Unchain My Heart
Chapter Eight
I Own Nothing
Hiccup's P.O.V
My head was killing me, it was like someone had hit me over the head with a war hammer, the last thing I remember was someone holding my hand telling me everything was alright, I felt warm and safe for once, I kept thinking I was home back on Berk. But I was wrong, my vision was no longer blurred and I opened my eyes and I was in a larger bed room with a roaring fire in front of me. I was wrapped up in three thick fur blankets with a cold rag on my head, I was so confused for a moment, where was I?
I wanted to get up, but my limbs ached so badly, I guess that's what happened after I fell fifty feet from the air into the cold ocean, I swear I could have heard Dagur screaming my name on the top of his lungs, or was I dreaming of that? I'm not sure what really happened after that. This was all a training exercise gone wrong, I should have done something to avoid this, but I guess I just wanted to get this all done and over it and be done with Dagur.
But Dagur was the one that pulled me out of the water, who else would?
Toothless seemed to have never left my side, his head was laying on my lower legs keeping my lower half warm, he perked his head right up as soon as I moved, he licked my face with a happy smile, almost crushing me with his body."I missed you too bud." I whispered, letting his rest his head on my chest as I continued to pet him gently, feeling happy and relieved. He must of been so worried about me, how long was I out of it?, my body felt sore and broken to the touch, my back was killing me as I winced while trying to sit up.
My throat was feel sore, scratchy and dry, great now I was sick too, I could feel my nose all clogged up with snot. The room was getting too hot, why was it so hot in here? I could feel nothing but sweat coming down my forhead, then I felt something cold, stone cold being put on top of my forehead. I almost forgot where I was, I was still imagining I was little again, back when my dad used to take care of me, look after me if he could I could still remember him feeding me soup and holding me tight in his arms.
My eyes started to open, everything was hazy in my sight.
"Hey, I thought I lost you there for a minute." Dagur said softly, moving the cold cloth from my head."How you feeling?"
I started to move, moving my hands so I could sit up. "Whoa whoa Hiccup" He tried pushing me back down, not wanting me to get up."You feel almost fifty feet and into the cold sea, I don't want you sitting up right now." He my shoulders until I finally gave in and sat down.
I almost forgot about the fall, I could remember after what happened. I only remember hitting the cold water, my body sinking until a pair of strong arms grabbed me, pulling me up to the surface and taking me in and greeting me with warmth. dagur was the one that got me out, he risked his life to save was sitting very closely to me, his helmet was off as his long red hair was still tightly braided. His dark green eyes no longer seemed dark.
I didn't see Toothless in sight, now I was starting to get worried.
"W...Where's Toothless?" My voice raised up in volume, then suddenly being hit with a sore and ruff feeling. I knew I was sick, very sick. Everything was still hurting like a son of a bitch, why did I have to be so careless and fall like that? I didn't have a saddle made for Dagur's dragon, it would take a few weeks to get made, maybe a month. Nothing was broken at least, it have been worse though. I was the only one to fall off, Dagur jumped off to save me, it sounds almost unbelievable when I think about it.
"Calm down, he right outside your door." He then got up and quickly open the door, Toothless didn't think twice and bolted right thought, climbing onto my bed and licking my face with all the love I could ask for, I laughed painfully, my throat was hurting, feeling scratchy.
"I'm happy to see you bud." My hands trailed all over his scales, feeling the smooth black patterns. Toothless rested his head on my lap, letting out a few purrs.
"He was really worried about you." The redhead said to me."He wouldn't leave your side for days, he wouldn't eat let alone sleep without you." I looked back down at my dragon, running my fingers along his scales, I can't believe he did that, Toothless really couldn't live without me could he? I gave him a weak smile and pressed my head against his."Don't ever do that again bud, I can't have you dying on me while I'm out of it." I whispered.
"I never thought I see a dragon get so worked up."
I looked back up at him."That's what happens when you bond to a dragon Dagur." That was the one thing we really need to work on with him."If you let me show you, we can get you to rid one."
"Only if it's a Skrill." He huffed.
"Damn it just get over it!" My voice cracked."I can't just find you a damn Skrill, there all gone, not a single one has been seen in almost 200 years!" But before I could say anything else, I started to cough violently, covering my mouth with my hand. I wasn't going to make a Skrill appear out of thin air, he needs to get over it. The gronckle is the only dragon that won'ttry to kill him, and giving him a little Terrible terror for a pet was a small start for him. I can't just make him a rider over night, it dosen't work like that at all.
"Easy, easy." Dagur tried to get me to lay back down."I know there hasn't been a Skrill in years, I'm just saying I want something more...terrifying, more exotic to look at, not a Gronckle." His eyes then fell back to me, I rolled my eyes right back at him.
