Sleeping Beauty
Regina let out a heavy sigh as she turned off the alarm. Carefully, she raised her arms above her head for a slow stretch and winced at the tightness in her muscles. This was going to be a long day. She loved having Emma next to her and wouldn't have it any other way, but this was the third night in a row she hadn't had a restful night's sleep. Every one has their quirks, and one exhausting quirk that Regina had come to learn about Emma was that she was not always the best sleeping partner. Emma was sometimes a restless sleeper…a restless sleeper who liked to take up the whole bed. Regina had attempted to push her over, to gently wake her and ask her to scoot over so she wouldn't be pushed out of bed. All of her efforts were in vain. Her blonde haired lover proved to be a very heavy sleeper and one that was not easily broken from slumber. Some nights, Regina wondered if she hadn't accidentally placed Emma under a sleeping curse before drifting off. She might believe that if it weren't for the overcrowding. Snuggling was one thing, but the Queen was being pushed out of her own bed. This would not do. She smirked a little at the revelation that she had been so incredibly patient with the Savior on this subject. There was a time when the Evil Queen would have never allowed someone to sleep in her bed, let alone suffer such an inconvenience. What had Emma Swan done to her? Was she losing her edge? Regina glanced down at the woman sleeping peacefully next to her and smiled. Emma had been breaking down the fortress Regina had built around herself since she set foot in Storybrooke. She truly was the Savior. Her Savior. She placed a soft kiss upon Emma's cheek before beginning her morning ritual and heading off for work. First, she would have to stop by Granny's for coffee and plenty of it.
Regina had divided her work into "before lunch" and "after lunch" tasks. Halfway through her "before lunch" work, she received a text from Emma.
Good morning Madame Mayor :)
Good morning, Miss Swan.
You look beautiful today 3
You haven't even seen me today. Are you spying on me?
No. But you're always beautiful ;)
Regina smiled. It was strange to have this feeling again. She had long forgotten what it felt like to be flirted with, cared for, courted. Emma had insisted on romancing her. It was something that took Regina by surprise. She never would have taken Emma for the hopeless romantic type, but it had been a pleasant surprise. She had to admit that it felt nice. She was even beginning to allow herself to spoil and romance Emma a little in return.
Sweet talking me already, Sheriff?
Just making sure you don't get away.
Miss Swan, I am the Mayor and a Queen. Do you honestly believe I would allow someone else to take the gorgeous, dare I say…Charming, Sheriff for themselves? I reserve the very best this town has to offer for myself.
Wow. How hard was it to admit you're with a "Charming?"
Let's not push it, Miss Swan.
I'm flattered, Your Majesty. I'm all yours. Lunch in twenty?
See you soon. xoxo
Emma greeted Regina with a bright smile. Regina couldn't help but smile at the knowledge that she was the reason for the Savior's smile. As they embraced, Regina deeply inhaled the sweet smell of Emma's hair. It was something that instantly put her soul at ease in a way she could never have imagined. Emma pulled back to look into her eyes and smile before placing a sweet and simple kiss on her full red lips. Together, they walked hand in hand into Granny's. Everyone in town had just started getting used to seeing the two of them openly affectionate with each other. The town was divided between those who saw the pairing coming from a mile away and those who were utterly shocked. It provided the two with great entertainment. When confronted with a townsperson they knew was a little shocked by their new relationship, they took great pleasure in making a sickeningly sweet display.
Today, they chose to sit at the counter. Ruby was more than delighted. She loved observing these two women together. They fascinated her. Granny, however, was one of those who couldn't figure out how the two ended up together. Regina decided to have a little fun as she saw Granny approaching them with their food. She began to play with Emma's hair and lean in close to her ear.
"Ten bucks says I get Granny to drop something today," she whispered in a sultry, mischievous tone.
Emma giggled and placed her hand on Regina's knee, leaning into her. She rubbed her nose against Regina as she whispered, "You're on."
As Granny was almost right in front of them, Regina shamelessly pushed Emma's hair away from her ear and ran her tongue in the shell of it before she clasped her lobe between her teeth playfully. Emma gasped, more than a little flustered. Regina place a kiss to her cheek before giving her that wicked smile that made Emma warm inside.
"I'm tempted to take you right here on this counter," she said in a husky deep voice loud enough for Granny to hear.
The two jumped as their plates banged against the counter. Granny shot Regina a look to kill. "Do you need some water, Madame Mayor?"
