AN: So continues the long string of uploads of stories that will probably go nowhere since they're all experimental. Well, anyways, for those of you who don't know. Fate/Grand Order is a mobile game based on the Nasuverse, more specifically, the Fate string of it. Since there's no official English version, and because my Japanese skills are elementary at best, the stuff I managed to translate about the story may not be totally right. Other than that, I've also decided to branch away from the canon a slight bit in some areas.

"Fuu…" I breathed out a long, drawn out sigh as the last of the enemies was dispatched. "Good work, everyone. You all did great."

The forest environment around us dissolved in spectacular array of particles, revealing the pure white room underneath. All around me my companions began relaxing one by one. These training simulations sure were rigorous. They were almost tougher than the actual missions.

"Senpai, as usual your instruction was amazing this time as well."

I turned around at the sound of the voice to see my best friend holding out a bottle of water.

I smiled and took the bottle before taking a drink from it. "Thanks Mashu. Your support out there was perfect as well."

"O-Oh, um… Thank you, senpai. That means a lot coming from you." The gigantic shield Mashu carries retracted into itself, and she attached it to her back.

"Heeey, Master. Quit flirting with little ol' Mashu over there!"


I whipped around at the sound of the Archer's voice, a small blush adorning my cheeks. "I-I'm not flirting, Robin!"

"Heheh. Yeah, sure." He sauntered to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Hey, how about you direct some of that attention to me, Master?"

"Alright, Robin, that's enough."


A sharp smack rang out in the room as Robin cried out in pain. He let me go and rubbed at a bump that was forming on his head. Behind him stood Boudica with her hand raised.

"Please, don't mind him, Master. Men like him are seriously the worst," she declared with a huff.


Jeez. Dealing with all these Servants is a bit draining. Especially when there's… her.

I watched as Cu tried to comfort Robin by suggesting they should go hit on some of the researchers later. Meanwhile, Mordred retracted her helmet and wiped the sweat from her brow before making her way towards me with Alice by her side.

"Yo, Master. We're done already?"

I nodded. "That's right. Training's done for the day."

"Aaahhh... Damn. I wanted to go a bit longer, but I guess I'll take a break now. I'll see ya later, Master."

Without another word, the knight left the room. She really likes fighting, huh? Sometimes, I wonder if she would suit the Berserker class better.

"Hey, Master? Are we going to play together later?" The small girl stared up at me with those adorable puppy eyes of hers.

Bending down, I pat Alice's head. "Sorry, but I have some work to take care of. You can play with Jekyll and Tamamo until I finish up, okay?"

Sorry, Jekyll. I'll be sure to compensate you later for keeping those two entertained.

"Hehe~. Okay!"

The little girl skipped off, leaving only Mashu, Boudica, and me behind in the training room.

"Fou! Kyuuu! Kyu!"

Actually, make that four of us. I nearly forgot about Four. The small furry creature jumped up onto my shoulder and nuzzled against my neck. Petting the little fur ball, I turned to the other two.

"Well, you two are free to do whatever you want for the rest of the day," I said.

Boudica nodded. "If that's the case, then I'll go and see if I try to help Jekyll. He's much to timid to deal with those two girls."

The Rider gave Mashu and I a small smile and left the room.

An awkward silence washed over us.

"Um… Senpai? Do you mind if I come with you?" Mashu asked shyly.

I was caught off guard by her question, but I recovered as fast as I could. "Huh? Oh, um, of course!"


"Of course, you can come too, Four."

Exiting the training room, the three of us began making our way through the hallways of Chaldea. It's certainly a very impressive looking facility, but after the disaster on our first day here, the hallways are practically empty. Everyone that survived were researchers and they're all busy managing the various systems the facility has. Mainly the Shiva, and Fate systems. The technology here really is quite impressive. To think that we're able to see into the future of humanities' survival is mind blowing. Not to mention the unique summoning system that Chaldea had somehow invented. I don't really understand too much of it, but apparently we need special ores called Saint Quartz in order for it to function. About four per summon I think. Due to the discovery of Saint Quartz, the researchers at Chaldea managed to create the Fate system. Then there are Mana Prisms which is essentially just condensed mana. I have no idea what they're used for, but Da Vinci-chan said she needed them for her research.

Speaking of, here we are. I opened the door to the workshop and stepped in. The interior was vastly different from the rest of the facility. In fact, it looked like we just stepped into a medieval alchemical workshop.

