Hi All.
It's been a while i know. And for that i want to apologise. Life has dealt me some bad rough patches in the past year and a half. I feel like I lost a part of me when i lost my laptop containing all my documents. Not only did I loose my documents... i lost my insperation to continue. But i will be trying my best to get back. I will be retrieving Sweet Serial Killer and i will be re-reading and re-evaluating it, I will try and fix all my spelling errors and stupid faults which have been pointed out and i will try my best to finish it. I still know how i want to end it... but the words don't come easy. I will try. that is the least i can do. But i promise nothing. Even thought i worked on a few small tit bit things in the past few months nothing compared to what i wrote back then. With much love Just Lola
P.S i needed a change... so now i am Misz Anarchy