Hello, everyone.

This first chapter is very short, but has been on my laptop for almost a year now... so I have decided to post it and see what you think about it for now.

about the story: Merlin never went to camelot, but has trained to become a priest of the Old Religion with the Cathas and the Druids (but I will explain his past better in the future chapters).
At the beginning of season 2 (indicatively), Uther has found out about Morgana's magic and decided to lift the ban due to his love for her.
The story takes place a year after that... with some changes obviously!

WARNINGS: Dark Merlin, non con, rape, bondage, kidnapping,king of magic Merlin.



There was a knock on the door.

"Enter," ordered Uther Pendragon, King of Camelot.

A guard came in and bowed. "Your Majesty, Emrys has arrived"

"Very well. Let him in," said the king from his seat at the desk in his own chambers, where he was reading some documents that evening.

The guard disappeared and a hooded figure, wearing a long blue and silver coat, came in.

The figure lowered the hood and the king found himself in front of a young boy, about 21 years old; raven hair, like those of his Morgana, and deep and beautiful blue eyes. He was tall, slender, with skin as white as snow. He had an ethereal charm.

"Are you Emrys? The man they call the King of Magic?"

The lusty pink lips of the young man opened a light smile, "That's how the druids call me. Are you Uther Pendragon, the man who had persecuted my kind for years and then lifted the ban on magic because of his love for his daughter, the Lady Morgana?"

Uther swallowed. It was true that he had allowed the return of the Old Religion a year before, after discovering that Morgana was a Seer. The poor girl had almost set her room on fire because of her repressed magic. And, although he was still uncomfortable around magic, for the sake of his beloved Morgana, he had been willing to give up his hatred and this had helped a lot his kingdom and his own health, especially when he had also confessed to be Morgana's true father in order to justify his change of mind after 20 years.

"In person. I had good reason to hate magic, but I must admit that seeing my daughter walking happily and freely around the castle is a priceless joy"

"You don't have to justify yourself to me, my lord. But I have to ask you ... as you are now at peace with the magical community and with yourself, what can I do for you?"

"It is true that you are able to tame every living creature? That you can make even the most ferocious man docile?"

Merlin smirked, "It is. I do not think you have had me make this long journey from my castle at the Lake of Avalon just to ask me that ... what is it that you truly want from me, Uther Pendragon?"

"I would like to ask for your services to discipline my son, Prince Arthur"

The magician raised an eyebrow, "Explain yourself"

"Arthur is 23 years old and it pains me to admit it, but he does not act like a prince of all respect should do. He is arrogant beyond belief, cruel to the nobles and the servants and above all, he doesn't respect my authority. He spends his days in strutting and wooing the ladies. I have tried everything ... and I failed. My court physician told me that you could help me"

"Yes, Gaius is right. I can help. But to do that, I have to take the prince to my castle for an indefinite period of time…undisturbed. There, I will do my magic," Merlin smiled.

Uther stiffened, "Magic? Are you going to enchant him? Absolutely not ..."

"Do not worry… I'm not going to enchant your son ... no, my methods are more... handy. I have a lot of experience ... and many of my clients are currently in my castle… so, Arthur will not be alone..."

"And what are these methods?"

Merlin put his index finger to his lips, as a sign of silence. "A magician never tells his secrets. But I swear to you that your son will be perfect on his return"

After a moment of hesitation, Uther shook the hand of the warlock, "Deal. You can take the prince away with you tomorrow morning. For now, there is a guest room awaiting for you"



When night fell over the castle, the King of Magic walked light as a shadow to the royal room on the second floor of the castle. He made the guards fall asleep and entered.

On the four-poster bed near the window, the beautiful Prince Arthur Pendragon was sleeping. His golden hair gleamed in the moonlight and his facial expression was peaceful.

Merlin approached the bed and admired that perfection.

He began to stroke Arthur's cheek gently and whispered, "Soon, my darling, you will be all mine and our destiny will begin"

The brunet leaned down and gently kissed the lips of the prince, a poor anticipation of what will happen in his castle at the lake.

Slowly, he left the room, looking forward to the next day.

Should I continue?