Author's note: So this idea has been hopping around in my head for awhile. I hope you all like it as much as I do.

Disclaimer: *Sigh* If only…

Chapter 1

Virgin by Day

(Lucy pov)

We did it. We won the GMG! The Guild celebrated for days before the mayor of Magnolia politely requested we stop making so much noise. The other Guilds left with promises to meet up and life returned to normal. Well, as normal as it gets when you're a Mage of Fairy Tail. Team Natsu dragged me on a few missions and I settled back into my old routine. My routine was quickly thrown out the window when Jason, the reporter for Sorcerer Weekly, showed up for interviews with his new photographer, Genine. He made a beeline for Erza Scarlet and began firing question after question at the stoic Requip Mage. I watched with bitter pride as my friend was being recognized for her strength and amazing display at the GMG. I felt happy for her, I truly do, but I can't help but feel upset over my humiliating losses in front of all Fiore.

I sipped my milkshake as I halfheartedly listened to Erza's interview. "So Erza, you were up against some terrifyingly cool foes. How did you manage to find the courage to face them? What drove you to keep fighting against such odds?"

"Why, Lucy of course. I believe I speak for everyone when I say that Lucy gives us all the strength to stand up and fight. She is the light that guides us and gives us courage to face all those that seek to destroy us, no matter how strong they may be."

"COOL! I guess that's why she's called the Light of Fairy Tail! Speaking of, where is she? I was hoping to interview her today."

"She is at the bar. Let her finish her milkshake before asking questions."

"COOL!" I sucked down the rest of my delicious, dairy treat when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to find the blonde reporter and the powder blue haired photographer. "Hiya, Lucy! Do you mind if I ask you a few cool questions?"

I blushed in contained excitement at getting an interview with Sorcerer Weekly. "Of course not! Please, take a seat! Would you like a drink? My treat!"

He waved away my offer. "No thanks. How about you, Jenny?"

The woman, staring at me with sharp gold eyes, shook her head. Her eyes roamed my form, taking in my cute new dress. It was white with gold ribbons hemming along the waist and top of the detached sleeves. The dress came down to my knees and flared out with every spin I made. It made me feel pretty and, according to Virgo, made me look like a pure, little virgin.

I pushed away the empty glass. "Well, ask me what you will and I will answer as honestly as I can."

"COOL! So Lucy, Fiore wants to know… What is your relationship with Natsu?"

I am sure my face created a new shade of red at what he was insinuating. "I… We… No! We're… t-t-teammates! That's all…."

"YES!" Everyone in the Guild jumped at the loud outburst. Genine, who had been silent up til now, had her camera up and pointed at me. The camera clicked repeatedly as she moved around taking pictures of me at every angle. "Yes. Her face, her form, her posture! All of it so innocent! A virgin warrior! Darling, could you move your hand up? Curl your fingers. Not that much! That's it! Ugh, this lighting! I need you in my studio! Jason! Finish your silly questions so that I may schedule a photoshoot with Miss Lucy! Be quick! I do not have all day!"

Jason shivered under the woman's evil glare. Her dialect was strange, as if she came from a different country. "Excuse me? I really like your accent. It sounds very smooth and airy."

She smiled at my whispered comment. "Thank you, darling! I come from a small village in the most southern part of Fiore. You would like it. Very momma came from Bosco and she taught me how to speak."

Jason continued asking questions about my magic and friendships. I blushed every time he brought up the topic of my (nonexistent) love life. "So Lucy, what kind of man attracts you? What do you find irresistible in a guy?"

I blushed again, noticing that most conversations in the Guild had stopped and many had moved closer to hear my answer. "W-well… I do like assertive men."

Jason smirked. "Ah! So you're into Alpha males, huh?"

"Not…" I sighed. "I like men who are honest and upfront. I like men who know what they want and aren't afraid to take it. However, he also needs to understand that I am independent and will not be bossed around! I am a fighter! I love going on missions and fighting beside my friends. If he tells me to sit on the sidelines, I will plow him over to join the battle. I like a guy that takes charge, but knows when to keep his mouth shut."