"Welcome to Da Vinci-chan's Extra-ordinary Emporium of Wonders~!" A woman resembling the Mona Lisa greeted cheerfully.

It's still jarring to see him… um… her… it..? Whatever! Her! It's still jarring to see Leonardo Da Vinci as a girl. Well, she's been helpful so far at least so I probably shouldn't complain.

"Hey, Da Vinci-chan. I've got some more Mana Prisms for you," I said as I held out a small bag.

"Oh, wonderful! What would you like to trade them in for?" The inventor asked as she took the bag and circled around to the back of her workshop where there was a massive treasure chest.

"Some Saint Quartz would be nice." I answered.

"Ohoh. Looking to do some summoning, I see. Any particular Servant you're aiming for?" Da Vinci grabbed a small leather sac and counted the contents before shutting the chest and walking back to us.

"Hm… I'm not sure. I already have a Servant from every class, but I should probably get as many Servants as possible, right?"

"That's right, that's right. You're one of the last Master's left here so you should have as much protection as you can get." She handed the sack to me and smiled. "That's ten Saint Quartz for twenty Mana Prisms. Enjoy!"

"Thanks Da Vinci-chan," I waved goodbye to her and exited the workshop to see Mashu playing with Four.

Deciding to have a little fun, I called out. "Hey, I got what I needed."

"Kya!" Mashu jumped four feet into the air before whipping around to face me, face slightly flushed. "S-S-S-Senpai! How long were you standing there for?!"

"Oh… I dunno…" I feigned to think for a second. "I think maybe a couple of minutes."

"C-couple of minutes…"

Whoops. I think I broke her. Her face grew increasingly red, and it almost seemed like steam was coming off of her head.

"Hey, come on now. I think you should let loose like that more often. Always being serious isn't good for your health, you know. Even if you're a Demi-Servant now."

"Uuu… Thank you, I guess… I'll keep that in mind."

"Well, let's go. We still have one more stop before we're done for the day."

With that, the three of us continued our journey through Chaldea to a certain special room. Just as we reached it, a black haired guy dressed in the same uniform as me came out of it along with a… um… is that a guy or a girl?

"Oh, Shiro. Going to summon a new Servant as well?"

I nodded. "That's right, Ren. By the way, who's that um… your new Servant?"

He gestured to the person standing next to him who stepped forward and bowed.

"Greetings. I am the Knight of the White Lily, Chevalier d'Eon. It is a pleasure to meet you."

What the? Even his…? I think he's a boy. Even his voice is questionable. But… Those hips, and those thighs… and his slender build…

"Er… I know this might sound rude to ask, but… are you a man or a woman?"

Eon smiled, and turned to look at Ren who just blushed and looked away. Did something already happen between the two?

"Do not worry," he said amusedly. "My Master asked me the same question."

"Oh. Then… What's the answer?"



"The answer is neither, Madame. I am only what you believe me to be," Eon explained.

That… certainly doesn't help.

"Alright… I guess I'll refer to you as a guy, then. If that's okay with you?"

"Of course."

"Ahem!" Ren cleared his throat. "If you two are done, I'd like to introduce Eon to everyone else. Anyways, it was nice seeing you two, Shiro, Mashu."

Mashu and I nodded simultaneously. "Likewise, Ren, Eon."

"I wish the two of you ladies a wonderful rest of the day." The Chevalier flashed me a disarmingly handsome smile before trailing behind Ren as he walked away.

"Well… There are certainly some very unique Servants being summoned…" Mashu commented as we watched them round a corner.

"No kidding. Now, let's get this summoning under way."

The way the summoning was done involved very little effort from the Master. The Saint Quartz used took care of all of the magic required to properly summon a Servant. Unfortunately, since the Fate system is still somewhat flawed, duplicate Servants are possible. Well, it wouldn't be so unfortunate if those duplicates were actually sentient. Whenever a duplicate is summoned, it acts like a doll and has no combat ability at all. However, we can extract the mana from the duplicate and inject it into the prime Servant to strengthen them. Then there's the fiddly bit. The same Servant summoned in different times of their life doesn't count as a duplicate, even if their classes are the same. I was really surprised when I summoned Lancer Cu Chulainn when his older self was already with Ren. And well, I already met a Caster version of him so he can still be summoned again like that. I don't really know about having to deal with three of him at the same time.

"Alright, here we go."