Regina gave Granny her best smile. "No, thank you. I have everything I need right here."
Regina proceeded to plant a fiery passionate kiss on Emma's lips before turning nonchalantly to her lunch. She took a satisfying bite of one of Emma's fries and smirked at Granny once more. Emma sat breathless for a moment trying to come back to herself. In a fluster, Granny whipped around and crashed right into Ruby who was carrying a tray of drinks. Ruby shrieked as the cold beverages drenched her. Granny huffed away to grab a mop as Ruby pouted away to clean herself up and remake the drinks. Regina could barely contain her laughter as Emma sat with her jaw dropped.
Regina leaned in and whispered once more, "I take cash."
"Regina," Emma scolded.
"Oh don't act so innocent. You took the bet," Regina replied before going back to her sandwich.
Emma sighed and laughed. "We should probably give her a break. How about I get lunch? Deal?"
Regina nodded. "Deal."
She giggled as Emma shook her head at her and sighed placing a playful kiss on her cheek. By the time they were finished with lunch, Regina felt the excitement of their break fading. She let out a heavy yawn and checked her watch for the time.
"I need to get back to work. I have a ton of paperwork waiting for me."
Emma pouted, "Ok. Go so you can be home in time for dinner."
Regina smiled and gave her a quick kiss. "Thanks for lunch, Miss Swan."
Emma smiled at the wink Regina gave her. "Anytime, hot stuff."
Regina shot her a look that promised consequences later before walking out the door. Emma laughed delighted that she was able to enjoy this side of Regina most people never see. She felt as if she had been given a precious gift. She decided to find some special way to spoil her tonight to show her just how much she appreciated the way Regina opened up to her, trusted her.
Not thirty minutes after Regina had gotten back to work, she felt the effects of her sleepless night and her now full stomach sinking in. With a sigh, she reevaluated her work load for the day and made a plan of attack. Once she had completed her prioritized tasks, she would allow herself to indulge in a power nap on the couch in her office. She set an alarm on her cell phone allowing her thirty minutes before she needed to get back to work and make it home in time for dinner. Regina fell asleep almost immediately after curling up on the designer sofa. It wasn't until she heard her office phone ringing that she jumped up. Clumsily, she hurried over to answer the phone before it was too late. It was Archie calling to confirm their appointment for tomorrow. Regina sighed and assured him she would be there. Once she and Emma began to realize their feelings for each other, Regina went into panic mode. Her heart was in turmoil over wanting to run away and not wanting to keep missing her chance at love and happiness. She had been seeing Archie for about a month now just to be able to talk about her feelings, fears, and insecurities. He had been a wonderful reassurance for Regina. She was honestly thinking it may not be necessary to see him anymore, but that was something she would leave for tomorrow's session.
Regina ran her fingers through her hair and checked the time. Two hours! She checked the alarm on her phone to make sure she had set it correctly but it seemed that she had dismissed it in her sleep. Regina had overslept and now felt even more sluggish than she had before. As she settled back to her desk frantically opening her inbox, her cell phone buzzed. Without looking she let out a growl of frustration and answered, "What!?"
Emma flinched at the tone of her voice on the other end. "Jesus! It's me. What's wrong?"
Regina sighed letting her forehead fall into her palm. "I'm sorry, Emma. I'm just a little stressed out right now and swamped with work. I think I'm going to be a little later than I hoped."
Emma whined, "Aww, can't it wait for tomorrow?"
Regina in her exhausted state snapped at her. It was her fault she felt this way after all, her tired brain reasoned. "No, it can't, Emma! I'm the Mayor! I have responsibilities. Someone has to run this town."
Emma frowned at her phone. "I'm sorry for wanting to spend time with you. I'll leave you alone."
Regina groaned, "Emma, wait. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to take this out on you. I'm just not myself today."
"It's ok. I understand. We all have bad days. I'll see you when you get home."
The brunette instantly regretted snapping on her. This woman was so patient and forgiving. "I don't deserve you, Emma."
Emma smiled, "Yeah well…you put up with my shit too."
Regina laughed at the eloquent way Emma always said sweet things. "I'll be home as soon as I can."
"Take your time. I'll be there."
