So, wow. This really took off. As of now, 12 reviews for 2 chaps (*crosses fingers that number goes up*), and a whopping 94 favs, this has become the most popular thing I've ever written. Yes I've written other stuff, but separate for a reason, lol. Had this idea almost as soon as the last one was done, but took me a bit to write it. Warning, contains more light bondage, and some anal! Spoiler alert, ruby gets it up the butt. Probably last chap for this, though I did have another idea it could be done differently or included. Still, i'll mark this as complete barring a massive leap in reviews asking for more. So without further ado, get in the sin.
Sweat dripped down Ruby's back, neck, and chest. Her breathing was heavy as the rhythmic pounding echoed sounds throughout the room. It was hot and humid and she knew she'd be a bit sore tomorrow, but she wasn't going to stop. She was almost there. It echoed again, a metallic clang throughout the room as she brought the hammer down on the piece of metal, resting on the anvil in front of her.
She wiped her brow with the sleeve of the fireproof school supplied clothing she wore. It crinkled against her brow, causing a grimace. The fabric wasn't meant to be comfortable, just protective. While aura could protect her from burns, the clothing added another layer. The problem was that it was too big on her, but not big enough to wear anything else, aside from her undergarments, so the 'moisture wicking' cloth just let her sweat run on by. Besides that the fabric was mixed with fire retardant materials so it lost any sort of softness it may have once had. Her school uniform was stored safely in a locker nearby, but she wasn't going to risk it. She'd burnt one too many of her skirts when not paying attention at the Signal forge, she wasn't going to walk down Beacon's hallways with her butt showing too, no matter how fast she could run.
Finishing up with a few well-placed strikes, she moved the metal to the bucket of water nearby, dunking it in and letting it cool. After a moment she pulled it out and set it with the others. She was finished with that for now, needing to move on to the fine tuning. Smoothing the metal, honing edges, shaping parts, it was tedious work, but a true huntress never skimped on their weapons.
Blake walked down the hall, her stride confident and determined, yet relaxed. Her eyes set dead ahead and didn't divert as she continued down the path. People moved out of her way as she came by, she was both drawing eyes and causing them to divert at the same time. Something was clearly different with her, though unless they already knew, no one would ever guess what.
She knew where she was headed, she could smell it. Like a trail leading right to her goal. She probably wouldn't have been able to do that normally, but right now everything was on edge, her senses heightened. There was only one thing she needed right now, and she knew where she could get it easily. So she walked, following a trail as easy to read as if rose petals littered her path.
It was a surprisingly long walk, Beacon wasn't a small place after all. As she walked there were fewer and fewer students around. This wasn't a popular area, separated from the main hubs and with only a few larger rooms for specific purposes, rather than general areas. Eventually she made her way to a door, the trail leading within. Even with her hearing she couldn't detect a sound, not surprising considering so many rooms at beacon were sound proofed. Being filled with students using high powered guns and explosions was cause enough, those students being some of the fittest teenagers in the world just added on another reason. She licked her lips at the prospect of what she needed being so close, before opening the door.
Ruby undid the clamp holding the piece of metal on the table, picking it up. She inspected it carefully, making sure it was precise, before moving it to another table, setting it in a row with the others. Together they formed the blades for Crescent Rose, forged, shaped, and sharpened by her own hand. She gave a smile and grabbed a rag, cleaning the metal shavings off of the table. It was small, with a clamp on either side to hold down pieces, meant for more detailed work such as honing blades or assembling parts. She looked at it, making sure it was clean and ready for use by whoever might come in next, and gave a smile at her work. Even Weiss would be proud of such tidiness. She wiped some sweat off her brow with the rag and tossed it to the side before undoing the topmost button on her outfit to get some air.
She put her arms over her head and stretched out with a groan. Then stopped still when she heard the door open. She was sure she had the room booked for another half an hour at least. Looking over her shoulder she saw Blake closing the door behind her.
"Oh, hey there." She said, "Did you need something? Sorry if you called, I left my scroll in the locker." She turned to face her, putting her hands behind her back and rocking on her feet. After a moment she stopped, as Blake hadn't responded, or moved at all, simply stared. "Um, Blake? Are you okay?" she asked.
