PumpkinDreamer: Here is the last chapter! I know this was unexpected even for myself so uh yeah enjoy~

The next day. Takao woke up getting ready for his date with Hitomi. He brushed his teeth and fixed his hair. He put on some decent clothing before walking out of the house. He walked by couples who were holding hands. The look in their eyes telling him that they were so in love with each other. He felt a little bit envious of them.

In the end he ignored it going to the train station. Takao grinned a while waiting for his date.
'Date…' He looked at the ground.
'Why does it feel like; I'm doing something wrong…?' He asked himself. Kagami was slowly making his way to his mind. He pushed him at the back of his mind.

'This is my day' He thought.
"Takao-kun!" He blinked hearing somebody call him. He looked over to see Hitomi Rin. She had light brown hair with honey brown eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm late." Hitomi smile sweetly at him.
"Don't worry about it, I just got here actually let's go" Takao led her to the train. He sat down on the seat. Hitomi was smiling at the people around here.

"I'm so excited about today, I'm so glad to be spending more time with you, Takao..." She flushed red.
"Oh! Sorry, I hope you don't mind me calling you Takao." Hitomi grinned.
"Not at all..." Takao had a charming smile.

'Somehow, my heart isn't really into this...' He thought to himself. He didn't want to back out of it and leave the girl upset since she was nice girl. He took her to the amusement park. He bought tickets and went on rides with her.

He was actually having a pretty good time spending it with Hitomi. Four hours later. Takao bought cotton candy. Hitomi was holding his arm.
"I'm having really fun, Takao-kun, thank you for taking me out on this wonderful day." She smiled. He noticed the red flushed face she was wearing.
"No problem, I'm having fun to." Takao smile. He took a bite of his cotton candy.

"So you think, you might be able to take me out on another date?" Hitomi asked.
"uh, totally." He grinned.
'why do I suddenly feel bad?' He thought to himself.
"Great! I'm happy because, I really like you, Takao-kun!" She kissed his cheek.

He touched his cheek.
'I should be feeling something right? I mean she confessed her feelings, she is everything, I am looking for in a girl...' Takao thought. When Kagami went came to mind again.
'why...?' He asked himself.

Hitomi took hold of his hand. She took a picture of them together.
"We look so good together" She smiled.
'Why can, I only think of Kagami...' Takao frowned a little as he was pulled on couple more rides. When he was on the ferries wheel. He thought more of his time with Kagami. He didn't even pay attention to the girl next to him. It bothered him since he knows he should be paying attention to her.

"I'm so glad, I had the courage to talk to you on the phone, when I finally got your number" Hitomi explained. Takao thought back to when he first got Kagami's number.

'ha ha, I was so nervous about talking to him, it was almost laughable.' He thought feeling happy.
'when I finally talked to him, he answered, it made me so happy, I could die.' Takao felt his heart stir as he recalled the memories. When he leaned down on the bars.

'Kagami…' He called out in his mind.
'I, I really want to see him so bad, I want to spend time with him more, I want him, to hold me and feel those soft lips again...' He felt tears run down his cheek.
'I really don't want to admit it, but Shin-chan is right, I am in denial, I don't know how, or when it happened, but I'm really in love with him, I love Kagami.' Takao wipe his tears.

'to get so emotional, what am I? a girl?' He scolded himself before laughing.
"Takao-kun?" Hitomi asked.
"Sorry, I was just thinking of something." He admitted. When the ride was over. Takao walked off with Hitomi who blinked.
"What were you thinking of?" She asked.

"Takao?" Takao froze hearing the familiar voice of Kagami Taiga. He turned around slowly to see him there with Midorima and Kuroko.
"Kagami?" He called out surprised. Hitomi titled her head.
"who are they, Takao-kun? oh, Midorima-kun hello" Hitomi greeted.
"Hi.." Midorima replied to Hitomi.

She looked at the other two boys.
"Hitomi this is Kagami Taiga and Kuroko Tetsuya they go to Seirin" Takao explained.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Takao's girlfriend" Hitomi introduced herself. Takao eyes widen at the introduction.
'w-what?!' He shouted in his mind. He looked at Kagami who looked shocked along with Kuroko.

"Kazunari-kun, congratulations" Kuroko smile.
"w-wait…" Takao tried to explain the misunderstanding. Kagami sighed rubbing the back of his head.
"nice to meet you" Kagami said politely. Midorima only pushed his glasses up.

'It's a misunderstanding...' He thought to himself.
"I'm going to get us something to drink..." Kagami stated. He turned around to walk away.
"Taiga!" Takao called out to him as he disappeared into the crowd. He was left standing there not knowing what to do.

"Something wrong, Takao-kun?" Hitomi questioned.
"I'll be right back." Takao said running after Kagami leaving Hitomi behind.