The camera clicked frantically. "She is so cute! Like a kitten batting away with her tiny paws and hissing at the much bigger kitties! Are you through, Jason?"

"One more question. Are you a virgin?"

My face felt like it caught fire. The harsh slap covered my tiny squeak of embarrassment. "JASON! How dare you! Outside, now! Forgive him, Miss Lucy. Jason is stupider than he looks. Now, how about you come to Clover tomorrow and let me capture your innocence on film, yes? I give you the address and you come at ten in the morning. I make you look perfect, yes?"

She gave me the address to her studio and left without another word. I sighed out the last of my embarrassment and began on the fresh drink made by the She-Demon of Fairy Tail. The bright gleam in her eyes raised several red flags in my head.

Warning! Tread carefully!

"So Lucy, I didn't know you liked assertive men."

Danger! "I like guys that don't play around. I had enough of that as an heiress."

"I see…. There are plenty of guys in Fairy Tail like that."

Get out while you can! "Oh really? You sure about that?"

"Mm hm. If you want, I can…"

ESCAPE! "Well, thanks for the milkshakes! I gotta go pack for the trip!" I threw down enough jewel notes to pay for my drinks and then some then I hightailed it out of the Guild Hall as if I'd eaten Erza's cake. I didn't stop running until I reached my apartment and entered my haven; the bathroom. I set the stopper and turned the hot water knob. I sprinkled in some oil and bath salts until the room was filled with the aroma of vanilla and strawberry. I stripped out of my new dress and tossed it out the door. I slipped into the hot water and moaned my appreciation.

Bless the person that created indoor plumbing.

I took my sweet time washing and shaving myself, enjoying the peace and quiet while I still could. No doubt one of my Teammates will come bursting in at any given moment. As soon as I thought that, as if it was broadcasted for all to hear, I heard something fall to the floor. "LUCY!"

I groaned. "Hello Natsu! I'm in the bathtub!"

"Really? Can I join you?"

"No." I deadpanned. I discovered that yelling doesn't help in detouring my friends from doing as they pleased. I figured that approaching the situation calmly might help. It didn't, but I am sick of wasting energy on screaming.

He walked into the bathroom and plopped beside the tub. Shocking. "So I hear you're leaving tomorrow. Can I come with you?"

"No Natsu. It's just a photoshoot for Sorcerer Weekly. You'll be bored to tears."

He pouted and picked up a jar of rose soap petals. "What's this?"

"It's strawberry scented soap. You drop them in the water and they dissolve and make you smell good."

"Hm." He inspected the jar. "You should start getting honey scented stuff. It would go great with your natural scent."

My lips tilted upward. "And what is my natural scent?"

"Vanilla and champagne. Strawberries go great with the scent, but I think you should try honey. It might be better."

"Alright… I'll think about it. Now get out. I need to get dressed."

Natsu put down the jar and left the room. Probably heading towards the kitchen. I pulled the stopper and stood up. Virgo appeared with neatly folded clothes in her grasp. "I have taken the liberty of packing for your trip tomorrow. Punishment, Princess?"

I smiled and shook my head. "No, Virgo. Thank you for your help."

She bowed before taking her leave. I slipped into the long, flowing, midnight dress with little light lacrimas sewn under the cloth. It looked as if I were wearing the night sky and I loved every inch of it. Especially the off-shoulder straps.

I left the bathroom to find Team Natsu assembled in my home. Gray was flipping through my latest chapter, Erza was going through my lingerie drawer, and Natsu was devouring all my food with his exceed. Happy was the first to notice my entrance. "Hey, Lucy! I found the fish!"

'I bet you did.'

Erza looked up and smiled. "You look beautiful, Lucy."

Gray pulled his head from my book, doing a double take. His cheeks gained a slight pink hue. "Uh…. w-wow Luce. You look pretty….. pretty good. Very nice."

"Thank you, Gray. Do you guys think I should wear this to the photoshoot tomorrow? Does it look okay?"