At the words Blake blinked a few times and then walked forward, standing startlingly close to the younger girl so Ruby had to look almost straight up to see into her eyes. The look she saw was focused, barely restrained, and very much not Blake. She felt a chill run down her back even in the hot and humid room at the look. She knew what it was. "Blake?" She asked again, trying to get through.
Ruby's eyes were locked on Blake's as the faunus leaned down until they were nearly touching. She felt hands on the front of the one piece outfit she wore, but she couldn't move while that look was holding her. The hands reached the top, tracing over the exposed skin where she'd opened a button. They moved down then to the next button, opening it for her, and tracing down her newly exposed cleavage to the next one. All the way down the hands went, opening each button down her torso, all without those powerful golden eyes looking away from Ruby's silver ones.
Then she felt them on her stomach. Both of them pressing flat, opening the garment as they moved up, over her chest, to her shoulders. Blake gripped the shoulders of it and pulled it down Ruby's arms part way. Still holding it, and effectively pinning Ruby's arms, she finally leaned in the last little bit to kiss her. Ruby closed her eyes as Blake kissed her, letting out a soft hum and pushing up on her tip toes into it.
When Blake let go of the cloth one hand moved up Ruby's side to cup her cheek, the other moved up her back, to take off her bra. With that also undone Ruby pulled her arms completely out of both, letting the undergarment drop as the fireproof one piece was bundled around her waist.
Blake's hand went back to her shoulders and suddenly Ruby was spun, and then pushed. Having been turned and shoved she ran into the table, hitting it at roughly hip height. The table was bolted to the ground, so when she hit it she nearly folded in half, luckily her arms shot out, catching her before she smacked her face on it. It was futile though, as she then felt a hand between her shoulder blades push her down so she was laying on it. "Okay, over the table then." She said.
She didn't resist when Blake grabbed her left arm, though she was surprised. It slid over, just a bit, underneath the clamp at the edge of the table before the faunus pressed it down on her arm. While it was a bit tight, the rubber grips and her aura kept it from being painful on her forearm. Then the same was done to her right arm. Now she was laying her, her arms bent a bit with her hands at roughly head height, pinned to the table.
Testing it, she found she couldn't really move her arms, and could barely lift her shoulder or torso, though she could get a few inches of room. Given enough time she could probably work her way out, but she wasn't getting out easy or soon unless someone let her. That someone being the faunus currently running hands up and down her sides and back. Then she felt Blake lean over her, pressing her nose into the younger girls hair. Then with the heat pouring off the faunus on her back, Ruby realized just how cold the metal table was against her bare front.
Blake's hands moved down her back, followed by a pair of lips leaving kisses and a tongue tasting her skin. When they reached her waist they stopped, and Blake grabbed her panties and the rest of the protective clothing on either side, pulling them both down in one swift movement. She then moved back up slowly, her hands trailing up Ruby's legs, pushing them as apart as they could get with the clothes around her ankles.
Ruby shuddered as she felt the hands trace up her, shifting her hips as much as she could. This was a strong one, she could tell already. Blake hadn't answered her questions or even said a word. It was probably close to the end, it always got stronger then. She'd probably be lucky to come away walking properly. If she was being honest this wasn't her favorite way of going about it, restraints were fine and all, but she preferred the ribbons Blake used, and especially being on her back in a bed. Not that this wasn't fun, the clamps were just a bit uncomfortable. She'd just get Blake to make it up to her once the heat was over.
A warm breath was the only warning she had before lips and tongue pressed into skin as Blake kissed at her inner thighs. A bit of teeth nipping at the soft skin caused her to squirm as Blake moved higher and higher up each thigh. Then there was a pause, and for a moment Ruby was left waiting and expectant and already a little wet. She didn't have to wait long and she gasped as she felt Blake lick her, long and slow.
She let out a bit of a groan as Blake kept at it, her tongue and lips and occasionally teeth devouring her in the best way possible. She didn't have long to enjoy it though, she was simply being 'prepared' for the main event. Sure enough, after a moment it stopped, Blake standing up fully. A rustle of fabric and she felt it pressing against her.
Blake's hands moved up, holding on to her sides, and she braced herself. With a grunt, the faunus' hard cock was fully inside her, Blake's hips pressing against her. The feel of fabric told her Blake hadn't even stripped completely, just pulled it out.
