A/N: The prologue of Poisoned Burn is here people! Not long at all but it is only meant to be a taste of what's to come. Sorry for the wait but I decided to upload it today instead of waiting for the next chapter because TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! Happy birthday to me! Another year older…and another year in hell but who cares? I HAD CAKE TODAY!
…man I sound like Cole.
Disclaimer: I do not own Ninjago
Poisoned Burn
Fire raged through the city, tongues licking hungrily at the air as the flames consumed everything in their path. Venomous green liquid oozed out of crannies, nooks, drainage pipes and vents, crawling over the earth and drooling down constructs eating away until all that remained was the poisonous goo. An earth shattering roar shook the city and horrified golden eyes landed on a primordial, colossal serpent as it tore itself out of the ground. Smoke and toxic gas filled air and an arm was raised in defence. Terrified screams pierced the air as the beast dived downwards, its fanged jaws opened wide as it clamped down on a group of helpless children, swallowing in a merciless gulp. Three bodies – white, black and blue – lay sprawled on the ground, lifeless and bloodied against the poisoned grass.
"You cannot sssstop me, mortal! I am the Great Devourer, the Earth-Ssssswallower. There is nothing that can sssstand in my way!"
The serpent lunged, its maw detaching as it engulfed the quartet, the last standing letting loose a primeval scream.
Kai's eyes snapped open as she stared at the ocean beneath her, the cliff that she was standing on crumbling. Prince raised his head, sensing her panic through the link as Blaze landed behind them.
"I'm alright," she reassured softly, immediately reconcealing her emotions. Neither was entirely convinced but they returned to their sleep without further assurances.
"The Serpentine…"
Kai turned her gaze to the moon as its light caressed her skin once more. "I won't let it happen, mother. I promise."
Her hands shook by her side as the vision returned, her last thought flickering through her siblings' minds.
'My family will not fall, no matter what it takes I will guarantee their survival. I swear it.'
Kai's screams of defeat and despair echoed incessantly throughout the night as the moon shimmered coldly above.
A/N: Dark but in theme. Well, I hope you all enjoy and I should have the next chapter out by the time school goes back and after that there are no promises. Love you all and please, R&R!