Natsu waddled into my bedroom, a bloated Happy floating behind him. "You look good in everything, Luce!"

"Don't worry about what you wear, Lucy." Erza took a seat on the sofa. "Mira and I have had to pose for Sorcerer Weekly before. What you wear won't matter. They will already have different outfits for you to wear."

I sat beside the S-Class Mage. "Sorry. I'm just so nervous! This is the first time I've ever been asked to do a photoshoot! I want to make sure everything goes smoothly."

"And it will! Just take a deep breathe and relax. I will be there and you can get me at any point in time if you feel uncomfortable."

"Really?" Tears gathered in my eyes. "That would be great, Erza. Thank you! Wait, why are you going?"

"Didn't anyone tell you? You, me, and Juvia have been voted the top three most beautiful girls in Fairy Tail. Gray has been voted as one of the top three best looking men along with Gajeel and Laxus. So they will be there as well.

Natsu and Happy shot up from my bed. "We'll come, too!"

Gray tossed my manuscript onto my desk. "Can't Natsu. You're weren't selected cause you're ugly as shit and you have to stay here."

"What did you say, Ice Princess?"

"You heard me, Matchstick!"

Both boys butted heads and began firing insults at each other. Before the fight escalated, Erza stood up and pried them apart. "You two aren't fighting in Lucy's home, are you? Do you remember what happened last time?"

Natsu and Gray shuddered and hugged. "Nope! We're not fighting! Right, Gray?"

"Nope! Just hanging out with my best friend!"

The redhead nodded and returned to Lucy's side. "Don't worry, Lucy. You'll do great. I bet the next Sorcerer Weekly will sell ten times better with you on the cover."

I blushed at the thought of my face on the cover of my favorite magazine. "I really hope so, but I doubt it. I'm not nearly as popular as you or Mira."

Gray dropped himself onto his chair. His bare ass touched that couch, so I'll never use it agian. "I wouldn't jump to conclusions, Luce. You don't know how many times I've been asked about you and your relationship status. A lot of guys find you damn near irresistible. Maybe it's the innocent gleam in your eye, or the cute way you try to use your body to seduce men. I don't know what it is, but you attract men like bees to flowers."

Erza equipped into her Purgatory Armor. "Who are these men?!"

I pulled her down and saved a sweating Gray from a most unpleasant interrogation. "Calm down, Erza. Hearing that actually boosted my self-esteem."

"It did?"

I nodded. "Every girl likes to hear she's appreciated! Don't you like it when someone compliments you, Erza?"

A light pink blush dusted her cheeks. "Well, it is a nice feeling."

I stood up and moved to the bathroom and changed into something more comfortable. "Alright, who wants breakfast for dinner?"

All four of her friends stood up. "ME!"

"Laxus! What are you doing here?!"

The Lightning Dragon Slayer was spread across the single couch in Genine's studio waiting room.

"I'm here for my damn photo shoot." His storm gray eyes roamed my figure. I suppressed the urge to cover myself under his gaze. He made me feel… naked. Which is absurd compared to what I do every Saturday night. "I see you made it to the top three as well. Congrats."

'Oh. Right... Erza told me last night. I'm so stupid.' "Huh, I didn't know you made it to the top three."

"You saying something, Blondie?"

"Uh... No. I just... I didn't think that you would actually take it seriously."

He stood up and stalked towards me. "Why wouldn't I? Wipe that frown off your face. Our photographer is on her way."

No sooner than he said that, Genine burst through the door. "I see you have deigned to show up this time 'round, eh Laxus? Ah! My little star! It is so good to see that you made it safely! Come come! We must get you dressed and prepared for the camera! Carmin! Get her to make-up ASAP! Monique, fetch the gown for the first set! Move it!"