She let out a moan as Blake began to move, back and forth, stretching her. Blake's hands matched her, sliding up and down her back and sides. It would have almost been a massage if it wasn't for the light trailing of nails and the hard thrusts behind her. Then the hands slide around to underneath her, up to her breasts, groping them as Blake picked up the pace and brought a loud moan from the girl beneath her.
One hand moved back, away from her chest and into her hair, gripping it and pulling back, earning a gasp. Her head was pulled back and she gasped. Gritting her teeth she tensed her arms, pulling at the restraints on instinct. "Blake!" She cried out, getting close already.
A shift in Blake's stance told her the faunus was close as well. Sure enough a few moments later she felt Blake push in hard and deep before letting loose. That little bit pushed her over the edge as well, feeling Blake cum inside of her causing her to reach her peak as well. "Oh God!" She shouted out as she clenched around the faunus.
For a moment neither of them moved as they started to come down. Blake released Ruby's hair and she let herself rest on the table as she caught her breath. She knew this wasn't done, not yet, but it was good to get a break.
Ruby was surprised when Blake released her chest as well, and then pulled out of her. She let out a small groan as she felt the still hard faunus leave her, feeling as if she was empty. "Where are you going?" she asked, and Blake began to walk around the table.
When she came around, Ruby looked up, seeing the woman standing in front of her, hard and ready, staring down. Her eyes focused on the shaft in front of her, with her head almost at the edge of the table and the clamps holding her down she was in a perfect position for the faunus. "Oh." She said simply as she realized.
Sure enough Blake took a small step forward, gripping her cock and angling it towards Ruby's mouth. The younger girl didn't even hesitate to open up, putting her tongue out a bit to let Blake easily slide in before closing her lips around it and sucking gently.
It was an interesting taste, a mixture of her own flavor and Blake's. While it wasn't as good as cookies or candy, and couldn't hold a candle to strawberries, it was still good. She closed her eyes, letting her tongue explore and clean the rod of hard flesh in her mouth, sucking gently before Blake put a hand on her head, causing her to stop.
The hand in her hair adjusted, dragging nails over her scalp lightly as Blake began to move her hips, pushing almost to the back of Ruby's throat before pulling back until just the head rested in her mouth. She started slow, sliding over the soft tongue at an easy pace. Before long though she began to roll her hips, speeding up a bit. She leaned forward a bit, putting her free hand on the table beside Ruby as her breathing picked up as well.
Ruby sensed it coming before it actually happened. Blake slowed down again, just a bit, and Ruby took a deep breath through her nose, relaxing her throat as Blake pushed forward, sliding in. The first time she'd tried deepthroating Ruby had choked and gagged, but a bit of experience and a few tips and now she could handle it easily. So when Blake kept going, pushing until Ruby's lips were wrapped around her very base. Ruby simply let her tongue keep working, cleaning their mixed juices off of Blake's cock all the way down.
She slid back and forth, never pulling completely out of the tight throat around her hard shaft. With the added bonus of soft lips and tongue on her she wouldn't last long. She thrust into the smaller girl's mouth, throwing her head back and groaning at the pleasure.
Ruby tensed and writhed not out of pleasure, but instinct, as Blake pushed down her throat. She could hold her breath for a while, but her body was starting to seek oxygen that she couldn't get. Huntress training had taught her not to panic though, and she knew what to do. She flexed her throat, as if to swallow, massaging the member that stretched it as she licked at the rest with her tongue. She knew Blake would be reaching her peak soon, blowjobs were apparently a weak point for the faunus anyway.
Sure enough, just as Ruby's lungs began to get desperate, Blake did too. A few firmer thrusts and she pushed in, shooting her load with a cry, so deep Ruby didn't even have to swallow. She pulled back before she was done though, a few shots landing in Ruby's mouth and a couple on her face as the faunus backed up, causing Ruby to cough some up as her airway was cleared to breathe again.
After coughing a bit, Ruby licked her lips, cleaning what her tongue could reach, and swallowed, both adjusting her throat and clearing the rest of Blake's seed. "Oof, I mean you taste good and all, but I might be a bit hoarse later." She said. When she didn't receive a response she looked up as best she could, only to see Blake standing there, still hard and staring down at her, breathing heavy and sweat on her brow. "Oh, not done yet I guess."