I poured the bag of forty Saints Quartz I collected over time into the container before starting the machine. Lights began blinking all around the room as he material was processed and the mana was extracted. The chamber in the center of the room flashed as particles of light congregated in the middle. Human shapes, along with small cards began forming where the light gathered. That's right. I forgot about the cards. Sometimes, special cards were created as a result. These cards had the ability to strengthen a Servant's parameters and give them special abilities.

There were four human shapes forming and six cards. That ratio sounded about right. Not all Saint Quartz had the same amount of mana in them so four was already a pretty good number.

"So, Mashu. Any guesses on who we're going to get this time?"

She took a moment to think before turning to me and shaking her head. "Senpai, you know how many Heroic Spirits there can be with how human history is. Guessing would be impossible. After all, I certainly didn't expect Nursery Rhymes to be considered a Servant."

"Hm… Good point. They really could be anyone or anything."

Nursery Rhyme, or rather, Alice was a Servant I summoned quite a while ago. At first, Alice appeared as a book. It was definitely a strange experience. Over time, it, or rather she, began warming up to me and she took a human form.

Returning my attention back to the summoning, I noticed the human shapes were almost fully formed. A blinding flash enveloped the room, and when it died down, three unfamiliar Servants stood in the center of the chamber. One of the Servants summoned is actually Robin. The other three, however, were different. Walking down the pathway leading inside the chamber, I greeted the newly summoned Servants.

"Hello, everyone, and welcome to Chaldea. The summoning system should have given you all the appropriate knowledge about the current situation so I'll cut straight the point. My name is Shiro, your new master."

The first Servant, a young girl dressed in a pink kimono with a purple hakama over top, stepped forward and bowed her head.

"I am summoned under the class of Saber, Okita Souji of the Shinsengumi at your service, Master," she said.

Okita Souji, a Shinsengumi captain, and the one who was said to be a genius swordsman. But… He's actually a she? I mean, I've already had that confusion with Mordred, Nero, and Nobunaga. Oh, and Leonardo Da Vinci as well. What's with all these supposedly male historical figures being summoned as females?

Next, a small girl dressed in a skimpy plug suit waved her arms cheerfully at me. "We are Servant Assassin! Our true name is Jack the Ripper! Nice to meet you, Master!"

Jack the Ripper? That infamous serial killer from 19th century England? Why is she a little girl? Not only that, but… something feels really off about her. The way she refers to herself as "we" is strange, and the way she said "Master" sounded strange too. It was like there was some kind of layering to her voice there.

Finally, the last Servant, a towering figure clad in pitch-black armor with red, glowing slit around where his eyes would be on his helmet, stepped forward.

"Servant… Berserker… Name… Lancelot…" The Servant growled. His voice was extremely distorted and guttural. Also, at a closer look it seems like there are streams of shadow seeping through the openings in the armor.

So one of King Aurther's most loyal knights went insane. I'm guessing this is Lancelot after Arthur's death, otherwise he shouldn't really be like this.

Alright, so a Saber, Assassin, and a Berserker along with an extra Robin with six Craft Essences. Not a bad turnout. Still nowhere near Ren's luck, but it was still really good.

I nodded and smiled at the three new members. "I'm glad to meet you all, and I hope we can all get along."

Mashu, whom was standing beside me nodded as well. "Yes. We will be fighting together after all."

"Kyuu! Fou, fou!" Four cried as he bounced around excitedly on top of Mashu's head.

"Okay, everyone! Follow me, I'll be showing you to the rest of the team."

I began leading the away with Mashu, and Four by my side with the other three trailing behind me. The Robin duplicate had been broken down and turned into a card as introductions were going on. As we walked, Mashu began introducing herself to the new Servants.

"My name is Mashu Kyrielite, a Demi-Servant with the class of Shielder. My true name of sorts is Galahad. Although I may be part human, my endurance is still on par with a Servant's so do not be afraid to ask me for protection."

During our trip down to our collective dorm area, I noticed Jack inching closer and closer to me. At first, it was barely noticeable, and I only saw how close she got to me when she grabbed my hand and held it. When I looked down at her questioningly, she just smiled brightly. Could she be like Jekyll where her Noble Phantasm turns her into a Berserker? Right now she really isn't acting like how I thought Jack the Ripper would act like. Then again, she doesn't look the part either, except for the many sharp weapons strapped on her body.

"Oh, Master!"

I turned at the sound of the voice to see Cu walking towards us.

