A/N: Well, we've reached the last chapter which is crazy in itself as Honestly went from a one-shot to a two-shot to a full-fledged story. It's definitely been an experience to say the least.
For time frame, the chapter starts in April 2019 and ends in September 2019.
In my Cardi B voice, BooBooCookie...foreva.
When Cookie opened the door to the apartment she shared with her wife, the last thing she expected was to see was her wearing nothing but the lingerie she was wearing when Cookie entered the home of Lucious Lyon and his fiancé Anika Calhoun. Cookie smiled as she remembered her first glimpse of Anika's taut body. Anika thought she was intimidating Cookie by walking out in nothing but some high-end drawers but Cookie couldn't be intimidated, or at least she thought she couldn't. No, it wasn't Anika's body that intimidated Cookie, despite how good it looked. No, it was her confidence. Anika was always so sure of herself; of her beliefs. Even when she had doubts about whether Cookie loved her or wanted her - which she did on both accounts - she knew that her love for Cookie could withstand anything, even Cookie herself. And that scared the shit out of her. Even though they'd been married for nearly 3 years, Cookie still waited for the other shoe to drop. It always did.
Cookie had a meeting with executives from The Coca-Cola Company about creating a partnership between the label and the beverage corporation. They were hoping to secure a few AC artists as spokesmen for the soft drink but by the end of the meeting which included touring the headquarters, she wasn't impressed. She'd been in Atlanta for 4 days and she missed her wife. Although, with the problems they'd been having as of late, she was sure Anika welcomed the temporary separation.
Before Cookie left they'd gotten into an argument about them going to her parent's house for Easter. About a year and a half after they married, Anika's father reached out to Anika stating that he hadn't wanted to go the rest of his life without speaking to his only child. Anika had made it clear that she wouldn't stand for any bigoted or snide comments about her or her wife. She also told her father that if they couldn't accept Cookie then she wouldn't be able to share a space with them.
Her father made a comment about her staunch loyalty to Cookie despite everything that they've been through. Anika held her phone in her hand as she watched Cookie dance around their kitchen while eating popcorn. To say that she loved Cookie wouldn't begin to explain the loyalty she had for the older woman but it was all she had. She didn't think her father could understand that because of his relationship with her mother so she just offered, "she makes me better," and hoped that that would appease him.
Towards the end of their conversation, her father stated that there wouldn't be any more issues going forward regarding Cookie not being welcome in their home. When Anika brought up the phone call, Cookie had outright refused inviting them to their home even though Anika owned the apartment. On the other hand, she didn't want to be on Claire's property should she have to beat her ass. Hoping to please both sides, Anika found a restaurant where the four of them could meet and have dinner. At the restaurant, Cookie and Claire were icily cordial to one another; Anika had warned Cookie beforehand to keep her barbs at bay and she had to admit, Cookie really was trying. She'd only hoped that her father had done the same for her mother. Regardless of what he had said on the phone, Anika knew her mother and Claire Calhoun would be fine at first and then her true feelings would show.
True to form, her mother made a comment about Cookie having reformed from her criminal ways and turning into an acceptable member of society. Cookie put her fork down and folded her hands.
"The only thing reformed about me is the fact that I'm not dragging you across this table."
Claire lifted her drink in a nod to Cookie. "And there's the hoodrat. See, Stanley, I told you this wouldn't work."
Cookie stood up from the table and leaned in so she was in Claire's face. "Give me a reason to drag you, ho."
The next thing Anika knew, a drink was thrown although Anika couldn't tell who actually threw it as fists started flying and both women were wet. Horrified, Anika pulled Cookie away from her mother and drug her out of the restaurant and to her car. Anika was so furious that she hadn't bothered parking in her usual spot when they got home. She just put the car in park in front of the apartment building and got out, leaving Cookie in the car. By the time Cookie got upstairs, Anika was already in bed and the lights were off. It was the first time they'd gone to bed angry with each other since they'd been married; Cookie at Anika because she suggested the meet up and Anika because Cookie physically fought her mother.
Their anger eventually wore off and they picked up where they left off but Cookie had refused to have anything to do with Anika's mother since then. Cookie could hold a grudge like no other and was perfectly content with never seeing Anika's mother again. And Anika obliged, she hadn't asked Cookie about spending time with her parents again, until recently.
When Anika approached Cookie about going to her parent's house, Cookie walked away before Anika could even get the words out completely.
"I'm not going, Anika!"
