title: To Love Again

author: Akemi

email: [email protected]

disclaimers: dont own

category: romance/angst

rating: PG-13 for now

spoilers: books 1-3(since i havent read 4 yet )

summary: Severus, to acquire an item that could very well defeat Voldemort once and for all, is sent to the past and has to live in his adolescent body. Regrets, bitter hatred, and the brief amounts of joy all return and just ~how~ will Severus act? And how much will the effect the present?


"Are you positive this will work Severus?" kind blue eyes no longer twinkling as he regarded the dark haired Potions Master with curiosity bordering along fear. Of course, a seasoned wizard such as himself had heard of Displacement; the magic of traveling through time. One's conciousness floated to the past, or future, and descended into the body of that time frame. However, the probability that one could get trapped in that body was exteremly high; nearly ninety-eight percent. Displacement was risky but Albus had complete faith in the professor.

"I can assure you it will. I think that I can successfully retrieve the Phoenix Pinion. If my research is correct, the pinion is buried underneath the floor of the Shrieking Shack From what I can discern, it was put there by Tom Riddle in his fourth year. Riddle had come across the pinion while in the Chamber of Secrets. He must've discovered its secrets and decided to bury it in the place that he though nobody would look. The shack was deserted and not yet haunted. When Lupin," Severus's eyes flickered briefly at the werewolf, "was admitted to Hogwarts and he started his monthly howling session, it scared off any would be pillagers. It is my theory that Riddle, fearing the pinion would be discovered, set about to destroy any trace that it ever existed. He almost achieved it but he forgot the one person who knew of its existence. Hagrid had the remaining book wrote about the Phoenix Pinion. Until Miss Granger mentioned the pinion in one of my classes, I had thought its existence to be purely fictional. When I questioned Granger, she claimed she had read the book during one of her visits. I searched my potion books and discovered that by cominbing it with several other rare items, which we do possess, can create the most powerful potion to exist: the Dragonfire. It could destroy Voldemort."

The room was quiet. The only sounds were breathing from the assembly of six. Albus's lips were pursed as he considered the options. Harry was trying to control his nerves; even with Severus gone for a month or more, Voldemort's attacks could increase. Even though Severus had assure them that Voldemort would not be suspicious that his most loyal servant was missing, Harry had nauseous sinking in his stomach. Hermione, the first to learn about the Phoenix Pinion, was permitted to the conjugation. As the busy researcher, Hermione was most helpful. Sirius was sitting, a new view of Severus springing to life. He was now seeing the other man in a light of respect.

As for Remus, he was wringing his hands nervously. He kept darting glances at Severus. He was worried about the other man's life. With a marginal success rate of only two percent, the Displacement spell could very well trap Severus in the past. Remus sighed to himself, sad amber orbs studying his friend. Severus would have to live the past horrors anew; the taunting by the Marauders, the abuse from Lucius, and then, that brief friendship that had been forged bewteen Remus and Severus. Remus remembered fondly, and proudly, that he was the first that Severus had ever opened up to. That had all been shattered once the Shrieking Shack incident happened. Severus had never forgiven him. Remus bit his lip, quelling the rush of emotions. It still hurt. Remus had wanted desperately to become more than friends with the other boy. They had been friends for a month and then Sirius led Severus to him. The pain was fresh in Remus's mind.

Severus rose to his feet. "If there are no questions, I must finish brewing the potion." With a brief nod to Albus, he turned on his heel, black robes billowing against his tall and lithe frame as exited the Headmaster's Office.

Several minutes passed before Harry spoke, breaking the oppressive silence. "Do..do you think he'll be alright?" For as much as Severus loathed him, Harry was scared for him. It was dangerous not to mention to Hogwart's. Severus was a valued member of the fight against Voldemort.

Albus tried to smile but failed miserably. That was all Harry needed as he slumped into the chair. "Severus knows what he's doing Harry. He wouldn't have suggested it if he didn't think it safe."

"Probably going to just mess with the past!" Sirius growled, bad temperedly crossing his arms in front of his chest. "The greasy git knows more than he knew back then. He's taking that knowledge with him. What makes you think he wont kill me?!" he practically shrieked.

Harry rolled his eyes, slinging his arm around the older man's shoulders. "Siri, I honestly believe that Snape won't murder you in the past. He knows that it would affect the present considerably. Besides, he would have to face my wrath when he returns. Killing off my godfather and boyfriend isn't something to be taken lightly."

Sirius had the deceny to blush. It was new to him to have such a devoted lover; in his past he had had only flings. A clearing of a throat brought Sirius from swimming in the emerald depths of Harry's eyes. Albus regarded them with a raised brow. "Harry is right. Severus wouldn't mess with the past events that shaped the present. He will have to go through the accident with Remus again. This is no doubt going to cause repercussions when he returns. I suggest that you and Harry get some rest. You too Hermione. If we are to increase our defense, we must work quickly and soon."

Hermione said, "What about the other professors and students? What are do we tell them about Professor Snape's abscene. I dont think that I can keep this from Ron."

"I give you permission to tell Ron. As for the rest, they'll be told that Severus had to do something classified for me. There won't be any questions. Severus is to leave at exactly six in the morning, the same time when his past self should be waking."

With 'goodnights,' Harry, Sirius, and Hermione went to their rooms. Remus' lips curled into a soft smile as he watched his two friends clasp hands. Sirius and Harry were happy, that was all the mattered. Their age difference wasn't looked upon with scorn and somewhere in Remus's heart, he yearned for that same type of love they shared. Remus blinked when he realized that Albus was regarding him intently. "Albus?"

"You love him," Albus stated simply. Remus sputtered, mouth opening and closing but no words formed. The old wizard placed a gnarled hand on the man's shoulder. "I am not blind Remus. I see it whenever you gaze upon him. I saw it when you were teenagers." Albus straightened, winking cheekily at the shocked werewolf. "Who knows? Perhaps Severus will see you differently when he returns. He might fall in love with you."

"The past me, you mean?" Remus' voice was bitter.

"In a month, we will know, won't we? Go to bed Remus and be patient. Severus is private man. Of course, you already know that."

Remus treaded listlessly from the office to his chambers. He missed the Severus that came to him with his problems, that would laugh at his pitiful attempts at jokes, that would hold him when he was scared. He most of all missed the Severus that had almost reciprocated the love felt. He wondered, as he undressed and crawled underneath the blankets, would Severus start to fall in love with his past self again? If so, would he act upon it? Remus could only wait...

* * *

Good? bad? O.o

Elegant Isnt it?-ffx song, not mine

To the words that the wind has brought

the heart that moved

to tomorrow that clouds would carry

the voice which cheered by it

The mirror reflecting the swaying moon

My heart shivered

The soft tears

Elegant, isn't it?

If we could walk holding hands with one another

I want to go

To your town, into your arms

The chest

my lean my body, and

Using the night

to hide my dreams

The wind stopped and the word is

a kind, imaginative thing

Clouds tear and tomorrow is

a far away voice

The mirror that the moon is smeared

Washed heart

stars swings and dropped

the tears that I can't hide

Elegant, isn't it?

If we could walk holding hands with one another

I want to go

to your town, to your arms

The chest

my body leans on

to the morning, meet

dreams to see