After hanging up, Regina gazed at her phone with a sad smile and kissed it gently. She didn't think she would ever get used to having someone who would be there. She hadn't known what it felt like to have someone so patient with her who cared for her unconditionally since her father and Daniel were alive. It amazed and frightened her, the effect the love of the Savior had on her. By the time Regina was finished with work, she managed to only be an hour later than expected. As the wearily made her way into her home, a familiar smell filled her senses. Emma was preparing her favorite meal. She hung up her coat and purse in the closet and proceeded into the kitchen. Carefully, she peeked around the corner to find Emma in a tank top and yoga pants. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail that swayed as she danced around the kitchen to The Cure.
"Henry, is your homework done," she called out.
Henry bounced into the kitchen next to Emma, looking over her shoulder. "Yep! It's all done."
"All of it?"
Henry gave her a sarcastic look, "Yes, mom. Now how can I help?"
Regina smiled with tears in her eyes as she leaned against the door frame watching them. "I need you to set the table. Make everything look really nice ok? You're mom's had a hard day."
Henry smiled his brightest smile excited to help his mom spoil his other mother. "I know just what to do!"
Regina carefully slipped off her heels so she could sneak quietly upstairs to change and allow the two more time to prep. She knew how disappointed they would be knowing they hadn't completed the surprise in time. It warmed her heart to see how special things like this were to them. It once pained her to notice similarities between her son and Emma, but now she found the instances he took after her endearing. Regina slipped on her own pair of black yoga pants and a white fitted short sleeve shirt. One thing she could credit Emma for was making her a little more casual at home. Yet, even Regina's "comfortable clothes" looked sleek and fashionable. She made her way back down the stairs nearly colliding with Henry as she made her way to the kitchen.
"Mom! You're home!"
She smiled and kissed his forehead. "I am. What are you two cooking up in here," she asked as they walked into the kitchen.
Emma spun around with a surprised smile. "When did you get here!? I didn't even hear you come in."
Regina shrugged. "I've just been here long enough to change. Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Nope! Just sit back and relax. It's almost ready. You've had a long day and I'm gonna make it up to you," she said as she kissed her cheek on her way to the fridge.
Regina smiled as she sat at the island to watch the two of them. Henry came up to her very gentleman like, "Would you care for a glass of wine?"
She laughed and engaged in the play, "Wine would be lovely! Thank you, kind sir."
"Would you prefer red or white, my lady?"
Regina smiled thinking she had taught her son well. "Well let's see, what are we having for dinner?"
"Tonight's special is lemon chicken with angel hair pasta in a white cream sauce."
Emma smiled at her over her shoulder knowing it was her favorite. Regina gave her a grateful smile in return. "I believe I will have a glass of Chardonnay then, please."
Henry bowed to her, "Right away, Your Majesty."
Emma laughed and groaned a little, "Please tell me you did not train our kid to cater to your royal highness."
Regina gave her a look of mock horror. "I would never train him to do anything. He's not a pet, he's my son. I can't help he has impeccable manners."
As Henry poured the glass of wine, Emma swatted him with the dish towel that had been perched on her shoulder. "Hey! Are you old enough to be serving alcohol?"
"She's not paying for this, Sheriff. I'm not selling it. I'm not breaking any laws."
Regina laughed as he handed her the glass. "And you thought the Queen mother was his worst bit of luck? Like a 13 year old needs the Sheriff policing him as his mother."
Henry laughed as she gave him a wink. Emma shot her a look over her shoulder. "Hey!"
"The wine is perfect, Henry. Thank you." She gave him a kiss on the cheek as he went to return the bottle to it's home.
Henry leaned back against the counter as Emma plated the food. "I make a pretty good bartender."
Emma handed him the salad bowl and the bread bowl with a smirk. "Here, make yourself a better server right now and get these to the table."
Regina wrapped her arms around Emma's waist. "Looks like someone else wanted to be the bossy mother tonight."
Emma turned in her arms and kissed her soundly. "I just wanted everything to be perfect, to spoil you a little."
"Thank you," she said sincerely before giving her another loving kiss.
After dinner, Emma set Regina up to soak in a hot bath while she and Henry cleaned up. Emma had sprinkled red rose petals in the water and performed a peace bath spell she had found in one of Regina's books. Soft classical music wafted through the air. Regina had to admit this was exactly what she needed after a long day. As the hot water enveloped her body, she felt all of her muscles start to relax. She had been drifting off to sleep when Emma slipped into the bathroom and gently kissed her forehead.
"Hey, you," she said smiling down at her.
Regina slowly opened her eyes and sighed with a stretch, "Hello."
Emma smiled. "Did you have a good bath?"
