This Chapter has been beta edited! All credits for better words and grammar went to tsukishima7
"Issei-kun!" A child with chestnut hair yelled, the tone it used was more closer to a whine rather than a yell though as he approached his friend "You're daydreaming again!"
Issei, the boy with short spiky brown hair has the decency to look sheepish at his friend whining "I'm sorry Irina-kun." He said sincerely.
Irina inwardly huffed! Her friend was always like this! He often goes to his own "lala-land" whenever he was left alone, even if only for moment. However the strange thing is, he actually still was still focused to his surrounding regardless, ask him a question and he will answer it but people can tell he wasn't focused with that dazed and blank look in his eyes.
What he daydreams about is pretty much random. Sometimes he imagines a building, a garden, a tree, a flower, even living beings like an animal or supernatural creatures!
"It just! I see this wonderful place! Another garden Irina-kun!" The boy flailed his arms up with a wide grin plastered his face "It's soooo awesome! There are large flower that can you use as bed!" He says this while showing his picture to Irina.
The tomboyish girl noticed it was a drawing, Issei's drawing precisely. The description is just like what Issei said, despite that it has no color. The drawing of the flower is was beautiful, it core looked so fluffy and good to sleep on, it's petals was also large enough for man to sleep in there or use them as a pillow.
One of Issei's talents, is that he is a genius in drawing. Painting, or other things like that, he clearly has talent, in school all the teachers always said he will be famous drawer in future. Add the fact that he is also smart, no, he brilliant! Albeit his physical aspect is only average but his brain and imagination is something else.
"Its beautiful Issei-kun!" Irina responded, eyes also gleaming as she observe the drawing "You are really good at drawing!" She praised him.
"Hehe!" Issei grinned and puffed his chest proudly "Wait a minute! It doesn't end there! See this core?" He pointed to his drawing "This flower will make anyone who is tired and sleepy come to it! Allowing them to rest, their aroma will make them have the best sleep they ever had!"
"Really? That sounds cool!"
"Yep! And the scent will give them good dream, like when we sleep when Mom hug us!"
"That sounds comfy!"
"Uh-huh! And then! When we sleep comfortably in there, the petals will close!" He makes a snapped voice by clapping his palms together "Then, the flower will sink, dragging the sleeper down to its body, letting out acid, digesting him/her slowly until nothing remains!" He finished while grinning and extending both hands up as if he just won a nobel prize.
There was silence for few seconds when Issei said that. The sounds that could be heard by them were only the voices of other children that played far away from them.
Irina smile turned to a flat look in instant, slowly she raised her hand up and "Shidou-Style Secret Technique Number 12 : Super Karate Chop that Banishes Idiot's Imagination!" She yelled as she chopped Issei's head.
Needless to say, Issei instantly found himself rolling on the ground while clutching his aggravated head. Irina let out another huff as she crossed her arms and stared at the boy, truly he can be annoying at times.
The other thing was that Issei isn't a very social person. Not many want to be friends with him, it's because he always has the habit to say morbid things! While true most of the times he often daydreams about beautiful and great things but sometime he also imagined morbid creatures.
Seriously, it is really scary. Irina still remembers one of Issei creatures, what kind of beautiful mermaid has her lower body as giant whale monster hiding beneath the sea?! Add the fact the mermaid can lure people with her beautiful songs.
Needless to say, she never watched The Little Mermaid anymore after that. Not after seeing Issei drawing.
Albeit a bit scary, Irina found that Issei was actually a good and funny child. Not meaning to be a bad child, but she did found other children were scared to look at Issei drawings! She still remembers some bullies running away when Issei showed his scary drawings to them.
"How many times have I said to not draw scary things and show them to me?" Irina asked with a twitchy eye.
"Umm..." Issei paused as he took a thoughtful posture while having a lump on his head in a comical manner "Fifty-six times." He answered straightly.
"You counted it?!" Irina gawked at the boy.
The chestnut haired girl only closed her eyes before allowing a sigh to escape her mouth, really, she shouldn't be surprised with Issei's thinking.
"Anyway! Stop your daydreaming! Let's go to play! I want you to push me in that swing!" Irina pointed to one swing that was currently unused.
