Words: 3,241
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the laptop that lets me play with Michael Buckley's characters.
Notes: A quick explanation of this story (as if the summary isn't simple enough lol) - I came up with this idea two summers ago, was robbed of my laptop Fall 2014, but managed to save a good amount of this story in my email, and am now slowly starting to upload chapters. As of this update, 4 of the 6 chapters are written and I'm working on the last 2 chapters.

This was originally supposed to be a one-chapter thing with six drabbles but clearly that's not going to happen if each kiss is over 3,000 words long. Like with most of my Sisters Grimm stories, I take a little artistic integrity and pretty much ignore that Puck goes on a magical quest with Jake (insert eyeroll here lmao). I hope you enjoy, though! Always good to have a little fluff, I think. We're starting off at 15-years-old so chill, no PDA quite yet, but we'll see where these losers decide to take their relationship.

put a shirt on, hot stuff

Granny Relda, Sabrina knows, is not an easy person to argue with. The fifteen-year-old is quite accustomed to her grandmother's stubborn streak and unwillingness to yield when it comes to something she firmly believes should happen. Unfortunately for Sabrina, this means that no matter what excuses she brings up about having to write her English and economics papers or helping Snow with Spring cleaning at the Charming mansion, she apparently has a family obligation to undergo escape training in the middle of Spring break.

"Oh, try not to be so grumpy, liebling," Granny says in what she thinks is a tone that will pacify Sabrina but in reality only fuels the irritated spark in the young girl. It's so god-awfully early in the morning, the sun isn't even out yet, and she's suddenly feeling extremely hungry.

She mumbles something incoherent to her grandmother before shuffling her way to the bedroom Daphne shares with Red. Once she and her grandmother make enough of a ruckus to scare an entire platoon to their feet, Sabrina practically drags a hazy-eyed Daphne by the ear towards what used to be Mirror's room but is now the location of all their detective training.

"S'it 'scape training t'day?" Daphne mumbles, rubbing at her eyes with both hands and yawning. Sabrina glances at her sideways, absentmindedly hoping that her sister would wake up a little faster, before she compromises their position during training.

"No fancy fur coat or seventeen scarves today? Straw hat? Snow boots? Water suit?" Sabrina asks sarcastically, reaching up and stretching her arms. There's no way out of this now, so she figures she might as well deal with it and kick ass in there. A particular fairy's ass, that is.

Granny studies the girls' current attire, her eyes quickly observing the pyjama boxers and loose t-shirts they both have on.

"That should do, but you'll both need these," she answers, and before Sabrina can blink, her hands are fumbling to catch a pair of worn down sneakers her grandmother's apparently pulled out of thin air. She gives her grandmother a strange look before eyeing the dirty shoes and reaching in to pluck out a thick sock from each shoe.

"Am I going to be really angry when I get back?" she asks, deadpanning. Daphne snorts next to her before plopping down onto the floor to pull on her own pair of socks and shoes.

"That's a rhetorical question, right?" she says to her older sister. "You're always angry whether we win or not."

Sabrina grumbles unhappily about the whole thing but pulls on the grey socks and shoves her feet into the greying sneakers nonetheless.

"Let's just get this over with," she says unenthusiastically, like the happy camper she always is, and stomps over to the mirror hanging on the far wall. Bunny 'The Wicked Queen' Lancaster had fashioned Relda a new trial-mirror just like the old Hall of Wonders ages ago as a sort of half-apology and half-thanks, but hadn't gotten around to appointing the mirror a guardian. Relda's taken it upon herself to frequently remind Bunny that the beta-mirror is fine without a guardian - since it's mostly used for storage anyway - and she needn't bother coming up with a new security and management system for it. Sabrina suspects Bunny's still lugging around a bit of a guilty complex, but she can't blame the woman.

"Remember to keep a cool head, girls!" Granny reminds her granddaughters encouragingly, stroking Daphne's untied hair and brushing her hand against Sabrina's shoulder as the two girls walk closer to the mirror's surface. Daphne smiles sleepily up at her grandmother and leans into her hand.

"We will, Granny!" she assures Relda as cheerfully as she can. Daphne takes her sister's hand and pulls them both through the mirror's chilly surface, not letting go until they're standing in front of the doorway that'll teleport them directly to the environment where the escape training will take place.

