt?! Are you planning on keeping him to yourself even though I've caught you red handed?! Do you think I'd let you?!

I grab and pull his collar straight toward me before he could make a move and with all the anger and frustration I had, pulled back my arm with my stinging fist; ready to punch him again. Please, gods of Ikebukuro if you're really there, let him fell this one.

Gritting my teeth and looking at him straight in the eye with disgust as I my fist comes closer to his face-



The very familiar voice makes me pause. I quickly turn my head to find where it came from. It was the girl just now… the one I saw kissing with Shizuo.

I first focused on her long straight black hair that reached her slim shoulders, the somewhat shaking hand on her side and the mini skirt she wore before my eyes led me to her face.


"…dota-chin… it's me…" Izaya. In a skirt. With a wig. It was him. It wasn't some random girl. Shi-Shizuo.. isn't cheating…

I think I can feel the blood vacating my brain just now and turning my face completely blue.

My hand goes limp and releases Shizuo's collar. I hear him straighten himself and fix his collar as my eyes are still fixated on Izaya's face. He looks uneasy. He looks worried. He looks… sorry and I honestly think this is the perfect time for a meteor to come crashing down on me.

What the hell did I just say?

"err…" Izaya speaks and I stand frozen, I can feel Shizuo's stare. I can't look.

"ahaha, I really did a good job! Even Dota-chin couldn't recognize me!" he begun. "This is just for work of course, I'm definitely not into this sort of stuff." He emphasizes by pinching his skirt with a look of disgust.

"Now then…" his eyes go back to me. "Well, at least you know Shizu-chan wasn't really cheating on me!"

"Mhmm… yeah" I managed to speak. Good. "Sorry for not recognizing you. Sorry about the punch too, Shizuo." I calm myself down. I finally look over to where Shizuo was. He wasn't even looking at me or Izaya. I thought he'd be angry but he's actually calm.

"Well.. I suppose that's that then, maybe I'll grab you a drink or something for the punch some time…"I say coolly. With him being calm makes this a lot easier. "I'll be going then…" I wave goodbye to Izaya, he smiles and waves back, and I start to leave.

They probably saw. They definitely saw. I sigh.

I'll be the butt of the joke, better avoid them for now. I make a turn rather than crossing the street to where they were with heavy footsteps. Aaah… I wish the noise of the streets would become louder…. I need a drink.

Shizuo POV.

"You're awfully calm…" Izaya stared at my back.

"Yeah…" I reply. Damn it… annoying.

"Liar…" he lures.

"…" I bite with silence.

We're walking away from the scene now. I'm walking ahead and he's following from behind still waring that skirt and that wig. A lot are looking. I can see where your eyes are glancing shitheads.

"Shizuuu-chan…" Siiiigh… can't ignore that tone. "…don't ignore meee…" seriously can't be ignored…

I turn back to face him. He stares at me. Ah ah… he's worried. Damn he's cute and yes he does look good with long hair. Either is fine really.

"It's nothing… don't worry about me. I was just shocked about earlier." I barely explain.

"Mhmm… I'm… actually worried about Dota-chin." Tch.

I can feel my brows cringing now and my shoulders jolting up. Annoying…

"Is.. is that so…" Izaya…. You better not be doing this just to tease me.

"Yeah…" he starts twirling his fake hair. "…what should I do?" Huh? Why the need to ask me that?

"Well, earlier, I think I should have followed him. Don't you think so too?" My mind is completely blank right now.

"Too comfort him or something!" he states enthusiastically. You're shitting me.

"Of course, you'd have to tag along as well!" Hmmm… "Ah! But you might wound up losing your cool and end up fighting, that won't be good. So you better not tag along!" Huh? "Well, you can go on home now. I'll just make sure he's okay. I'll tell you what happened tomorrow!" Izaya waves goodbye with a smiling face. Turns his body around to skip away. Before he could even make a single step though…

…I lift him up his feet and throw him on my shoulder.

"Uwaa?! Shizu-chan?!" he struggles.

"Shut it…" Annoying…. Annoying…

Author: been a while… a long while… haha… I apologize for mistakes etc. thanks so much for reading all the way down to here! to be continued~