Bodies flurried around me and I was whisked away from the blue-eyed blonde's side. I was shoved into a chair and subjected to torture in the form of tweezers and creams and powders. My poor dress and lingerie was all but ripped off so that four women could attack my skin with lotions that shimmered. Then I was stuffed into a silky, cream ball gown. A corset constricted my torso and made breathing damn near impossible. I was then dragged onto a fake balcony with a starry night backdrop. I was pushed onto the overstuffed loveseat and positioned to Genine's pleasure. The light from the camera flickered like a strobe light, capturing my image every other second. She shouted her commands: raise my arm above my head, grip the back of the couch, run my other hand through my hair, wrap my arms around myself, turn on my side, stretch my limbs, prop up my leg. On and on these orders went until finally she set down her camera. My relief was short lived as she called for her lackies to fetch the white number. I didn't know what this number was, but I didn't like it.

"Um, excuse me. Genine? I love being the focus of your genius, but I would like a little break. This corset is cutting off my circulation."

The woman smiled. "Pah! Call me Jenny, dear. Take five and get a drink. I believe your Guildmates are at the refreshment table, yes?"

I finally escaped from that blasted corset and slipped into fluffy robe. I went outside the changing room and hunted for the familiar figure of Laxus. I found him, along with Gajeel and Gray, holding little plates and mugs. The attendant at the table handed me a cup of punch.

"Hey Bunny. Nice robe."

I glared at Gajeel. "Nice briefs."

He huffed, "Their called boxers, Bunny. I don't do that girly shit. In fact, I usually go commando." He offered me a lecherous grin.


Gray sipped his drink. "You looked great Lucy."

I blushed at my Teammate's praise. "Why thank you, Gray! It's nice to know some appreciates the view."

Gajeel chuckled, "Never said I didn't like the show, Bunny. I'm looking forward to seeing what Jenny has in store for you. I'm especially eager for the group pictures."

"The what?"

Laxus slammed his mug down. "Basically, all the singles will take a picture with the other singles of the opposite sex then there will be a group picture."

I opened my mouth to question him further, but I was dragged away once more by my torturers. My make-up was redone to look natural. They slipped me into a provocative one piece swimsuit. The white material covered the essentials and was held together by thin strips across my waist and back. The suit was high collared and split from the hollow of my throat to reveal my cleavage. My feet were decorated with silver anklets that stretched over the top of my feet and my hands were clad in a matching set. A crocheted sarong was tied around my waist and I was partially carried to the next set. The scene was a sunny beach. The background was charmed to move as if it were a window to a beach and not an image painted on a cloth. I was laid out on the white sand and told to move the whims of my master. I hugged my knees to my chest, stroked my smooth thighs, spread my feet, laid down, arched my back, rested on my elbows, crossed my legs (not that much!), rolled onto my belly, kicked up a calf, and groaned in sweet relief as Jenny yelled 'done'.

I was pulled back into the room of terror for another costume change. They strapped me into a cute set of white, lacey lingerie and wrapped me in a sheer robe. The fabric barely hid nothing and still managed to make the trampy panties appear virginal. I had to admit I looked like a blushing bride before her wedding night. I was rushed out of the room and onto another set. This one made me blush. A ginormous bed covered in deep black, silk covers with sheets of sheer white fabric hung around the bed. The backdrop was of a starry night sky, charmed with the occasional shooting star. I was thrown onto the mattress and the light started flashing. Curl your legs, hide your mouth, look this way, look away, I love that blush, lay down across the bed, run your fingers through your hair, stretch out the other arm, now lay down with your head closest to me, on your belly, prop up your head, roll onto your back, spread your arms, bend your knees, arch your back (just like that!).

She clapped her hands. "Alright! Let's get your friends and wrap this up!"

I crawled off the bed, careful not to open the robe, when a large body collided into mine and pinned me to the bed.

"Stop looking at her, you sick perverts!"

I gaped at the S-Class Mage. "Laxus! What are you doing?"

He gestured to the small crowd that had gathered for my photoshoot. Gajeel and Gray were glaring at group of familiar Mages. Hibiki, Ren and Eve weren't bothering to hide their interest in my outfit. Neither did Bacchus or Sting. Rogue and Orga had the decency to look embarrassed. I spotted Erza dragging a crying Lyon from the beach set were Juvia stood in a glittery blue-green bikini. She greeted Millianna and Kagura while Araña hung behind them. My four torturers started for us. I squeaked in fear and buried my face in Laxus' shoulder. "Save me..."


