AN: This is based off Christina Perri's song, 'Human'. I would suggest listening to the song while reading this because the music really explains the story going in here. Please let me know what you think!


I can hold my breath

'Zeus' Wife'

I can bite my tongue

'The Jealous Queen'

I can stay awake for days

'Crazy Goddess'

If that's what you want

Hera had heard it all.

Be your number one

And she hated it.

I can fake a smile

'Everyday was a new day' some said, not for Hera.

I can force a laugh

Everyday was the same, the same taunts,

I can dance and play the part

The same hating looks,

If that's what you ask

She was used to it.

Give you all I am

She tried and tried to fix things

I can do it

But things only got worse.

I can do it

Taking Jason away from Thalia

I can do it

Taking Jason and Percy away

But I'm only human

Everything was her fault

And I bleed when I fall down

She was a living being

I'm only human

She made mistakes, some worse then others

And I crash and I break down

But, everyone did, it was impossible not to

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

Hera's mistakes were imprinted in people's mind

You build me up and then I fall apart

They couldn't just fade away

'Cause I'm only human

She couldn't just restart life

I can turn it on

Hera stared at her son, Hephaestus

Be a good machine

She was young and stupid when she made that mistake

I can hold the weight of worlds

Letting her own son drop to Earth

If that's what you need

And Hephaestus spent everyday reminding her

Be your everything

He wouldn't let it go, he had every right

I can do it

Hera walked away, she couldn't bare to look upon his scars, scars that she had caused

I can do it

She walked into her garden, allowing her hands to softly brush through the leaves

I'll get through it

Her life was tough, no one understood

But I'm only human

How hard it was to be hated

And I bleed when I fall down

Her only children turning from her

I'm only human

Her siblings shacking their heads at her

And I crash and I break down

When your Hera, there is no 'second chance'

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

Who would give her one?

You build me up and then I fall apart

A sob racked her body and she fell onto the grass

'Cause I'm only human

There were so many mistakes she could never make up for

I'm only human

Sometimes Hera wished to fade, that was her only option

I'm only human

What other choice was there?

Just a little human

They say, 'everyone deserves a second chance', well, Hera's chance got lost in the mail

I can take so much

Unknown to Hera, she was shimmering

'Til I've had enough

Hestia gave a cry as she saw her youngest sister, fading

'Cause I'm only human

There was only so much one could take

And I bleed when I fall down

Hera had reached her limit

I'm only human

Her stupid marriage to Zeus

And I crash and I break down

Letting her jealousy get the best of her

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

Taking people from their family

You build me up and then I fall apart

Even though, she was only trying to save her's.

'Cause I'm only human

Hera let out a final sob before her body and spirit faded. Hestia ran to where Hera used to lay. Now there was but a peacock feather. And Hera had a emotion running through her she haven't felt in years…



AN: Just let me know what you think! Let me know if this has changed your opinion on Hera