Summers, Shootarounds and Forever

Life moved at the speed of light for Riley and Lucas but they had never been happier. In the days immediately following their graduation from High School, they packed up and went to spend the summer in Texas. This began the cycle. At NYU, they would spend whatever free time they had together.

Summers were another story. While Lucas interned with Doc Johnson, Riley learned how to adjust to life on the ranch. To the surprise of no one, she adapted quickly and thrived with the added responsibility. It took some time to convince Pappy Joe that she wanted to contribute. She had never been a girl of leisure and she wasn't about to start now.

Nightly, Lucas and Riley would cuddle together in a hammock under the stars. Conversation was kept to a minimum, they were content to just be together. When they did converse, it was to share their dreams for their future.

Maya, Farkle, Smackle and Zay all made it a point to come for an extended visit each summer. Josh, Cory,Topanga and Auggie even made it down to visit a few times. They all marveled at how Riley took to Texas life with ease.

After graduating NYU, they decided to spend a few weeks playing tourists in NYC. They had been on the go for so long, they hadn't been able to experience "The City that never sleeps" for the last few years. They spent time exploring the city where they met. They went for "destination-less" rides on the subway. They went to all tourist spots, Broadway, Central Park, Statue of Liberty and took the Circleline tour around Manhattan. They held each other tightly as they both wept when visiting the hallowed grounds of Ground Zero and remembering the catastrophic loss of life that fateful September morning. It was a unique experience. They had spent so much of their lives in this city when they were too young to appreciate its rich history. Now as young adults, ready to move on to the next phase of life, they took the time to really understand how fate had its hand in their meeting that first day. They realized how lucky they were to find their soulmate in a city where millions of strangers pass each other on the streets as they go about their day.

One night, after playing tourist for the day, Riley joined Maya for dinner and a movie. That same night, Lucas had dinner with Cory, Topanga and Auggie. (He had already sought and gotten approval from Maya and Farkle.) He knew it was time for him to begin the next phase of his life, with his Riley at his side, not as his girlfriend but as his wife. After receiving permission from each, they were all curious to know when he was going to "pop the question". He had been planning it for the better part of a year, he knew that he needed something as unique and quirky as the woman who held his heart. He shared his plans with her family and took great pride in himself when they all exclaimed their love for his plan.

He surprised Riley with courtside seats to a game between her beloved Knicks and the Dallas Mavericks.(Thank you and ) Riley made her way to their seats while Lucas "stopped in the restroom" and at the concession stand.

Riley, alternated between watching the Knicks complete their pregame shootaround and answering the never ending stream of text messages from Maya and Farkle. She was so busy texting that she automatically booed with the crowd when the Mavericks took the court, never once looking up from her phone. She was quickly brought to attention when a ball was "accidently" thrown at her feet. She grabbed the ball with the intent of throwing back in the direction from which it came. At the last possible second, she noticed that there was something scribbled on the ball. She pulled her hands back and felt her eyes go wide when she realized it said "Marry Me Princess Riley" She jumped to her feet, head wildly spinning around looking for Lucas, she didn't even realize that her family was sitting a few rows behind her. The crowd began to chant her name and when she turned back to the court, there kneeling before her, wearing a Mavericks uniform, was Lucas. She quickly jumped into his arms, shaking her head yes and crying. After he stood and spun her around a few times, he gently put her back on her feet and watched in amazement as she handed him his Knicks sweatshirt, explaining that if he didn't immediately cover the opposition's colors, she was going to have to rethink her decision. The crowd laughed and applauded at the speed in which he put the sweatshirt on.

The rest of her family joined them courtside and they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves as the Knicks buried the Mavericks 127-97. During their walk home, Riley enjoyed teasing Lucas about her inability to decide which moment made her happier, the Knicks winning or his proposal. As he chased her down and began tickling her, she confessed that the highlight of her life so far was his proposal….but it just beat the Knicks win.


"Honey? Are you ready?" Cory asks bringing Riley back to the present. She smiles as her eyes meet her dad's in the mirror.

"Yes, daddy. I am more than ready." She replies with her trademark smile. Topanga turns Riley towards the door and lowers her veil.

"You are stunning." Cory begins "I know there were times when you thought you and Lucas weren't meant to be. I knew the story of Rucas was going to be even more epic than Corpanga was. You have always been the absolute best daughter, sister and friend you knew how to be but with Lucas' help you became so much more secure in yourself." Cory pauses to wipe the tears from his eyes. Topanga picks up where he left off "That is all we ever wanted for you Riley. For you to make the world your own. You and Lucas have made us very proud. People change people, that is the secret of life. You have changed each other for the better. Now it's time to walk you down the aisle so you can begin your happily ever after."

As Riley begins her march down the aisle, her arm wrapped around her father's, she is captivated by the emerald green eyes of her forever. Their road may have had a few potholes and detours along the way but she wouldn't want to be walking towards her future with anyone else. She was a klutz, he was subway boy, but together they were nothing short of perfection.