Author's Note: I'm back, after a crazy stupid break. The past two months have gone crappy, but now I'm back! I'll try to get another chapter in within the next few weeks before I start my summer travels.
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE REVIEWD, FAVORITED, AND FOLLOWED! It means so much to me! I wasn't expecting this at all!
Steve was normally the first one up in the tower in the mornings, (if you didn't count Stark's 48 hour long days) followed by Bruce, Natasha, Thor if he was in town, and then lastly Barton.
In the beginning months following Loki's attack on Midguard, Steve would come down almost every morning to find a sleep deprived Clint drinking a cup of coffee. Their archer would mumble a good morning and pour the captain a cup. Following that, Clint either went and trained or ran with Steve or went to practice archery alone.
After what Steve assumed were nightmares stopped, he discovered that Clint was a very heavy, late sleeper when he felt protected. At least that was what he thought. When the Avenger's alarm went off, they all suited up and discovered they were missing Clint. Knocking on the door did no good, and it was only when Tony barged in and grabbed Clint by the shoulder did they also discover how light of a sleeper he was too, after Clint grabbed Stark by the arm and pulled out a knife from under the pillow. Even now, they have no idea how the ex- assassin's sleep cycle worked. Tony figured it had to do with spy training, because Natasha was almost the exact same way.
So when good ol' Captain America came down to the main floor, he was surprised to see Clint showered and sitting with his brother Will at the counter, drinking coffee looking at some papers. Or wait- was that Clint? Or was that Will? As he continued his way out of the elevator, he was only able to identify them by their eyes and how they sat. Their clothes were similar, and while both had eyes like a hawk, Clint's was more relaxed than his brother, who sat rigid in the chair with analytic eyes. Clint, however, just slouched.
Clint and Will looked up as Steve came over. "Morning Cap." He took a cup and filled it up with some coffee that sat on the counter. Both of them had a cup.
"Morning, Steve." Will said, taking a sip of his coffee while scanning the papers.
Steve gave them a nod and took the cup of coffee. "What are you looking at?"
"Every agent of SHIELD that has joined since the Chitauri attack and the SHIELD leak."
Steve raised an eyebrow at Will. "That's over three years of people- how're you going to tell who's a Carnie or HYDRA?"
Clint answered, "Most agents have a thorough background check on where they grew up. If where they grew up is near a location where Carson's Circus went, they're a possible threat."
"We then see how old they were when the circus came around, they normally take younger people over old ones." Will added, in perfect sync with Clint. It was a little bit creepy, Steve thought to himself.
"That could be hundreds on agents- and what if they were on the move or were stationed there during a mission? Fury only gave us permission to search backgrounds, not classified missions."
"If they were stationed there at any time, we can hack their phone, both private and SHIELD issued, to see who they've contacted." Will said.
"Benji and the science bros were all a little too willing to develop a software for us to use to hack into their phones. They just set the calls to either when the Chitauri invasion ended, or when you and Nat destroyed DC and leaked all the classified documents." Clint added.
"What if you miss someone and all you get are dead ends?" Steve questioned. He wanted to make sure they had every possible suspect listed.
"No matter what, we will find the mole. The agent that poisoned Natasha was definitely a part of one of the two- most likely Hydra. We can follow his trail as soon as Benji, Banner, and Stark get his identification. We think he had an alias, and SHIELD is keeping his body and identity under close wraps. It shouldn't be too much of a problem real soon." Will added.
Steve nodded his head- this was good, and with both teams working relatively well, they should be a step closer than they were yesterday. "Where are the others?"
"Benji, and the science bros are in the lab, Natasha is looking to get answers about her attacker, and Jane and Ethan are getting the IMF files." Clint said.
"How are we going to get the IMF files? I thought it was almost completely under HYDRA control." Steve asked.
"I have a few contacts that we trust within the IMF- a man named Luther who helped us take down the Syndicate and Samantha Bridges, who takes over my position as head analyst when I go out in the field. Ethan and Jane are going to talk to them to get the information they need." Will said. "They should be back in about an hour with the files."
Jane, Ethan, Luther and Samantha decided to meet at a breakfast café a little way away from Stark Tower. Sitting in back of the bar, Luther sat eating a burrito, giving the excuse that he didn't want to look suspicious, while Samantha sat opposite of him with a cup of coffee, almost as good as Brandt's secret stash. To any outside eye, it looked like a simple job interview. Instead, it was a transaction of top secret files that could get any of them in serious trouble.
Luther was always a little bit cautious with who he gave his trust to. The first time he met Will, he didn't trust him as far as he could throw him. Their relationship was off to a rocky start, and once he realized that Will wasn't going to stab Ethan in the back, he was cool with the guy. So when Will called and said to get a young analyst, with practically no field training and experience who carried top secret files and knew information people would kill for, to help in an illegal operation, there were some minor issues that Will or Luther would never agree on.
The door to the café opened, ringing a slight bell and the legendary Ethan Hunt with Jane Carter walked in, pretending to be a couple, and went to the counter and ordered coffee. Normally under normal circumstances, they wouldn't be this cautious. But since they didn't know who to trust or if anyone was watching, it was best to try to act as normal as possible. Grabbing their coffee and paying, they went and sat down at the table with Samantha and Luther.
Ethan sat down next to Luther, and gave the analyst across the table a look. Sure, he did trust Will's judgment, but he had been keeping a lot of secrets. It didn't matter anymore though, he realized. Luther and Samantha were now both in on this, and if the IMF (or whoever took over the IMF) had any sense, they would realize that these two were involved.