Regina smiled and nodded. "Mmm, it was wonderful. Thank you, Emma."
Emma held out an oversized fluffy towel. "Looks like the water is getting cool. Ready to get out for your next surprise?"
Regina stood up and moaned with delight as Emma wrapped the toasty warm towel fresh from the dryer around her. "God, you spoil me."
Emma laughed, "Happily. Now, dry off and come lay down on the bed."
Regina could only allow herself to quietly obey commands. Between the wine and the bath, she was feeling very heavy. Emma had turned down the bed and arranged the pillows for her. She gently instructed Regina to lay down on her stomach and get comfortable. Regina obeyed the command with ease as she sank into the pillows with a heavy sigh. She noted that her pillow smelled of lavender and smiled serenely at the thought Emma had put into this evening. In that instant, she felt incredibly guilty for snapping at her earlier that day.
Lazily, she mumbled, "Emma, I'm sorry I was so horrible on the phone earlier. You've been so good to me tonight. I…"
"Shh…it's all right. Just relax," Emma said as she ran her hands over Regina's back. Gently, she kissed her shoulder before continuing to massage the tension of the day away from her.
Regina moaned with relief. She could feel the light vibration of Emma's loving white magic seeping from her hands as they worked over her muscles. She had never felt so completely relaxed and serene. After Emma felt the tension slipping away from her, she lightened her touches to more of a soft caress over Regina's body. It wasn't long before she noticed the even rhythm of her breathing and realized Regina had fallen asleep. Emma smiled down at the woman beneath her. She knew what a monumental thing it was to have the queen so vulnerable under her hands. The trust that Regina gave her overwhelmed her at times. There was nothing Emma wouldn't do for this woman. She would always do whatever it took to protect her happiness, to be her Savior. Emma gently pulled the blankets over her sleeping lover and quietly slipped into bed. She laid next to Regina gazing at her, memorizing again every detail of her face and the way she breathed before drifting off into her own slumber.
The next morning, Regina awoke after the first peaceful rest she'd had in days. Emma's arm was draped over her waist as the sunlight filtered in, highlighting her blonde tendrils. A soft smile stole across her face as she gently caressed Emma's cheek and placed a small kiss upon her lips. Emma stirred a little letting a quick sleepy smile appear. Regina laughed softly and whispered something they hadn't dared to say to each other.
"I love you."
Emma let out a sleepy sigh, her eyes still closed as she replied, "Mmm…I love you too."
With tears in her eyes, Regina kissed her forehead before slipping out of bed to prepare for the day. She knew there was a chance Emma hadn't fully registered what she had said to her in her sleeping state, but she had returned the sentiment naturally. The innocence and purity of that moment touched her deeply. Tonight would be her turn to spoil Emma, her love, her Savior. Regina left a note on the bedside table letting Emma know she had decided to take Henry to school this morning. It had become routine for Emma to take Henry to school every morning. However, Regina decided to wake Henry early for a change of plans. Slipping quietly into his room, she gently ran her fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead, much like she had done with his mother this morning.
"Henry? Wake up, sweetheart," she said softly, her voice almost like a song.
Sleepy and confused, he rolled over. "Mom? What are you doing?"
"I thought we could get an early start this morning so I can take you to school today. I need your help," she smiled.
Instantly, Henry was fully awake and filled with curiosity. "What kind of help? Is something wrong?"
She shook her head smiling, "No, dear. Nothing is wrong. I thought you might be able to help me plan something special in return for Emma tonight."
Henry practically jumped out of bed. "Yeah! What did you have in mind?"
She laughed and hugged him tightly. His enthusiasm for helping the people he loved find happiness was so beautiful. He truly was the Savior's son. It was the first real moment as she held him that she realized how incredibly blessed she was to be the mother of Emma's child. "Well I wanted to ask you what your ideas might be first. How about you get dressed and we'll grab a quick breakfast at Granny's to brainstorm before school?"
"Awesome! Operation Lady Bug is on," he exclaimed as her ransacked his drawers for clothes.
"Operation Lady Bug," Regina questioned.
"Yeah! It's what I call it when you need me to help you do something nice for Emma," he explained.
Regina was intrigued. "Did you have a code name for helping Emma last night?"
"Yeah," Henry admitted, "but I can't tell you. It wouldn't be special anymore. You can't tell Emma the name for Operation Lady Bug either."
She chuckled and tousled his hair. "I won't," she promised.
