(Terra's POV)

At the police station, Dad and I walked beside the Sheriff of the town and listened keenly while he spoke about the unsolved murder case. I held a small notepad in my hand, jotting down notes in my thick cursive script, the navy blue ink filling up the white paper. Dad was sending every male that turned to check me out a sharp glare.

I heard the Sheriff mention the name 'Nicholas Oak' in his list of witnesses and victims. I perked up my head, now deeply intrigued.

"Nicholas Oak was a witness to the last female, a girl with black hair and brown eyes," Sheriff Chandler spoke simply, his voice slightly cracked with age. "The murderer seemed to go after the same type of victims."

"The relations?" I asked, catching the man's crystal blue eyes.

He gave me a grim look after scanning over my face and hair, "Teenage to young adult females with brown or green eyes and black curly hair."

I stumbled a little in shock. Freezing, I saw Dad go rigid before looking down at me. I met his gaze for a few moments.

"Alright, thank you Sheriff Chandler for your time and cooperation," Dad put his hand on my shoulder and turned us around towards the exit.

We walked out, a pace faster than before, and nearly broke into a run for the Impala. Climbing quickly into the vehicle, Dad was still running around the front when a hand clamped over my mouth. I screamed into the palm with fright, quickly ripping out the blade hidden under my skirt still, and yelped again (even though the hand muffled it) as a second hand gripped my wrist.

"Terra!" Dad screamed moving to lunge at the intruder, then halting when a blade pressed to my throat. "Are you fucking serious, Crowley? Let her go!"

"She was going to try and kill me with an Angel Blade," a British accented male simply responded from behind my seat.

The hands released me, allowing me to scoot a foot forward on the seat. I whirled around to see an older male sitting calmly in the back seat of the Impala. He wore a black and red expensive looking suit, the blade he had pressed to my throat twirling around between his fingers, and dark eyes trained on me still with something toxic spinning around in their depths.

Tightening my jaw in anger, I quickly left hooked the man in the jaw.

"Son of a bitch!" he shouted in pain and surprise, holding his lip that I busted open. "That's one Hell of a punch you got, Doll-Face."

"Fuck you," I spat like venom at the man, then turned to look at Dad who was finally in the seat. "Who's he?"

"I'm Crowley, love, the King of Hell," he answered for Dad.

"A, b conversation," I growled at him giving him a death stare. "So c your way out of it, before I jump over this front seat and beat the Hell out of you."

The man chuckled and looked at Dad, "I like her. Which bar did you pick her up at?"

"Excuse you!" screamed Dad just as I punched the man once again, causing blood to pour from his nose.

"Damn it," he hollered in annoyance.

"What do you want, Crowley?" snapped Dad, cranking the engine and taking off down the road.

"Can't stop in to visit an old friend?"

"You're not a friend."

I snickered.

"Ouch," muttered the demon. "But fine, I want you to do a job for me."

"Another one of your little Alpha missions?" shouted Dad furiously.

"Yes, of course," Crowley answered in a hostile tone.

"Another?" I questioned, looking at Dad curiously.

He ignored me, a flash of guilt taking over his expression. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. Crowley spoke up again, and making me rather annoyed by his presence.

"This particular Alpha is in fact the reason why you're stuck with a case. He's got a grudge against me and is having just a ball going on a spree. This Alpha is trying to kill someone very dear to me, but he doesn't know who exactly she is-"

"She?" I immediately cut the man off, staring at him over my shoulder.

Crowley's eyes clocked my expression, the look in them making me feel as if he was drinking up every little detail, and branding it into his mind. "Yes, she," his voice held an undertone of soft longing.

"Who?" I pressed, unable to control the question.

"That's not for you to worry about," he answered, emotions hidden beneath a sheet of frost and tar. "All you need to know is the Alpha likes young girls with black hair and pretty eyes."

"Like Terra?" Dad peeked at the demon through the dashboard mirror.

"Yes, exactly like Terra," he spoke my name slowly, rolling the syllables over his tongue.

Dad jerked the Impala over to the side of the road, right in front of Bobby's house, and spun around so fast I swore he had whiplash. "I will not use my daughter as bait all so you can stop someone who has a bone to pick with you!" he shouted furiously.

"Your daughter?" Crowley repeated, flicking his gaze between me and Dad. A smirk curled up his face. "How interesting."

"Don't even think about it, you filthy piece of damned scum," I hissed dangerously at Crowley.

"If you don't get me this Alpha, I promise, you will regret it," Crowley ignored my statement and turned to look up at Dad.

"Or what?" he challenged.

"Or I'll take your daughter and make her my personal maid down in Hell."

With that, the King of Hell vanished in a cloud of black smoke.