The child, a girl named Mabel Pines, grinned up at her mother. She was tucked in her bed very snugly, and her mother was about to leave the room and bid her goodnight, but Mabel had asked a question she had probably asked her parents a million times.

"A story? Mabel, it's late. And growing girls need their sleep."

But Mabel pleaded, bringing out her puppydog eyes, and her mother sighed and relented. She sat down on a desk chair near her daughter's bed, and gave a slight cough before beginning her story.

"All right. I'll tell you a true story, how about that? It's about a huge war that took place many years ago.

Long ago, two races had ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS.."

Then Mabel had asked her mother what the monsters looked like, and the mother cracked a wry smile. "That was a big problem for a while, because the humans and monsters looked so much alike! They both looked like ordinary people. But the main difference between the humans and the monsters were the nature of their SOULS."

Mabel had made a noise of interest, and her mom grinned a little proudly and continued. "See, a human soul is so much stronger and powerful than a monster's. A monster's soul would break and disentegrate as soon as they died, but a human's live on, because they have so much more feeling and emotion, unlike the monsters'!"

The twelve year-old girl had to remind her mom to talk about the war. Her mother playfully rolled her eyes. "I was getting to that, be patient sweetie. One day, war broke out between the two races. Each one of them wanted to rule Earth. After a long battle, the humans were victorious! Then they sealed all the monsters underground with a magic spell, and they were trapped there forever."

Mabel, feeling a bit sorry for the monsters, asked if they were still down there. Her mother laughed. "Don't worry darling, they're still down there! They're not going to hurt you! Those mean monsters will never get back up to the surface, I promise you."

With that, her mother smiled, kissed her forehead, and bid her daughter goodnight, shutting off the lights and closing the door behind her.



Legends say that those who climb the mountain never return.

But Mabel Pines was willing to test her luck.

She climbed with arduous labor, scaling up rocks and trees fairly easily. She had dressed comfortably for the journey; one of her favorite blue sweaters with two pink stripes, and a simple blue skirt. She wore her best walking shoes and a bright red headband. Yep, she was ready for anything!

Several hours later, however, Mabel was beginning to regret not bringing a water bottle. She was thirsty, and hungry, and she had scraped her knee, but a good bandaid had fixed that. She just needed to find some water.

Mabel gasped a little when she turned a corner on a path she it looked like nobody else had taken and saw a huge gaping hole in the ground, like a bottomless pit! She briefly wondered if it led to the underground where all the monsters were held, like her mom had told her during her bedtime stories. She crept closer, but then, to her horror, she tripped on a vine and fell down, down, down, into the gaping black mass of the bottomless pit.


When Mabel awoke, she was lying on a soft bed of golden flowers. She sat up, but then she immediately had to lie back down again. A sudden headrush had sent her back down with an inaudible groan, and until the pain went away Mabel outright refused to get up.

Well, since she could feel pain, she obviously wasn't dead...

Mabel looked up helplessly at the tiny pinprick of a light, or the hole she had fallen into. She sighed. It might take a while to get back up to the surface. She was probably going to be late for dinner.

After a minute or two of thinking Mabel felt better and sat up once more, though more slowly this time. She stood up on wobbly legs, retrieved her fallen red headband, then walked through a surprisingly square corridor and through an open gateway.

It was surprisingly dark in the next room; only lit by an unknown light source shining on a single golden flower, but this one was different.

This one had a face.


It was grinning at Mabel innocently, a happy grin on its somewhat simple face. It cocked its "head" to the side a little and hummed lightly as it looked her over. It finally nodded a little to itself, and Mabel blinked. This was certainly strange... Was she dreaming?

The flower, Flowey, kept talking. "You're new to the UNDERGROUND, aren't ya?"

Mabel nodded.

"Golly, you must be so confused!" The talking flower continued. "Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do!"

Mabel shrugged her shoulders and agreed to Flowey's idea. What's the worst that could happen?

"Ready?" Mabel shook her head determinedly. "Okay! Here we go!"

Flowey then raised its petals as the girl stepped close to it, and Mabel felt something leave her chest. She looked down in surprise to see a small red heart close to her chest, moving whenever she did. Flowey grinned.

"See that heart? That is your SOUL. The very culmination of your being!"

Mabel gazed at her soul and then at Flowey, mouth open. A million questions sprang up in the human's thoat but Flowey was quick to interrupt.

"Your SOUL starts out weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV." Mabel looked confused and asked what LV stood for. Flowey gave her a slightly condescending look.

"What's LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course! You want some love, don't you?"

Mabel, distracted from her previous questions, nodded eagerly. Of course she wanted love! Didn't everybody?

"Don't worry," Flowey continued, "I'll share some with you!" Then the flower gave a wink, and Mabel let out a small giggle. But the giggle abruptly ended when a bunch of small white pellets appeared out of nowhere, startling Mabel and making her instinctively step back. Flowey looked unfazed.

"Down here, LOVE is shared through...little white...'Friendliness pellets.'" Flowey looked away from her and Mabel gave the golden flower a confused look. That didn't make much sense, but Mabel just decided to roll with the punches and see what would happen.

Flowey looked back at the human girl. "Are you ready? Move around! Get as much as you can!" He dropped the pellets, sending them streaming towards Mabel, who eagerly rushed forward to catch them, but as soon as her hand touched a friendliness pellet a white hot pain shot through her body and she stumbled backwards. What was THAT?!

Suddenly feeling very weak, Mabel looked up at Flowey again and felt a jolt when the flower had exchanged it's jolly expression with a menacing fanged smile. "You idiot." It said, in its high-pitched voice. "In this world, it's KILL OR BE KILLED."

Mabel felt more betrayed than angry at the flower, but her jaw dropped in shock once more as a ring of the not-so-friendly pellets surrounded her, effectively trapping her inside. "Why would ANYONE pass up an oppurtunity like this?!" The evil flower crowed, and to her horror Mabel saw that the ring was growing ever smaller. She was trapped. She was going to-


Flowey cackled, his soprano voice echoing through the darkened room, as Mabel sat there, trying and failing to figure out a plan of what she could do to keep going, to survive...

But then, a shining ray of hope arrived. Mabel suddenly felt a million times better, as if she had gotten healed, eaten for the first time in forever, or rested. Or all three at once. Flowey stopped and gave the human a questioning look as the pellets suddenly flew away, freeing Mabel.

She was about to dance in happy celebration but was interrupted by an axe, spinning as it was hurled through the air by an unknown figure, and it successfully knocked Flowey away. Mabel cheered, then gasped in shock for what seemed like the umpteenth time as she gazed up at her savior.

"Hey kid, you okay? It was awful for that flower dude to gang up on you like that. Lucky for you I stepped into the scene."

The figure stepped into the light and reached out a pale but sturdy hand. Mabel took it quickly and smiled gratefully at the tall, redheaded teenager that had saved her.

"Gonna head with me? Cool beans! My name's Wendy. Welcome to the Underground!"

YOOOOOOO! Welcome everyone to my brand new, top of the line Fanfiction, GravityTale! As you can tell, this is a a crossover between my two favorite Fandoms. Each character from Gravity Falls will represent a corresponding character from Undertale. I.e, Mabel as Frisk and Wendy as Toriel.

I will definitely have a LOT more planned for the future! Hopefully my update for this fic will be at least somewhat faster than RoleSwap Au, haha..

Anyways, thanks a billion for reading! Please make sure to leave a little Favorite for me and to review! I always love to hear from you guys!

Until next time,