"You shouldn't selfishly declare he's yours when its not true..." Midorima sighed. He looked at Hitomi.
"what?!" Hitomi shouted shocked at him.
"Midorima-kun, this is why you are not good with girls along with Kagami-kun" Kuroko explained. Hitomi glared at Midorima.

"I'm sorry, about Midorima-kun." Kuroko apologized.
"its fine." Hitomi smile.

Takao ran to catch up to Kagami.
"Taiga! Wait..." He panted grabbing his arm.
"just let me explain..." He looked up at Kagami. Who was eyeing him.
"It's fine, you should be with your girlfriend." Kagami pulled his arm away.

"That's what I'm trying to explain! She isn't my girlfriend, she just claimed to be without it being true, I mean we haven't even agreed on being in an official relationship" He explained. Kagami looked at him.
"Really? Then why are you here with her in the first place?" Kagami asked.
"well, uh, I thought it would be good to go on date with her, but..." Takao explained.
"So you like her?" Kagami turned away from him.

"You're not listening!" He grabbed his arm. Kagami pushed him back against the tree. Takao bumped his head against the tree from the force.
"What is it, Takao?! You're the one who came here willingly on a date with her and I hate it" Kagami confessed.
Takao was stunned into silence.
"That's the frustrating part, because I should be happy for you." He put his head on his shoulder.
"But thought of you being with someone, I can't stand…" He looked at Takao.

"Taiga..." Takao called out.
"I don't even know how it happened, you were always there eating meals with me everyday, when you didn't come anymore, I hated it so much, it was like there was a void left in my heart." Kagami looked at Takao's steel blue orbs.

"I started thinking of you, the time we kissed." Kagami touched his cheeks.
"Everything we did together, I find you with another girl, how am I suppose to feel about that?" He questioned.

Takao pushed him down on a bench. Kagami fell backwards on the bench.
"What the hell?" Kagami grumbled rubbing his head. When Takao went on top of him.
"I love you..." He confessed.

"what?" Kagami looked shocked again.
"I said, I love you, that girl means nothing to me, I don't even know why, I went on date with her, because the only person, I thought of was you, I can't get you out of mind no matter what I do..." Takao confessed.

"I want to be with you, I want to be held by you" Takao flushed red.
"I want to kiss you..." He kissed Kagami on the lips. He pulled away from him only to kiss him again.

"Taiga, I love you..." Takao confessed again capturing his lips. Kagami's entire face flushed red from his confession.
"You..." Kagami tried to say something but only ended up being kissed again. Takao wrapped his arms around him holding on to him.

"Do you love me?" He asked Kagami. Kagami stared at Takao who was waiting for his answers.
"If, I didn't feel that way about you, I wouldn't be letting you kiss me" Kagami looked away embarrassed. Takao grinned.
"Awe, are you shy?" He asked.

"your so cute, but I want to hear it, since I went out of my way to say it to you" Takao smile.
"why, you already know my feelings for you." Kagami grumbled.
"Taiga, just say, I love you too." Takao whispered in his ear.

Kagami turned red.
"I-I love you to." Kagami confessed. Takao kissed him again. Kagami wrapped his arms around him.
"That's your reward for being honest" Takao grinned. Kagami pulled him into another kiss.

Midorima and Kuroko found their two missing friends kissing on the bench.
"This is what your plan was." Kuroko stated taking a sip of Vanilla milkshake that he just bought.
"I don't know what your talking about." Midorima pushed his glasses up. Hitomi was staring in shock at Takao.
"sorry, Hitomi-san even I wasn't expecting this kind of thing to happen." Kuroko admitted. Hitomi looked at the ground. She ran away crying.
"She wouldn't have been good for him anyway." Midorima grumbled.

"Midorima-kun, have a heart." Kuroko scolded.
"I'm done." Midorima turned away from Kuroko.

"where are you going?" Kuroko asked.
"My job here is done, I am leaving." Midorima stated.
"Fine" Kuroko kept on drinking his milkshake.

"I agree with you one thing, Kuroko, this development with Kagami and Takao was really unexpected." Midorima said before leaving Kuroko. Kuroko smile watching Midorima leave.

'I'm sure, Kagami-kun, won't mind, if I leave him with Takao' Kuroko thought fallowing behind Midorima.
"Congratulations, Kagami-kun, you found someone special" Kuroko said quietly. He left the amusement park. Taiga and Takao both enjoyed their time at the amusement park. They didn't even notice that Midorima and Kuroko left.

PumpkinDreamer: so did you like it? I know, I did, yes this is the final chapter, since it just seems fitting for me, xD well anyway, thanks for reading my short but awesome story tell me how you felt about it okay? good bye! *waves* R&R -prefer to have no flames-