Regina began her work day by rearranging her tasks for the day and making a plan of attack for the week so that she could spend the second half of her day preparing for her evening with Emma. By the time her usual lunch date with Emma would come around, she would be finished with her prioritized work for the day. Then, Operation Lady Bug would be in full swing. At 12:15, Regina received a text message from Emma just as she was heading out the door. She was surprised she hadn't heard from Emma sooner.
Hey! I'm sorry I haven't messaged you before now. It's been a crazy day. I had to bust up a fight. Wanna do lunch?
Are you all right? I would love to, but I can't today. Things are a little hectic here as well.
Again? I'm sorry you don't seem to be catching a break this week. And yes, I'm fine.
Oh but I did, my dear. Last night was absolutely wonderful. I can't tell you how much I appreciated it. Thank you, Emma.
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. You work too hard. I like spoiling my queen. :)
My Savior. Have a good lunch and don't work too hard yourself, Sheriff. I'll see you at home tonight. Don't be late.
Is that an order?
I am your boss, Miss Swan…but no. It's merely a request from a queen who adores you.
As you wish, my lady.
Regina stood in the office of the school waiting as Henry ran in nearly bursting with excitement.
"I'm ready! Let's go! Operation Lady Bug!"
Regina laughed, "How did I ever let you talk me into this?"
"Come on, Mom. I never leave school early. I'm a good student. One day isn't gonna kill my shot at Harvard," he teased.
"It better not, Henry Mills," she said trying to maintain a maternal tone. However, the smile on her face gave her away.
"Did you tell Emma she doesn't have to pick me up today?"
"Oh! No, I didn't," she said grabbing her phone. "What would I do without you?"
Henry beamed. "Probably be totally lost."
Regina cupped his chin and gave him a sincere look. "I absolutely would be lost without you, Henry. I love you."
Henry hugged her tight. "I love you too, Mom."
Regina sent Emma a quick text.
I'm going to pick Henry up from school today.
Should I be worried? Are you two up to something? Is everything ok?
Nothing to worry about, dear. I just missed doing it, that's all.
Oh, ok. You know, we could take turns or do it together. I don't want you to feel like I'm monopolizing Henry.
I know you're not. Our arrangement has been perfectly fine. I just felt like changing it up today. No worries, dear. See you at home xoxo
Ok :) Have fun! 3
Their first stop was to pick up some DVDs for movie night. Henry enthusiastically roamed the aisles picking out Emma's favorites. Regina looked at the titles as he handed them to her and rolled her eyes at a few, however the gesture was always followed by a soft smile. The next stop was to the market to get Emma's favorite foods. When Henry had mentioned ordering pizza, Regina suggested they make their own instead. He praised her brilliance as they gathered the toppings and ingredients. Once everything had been purchased, they headed home to set up the den. Henry helped his mother put the groceries away before rounding up blankets and oversized pillows. He padded the floor with sleeping bags, spreading a comforter out on top of it. Then, he set some blankets aside (Emma's favorite included) and arranged the pillows against the couch for them to lean against. Regina found him and smiled.
"Waddya think?"
"I think it's perfect."
Henry beamed. "Me too! Uh, Mom?"
"Could you like…magic up a big screen TV in here?"
Regina shot him a look. "First of all, it's 'conjure up.' Second of all, you know I don't use magic for things like that."
"But you can. Right?"
"Technically, yes."
"Please? Just this once?"
"Henry, if I had wanted a giant television in my house, I would have one already. It'll be an eye sore."
"You can poof it away when we're done!"
Regina rolled her eyes and sighed at she looked at his pleading gaze. With a smirk and the shake of her head, she conceded. "Fine. But just this once. It goes first thing tomorrow."
Henry jumped up and pulled her into a warm hug as she laughed and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. It was getting harder to do that nowadays since he'd grown so tall. The thought made her heart break a little. What she wouldn't do for those two. Between the look in those eyes that Henry and Emma shared, they could persuade her to do just about anything. She had grown weak. Love is weakness, she thought as she laughed to herself. This was the kind of weakness she could handle. With the wave of her hands, a large screen TV appeared in place of the set up they'd had before. Shaking her head with a smile, she left Henry to ogle the TV while she went to change into something more comfortable but still enticing for Emma. Regina had discovered Emma had a weakness for her in tight yoga pants. She'd had to borrow a pair of Emma's once and the effects of wearing those pants were forever burned in her memory. She could feel a passionate warmth spread through her body as she remembered the events and shuddered. Choosing Emma's favorite lingerie, yoga pants, and a low cut, v neck, clingy white t-shirt, Regina was ready. She dabbed a bit of perfume behind her ears and between her cleavage. With a smirk to herself in the mirror, she decided to dab just a little below the waistband of her pants. Emma was certainly in for a treat tonight. When Regina received a text from Emma saying she was on her way home, she ran her hands through her hair and adjusted her bra in the hall mirror. Giving herself an approving nod, she turned around and nearly jumped three feet in the air when she saw Henry.