The four women froze. Jenny stormed back to the set and picked up her camera. "You so much as move a single hair on their heads, you're fired! Hold that pose!" The camera went off. "Yes… I love this! Carmin! Change the outfits! I want them in sexy nightwear and I want it done now!"

Laxus was pried off of me and I was carried away. I was all but thrown in the changing room and stripped. They took the time to wash my face and re-do my make-up. Once done, they slipped me into a nightie. Thin straps held the fabric in place. Shimmery white silk hid my breasts from view and was covered by a sheer star-patterned fabric, the middle held together by a small bow. The white fabric continued down my back and the sides of my waist, leaving my belly open for viewing pleasure. The panties made me blush. A white silk ribbon hugged my hips. Only the corners of the front of the panties were sewn into the ribbon, leaving a wide space of skin open to the world. I turned my head and snuck a peek of my butt in the mirror behind me. I sighed in relief seeing that my backside was covered.

I was steered out of the safety of the changing room and past curious onlookers. I did my best to ignore the cat calls, but my blush grew darker with each whistle. We reached the bed set, the purple replaced with black, where a nearly naked Laxus lay waiting. My face burned from embarrassment as he looked me up and down wearing that stupid grin of his.

Honestly, this is ridiculous! Me; blushing at something like this! This is nothing compared to my weekends! I've seen so many half naked men, I've lost count! So why is he affecting me like this?

I was pushed onto the bed and captured in strong arms. The camera went wild as Jenny fired off commands. The blush never left my face. To the contrary, it grew darker with each new pose. Lower your hand, Laxus! One hand on her neck, please. That blush is so cute! Bend your leg, bring it up between hers! On your sides. Move your hand up. Put the other on her thigh. Wow, I've never seen that shade of red before. Lucy, curl your legs. I like that, Laxus! Do it again! Lucy, on your back. You know what, head at the end of the bed, feet at the front. Yes, Laxus! Arms out, Lucy. Grip the sheets. Arch your back. Laxus, hands near her hips. No, I like that better! Oh, Yes! I love that! Hold it!

The last photo she took had my whole body burning. I was on my back, back arched and arms spread with my hands clutching the sheets as if keeping myself grounded. Laxus had one hand by my waist and the other gripping my hip. The fact that he was between my legs didn't bother me much. It was the way he brought his face close to my tits and took on of the bow ends in his teeth and pulled away. A quick tug and the knot would come undone and reveal my breasts to the world. It took a lot of willpower to keep myself from power kicking him off the bed.

I happily followed Carmin back to the dressing room. I was stripped once more and thrown into something resembling my weekends. I wore loose, black pants that left the sides of my legs uncovered and tied at the ankles. A tight, leather wrap hid my breasts from view and a studded collar hugged my neck. My hair was up in a high ponytail. I was led out to a rocky set. A beautiful backdrop depicted a mountain at dusk hung behind fake boulders. Gajeel sat perched on one of them. His attire wasn't so different from his usual wear. He took one look at me and grinned darkly.

"Nice outfit, Bunny Girl."

They cuffed my wrists above my head and Jenny took delight in shouting at Gajeel to get closer. I was sure my body would become permanently stained with my embarrassment as his hands roamed my curves, brushing but never touching the goodies. Jenny ordered him to remove a Key from my pouch and place it in my mouth. I nearly fainted when I saw Loke's symbol. I could practically feel the Spirit's amusement radiating from the enchanted metal. Then Gajeel activated his Iron Scales, the sharp edges brushing against my flesh with every shift.

We finished the set and I was changed into something more my daily style. I now wore a pink/purple crop-top and a pleated black skirt. Thigh high, black boots hugged my legs, the heel giving me some height and still small enough to not cause balance issues. When I was dragged to a forest set, I saw Gray in loose black pants and his white jacket. I spotted the shirt on the ground. "Uh, Gray? Your shirt."