"How is it that when it comes to your family, you have no problem associating with them in spite of their animosity towards me, but when it comes to my family, forgiveness doesn't exist?"
"Your mother hates me, why would I go to her house knowing that?"
"Because they're my parents! Lucious still hates me but we still spend holidays at his home." Anika found it weird but since Cookie's sons wanted their parents together for the holidays and Anika was Cookie's wife, she tagged along.
"They've been your parents all this time and you haven't said shit before now. You haven't even spoken to them."
"You're wrong. I've been talking to my dad, you've just never been around. And it shouldn't matter how long I've gone without speaking to them! I'm asking you to do one thing and that's come with me to spend time with my family. Rocky and Xavier will be there, too. This will be the first time that all of the stateside family will be together in God knows how long...I just want to be with my family and that includes you."
The discussion was tabled as Cookie had left for Atlanta and the issue hadn't been resolved prior to her leaving. When she returned she expected Anika to be in bed; it was a little after 11 p.m. on a Wednesday night and Anika was usually under the covers and dead to the world by now. Cookie had texted Anika to let her know that her flight was about to take off around 8 p.m. and she'd received a 'K' in response which in hindsight was more than she expected to receive at all.
She hung her keys up and set her luggage down by the door.
"I thought you'd be asleep by now."
Anika shook her head, "My wife was coming home, I had to make sure I was up to meet her."
Cookie was apprehensive and it showed. Anika had barely spoken to Cookie when she was gone and here she was was trying to seduce her.
"What's going on?" Cookie asked as Anika wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed her once.
"I can't welcome you home?"
"Now you want to welcome me? When I left you barely said anything other than 'have a safe flight' and bye. What's going on? "
"Nothing! I just missed you, is all."
"And this has nothing to do with me not wanting to be near your mama?"
Anika kissed her, "No. Because you're going."
Cookie removes Anika's arms from around her. "I already told you I wasn't going."
"No, Anika! Every time I see your mother she talks shit about me! Your daddy don't give a damn either way but your mama hates me and I'm not going anywhere I'm not wanted."
Anika schooled Cookie with a look. "Feels terrible, doesn't it? Knowing that every time you're around someone they hate you? I feel that way every time I'm around your family. We've been married for 2 and a half years and Hakeem just started acting like a decent human being and stopped making snide ass remarks. Lucious hates me and he always will but I still go with you because I know you want to spend time with your sons and I understand that he's part of the package. She's my mother, Cookie. No matter what she does...she's still my mother."
Cookie went to pick up her luggage to deposit it in the bedroom. "I'm sorry, Anika, but I'm not going."
Needless to say, Cookie didn't get any nookie that night.
When Easter had rolled around, Anika said nothing to Cookie as she prepared to go to her parents' house. She didn't even kiss her goodbye before she left like she always did. Unless it was work related, Anika didn't speak to her at all which surprised Cookie. Whenever they fought, Anika was always the first to yield, even if Cookie was in the wrong. She didn't like fighting and wanted it over as soon as it began but Cookie was stubborn.
She hadn't thought to make any plans with her sons for the holiday because she just knew that Anika would see her point of view and they'd spend the holiday together. But Cookie was wrong and she'd been left alone as a result.
She cried out in frustration before getting up from the bed. This was bullshit.
Anika sat the the dining room table with an empty space next to her. Rocky and her fiancé Xavier were across from her and her parents were on either end of the table. When she arrived at the home sans Cookie, her mother renewed her diatribe against Cookie. Even if she was mad at her, she wondered if Cookie had the right idea. Why was she putting herself through this?
"Where's your hoodrat, Anika?" Claire questioned as they were seated at the table. Anika had already had a glass of wine upon arrival and was starting on another. Without Cookie beside her, it was going to be a long lunch.
"I thought you said you spoke to her, dad?"
"Claire," Stanley said in warning. He had indeed spoken to his wife before everyone arrived but it didn't seem to do any good.
Claire shrugged, "I'm only asking because I thought she'd be here. Turns out I've hid the silver for nothing," she said haughtily.
"Oh, shut up, mom! Your cracks about Cookie being a thief are tired and inaccurate and I'm getting sick of it."
"You will NOT talk to me like that in my own home. I am your mother-"
"And she's my wife!"
Rocky and Xavier sat watching the dispute between mother and daughter, wisely choosing to stay out of the conversation. While Anika and Claire were arguing, the doorbell rang and Hilly went to answer the door.