"What are you doing," he asked, his nose wrinkled.
"You know you don't have to do that right? You already won her over."
"Henry, I wasn't-"
"And this is family night. You can do…that stuff later."
"Henry!" Regina was mortified.
"It's fine. Really. I'm not a kid anymore. I know what happens in adult relationships and it's cool. Whatever. Just…contain yourselves a little around your son, ok?"
Her jaw dropped. She couldn't believe what her baby boy was saying to her. Her face was bright red. "Have we…are we really that bad?"
Henry laughed and put his hand on her shoulder. "Relax, Mom. You guys aren't that bad. I was just teasing you. I do like seeing you two happy and in love," he said as he batted his eyes. "Just don't spend all of our movie night making out," he concluded with a wink.
She turned and swatted his shoulder. "You are on your way to being banned from movie night."
"No, I'm not."
"Oh really? What makes you so sure?"
He smirked and crossed his arms confidently. "Because you'd know I'd know what you were doing."
He sighed in relief as Emma walked through the door. She took in Regina's expression and looked at Henry. "What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything," he said holding his hands up in defense.
"Your son is making some seriously inappropriate insinuations about us!"
"Why is he my son when he does something you don't like?"
"Because it's usually your influence!"
"What 'inappropriate insinuations' was he making?"
"That we…well…"
Henry shared a smug smile with Emma as Regina looked frustrated at her loss for words. "Let's just say he's a little too liberal talking about…private matters between us."
"So the kid knows we have sex. You were the one that gave him the talk, Regina. He's not stupid," Emma said with a shrug.
"That doesn't mean I'm comfortable talking about our sex life with our child! Nor am I pleased with the fact that he claims we flaunt it openly."
Emma leaned in to whisper in her ear. "You're the one wearing yoga pants, your majesty."
Regina yelped as Emma landed a firm smack against her backside on her way upstairs to change. Henry laughed as Regina fumed after her. "Emma Swan!"
The exchange had lead to a satisfying make out session in their bedroom before they separated themselves to join Henry downstairs again. He was glad to announce their plans to make their own pizza for dinner and Emma was just as excited about the idea. Regina helped Henry roll out the dough for the first pizza as Emma observed and then attempted to roll out the second. When Regina went to the refrigerator to gather the toppings, Emma and Henry decided to practice throwing the dough in the air and catching it.
"If you drop those on the floor, I'm not ordering replacements," she warned.
Regina had begun to chop the peppers and onions when Emma's dough landed abruptly on top of her head. The two dough flingers froze in fear anticipating the eruption of the Evil Queen. Emma tentatively reached out and lifted the dough to peek at her lover underneath. As expected, Regina was steaming with anger, but as soon as they saw the flour smudged on her face, mother and son broke out in laughter. Regina threw the dough on the counter.
"Idiot! What did I say!?"
Emma fell back against the sink, holding herself up as tear from laughter streamed down her face.
"Mom, you have a little uh…" he started as he pointed to his nose.
Regina scowled at them both, reached for the flour, and rubbed it in Emma's face with a smug smile. Their jaws dropped and Emma stopped laughing. The two looked at each other for a moment, glanced at Henry, and then back at each other. He registered their thinking and started to back out of the kitchen. "No way…"
"I'll grab him," Emma said as Regina gave her a nod and grabbed more flour.
Henry ran out of the kitchen screaming as his mothers pursued him. Emma swiftly tackled him to the floor in the foyer, wrapping her arms and legs around him. "I got him! Go, Regina, go!"
Regina ran forward and rubbed flour over his face as he squirmed and protested. Soon enough, the trio found themselves in a pile of flour and laughter. Emma pulled her phone from her pocket and pulled them close as they captured the moment with a photo. Once they were cleaned up, they finished making the pizzas and put them in the oven. While they were baking, Henry pulled Emma into the den to show her phase two of her surprise.