She got a response this time, as Blake leaned down, lips next to her ears, and growled out "Mine." Then the faunus walked back around behind the pinned girl. This time she leaned over with her, pressing her chest into Ruby's back, her hands circling underneath to grope her breasts. She pushed the head of her cock into the girl and paused for a just a second before shoving the rest of it in, causing them both to moan.
For a bit it continued like this, Blake massaging Ruby's chest and teasing her nipples as she leaned over the girl and thrust into her, filling her hard and deep. Then, one hand left her chest and moved down to her clit. Blake's nimble fingers soon had Ruby moaning loudly as both hands and the faunus' cock worked together on her, causing her to cry out Blake's name. It wasn't long after that that she reached her peak, clenching around the rod deep inside of her as she arched as best she could into the woman on top of her.
As Ruby came down, Blake slowed. Had she been completely coherent, she may have realized immediately that the faunus hadn't finished yet, but as it was, she didn't realize something was up until she felt the full feeling leave her again when Blake pulled out. "Hey, where you going with that?" she asked as it left her. The answer came almost immediately as Blake repositioned.
Ruby squirmed a bit beneath Blake as she felt the head of the older girls cock press just a bit higher, against her ass. "Hey, wait a minute there." She said. It wouldn't be the first time they'd done that, but she was usually prepared first with lube and something smaller to get her ready. She didn't have that now though. She turned her head back a bit to try and look at Blake. "Maybe you should wait on-"
"Mine!" Blake cut her off, "All Mine." She said before biting on Ruby's ear and giving a pull, earning a gasp.
"Yeah, I'm yours, all yours." Ruby agreed as Blake released her ear and began to bit gently at the back of her neck and shoulder. She would have said more, but as she opened her mouth to speak again Blake moved her hand down, sliding two fingers into Ruby's still wet pussy and pressing her palm into her clit. At the same time she gripped her breast, bit down harder where her shoulder met her neck, and thrust her hips, pushing roughly a third of her cock into the tight hole, and earning sound from Ruby somewhere between a scream and a gasp.
Ruby's breathing quickly went from heavy to erratic as Blake began to move her hips and hands, fingering her as she pushed deeper into her with each thrust. As she adjusted and relaxed, it became even easier for Blake to slide into her, and felt even better for Ruby when she did so. After what felt like both and eternity and a second she felt Blake's hips as she pushed all the way in. Stretched would not even begin to describe how she felt, though "fantastic" would likely have been a good start.
Blake paused for a moment when she reached her full length, and then began to pull back. Starting slow she pulled back almost completely out only to push back in just as slowly, causing both girls to let out a low groan. The pace of her fingers in Ruby's pussy, and the heel of her hand on her clit, was equally slow as her mate adjusted to her.
After a few slow thrusts though, Ruby was more than adjusted, and felt Blake was just toying with her prey at this point. "Blake, please, faster!" She begged. The faunus growled at her, but complied, picking up the pace on both fronts and causing Ruby to moan loudly. She didn't hold at one pace though, rather gradually increasing her pace until she was going at the pinned and moaning girl with all her might, careless of possible later repercussions and focused only on the sheer pleasure it brought them both.
Having cum twice already, Ruby was quite sensitive, and had been worn out from even before Blake got there. So now she'd lost all control, moaning loudly, her brain focused entirely on how she felt as Blake took her from behind, claiming her in a literally crazed passion. So numbed and stunned she was that she may have not been able to cum again, had it not been for a small spark. A flash of pain, just the kind she liked, brought her senses back for enough to feel everything at once and push her over the edge with a firm, claiming bite just above her shoulder blade.
Her body tensed and her vision went blurry, her mouth open but no sound coming out as it washed over her. Blake didn't slow down as Ruby clenched, her muscles tightening around the faunus' appendages inside her, drawing out the younger girls pleasure. It was enough though, finally pushing the heat crazed faunus over the edge for the last time as she buried herself deep again, crying out herself and shooting her load inside of Ruby once more.
For a while neither of them moved, simply laying there with Blake on top of, and still inside, Ruby, both panting, sweaty, and recovering from more than one kind of heat. Eventually though, Ruby felt Blake tense up on top of her. The Faunus' hand left Ruby's chest to go to her own forehead as she stood up a bit, letting out a groan that now sounded more hung over than pleasurable. "What happened? Where-" she stopped when she realized there was someone beneath her, "R-Ruby?" She asked.