"Some wife she's proven to be. I can't believe that you would take the time to defend someone who isn't even here."
"Hey baby, sorry I'm late. Traffic was a bitch," Cookie said as she shook her coat off and handed it to Hilly before sliding into the seat next to Anika. She placed a quick kiss on Anika's lips before taking a sip of the wine that was placed before her, oblivious to the stunned look on Anika's face. Looking straight at Claire, she asked "I didn't miss anything, did I?"
Rather than waiting for Claire to say some unpleasant comment about his daughter-in-law, Stanley interjected and addressed her.
"No, Cookie, you're right on time. We were just about to start lunch."
Cookie flashed him a smile, "Great! And thanks again for inviting us, I know it's been a while."
"Water under the bridge," Stanley moved his hand in a dismissive motion. He had gotten the message loud and clear that Anika and Cookie were a packaged deal. If he wanted his daughter in his life, he had to get used to her wife. They'd spent too much time apart as it was, no need to continue to fight with Anika over something that wouldn't change.
Cookie began talking to Rocky about her upcoming nuptials.
"I heard you're tying the knot. Congratulations," Cookie said with a smile. Rocky was about the only family member that Anika talked to on a regular basis that she liked.
"Yeah, couldn't let Nini one-up me for too long. I'm the last one to get married and we're the last to have kids out of the cousins so I thought I'd get it together. Should everything go well, we'll have at least one of those accomplished by the end of November."
It was then that Anika noticed that while everyone else had wine in their glasses, Rocky's held water.
Anika's jaw dropped before she let out a scream and jumped out of her chair to run to the other side of the table. She scooped Rocky up in a hug and squeezed her before letting go.
"Sorry, sorry! I don't wanna hurt the baby," she said as she leaned down to Rocky's stomach and began talking to the baby.
"Yes, this is your favorite auntie Nini. Yes it is!"
"I like how you promoted yourself to auntie, cuz," Rocky laughed as Anika continued to talk to her belly.
Cookie watched as Anika fawned over Rocky and looked towards Anika's parents who were also watching the scene. Anika righted herself and hugged Xavier before making her way back to her seat, still beaming. She was so happy for her cousin. She looked over to Cookie who held a strange look on her face. She looked at her parents whose faces held similar looks, except her parents' held looks of sudden realization.
Before Anika could ask Cookie what was the matter, Hilly began serving their lunch. The family members began eating and Anika began questioning Rocky about her symptoms thus far. Her morning sickness had transformed into all day sickness and she was hungry all the time, but overall she was alright, just excited. Anika and Rocky continued to talk when suddenly Claire's eating utensils fell onto her plate loudly, causing the others to look up, startled.
"I'm sorry, but I can't just sit here- Anika, how can you act like all of this is fine when it's not?! You're never going to be able to have children married to her! You'll never have a family. How can you be okay with that?"
Anika opened her mouth to retort but Cookie's voice came out.
"Mrs. Calhoun. Regardless of whether or not Anika and I decide to expand our family, and we are a family, all by ourselves, it'll be between Anika and I. It's none of your business either way."
"Like you're seriously going to start a family with my daughter. You have a son older than Anika for goodness sakes! You might as well be screwing your own daughter!"
Cookie, Anika, and Rocky all sat uncomfortably as they remembered when Anika had slept with Hakeem. Although they were close in age, closer than she and Cookie, Anika eventually did become his stepmother.
"Claire, that's enough-" Stanley started before Claire cut him off.
"No, Stanley, I'm not going to sit here and watch her ruin-"
"I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH!" Nostrils flared and red-faced, Stanley banged his fist on the table hard enough to rattle the tableware.
"How long are you going to keep doing this? She's married for crying out loud! Do you think it would be better if she married that Lyon guy? You'd still find something to harp on her about!"
"Now he decides to grow a backbone. Don't act like you've been on board with this whole lesbian thing. You were ready to send her out of the country when she messed around with that other girl and you never liked Lucious," Claire returned.
"No, I haven't and I didn't, but pushing her away isn't going to solve anything. We've fucked up, Claire. Anika isn't a child anymore and she's not going to keep taking our shit." He addresses Anika, "Honestly, sweetheart, I don't even know why you're here. We don't deserve your forgiveness and I should've said this a long time ago...I'm sorry."
Anika is silent and can only nod as she processes what just transpired.
"I don't believe this…you've lost your mind," Claire states, losing steam.