I sighed, turning away from him and putting my head under the pillow, I was just ignoring him now. Toothless pretty much climbed into the bed with me, snuggling with me while Dagur only sat there and continued to rant and rave at me, his voice was muffled the entire since I was under the pillow. My dad used to yell at me, I was pretty much reliving how I never listened to him or anyone. Once he was finally done talking he deiced to go and get me something for my throat.
He came back a few minutes later with some soup and herbs."Here, I need you to eat something." He sat back down next to me."It'll make you feel better if you eat Hiccup, you haven't been able to eat much since you been out of it."
I finally sat up and took the bowl from him, taking a big spoon full of broth."Did you make this?"
"Yeah I learned it a long time ago." He gave a half smirk."You like it?"
I quickly nodded."Yeah, it's a lot better whenever Gobber used to cook for me, whenever I got sick, Gothi was the one who usually took most good care of me." I remember the decent, yet fond memories of her, she couldn't speak, but she was still a fierce woman. But when I was really little, back when my dad was still around to take care of me, he was always the one to be there for me. I didn't understand why I looked up to him back then, I never want to be like my father.
Gobber was my only somewhat of a parent I had to grow with, he wasn't the best but he wasn't the worse to have. I hated myself for not being strong, for not being the dragon killer my father want me to be, but now I was happy to find out what the dragons really are. I wish I could let other people see it my way, just like Dagur, what if all the other Beserkers are just as bad as him? I can't keep doing this if things only turn out bad in the end.
Dagur just needs to listen to me, but damn it is he stubborn, more than me. I quickly finished my soup, giving Dagur the bowl back."Thank you." I whispered back to him, laying back down with Toothless right beside me, my throat was starting to loosen up a bit, I put herbs back in my mouth, chewing on them to get my nose to loosen up as well. I just needed this fever to break, maybe get a hot bath her in a little while.
Toothless unwrapped his wings for me, letting me cuddle right in, feeling the massive heat coming from his body. I sighed and let his paws scoop me up. I didn't know how long I was allowd to rest, let alone leave the house with Dagur watching over me, the villagers didn't seem to mind Toothless the other day. I heard the door open again, feeling the seep of pressure on my side of the bed.
"So what do you want to do now?" he asked me softly."You can get a bath if you want, whenever you're ready."
A bath was sounding nice about now, I pulled away from Toothless and finally stood up, big mistake, as soon as I did that my knees gave in.
"Oh shit." I mouth before hitting the floor Dagur managed to catch me in time.
"Careful, I can't have you breaking your neck." He was holding me by my waist, causing my face to blush a bit. I really couldn't pull away from him since I was still pretty weak. But eventually he let me go and led me away to the bath house.
"Haha." I laughed sarcastically"Just take me to the bath house please." I moaned just wanting to feel clean, wanting to be able to breath through my nose again. Why did I have to get sick at a time like this? I mean Dagur was doing a decent job of taking care of me, at least he didn't lock the door or force me into a cell. I was given another pair of clothes a dark grey tunic with brown pants. Dagur too me away so I could get my long awaited bath, I quickly took the opportunity for privacy, I closed the door and had a moment of silence to myself.
The bath was scalding hot, I was stripped of my old clothes and jumped in. Letting the hot water soak into my skin the steam greeting me. I could finally breath again, I could stay in this bath for hours, just letting the steam take care of me.
I took myself under, letting the hot water consume me. I held my breath and letting my ears pop. Then I pulled my head back up to the surface, letting out a breath of air, letting my arms rest on the edges of the tub.
What am I going to do now?
Once I was finished I got out of the tub and dried myself off, taking the new clothes I got and threw them on. I opened the bath house door as the cold wind hit me in the face, almost stinging a bit. Dagur of course he was waiting for me. Once I was back in the cold I was starting to feel light headed again, Dagur notice this quickly and grabbed my shoulder.
"Hey, you sure you're still okay?"
"I'm fine, I just need to get back inside." I didn't feel like talking about it, let alone stand up. I justed wanted to get back to bed, but Dagur decided to take more drastic measures this time, without even saying anything he picked me up bridal style, causing me to yelp for a second.
He grinned at me for minute, I rolled my eyes."Haha very cute, put me down."
"Nope." he continued to carry me back inside.
I didn't really know if I enjoyed being carried back inside, but at least I was more comfortable with Dagur...sort of. He was still deranged of course, but he was starting to calm down a bit, Toothless seemed pretty calm with him now, since the two had to deal with each other when I was passed out. so far things weren't going so bad besides almost falling to my death and having Dagur coming to my rescue. So yeah I have no idea how any of this was going to work out.
I was placed back in my room, invited to a calm Toothless with his wings spread out, letting me cuddle against him. Dagur bid me goodnight, I layed there for half of the night just staring up at the ceiling while Toothless purred the entire time, just happy to have me back.
How long would it take to get us out of here?