by Neorenamon

Legend of Siberia II: Heart of a Tigresss

This is a sequel to the The Legend of Siberia and continues yuri relationships and sex in addition to other sexual relations. All property rights remain with Dreamworks and the creators of Kung Fu Panda, both the movies and the Legends of Awesomeness. Thank you.

Part I: The Passion of Flame

Master Shifu walked down the path towards the Dragon Grotto wondering why Master Siberia asked him to meet her there at the crack of dawn. When the waterfall came into view, he noted that Master Tigress was with her and the two of them were meditating naked under the falling cold water. He noted how peaceful the two of them looked as they sat cross-legged next to each other.

But then, he didn't really expect much less from a Master and her student who also happened to be deeply in love with each other. While such relationships were frowned on especially by the various martial arts councils, it was not unheard of.

"Good morning, Master Shifu," said Siberia calmly as she didn't even bother to look.

"And a good morning to you," he replied as he stopped at the edge of the water, "I gather you wish to speak to me about the progress of Tigress' training?"

"Indeed," she replied, "I believe it is time that she showed you the new form of chi control that I've been teaching her for the last month."

"Do you think I'm ready to do this on my own?" asked Tigress without looking, "The Golden Tiger Claws are back in my room..."

"You are ready to perform these maneuvers without those now," she answered, "I promise."

Tigress smiled as she opened her eyes and looked towards the serene form of Siberia.

"Very well," he said as he walked to the edge of the open field, "I'm sure that Tigress will perform well."

"Thank you Master," she replied as she stood and walked to the edge of the water. She spread her legs slightly as she took a stand and then put her hands before her open with the palms facing up.

"Now have your chi flow into your hands while visualizing the flames you want to appear," said Siberia evenly, "It will take a moment to don't be distressed if you don't feel it within a few seconds."

Shifu continued to watch. He wasn't really bothered by Tigress' state as he had seen her that way more than once over the years. He all but watched her grow up and become a fine young woman while he trained her in Kung Fu after all and he was all but her father in any way but blood.

Tigress' hand began to glow as the chi gathered in her palms. Then the glow shifted to misty balls of energy as they grew to the size of grapefruit. She crouched a bit as she spread her hands further apart. Then the balls of chi blossomed into crimson balls of flame.

"Very good," said Shifu, "I'm glad that you've made so much progress under your second Master."

"I simply built upon the foundation that you laid out for her," observed Siberia, "Now keep building them until they are both as large as your head."

Tigress nodded as the flames grew. They floated higher above the palms of her hands to keep her hands from being burnt in the increasing heat.

"Have you trained her how to throw them?" he asked.

"Yes," replied Siberia, "but I don't feel this is the right place to demonstrate that. Now that's good enough for the moment, sweet Tigress. Let the flames float up into the sky and disperse." She paused before she added, "I'm not quite convinced she's ready to absorb the chi constructs back into herself without harm, but I don't think there's a need to worry about taking time to replenish her chi reserves."

Master Shifu nodded.

"Now return to meditating with me," she said.

Tigress returned to sit cross legged besides Siberia.

"I shall look forward to the next benchmark in Tigress' training," he said as he turned to leave, "I'm sure that when the time comes, I will be quite proud to turn over the Jade Palace to Master Tigress."

"Hopefully that won't happen for many more years," replied Tigress.

"One can hope," he said as he walked back to the compound.

Several minutes passed before Tigress asked, "Is he out of earshot?"

Siberia nodded. Tigress jumped into her lap facing her second Master as she wrapped her arms about her chest and locked her feet behind her ass.

"AH!" she moaned, "I want you so bad!"

"Flame is the embodiment of passion," she replied, "and until you have full control, your needs shall grow after ever time you... MMMPPPHHH!"

Tigress cut her off with a full mouth kiss. She moaned into her mouth as she just went with the flow. In turn, Siberia embraced Tigress and the two of them shared tongue as part of the deep kiss. Some of the water hitting their bodies turned to steam from the heat of Tigress' passions. Some of Siberia's chi flowed from her body through their kiss into the body of Tigress as the kiss dragged on into a second minute.

Then the kiss broke off leaving them both panting, although Siberia's breath control made her pants almost soundless. Then she leaned forward to nibble at Tigress neck as she leaned her head to the side.

"As much as I love you," she purred, "This... lack of control... is embarrassing."

"You will gain full control in time," replied Siberia as she paused from her nibbles, "I promise. But still I value these moments we share like this..."

"Me too," replied Tigress with a blush.

Then Siberia stood, picking up Tigress with her. Then she walked over to the lush grass before she laid on her back and released Tigress. The smaller tigress turned about so that their faces were over the crotch of the other, and the two of them engaged in the oral pleasing of their partner without having to say anything more. Each wrapped their arms about the thighs of their partner as they thrust their tongues deep into the other's pussy.

"Mmm..." moaned Tigress.

Tigress' horny state was infectious as the two of them drew closer to climax, yet neither of them were distracted enough not to give their all to their partner. Their nether regions were rapidly growing warm and damp as they came closer to a state of sexual bliss.

Since Tigress was the hornier of the two, she had her orgasm first while Siberia did her best to suck and lick all of Tigress' juice down. Tigress paused from licking her Master as she couldn't focus on anything else besides her pants and moans of ecstasy. Her orgasm continued as Siberia wouldn't let up on her tongue deep inside Tigress.

Then she returned to giving oral satisfaction to Master Siberia.

"I wonder if the Dragon Warrior is impressed with your display?" mused Siberia.

"Well how should I know until he sees me do it?" she replied as she paused.

"He saw the whole thing," she answered, "In fact, he's still watching us right now."