"'Keep a cool head,' psh," Sabrina repeats, rolling her eyes. Daphne subtly raises an eyebrow at her sister and lets go of her hand, steeling herself for the morning's challenge.

"What the hell does that even mean?" Sabrina continues to mutter to herself while she reaches up to open the door. She turns the knob, pushes the door open, and gets an answer she hadn't expected when the two sisters are sucked into a void of scorching, hot air.

Sabrina stumbles as she trips forward, but manages to catch herself instead of falling onto her knees like she normally does. She mentally applauds herself for getting better at keeping her balance whenever the door teleports them between the training sites and the Hall of Wonders. Daphne's not so lucky as the force propels her forward and she trips over a stone lodged into the dusty, yellow earth, landing hard on the blistering sand, no doubt scratching her knees in the process.

"Daph!" Sabrina cries out, reaching down quickly and pulling her sister to her feet.

"I'm okay," Daphne says, wincing but managing to stand on her own. Sabrina spares her one more worried glance before squinting her eyes and examining their location. She thinks Granny Relda really outdid herself this time. They're in a desert, surrounded by hundreds of dunes and small hills of sand with nothing in the distance but the wide expanse of the yellow, blurry, blinding heat.

"Real funny, Granny," Sabrina mumbles to herself. Next to her, Daphne giggles shortly.

"This is what she meant by 'keeping a cool head'?" the younger girl says amusedly. Sabrina ignores her and turns around where she's standing.

"Where do you think we are?" Daphne asks, taking a few steps of her own to study her surroundings. Sabrina blanches, spotting something in the air coming towards the two sisters at an impossible speed.

"Probably like the Sahara Desert but that doesn't matter, we got to move!" she blurts out quickly, her words all jumbled as her still sleepy mouth tries to keep up with her racing mind. Before Daphne can even turn around to look at Sabrina, the blonde spins on her heels and nudges Daphne forward, taking off like a bullet away from the speeding projectile. They'd both come to the logical conclusion that running and holding hands was not a smart idea a few months ago, when they'd needed to escape through a forest and the constant connection had only slowed them down until a certain fairy had them both cornered right where he'd wanted. Sabrina refuses to let that happen a second time so she sprints towards the closest sand dune for some kind of shelter, only looking back every few seconds to check that Daphne's right at her heels.

"Rise and shine, losers!" Puck's voice rings loud and clear through the thick silence of the arid desert, alerting Sabrina and Daphne to dive for the ground just as three grenades fly over their heads. Instantly, the hot atmosphere mixes with the smell of rotten eggs, chocolate, and old mustard, and Daphne crinkles her nose sharply, trying not to breathe in the putrid air.

"It is too fucking early for this," Sabrina mutters angrily through gritted teeth, forgetting to censor herself amidst a mouthful of hot sand.

"Language!" Daphne scolds her sister while she scrambles to her feet to keep running. Sabrina's been finding it harder and harder to keep from expressing her emotions verbally and both girls have already gotten into a bit of trouble when Daphne had first asked her parents for the definition of one of Sabrina's new words. Sabrina clicks her tongue in irritation but keeps running, pulling ahead of Daphne in no time. She figures it's pure luck when she looks up and spots an oasis in the distance, seeming to have sprouted out of nowhere.

"There!" she yells, pushing herself harder to find better shelter from Puck and his arsenal of glop grenades.

"This is some Spring break, huh?" Daphne shouts enthusiastically behind Sabrina as the sisters draw nearer to the oasis.

"Shut up and keep running!" Sabrina shouts back. She doesn't understand why Daphne's wasting her breath trying to make conversation when she should really be spending it trying to find a way out of this wretched sandbox.

"I don't understand why Puck keeps agreeing to do this! He could've just stayed in the city but - "

"But he chose to come back to Ferryport Landing with us because he enjoys making our lives a living hell!" Sabrina snaps at Daphne, hoping the bite in her tone will be enough to keep Daphne focused. Of course, her sister doesn't get the picture.

"You mean," Daphne says, stumbling over a small mound of sand and huffing as she tries to talk while she runs. "You mean he enjoys making your life a living hell!"

Sabrina narrows her eyes, about to turn around to interrogate her sister but she can hear Puck's voice, singing an off-tune version of Yankee Doodle a little too close for her liking, and shakes her sister's comment off, focusing instead on the oasis which is only a few meters away now.