"My surprise? Phase two? What are you talking about?"
Emma's jaw dropped when she saw the set up in front of the new TV. Henry picked up the pile of DVDs and handed them to her. "We got you favorites!"
Regina walked up next to her, handing her a bottle of her favorite beer with a smile. "Surprise."
Emma took the beer and placed a loving kiss on her lips. "Thank you. This is amazing."
"You're amazing," Regina replied in the most loving voice Emma had ever heard.
The night was perfect. Emma had spent the whole night snuggled between her son and the woman she loved. She thought back on what her life had been and marveled at how she'd ended up where she was now. Never in a million years would she have thought she'd have this; a family of her own. Nestled between those two was the happiest Emma had ever been in her entire life, and she let herself soak in the perfect feeling. When they had decided to call it a night, Regina kissed Henry goodnight and began to clean up. Emma walked him upstairs to tuck him in.
"Thanks for tonight, kiddo. It was perfect. More importantly…thank you for bringing me here, to you and your mom. Thank you for bringing me home."
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Henry."
The two hugged each other tight for a long while before she kissed him and said goodnight. She found Regina downstairs putting the blankets, pillows, and sleeping bags away. Emma walked up behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist and nuzzling her nose in the nape of her neck. Regina laid her hands over Emma's and leaned back with a sigh.
"Come to bed with me," Emma whispered.
Regina turned in her arms and pressed a searing kiss to her lips, leaving them breathless. Emma reached down and grabbed Regina's backside firmly, lifting her up off the ground. Regina instantly wrapped her arms and legs around Emma and she backed her up against the wall. A small groan came from Regina as Emma kissed and nipped at her neck hungrily. Regina's hands tangled in her hair as she tightened her legs around Emma in hopes of bringing her center into better contact with Emma's body. As the heat began to build between them, Regina waved her hand and transported them to the bedroom. Emma fell over Regina onto the bed and pressed hot kisses over her cleavage. After a few moments, Regina pulled Emma away from her and rolled them over. Pinning Emma's hands above her head, she gave her a wicked smile. Instantly, Emma found that her hands were magically bound to the headboard. When Regina moved off of the bed, Emma whimpered.
"Regina, please."
"Shhh…just lay back and enjoy."
Regina momentarily disappeared in a burst of purple smoke before she emerged clad in Emma's red jacket, tight dark jeans, and black high heeled boots. Emma attempted to swallow the lump in her throat as her mouth ran dry. A wave of heat surged through her as she gazed at her. Regina raised her eyebrow and smirked.
"Like what you see, Swan?"
"God, yes…" she said breathlessly.
"What if I….took it off," Regina asked as she slowly began to unzip the jacket.
All Emma could do was nod as she watched her. Regina's movements were painfully slow and she tantalizingly revealed her flesh beneath the jacket Regina stepped to the side of the bed to allow Emma a better view of her, her black lace bra perfectly showcasing her breasts beneath the open leather jacket. She walked over to the bedside table and pressed play on the small stereo there. Sexy music softly flooded the room as Regina began to sway her hips, her eyes closed. She let the jacket fall off her shoulders a bit as she held it around her, swaying her hips suggestively as she lowered herself down to the floor and back up again. Regina expertly swung her leg over Emma so the heel of her boot was rested on the bed just on the other side of her. Slowly, she leaned forward, running her hands down her leg to the zipper of her boot. She unzipped it and slid her foot out of it, placing it back on the floor. She lifted the boot up to her shoulder and let it drop the floor. Emma let her head fall back against the pillow as she took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. This woman was driving her wild. Regina repeated her actions with the other boot before resuming her sexy dance, slowly opening her jeans.
Emma's eyes were glued to her as she slid her thumbs beneath the waistband and slowly inched them down, bending over, back arched, wiggling out of them with the music. When she pulled them off, she revealed her black thigh high stockings held up by a black garter belt with red accents and matching lace panties that perfectly showcased the curve of her backside. Regina then let the jacket slide off her shoulders and she tossed it on the chair, placing her hands on her hips. Staring provocatively at her, Regina took in the overwhelming look of desire in Emma's eyes. Regina crawled slowly over the edge of the bed over Emma, placing kisses along her skin as she went. Once she'd reached Emma's lips, they devoured each other in hungry kisses. Soft moans and deep breaths mingled as their bodies pressed close to one another. Regina magically removed Emma's clothing as they kissed, needing to feel her skin against hers. Emma groaned feeling the warm wetness between Regina's legs as she moved against her thigh. She strained against the binding on her wrists, dying to touch the woman she loved. Regina kissed her way down Emma's neck, and then began her loving assault on her breasts. Expertly taking one in her hand, she took the other in her mouth. She began by pressing kisses all around her nipple, teasing her first. Then, she opened her mouth and let it cover Emma's nipple, still without touching. Emma whimpered and arched her back. Regina finally let her tongue softly swirl around the taut flesh before opening her mouth a little more to take in a sharp exhale of cool air. Emma groaned as her head crashed against the pillows once more. Switching sides, Regina brought her mouth to her other beast as she covered the one she'd just tasted with her hand.