Carmin sweatdropped as Gray removed his coat to slip back into his pale blue t-shirt. "How? He was wearing his jacket. How did he lose his shirt?"

I shrugged, no longer surprised by his odd habit. "Who knows."

Jenny called for our attention and the flashing began again. My blush was slowly fading. Gray and I were Teammates and he refused to make me uncomfortable. We stood back to back, shoulder to shoulder, hugged the each other, and made funny faces. Jenny finished with us and Carmin pulled me away again. I was allowed to slip into my new dress that I came here in and was directed to the final set for a group picture. The set-up was a simple white background. The others were already standing there, talking amongst themselves. All five looked weary and ready to go home.

Jenny came over and organized us. Juvia stood in front of Gray to the far right. Hearts appeared in the Water Mage's eyes when Gray slung an arm around her shoulders. Gajeel and Erza took the space on the left. Gajeel stood with his arms crossed while Erza had her hands on her hips. Laxus and I took the center. I stood directly in front of him, short enough to not hide his face unlike the other pairs. I squeaked in surprise as his arms captured me. He held me prisoner against his chest as Jenny clicked away with her expensive camera and called it a day. "Thank you, my darlings! You all will see my beautiful photos in next week's magazine. I'll send you one in mail so you may bask in your own beauty!"

I gave my friends a soft goodbye and rushed out the door. I didn't look back. I couldn't. I don't think I'd ever be able to look at them again! How could I? Laxus and Gajeel had been so close! Why am I even freaking out?!

Saturday night. The Guild was throwing another party and my apartment was empty of nosey Mages. I summoned Virgo to my side and she appeared with tonight's wardrobe. A provocative number made of leather scraps held together by flimsy-looking chains. Though my hips were open to the world, my pantie's thin straps were well hidden by the simple charm I bought for 1500 jewel. I got a second one free and gave it to Cana. The brunette thanked me with plenty of hugs and a reading. Apparently, my future held a wild romance in the future. She looked at a single card and called me a lucky bitch. I didn't know what it meant, but I didn't care then and I don't care now. I'm not looking for my soul mate. I want to live my life first.

And I am going to live it right now!

Loke poofed onto the sofa as I pulled on my ankle length, leather trench coat. "You're going to ignore me again, aren't you?"

"Like I do every weekend." I ignored my precious Keys sitting on my desk. I grabbed my house key and dropped it in my pocket.

My friend and Spirit followed me out the door. "Could you at least to take your Keys? What if you run into trouble?"

"Oh, Loke. I am the trouble." I chuckled and slipped into the alleyway between my apartment building and the bakery next door. I crouched and jumped up, kicking against either wall as I made my way to the roof. Loke landed next to me.

"I'll follow you just in case."

"Like you do every time." I sighed and began running. We jumped from roof to roof, crossing Magnolia unnoticed by the people below. The buildings became a little more run down as we neared my target. Loke threw himself off the roof and landed gracefully on the ground. I fell back and waited for his arms to catch me. He did, and held me until I was back on my feet. We walked out of the alley that reeked of piss and stale beer. I reached into my pocket and pulled out two masks. One, gleaming gold, resembled a lion's snout curled in a ferocious snarl. The other, pitch black, hid the upper part of the face and shimmered softly in the low light.

Loke took his mask and secured it in place. "This is a bad idea." His voice was slightly muffled from his mask.

"You've say that every weekend, Loke." I pushed the mask against my skin and checked my hair. Still in it's perfect bun. All thanks to Cancer.

He grabbed the handle. "Ready?" He grunted in defeat.

I stroked my whip and nodded. I only spoke when necessary when I'm here. The mask disguised my face, not my voice. Though I spoke as little as possible, I did enjoy singing for my people. I could feel the excited hum behind the wooden door. Since I began singing, the Saturday crowd kept getting larger. They were anxious to hear what I had for them tonight. Well, they have to wait. I needed to de-stress first.


-SPN :3