"Man, you two are slow today!" Puck yells from his position in the air behind them even as they dart into the oasis. Sabrina's eyes flitter in all directions as she almost runs straight into a tree, stopping first to make sure Puck is nowhere in sight before catching her breath. Daphne comes to a running stop in front of her, bending over to do the same.

"Now what?" Daphne asks between gulps of air. Sabrina glances up at the loose canopy of trees, into the depths of the oasis, and back at the desert.

"Maybe we can - " but before Sabrina can continue, Daphne's suddenly snatched up by something with glittering pink wings and she can hear her little sister's surprised yelp as she's being carried off. Sabrina runs forward yelling Puck's name angrily and vaguely discerns her sister yell the words 'why are you naked' before she loses sight of Daphne and the fairy.

"Damn!" Sabrina swears, stopping in her tracks and looking around desperately for ideas. She'd forgotten that sometimes Puck finds ways to separate the two sisters, knowing they work best when they're together. This time he's a little more forward about it, but the effect is the same, and thanks to the fairy, Sabrina's got ninety-nine plus one problems, now that she has to retrieve her sister before making her escape.

She jogs in the direction they'd been heading, using what tracking skills she's accumulated in the three years she's been training as a detective and eventually starts hearing her sister's and Puck's voices in the distance. She smirks to herself knowing fully well Daphne's speaking as loudly as she can to make it easier for Sabrina to find her.

"You don't just forget to put on a shirt in the morning," Daphne says incredulously, and a little too loudly for God-knows-what-o'clock.

"You'd be surprised, little Grimm," Puck says haughtily. When Sabrina pokes her head out from the tree she's hiding behind, she finds Daphne and Puck at the spring of the oasis where a few groves of trees surrounds the body of water. She notes that Daphne's quite helplessly strapped to the trunk of a tree standing precariously close to the shore while Puck hovers in front of her above the water. She also takes note that for some reason, Puck's only wearing a pair of swimming shorts and nothing else, and she wonders when his back had gotten so broad.

"What?" Sabrina whispers to herself, shaking her head quickly to clear her mind of inappropriate thoughts about inappropriate fairies and instead looks around for something to distract Puck with.

"Sabrina's going to get me out of this soon, you know," Daphne warns Puck, still using an abnormally loud voice.

"Oh, I'm counting on it, marshmallow," Puck says, grinning widely.

"You're not as good of a villain as you think," Daphne taunts loudly, and Puck smirks inwardly. He knows she's trying to talk as noisily as possible but he thinks she's dragging it out a little too long and figures that Sabrina's probably somewhere in the vicinity by now.

Just as Daphne says this, Sabrina throws a stone she'd picked up into a huddle of trees off to the side, hoping the noise will distract Puck long enough so she can free Daphne or at least get closer to her.

Puck's ears perk up at the sound of twigs crunching and leafs rustling behind him. Finally. He winks at Daphne before turning around.

"Don't tell lies, Daphne. It's not nice," he quips before flashing her a grin. "Be right back!"

When he disappears into the collection of trees, Sabrina quickly makes her way around the spring and closer to Daphne's tree. Daphne spots her after a few seconds and starts squirming against her binds.

"Sabrina! I'm over here!" she whispers loudly to Sabrina, who responds by making angry movements with her hand that interpret as Shut up, I already see you. Sabrina rolls her eyes as she sneaks from tree to tree. Daphne's always been a bit of a talker and sometimes her mouth is the reason they get caught during these escape training sessions. Sabrina's been trying to drop her hints and tips on how to be a better, quieter sneaker but while the younger girl acknowledges her suggestions, Sabrina hasn't been seeing any improvements thus far.

Sabrina glances around quickly before making her way to the next tree, closing even more distance between her and Daphne, when the most uninviting voice speaks up behind her.

"This was too easy."

Sabrina freezes in her tracks. For a second or two, she just stands there in defeat and she swears her eye starts twitching from how ticked off she's feeling. She's been made, her plan hadn't worked, and frankly, this is the part she's more used to; the part where she never goes down without a physical fight and at least one of the blondes leaves the escape training with a bruise on their shin or elbow or elsewhere on their body. Sabrina closes her eyes patiently (patiently for her), trying to reel in her anger before she spews out the dozens of obscenities she wants to throw at Puck.