"No, I think I've found it, actually," asserts Stanley.
"You know what, I think it's time for us to be heading home," Cookie says as she starts to get up from the table.
"Us, too," Rocky says as she throws her napkin on the table and waits as Xavier helps her up. She isn't that far along but she's eating up the way he handles her with such care.
Cookie stands up and holds out her hand while she waits for Anika to get up from her seat, "Baby, you ready?"
Anika scoots back and gets up from her chair, taking Cookie's hand in the process. She walks over to where her father is sitting and leans over to give him a kiss on the cheek. With one last look at her mother, she walks out with Cookie, Rocky and Xavier beside her.
Since Anika drove and Cookie took a cab, they rode back home together. The silence isn't awkward but it isn't welcomed either. As they wait at a red light, Anika leans her head on the window and sighs.
"Do you want kids?" Cookie asks, glancing at Anika.
"Hmm?" she hums. She'd been in her head the entire drive and didn't hear what Cookie said.
"Kids. Do you want them?"
Anika looks at Cookie then and sees the same look she saw at the table.
"I thought we had this conversation before?"
"We did but this afternoon….you were so excited. You don't want that?"
The light is green and Anika starts driving again. "I haven't really thought about it. I mean, I've thought about it, but kids have never really been that high on my list of priorities, you know that."
Cookie thinks back to a conversation they had early in their relationship. She could understand why Anika was apprehensive about having kids given her history.
"Why, do you want kids?"
Cookie's response was a quick "Hell no."
"Been there, done that. I'm not trying to have anymore kids. I'm too old for that mess."
"I'm fine with it just being you and me, Cookie. I promise."
"Are you sure? You're not going to wake up one day wanting to be somebody's mama?"
Anika glances at Cookie before putting her eyes back on the road.
"I'm sure, Cookie."
Cookie leans back in her seat, "Okay, then."
It's turns out that Rocky isn't the only expectant mother. Rhonda calls Cookie to let her know that she and Andre are expecting a baby boy just after labor day. It takes Cookie a while but when she realizes that she's going to be a grandmother, she calls Anika to share the news.
When Rhonda's water breaks, Andre is the one to call Cookie and lets her know that they're en route to Mount Sinai. Cookie and Anika head to the hospital and arrive at the same time as Lucious. Jamal and Hakeem are already in the waiting room and watch as their parents eye each other.
Since Cookie and Anika started AC and married, Lucious had been hostile to say the least. The queen of his Empire had returned to her throne only to be stolen and claimed by another.
"I thought this was family only," Lucious says from his seat.
"Don't start, Lucious," Cookie says as she stands next to Anika.
"I'm not starting anything," he crosses one leg over the other and holds his arms out in a shrugging motion, "I'm just saying...this is a family affair."
"Then I guess I'm in the right place," Anika says as she looks around for the restroom.
"I'll be right back, I have to go to the restroom."
Cookie offers to come with her but Anika refuses, "No, stay here with Jamal and Hakeem. I'll be right back."
She heads to the restroom and when she finds it, proceeds to handle her business. She washes her hands and upon walking out, she sees Lucious leaning on the wall adjacent to the restroom, seemingly waiting for her.
Throwing away the paper towel she used to dry her hands in a nearby trashcan, she walks in the direction of the waiting room and proceeds to ignore Lucious. He cuts her off at the pass as he steps in front of her, stopping all movement.
"You really holding on to this lesbian thing, huh?" Lucious asks her causing Anika to roll her eyes.
"It's not a lesbian thing and it's none of your business so how about you step out of my way?"
"You know it won't last, right? This thing she has going on with you. You may think she's gonna stay with you forever but one day she's gon' wake up one day and realize that she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life with Boo Boo Kitty and-"
He's capitalizing on her fears but she's not going to let him know that he's getting to her.
"And what? Run back to you? You can't be serious. Do you really believe that she still wants you?
The vein on the side of Lucious' forehead bulged as he ground his teeth.
"You threw her away, Lucious. And you have no one to blame but yourself."
Anika steps past him and proceeds to walk away when he says, "You may have Cookie but you'll never be a Lyon."
Anika smirks, "No, I just married one." She leaves Lucious standing in the hallway as she makes her way back to Cookie who is sitting between Hakeem and Jamal. Jamal gets up and moves to the next seat so she can sit down next to Cookie and she smiles at him gratefully.
"Took you long enough," Cookie says as Anika is checking the time.