Soon enough, Regina began kissing her way down Emma's stomach. Skipping over the place Emma wanted her most, she nipped, kissed, and licked her way around Emma's inner thighs. Once Emma had begun to beg her for more, Regina brought her open mouth to cover her warm center without touching her with her tongue, much like she'd done with her breast before. This time, she slowly let her hot breath out in a wave over Emma's sensitive flesh, earning a satisfying groan. Emma raised her hips in hopes of making more contact with her. Instead she cried out as Regina made another sharp intake of breath, causing cool air to rush across her.
"Oh, God!"
Regina looked up at her and smiled, slowly dipping her tongue between her folds. The only thing missing was Emma's ability to tangled her hands in Regina's hair. But her frustration was soon washed away by the movement of Regina's lips and tongue over her. Soon, she brought her finger to caress the opening just below her mouth and Emma gasped.
"Please, Regina…please…"
Slowly, she let her finger sink deep inside of her. Emma's back arched as her breathing grew heavier. After moving her finger in and out of her a few times, she added one more to her exploration. Emma moaned and whispered her approval. With her fingers and mouth expertly working her over, Regina glanced up as she saw Emma getting closer and closer to completion. Ready to bring her over the edge, Regina placed one more finger inside of her and moved her fingers and mouth faster.
"Oh, God! Oh fuck! Yes! Regina…."
Emma cried out her name over and over as waves of pleasure coursed through her. Regina slowly slid her fingers out of her and gently licked her clean. She wiped her mouth with her other hand and waved the handcuffs away. Emma wrapped her arms and around her held her tight as she caught her breath.
"Oh my God….that was amazing. You are…fucking intense. Jesus Christ that was sexy."
Regina laughed and kissed her cheek. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."
"Hell yeah, I did."
Regina ran her fingers through Emma's hair lovingly. Emma gazed up at her in wonder. "Thank you so much. Tonight was perfect. You didn't have to repay me you know."
"I know, but it was fun for me," she said with a wink. "I love you, Emma. I like making you as happy as you make me."
"I love you too," she said as she placed a soft kiss to her lips. "Let me show you how much," Emma said as she rolled on top of Regina and began kissing her passionately.
Eventually, the two of them passed out blissfully exhausted. They had already pulled a late night having moved from the bed, to the shower. Regina had been asleep for two hours before she woke up to Emma's snoring. Thankfully, Emma didn't snore often. When she did, it made it hard for Regina to sleep. Carefully, she rolled Emma over. Emma shifted in her sleep, scrunching her nose and drifted off again, barely disturbed. Regina shook her head and laid back down. Forty five minutes later, Regina woke up to find herself clinging to the edge of the bed. She was being crowded out of bed again. She sighed irritably noting that she had to be up in another hour or so.
"Emma," she said as she nudged her. "Emma, move over." She sighed, frustrated at the lack of response. "Emma!"
Too tired to fight it anymore, Regina stood up and focused, magically moving Emma back to her side of the bed. With a satisfying sigh, she crawled back into bed and waved her hand between them, casting a barrier spell to ensure her sleeping space. Nestling in under the covers once more, Regina drifted off to sleep again. Regina had slept hard this time. She didn't even hear her alarm go off. It was Emma who woke up to the sound, confused when she saw Regina was sleeping through it. Knowing how she hates to be late, Emma reached over to wake her up. Before she could reach Regina, her hand was stopped by a small jolt of energy. Both shocked and confused, she tried again to reach Regina. When she was met with the same reaction, she began to panic. She extended her hands with her own magic to try to figure out what was happening when she realized Regina had placed a barrier around her. Suddenly, she was both hurt and angry. Emma got out of bed, walked over to the nightstand and yanked the plug to the clock from the wall before she threw it across the room.