11 year-old Harry first noticed not only His Potion Professor not only limping but noticed blood dripping down his leg. He noticed how Snape quickly tried to hide it from him and everyone's prying eyes.. But the Golden Boy could not let it go. It was not in his nature to leave someone alone who seems to be in pain.

Before quidditch Harry quickly walked down to the dungeon. Knocking on his Professor's office door. He heard a groan coming from the other side then grumpy footsteps. The door swung open. Snape was not expecting Lily's son to be standing before him. Harry gives a small smile.

"Potter?" he spat, "what are doing here?"

Harry gulped, for a few seconds he had forgotten why he came down here then he remembered the leg with the dog bite. He swallowed before speaking, "Morning sir," he looks down at Snape's pant leg which was ripped open and fresh blood was dripping down, "does it hurt sir?" he looks up at a raised eyebrow Potion Professor, "your leg?" his teacher was about to speak when Harry intrudes, "you do not need to hide it from me Professor I know what happened to you."

Snape innerly sighs, feeling a bit annoyed at his student recognition, but deep down he felt a bit grateful for someone to come down here and ask him about his leg, "Do you not have quidditch?"

"I do Professor but I will be more at ease flying knowing your leg is doing better," Harry without asking sneaks under his Professor and walks into the office. His first time in this head of the house lare. Now was not the time to look around not while his teacher needed some attention.

"Potter why-" Harry stops him and grips his wrist. He was strong when it comes to tugging someone over to a chair. He pushes him to sit.

"Look sir just tell me about your leg?"

"How dare you order me around Potter. Detention tonight!"

Harry did not care about that. Not at this point, "Just tell me Professor? I know it was the dog that did it," he was persistent.

Snape sighs and realizes what Potter just said to him, "How do you know about the dog?"

"I know things sir. Just tell me so I can help you?"

"No way Potter why do I need your assistance?" If there is one thing I can not stand Potter is People's constant nagging."

"I am not trying to nag sir," Harry sighs with frustration, "I seen that dog with the three heads. How did it happen by the way?"

"You are wasting your time if you think I-"

"Sir if you do not take care of your leg it will get infected," dug around his pocket and showed his teacher a first aide box, "just let me help you?"

"I am just fine with-" before he could finish the sentence Harry came over to him and started ripping the rest of the pant leg. Snape tried to stop him by giving him more detention but his student kept on ripping.

Harry gasped when the wound came more into view, "That must be really painful Professor," he looks up at his teacher, "I saw you limping earlier. If you were trying to hide it then you should have done a better job hiding it."

"Why you-"

"It turns out you do not want to hide it right? Instead you were trying to get someone to notice. Someone like me," Harry gives him a smile as he took more of the pant leg off. He noticed a flash of pain in his Professor's eyes, "are you in pain because of your injury sir?" Snape decided to give in saying yes and that Potter is an idiot for not noticing.