Lucious walks into the waiting room from the direction Anika had just come from. Cookie nor her sons had noticed that he had slipped out.
"Just had to clear some things up."
Cookie looked over to Lucious who sat in a chair away from the rest of the family.
"You alright?"
Anika nodded, "I'm good."
Jamal announced that Andre had sent him a text that Rhonda was now 10 cm dilated and was ready to push.
There was a buzz in the air as the family sat excited. Rhonda's most recent pregnancy before this one had ended in a late-term miscarriage which devastated the couple. Grieving their loss, they had decided to take a break from IVF and just appreciate the time they had together when Rhonda started feeling ill. Cautiously optimistic, she took a pregnancy test which came back positive. After receiving confirmation from her doctor, she told Andre and they agreed to wait until they were 20 weeks, well into the second trimester, to tell their families. They were expecting a son and Andre prayed everyday that this baby made it through.
After about 40 minutes, Andre slowly walked into the waiting room with tears in his eyes. The family stood up but didn't know if he was crying tears of joy or tears of sadness.
Cookie ran to hug Andre and he held onto her like he would when he was younger and sobbed in her arms. Cookie rocked them back and forth as Andre lifted his head and wiped his eyes.
"I heard him cry," another sob escaped his mouth. "He's perfect. He cried, ma! He cried!"
Lucious went over to hug Andre as Anika, Hakeem, and Jamal filed behind him. Cookie sent up a prayer of thanks for allowing her grandson to make it through the pregnancy and his birth.
After giving Rhonda time to get settled and the baby time to get acclimated to the outside world, the family piled into the room to see the new arrival.
Rhonda was holding the little guy who sported a cap and was swaddled in a receiving blanket.
"Oh my God, he's so precious!" Cookie exclaimed as she saw her grandson for the first time. Andre carefully took hold of the baby before passing him along to his grandmother.
"Oh, Andre, Rhonda, he is perfect." Cookie bounced the baby around the room as she showed him to her wife, sons, and ex-husband.
"What's his name?" Hakeem asked. The new parents chose to keep the name of their son to themselves until the birth.
Rhonda answered Hakeem. "His name is Caleb Andre Lyon."
Cookie cooed at the littlest Lyon and pouted when Lucious took him from her arms so he could hold him.
After spending some time with the new family, Cookie, Anika, Lucious, Hakeem and Jamal walked out of the room to give them some space and began to fill the hallway. Anika holds Cookie's hand and intertwines her fingers their fingers as Cookie talks to Jamal. Hakeem is busy texting and Lucious is posting on social media about the newest member of the Lyon/Empire family.
As Cookie talks with Jamal, Anika finds herself watching all of them. Regardless of what Lucious may think, she has become a member of the Lyon family, whether he (or she for that matter) likes it or not. Anika is brought out of her reverie when she hears Jamal say her name.
"You know this makes you a grandmother, right?" Jamal asks her before he bursts out laughing.
Anika pales as Cookie joins in his laughter and kisses her on the cheek.
Later that night when they're cuddling on the couch and Cookie teases her about being a grandmother, Anika snatches the pillow that's under Cookie's head and begins hitting her with it. Cookie grabs the pillow and throws it across the living room before grabbing Anika by her wrists and pushing her back on the couch. As Cookie holds her arms above her head, it mirrors the time years ago when they'd first kissed and Anika subsequently confessed to sleeping with Hakeem.
It may be a familiar situation but this this time it's different. Cookie is hers and hers alone and this time there's nothing between them that will threaten their relationship. Cookie lets her thigh slip between Anika's before leaning down and kissing her. When Cookie lets her wrists go, Anika sits up and Cookie leans back on her knees. Anika goes to remove Cookie's shirt, but Cookie stops her.
Cookie takes a moment to study Anika and wonder how they've gotten to this point. She's never known a love like Anika's and given all of the shit she's put her through, she doesn't deserve it. She tells Anika she loves her, albeit not as often as Anika tells her, but she does and she means it.
It's moments like these that Cookie loves her the most. When it's just them and Anika is fiddling with the end of her shirt because she still wants to take it off but she'll wait until Cookie is ready.
And so she tells her,
"I love you, Anika."
And though Anika always says it back, without fail, her heart still skips a beat when she hears the words,
"I love you too, Cookie."
She lets Anika take off her shirt and pulls Anika closer to her as she places a kiss on her jaw.
She kisses her chin.
Cookie closes her eyes just before Anika kisses her lips.