"WHAT?!" cried Tigress as she raised her head and looked around.

"You didn't notice him in the bushes when we came in just before sunrise?"

"Wait!" she said with a horrible blush, "I had no idea he was here! He watched us strip this morning?! He watched us naked for hours?! He... he's watching us right now?!"

"Oh," she replied, "Since you didn't say anything, I didn't think you minded that he was observing us. I think he may well have learned a thing or two."

"PO!" she yelled as he jumped from the brush and ran.

"So I take it that's not normal proceedures?"

"Well no, it's not!" snapped Tigress.

"When I was a child, I secretly watched Grand Master Yak practice," said Siberia, "I suspected later than he knew, but he never said anything. His techniques, his grace, his tranquility were all marvels to behold. I would go off on my own later to practice everything I saw him do."

"It's not quite the same," replied Tigress softly.

"It's because of him that I trained so hard to be the best Kung Fu Master I could possible be."

She leaned her head back down before she added, "I'll have to speak with him about this later." Her tongue returned to her second Master's pussy even as she returned to eating out Tigress. Then a few minutes passed before she paused to ask, "Is there anyone else watching us, Master?"

"No," she replied, "We are now here alone."

"Perfect," sighed Tigress in relief.


Later in the Student Hall


"Po?" asked Monkey as he looked at Tigress and Siberia standing just behind her, "I think he's taking his post-training pre-lunch nap."

"Perhaps we should speak later," began Siberia.

"No," mused Tigress as she stepped towards his door, "Now is as good a time as any."

"Good luck with that," said Monkey as he left.

She paused at his door when she heard him making sounds from within. If she wasn't next to the door, she might have dismissed the sounds as wind or perhaps his snores.

"Oh Tigress," he sighed, "I want to be with you... uh... so bad. You're so beautiful... uh... I so want to marry you."

Tigress blinked before she quietly opened the door just a little. She was surprised to see him with his hand on his cock as he lay back with his eyes shut tight. He was stroking himself, and judging by how erect he was, he was going at a good pace.

"Why can't I just tell you how much I love you?" he moaned softly.

She grinned as she slipped the door open more silently and just slipped into the room. Siberia blinked as she came in just behind and just as quietly.

"Do you think she has feelings for you?" whispered Tigress into his ear.

"I sure hope she... huh?!" he said as his eyes snapped open. When he looked into her eyes, he leaned slightly towards her just as his cock erupted in creamy white streams. Tigress blinked as he shot her as well as creaming his own chest and face for several seconds.

"I suppose I had that coming," sighed Tigress.

"I'm so sorry," he panted as his stream slowed and shortly stopped.

"Well I guess I can't be angry about this," she said.

"Been there long?" he asked after an awkward pause of a few seconds.

"So... you want to marry me?" she asked.

"It's not the most awkward marriage proposal I've ever heard of," said Siberia.

She reached down and removed his hand from his cock before she said, "Well, it's kind of sudden. Would you mind if I took a little time to think about it?"

"Uh... sure!" he said, "Take all the time you need."

To his surprise, she gripped his cock with her own paw and began stroking it. His cock was barely starting to soften before it snapped back to being fully rigid.

"Well, I shall not interrupt any further," said Siberia as she backed out and closed the door.

"I've been thinking about this for years," he said softly, "It just never seemed like a good time to ask."

"And I've been thinking about you for years too," she replied as she pumped his dick, "But until I met Master Siberia, I was never sure if I'd ever be able to admit those."

"Oh that feels so good," he moaned.

"But I'm deeply in love with Siberia," she said softly, "and you. I've secretly been in love with you longer. Ever since you showed yourself to be so good as both the Dragon Warrior... and as my friend."

"So you're torn between us?" he asked panting, "Not sure if you can love us both?"

She nodded.

"It doesn't matter to me how much you love Siberia. I'm just so happy that you love me too. Marrying you would make me the happiest... oh my..."

This time, she was back enough so that his second cumming didn't get on her this time.

"I'll meet you in the bath in a few minutes," she said as she stood.

"Okay," he replied.


A few minutes later


Po walked undressed towards the bath area when he heard two females speaking. He was in such a hurry that he hadn't bothered to clean off any of the cum he had creamed himself with. There was also the sounds of licking.

"I've never tasted a male's cream before," said Siberia softly.

"Me neither," replied Tigress.

He risked peeking in the door to see Siberia and Tigress already in the bath, and that Siberia was in the process of licking the other's face clean.

"Oh, I didn't know you were still... busy with your Master," he said as he started to turn around.

"No!" said Tigress sharply, "I asked you both to be here so I can say something... to you both."

He nodded as he came in. She gestured for him to come closer, so he walked to the edge of the tub.

"I will marry you, Master Po," she said as she looked into his eyes.

He smiled as he looked for a reaction from Siberia, but her face wasn't readable.

"But on one condition," she added.

"What's that?" he asked as he leaned closer to Tigress.

She took his hand as she replied, "You have to marry Master Siberia too!" Then she turned her head to look into Siberia's eyes as she used her other hand to take her second Master's hand as well. "Call me selfish," she added, "But I want to have BOTH of you in my life and my love!"

Then she jerked Po's hand making him fall into the tub with the two of them. When he came up, he found himself with his eyes locked onto the gaze of Siberia.

"I guess I have to think about this now," he replied.

"That I must agree with," said Siberia.

"You know the law lets a man take more than one wife as long as he has the means to support them both," said Tigress as she looked between them.

'I know Tigress loves me,' thought Po, 'but how could Siberia love me?'

'I know Tigress loves me,' thought Siberia, 'but how could Po love me?'

Tigress leaned closer to him as she licked some of his cream from his cheek.