"No remark? No awful comeback? You're slower today than I thought you were, Grimm," he rattles on behind her. He thinks that she might actually turn around and face him, like she always does, but he's proven wrong when she suddenly starts sprinting towards Daphne. Puck actually laughs out loud, one incredulous Hah!, before whipping his wings out and zooming after her.

"Seriously!" he cries out, reaching Sabrina in no time and plucking her off of the ground from her waist and flying over to the tree next to Daphne. He has to fly a little slower because his new passenger's squirming to get out of his hold and since he isn't wearing a shirt, any sudden movements might make her slip and fall into the water. Not that he cares if she'll drown - he knows she can swim - but it'll certainly give her another shot at freeing herself and her sister.

"You really tried to outrun me this time," Puck muses, moving his head around constantly to avoid Sabrina's full-frontal assault.

"Let go of me! And why aren't you wearing a shirt!?"

"Okay, first of all, if I let you go, you'd get wet, and then you'd get mad at me, and then I'd have to deal with you and your hormonal wrath for the rest of the day, and second of all, why does everyone care whether I'm wearing a shirt or not?" he says out loud, as if he's taken deep offence.

"You didn't seem to care last night!" he says to Sabrina accusingly, whose eyes widen in mortification. She hears Daphne gasp below them, as if scandalized.


"Put me down, you freak," Sabrina snarls, eyes narrowing dangerously. Puck grins at her and does indeed put her down as he approaches the tree next to Daphne but as soon as her feet touch the ground, rope bindings materialise out of nowhere and quickly coil themselves around Sabrina's arms, stomach, legs, and feet until she's just as helpless as Daphne.

"What happened last night!" Daphne demands to know.

"Nothing happened last night, only that this psychotic pea brain seems to be forgetting how to put on clothes. Why didn't you tell me you decided to devolve, monkey brain?" Sabrina spits at Puck, pulling at her binds, which only seem to tighten the harder she struggles. Puck giggles delightfully at the two sisters' condition.

"Monkey brain is a compliment, Grimm. And in any case - since when can't a guy walk around shirtless in his own house?" he asks playfully.

"It's not your house!" Sabrina retorts weakly.

"Maybe I'll just ask the old lady that, hm?" Puck asks, a gleeful glimmer in his eyes. "Come to think of it, I do need to tell her you both failed today's training. I think you broke the record for fastest failed escape challenge yet."

Daphne and Sabrina groan at that, knowing that their failure today will only give their grandmother reason to increase their training and that she won't give a rat's ass whether it's their Spring break or not.

"So you saw him shirtless last night?" Daphne asks confusedly, looking at Sabrina for confirmation. She seems to have accepted their defeat also in record time and has gone back to the more important matter at hand.

"No! Yeah! Why!" Sabrina sputters, looking at her sister as an embarrassed flush reaches her cheeks.

"So? What did you think?" Daphne continues innocently. "What do you think?" Sabrina regards her with wide, fearful eyes.

"What have I ever done to you?" she whispers disbelievingly at her younger sister. Puck chortles in front of them and takes the opportunity to answer for Sabrina.

"She loved it. Loves it. Who wouldn't?" he says cockily, puffing up his chest. Sabrina glares at Puck with all the hatred she can muster.

"You're disgusting," she growls viciously in her stubborn effort to shoot him down with her mouth, but it's a failed attempt, just like the failed escape training, and it's enough to let her know that her day's not going to get any better at this point.

"Disgustingly gorgeous," Puck agrees with a pained look on his face. "It's such a burden." His face quickly forms its trademark grin and he straightens up in the air.

"Well, blondie, I gotta get your grandma and tell her how badly you guys sucked today. Don't miss me too much while I'm gone."

"Don't even bother coming back," Sabrina snaps at him. "I can only deal with you once a day."

"You wound me, Grimm," Puck says dramatically, clasping the wrong side of his chest before his wings start flapping a little harder. He puts his hand up to his lips and blows her a quick kiss, laughing when her already red face contorts in mortified disgust and Daphne giggles at his shenanigans. He doesn't waste another second and turns around to fly away. He hasn't even flown a full minute when he hears Daphne address her sister again.

"You gotta admit, sis, he's getting pretty hot."

"Would you shut up!?"

- fin -

Notes: The title of the story - Just a Kiss - is from the song As Time Goes By, which is mostly known from the movie Casablanca, which I love, it's so funny and cheeky. You know the drill: reviews, criticism, suggestions, recommendations, anything, everything! Talk to me, kids.