"Ah, I see. So that's what ya meant when ya said ya had work to take care of," he said as he eyed the new Servants up and down. "The squirts don't look like much, but the big guy looks pretty strong."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Souji began to draw her sword.

"You should know better than to judge a book by its cover, Servant of the Lance," she ground out.

Note to self, she doesn't like being called short.

"Hoh?" Cu bent down and readied his spear. "Care to prove that to me?"

Great. Two seconds within meeting each other and they're already going to start a fight.

I stepped in between the two before it could escalate any further.

"Okay, you two! That's enough. You can spar later in the training room, just not in here, got it?"

"Ah? Why do you gotta be such a spoil sport, Master?" Cu complained as he raised his spear and leaned against it. "It's just a friendly little duel."

"You can't fight here! You'll cause too much damage to the building!"

"I understand, Master. I apologize for misbehaving," Souji bowed her head and sheathed her katana.

Thank goodness. If they began fighting here, My boss would kill me if I caused any trouble when we're so short on staff right now.

"Anyways, Cu, why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Right, right, got it. Servant Lancer, Cu Chulainn. There's actually another one of me around here, but he's the older version. Just call me Cu."

As the new additions to the group introduced themselves, I noticed Tama stalking up behind Lancelot. Oh no. What's she doing? I continued watching her to see what she would do. She quickly dashed in and crouched down behind Lancelot's legs before taking a quick look around. Once she made sure the coast was clear, she quickly moved behind Souji and glared daggers at Jack whom was still holding my hand.

Ah... She's jealous.

"Miss Tamamo! Please don't do anything rash, please!"

Footsteps echoed down the corridor as Jekyll ran towards us huffing and puffing.

"Thank... Goodness..." He wheezed. "I made... it..."

A chill ran down my spine as I felt Jack's grip tighten on my hand. When I looked down I noticed she was glaring back at Tama. It looks like they're having some sort of mental battle with each other.

"Mother... who is this?" Jack asked coldly.

Eh? Mother? Does she mean me?

Tama's eyes narrowed as she turned her attention to me. "Master? How could you have an affair with some other hussy?! Is your precious wife not good enough for you?!"

"Wha-?!" I frantically shook my head and waved my hands in front of me to try to placate her. "No, no, no, no, no! You've got it all wrong! She's a new Servant I just summoned!"

"New Servant?" Tama tilted her head before stalking up to Jack whom was clinging to my arm, and began sniffing her. After a round of sniffs, Tama stood up and tackled the two of us to the ground. "Yaaay! Me and Master have a daughter!"

The fox girl rubbed her head against Jack's cheek who is currently stuck between Tama and I. Well, at least she didn't go berserk. I might as well just play along with this.

I heard Souji giggle as Tama kept on nuzzling and mewling. "I can tell this place will be really fun."

Jekyll sighed and gave a defeated smile. "Yes, quite. You should see what it's like when everybody is together in one place."

And thus, today was just another day in Chaldea. Things were probably only going to get even more hectic from now on. In a way, that's a good thing. Right?

-Contracted Servants (Shiro)-

Servant 1:
Class: Shielder
Name: Mashu Kyrielite

Servant 2:
Class: Rider
Name: Boudica

Servant 3:
Name: Robin Hood

Servant 4:
Name: Mordred

Servant 5:
Name: Nursery Rhyme

Servant 6:
Class: Berserker
Name: Tamamo

Servant 7:
Class: Lancer
Name: Cu Chulainn (Prototype)

Servant 8:
Name: Jekyll and Hyde

Servant 9:
Name: Souji Okita

Servant 10:
Name: Jack the Ripper

Servant 11:
Name: Lancelot

[More to come…]

-Contracted Servants (Ren)-

Servant 1:
Name: Joan of Arc

Servant 2:
Name: Nero Claudius Caesar

Servant 3:
Class: Archer

Servant 4:
Name: Elizabeth Bathory

Servant 5:
Class: Rider
Name: Alexander the Great (Child)

Servant 6:
Class: Caster
Name: Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II : Waver Velvet)

Servant 7:
Name: Mata Hari

Servant 8:
Name: Kiyohime

Servant 9:
Class: Archer
Name: Oda Nobunaga

Servant 10:
Name: Cu Chulainn

Servant 11:
Class: Assassin
Name: Sasaki Kojirou

Servant 12:
Class: Saber
Name: Chavalier d'Eon

[More to come…]