Alright guys, this is uh...well it's not a new chapter obviously, it's an announcement. I have some good news and uh...bad news.

Good news is, I'm gonna start posting Make A Move on AO3 soon as well!

The bad news is uh...It's gonna be a reboot. So...this version won't be getting anymore updates. I'll keep it up for a while so everyone can see this, but uh...there won't be any new chapters guys. Sorry.

Give me a minute to explain. As you all know I've been having writer's block for months now. Bad bad writer's block and I just realized why it's so bad. The story in my head isn't the same anymore. It's taken a huge turn from what I originally had planned and I just...well I can't write chapters for what I originally had planned and when I try to write something for this new turn it just...doesn't fit. I don't want to just cancel the story though! I still have a story for Lou and the rest of the characters of Undertale it's just...changed. Sure, I could be that asshole who does a reset for the next chapter instead but honestly that wouldn't be fair. If I do a reset in the story I want it to be for a specific reason, for a specific purpose that furthers the story in the right way, not because I'm having writer's block. No, that's a dick move and I'm not going to do that. I know a lot of you will probably be upset or mad and I feel especially bad for all of you new followers expecting the next installment only to get this flaming lump of utter bullshit dropped in your lap and I'm sorry, really I am.

What I find even more ironic is the fact that it's been a whole year since I first started posting this thing! God I feel like such a dick now...I'm sorry guys, I really am and I hope you all can forgive me for being a crappy author. If you still love this story I hope you'll come read the reboot once it's posted and I fully encourage you guys to message me with any ideas or things you want to see in the reboot. If I see anything mean or spiteful in my inbox however, just know I will be deleting it because that's rude, it's mean, and it goes completely against what Undertale is about and what it stands for and I know you're all better than that.

Again, I'm sorry about dropping it like this but I promise you, MaM hasn't died, it's just getting a fresh start. I am DETERMINED to keep it going, even if I have to do it with this reboot. I love you guys and I honestly spologize for how long you've all had to wait. I'll try to get a chapter or two posted before school starts this Monday. If not, then I promise to get it out soon once I figure out a rhythm for this semester.


Due to multiple requests, I will be keeping the story up. This way it's still available for whoever wants to read the old story.