A/N: Hey All! I know... long time no see... I'll get to that later... I decided, once again, to participate in FAGE (FanFic Anonymous Gift Exchange). ENJOY!

FAGE 8:Soul Mates

Title: Convergence

Written for: TwiAddict Anne

Written By: WitchyVampireGirl

Rating: M

Summary: Robert Frost talked about taking the road less traveled, but for two souls it comes down to the crossroads. Both are on very different journeys of self-discovery. But could they be each other's discovery?

Prompt used: picture of a road map

If you would like to see all the stories that are a part of this exchange visit the facebook group: Fanficaholics Anon: Where Obsession Never Sleeps, or add the C2 to get all the stories direct to your inbox.

/ community/FAGE-8-Soul-Mates/93625/ Just take out spaces


Fate is a funny thing, full of surprises. You could be skipping your way through life whistling a merry tune and then fate would step in and throw a curve ball that knocks you on your ass. Your life flips topsy turvy making you feel as if you don't know which way is up. In that moment, you feel everything; pain, anger, sadness, guilt, grief and yes, even happiness. Yes, fate is a wonderful thing, once you've gained some perspective and wisdom.

This is a story of two souls on a collision course with fate. It will hurt, it will be scary. But for them it will be the best thing that has ever happened. Because while fate gives us nudges and hints, it is up to us to make the choice. Those that fight fate, always lose and those who grab hold of it, with both hands, end up on the journey of a life time.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost- Road Not Taken

A/N: Are you intrigued yet? The whole story will posted today. There will be 16 chapters and an Epi. So buckle in folks.

Tiff- you are a Goddess among us mere mortals as you work your butt off to set this up! I am not worthy!

To Anne- Once again I get you and once again I hope you like what I have given you. Love you to the moon and back my friend!

To Dawn for pre- reading and telling me this Edward ranks right up there with some of my other Edwards!

To Pixie- There are no words woman.. I asked for the moon and you gave me the galaxy! You are awesome and I am so honored to call you my friend and my kick ass beta! Yes.. you'll kick me of that 'one' habit! xoxo

To Nikki- I don't think I could have finished this if it wasn't for all those Panera dates! Thank you!

See you all later!