Looking to the young analyst, Ethan asked, "You have the files?"
Samantha raised an eyebrow. "No, I just showed up for the coffee."
Ethan raised an eyebrow while Jane stifled a snort, she could see why Will chose her.
Reaching into her jacket, everyone could make out a gun on her hip, definitely as weak as Luther thought. She pulled out two plain vanilla folders. They had only asked for one. "Of course I have the files."
Sliding them over to Ethan, he grabbed them and asked, "Why are there two? We only asked for the ones after Ghost Protocol, when he became an active field agent again."
"Yeah I know, the other folder is after Croatia and when he became head analyst. There's only about a year between Croatia and the promotion, so the names are listed on the paper. Otherwise they're all in the folder."
Upon Ethan's and Luther's confused faces, she elaborated. "From what I've heard of the situation, you're only looking for people that could've recognized him and his brother. There was a year between Ghost Protocol and the Chitauri invasion, but after Will got promoted to head analyst, he went to a lot more meetings with higher ups, including the President and his associates, which were later discovered to be Hydra. He's also met with SHIELD before, so anyone would be able to recognize there were two William Brandt's. He made a lot of enemies as an analyst too- he brought in a lot of criminals. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them recognized him and he didn't know it."
Ethan and Luther's face cleared up. They nodded, and Ethan took the files. He slid one over to Jane who put it in her purse, while Ethan put it in his jacket. "Thank you, we'll contact you when we get a lead on the IMF."
Ethan got up, shortly followed by Jane. They were turning to leave before Samantha got Jane's attention. "Jane, could you tell Will that all of his coffee is gone and the analysts appreciate it?"
Ethan and Jane grinned. They both knew that their analyst had a knack for coffee. "Sure thing, Samantha. No promises about what he'll do to you in return, though." She responded.
"He can try all he wants, but he won't succeed." She responded.
And with that, Jane and Ethan walked out of the coffee shop and to Stark Tower.
Will and Clint, with help from Steve, had managed to sort out all potential SHIELD moles and were currently having Benji and Stark run through their personal records.
Natasha had just returned with some information, including the name of Russel Handle and the names of his friends at SHIELD. The perfect thing though, is that the name matched the list of people they had listed as potential moles. They were going to be able to web quicker than they thought, especially since they hadn't heard anything from the number.
"He had the tattoo, so if we knew others had it, that would be a sure sign they were a part of Carson's." Will said, thinking of the file he had seen at SHIELD and what information Natasha supplied.
"How are we going to see it? We can't go around and ask if they could take off their shirt to see if they were a secret spy." Clint stated, looking at some of the files.
"And besides, they could've joined later after the ring was destroyed, or they could've used sharpie like you two." Natasha added,
"And Hydra wouldn't be as stupid to get a tattoo that said 'Hail Hydra!'" Tony said from across the room to Will.
"Alright, bad idea. Just thinking out loud." Will said, putting his hands up in a surrendering way.
The elevator door opened, and Ethan and Jane walked out, files in hand. They handed them to Will, and looked at the organized piles of SHIELD agents.
"I can understand why you chose Samantha to take your spot as head analyst when you're gone. She definitely has what it takes." Jane said.
"Yeah, and she's too stubborn and nosy for her own good." Will said, not looking up.
"Sounds like Ethan," Benji said from next to Stark. "Except not as radical."
Ethan let out a dignified "Hey!"
Jane also looked towards Will. "She also took your coffee."
Will's expression was of utmost betrayal. "Told her not to, she owes me now."
Clint let out a snicker next to him, and Will gave him a withering glare. "Shut up."
Everyone let out a laugh.
There didn't seem to be as much bad blood as there was yesterday, Steve thought. He had to make sure Ethan and Clint were good, though. Along with Will and his team's relationship. But that was for another day.
Secret place where carnies and Hydra agents hang out and plan for world domination
"We've found someone working with them," A loyal Hydra agent told John Copper, a strong tall blonde with a sickened mind. "Within the IMF." The agent licked his lips nervously.
Copper made the motion for the agent to continue. "An analyst who works with Brandt by the name of Samantha Bridges. From what we could tell from the IMF database, she downloaded the files of some of our infiltrators and delivered them to Brandt himself. The same goes with Barton, but we don't know who gave him the files. They shouldn't be able to find the moles quickly, though."
Copper sneered. This put a hole in his plan, it must be fixed. "Of course they'll solve it, you idiot. They have Stark and the British one. They'll have information in no time." He turned to face the agent. "However, I think you should go ahead and have a little chat with Ms. Bridges. I'm sure Barney Barton would love to come with, and catch up on the information of his little brother's life. Make sure Brandt knows her condition at the end of the meeting."
The agent paled. "Yessir." He saluted Copper and turned to leave.
Author's note: I feel bad now… I've been thinking about what to do with Sammy's character, and this kind of happened.
Next chapter should come sooner! Along with some more brotherly comfort, Jane and Natasha working together, and it's time to solve the problems between Will and his team. In order to fight and get through something as a team, you must remain a team.
Please comment- I love to hear what you have to say!
(The relationship between Samantha and Will is not meant to be in an involved way. It's supposed to be a friendship, and to those of you who've watched the Unusuals starring Jeremy Renner, it's like Walsh's and Casey's relationship.)