"Yeah, that's me." Ruby said, not bothering to move as her head rested on the table.
"Did we?"
"Three times."
"Oh." Blake said, and then realized how she was positioned. She pulled her hand out of Ruby, causing her breathing to hitch for a moment. Blake looked at it confused for a second, and then realized. "Wait, am I in your-"
"Yep. All the way in there." She answered. For a moment neither of them moved again, until Ruby finally asked, "Um, Blake, could you maybe not be in there?"
"Oh, right" she said, pulling out slowly. Once she was out she took a step back on wobbly legs and looked around, realizing where she was. "How did I even get here?"
"Undo these clamps and I'll see if I can answer that." Ruby said, gaining Blake's attention again.
"Clamps?" she asked, and then noticed that Ruby's arms were trapped in them. "Oh God, I'm sorry!" She said, her eyes going wide. She immediately hit the releases on them both, setting Ruby free and helping her to stand. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I don't remember even getting here."
"A bit sore, probably won't sit completely right for a few hours, at least, and exhausted. Otherwise fine." Ruby summed up honestly as she leaned against the table, using it to support herself.
"I got some on your face too, sorry." Blake apologized, again, as she wiped her cum off of Ruby's face with a finger. Going to move her hand away, Ruby was faster, catching it with her mouth and licking it clean before letting it out of her mouth.
"What? It's good." She said when Blake gave her a blank stare.
Blake gave a soft smile and then kissed her gently. "Seems like I got kind of rough this time. Let it get away from me. Last thing I remember I was reading in the dorm, and then I woke up here."
"It's alright, I know you can't really control it. Could have done without the almost running out of air, or surprise butt sex though. Mostly the surprise part."
"Well, if it helps, this is the last day, and after that I probably won't go again unless something triggers it. So I'll make it up to you soon. We'll make a day of it, dinner, shopping, and a room of our own, maybe even at a hotel, where we can cuddle all night."
"Sounds great. Hopefully we won't use it JUST for cuddling though." She said with a smirk, "Maybe I can be the one on top this time, haven't tried that yet."
Blake stared for a moment and then sighed before smiling. "Keep saying things like that and we'll end up back on the table."
Ruby laughed with a snort, and stretched. "Okay, think I can walk again now. Oh, and do you have your scroll on you? I wanna see the time." She asked, her own put away in the locker.
"Sure." Blake answered, showing Ruby the time, "Why?"
Ruby's face dropped, and she nearly tripped over the clothes still around her ankles trying to move. "Darn, drats, nuts, rats, crap, fiddlesticks!" She 'cursed', "We're WAY passed the time I had booked for this room. If someone else has it reserved they could come in any moment."
Now with proper motivation, even the two exhausted women still managed to get the place cleaned up, and Ruby dressed, fairly quickly. "Alright." Ruby said, "Let's hit the showers, I'm a mess. You probably smell like sex too, though I can't tell right now." After a moment of no response and a somewhat worried look on Blake's face she asked "Is everything alright?"
"Um, is it just my heat, or is it hot in here?"
"Well there is a forge right there." Ruby pointed with her thumb.
"Right." Blake said, "Guess I'm still a bit out of it."
"That's alright. You can take a cold shower." Ruby suggested as she linked their arms and led them back out into the school.
So as I said, probably the last chap. Thanks for all the people who motivated me to keep writing with reviews and favs. Did have an idea where Yang and Weiss caught them, which would have fit with two reviews I got, but that didn't require futa blake, just heat, and this idea was there first, so this got it. If you'd like more ladybug, sin or otherwise, or something else, feel free to review or message me. Got ideas for possible freezerburn, more ladybug (as mentioned), and even some guns 'n roses (Ruby REALLY loves crescent rose). Or if you want something less dirty too, or other ships, or no ships, ask, I'm all about experimenting on this account. Without this specific story to continue on I'm less likely to keep posting here without encouragement, so review, message, just tell me what you liked and didn't, etc. Did you like the ship? Was it hot? Fav part? Need a cold shower like blake? Get off already? Just any feedback is good. So for those of you who read this far, thanks for reading, hope you liked it. Have a wonderful, sinful day.