"Eh?! Sure! But wait! I brought something for you!" Issei then pulled his bag and began to rummage through it inside. Irina blinked a few times before leaned forward, curiosity on her face
"You better not show me any scary things again Issei-kun, or I will use Shidou-Style Secret Technique Number 7 on you." She said with a glare that makes the boy chuckle sheepishly.
"It not a scary picture! I swear!" Issei quickly reassured, Irina-kun really has a mean punch! "Where did I put it.." He muttered "Aha! Here!"
Irina takes the drawing that Issei gives to her, then she began to look at it. It was drawing of men, adult perhaps in his eighteen's or nineteen's. The man has a short, straight chestnut hair, he looks handsome, he wears some kind of black shirt, white pants, fingerless gloves, and black boots. On top of it, he wears a elegant red high-collared coat that is adorned with various ornaments.
"Wow... This is a cool looking guy!" Irina admitted with awe and small blush.
"Hehehe! You like it?" Issei asked, he sounds shy for moment but Irina does not notice it.
"Yeah! Who is this guy Issei? A new Hero in a film?" Irina asked as she imagines the movie that about to come up with this man as the protagonist.
"Nope! Its you!" Issei grinned with a small blush adorning his face.
"Huh?" Irina face went blank once again.
"I mean! You want to be a superhero right?" Issei said with a happy grin "So I decided to picture a adult version of you! That coat is made out of dragon skin! I read in legend that their skin is capable of blocking a bazooka! More awesome than the Batman one! The gloves, it is imbued by a magical rune like the one in the Ragnarok Game! You will able to pulverize everything with it and the boots-"
"Issei-kun..." Irina cut her friend from talking further. Her voice is bland, her face in a epiphany of a person who is forced to smile as she stared at her best friend with dull eyes.
Issei noticing the tone and Irina's face, inwardly blanched. His friend always turned like that when he did something bad. Slowly he put on a apologetic face and prepared himself "Y-Yes?"
"You... You know I'm a girl right?" She asked him plainly.
Issei blinked his eyes, his fear gone as his face turned to a oblivious expression. He was like an owl as his eyes keep blinking few times for a moment before he tilts his head "You are?" He asked back, and his friend nodded before he scowled "No way, no girl is a meany like you."
Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say.
A jump kick from Irina landed on Issei's chest, making the boy sputter before rolling on the floor like a ball and crashed into a nearby tree, making his eyes swirl comically while drool drips from his mouth.
"I AM A GIRL!" Irina bellowed strongly with shark teeth to her friend "How could you not notice that?! We've been friends for three years!" She demanded angrily.
"B-But!" Issei rose from his fall and he scowled while flailing his hand in a exasperated manner "You are like a boy! You... What does adults call it? Yes! You don't have femininity and always make trouble!"
"Just because I'm troublemaker doesn't mean I can't be a girl!" Irina retorted, she doesn't know what femininity means but she has the urge to strangle him somehow "Seriously Issei-kun!" She huffed.
"But... You don't have a balloon in your chest!" Issei exclaimed as he already stood back up and pointed to her flat chest "Mom and your Mom have balloons in there."
"I will have one in the future!" Irina said proudly, chest puffed while putting a smug face.
Issei stared at her chest, eyes turned half open "Really?" Issei asked, apparently sounding skeptical since the girl chest is flat like board.
"What's with that tone of yours?!" Irina demanded angrily as she notices the boy's disbelief from his face and voice "If you don't believe me then wait in future! I will grow one and when I do, I will let you touch it to proof I'm a girl!"
"Yeah..." Issei still sounded skeptical.
Irina puffed her cheeks that slowly turned red in anger "Just wait! I swear! In the future I will have a balloon in my chest and I will show it to you to show you are wrong! I going to shove it to your face!" She declared angrily.
How in the future she will regret saying that.
"Uh-huh. Okay."
"What's with that tone?! Come here! I will give you Shidou-Style Secret Technique Number 6!"
"Oh heck no!"
"Hey! Where do you think you going?! You have to push me in that swing! Issei-kun! Come back here!"
Few months later
It came so sudden...
He did not expect it... No... It was more like he never thought about it in first place...
Two weeks ago when they played together, Irina suddenly said that she will leave to England. Apparently her father had a problem and was forced to move away to there due to his job.
Irina was always there... Whenever he need someone to talk, Irina is his friend, best friend, and also his first friend. Where all children seems think of him as a strange child but not Irina, she thought he was cool and awesome!
The moment when they were together, inwardly Issei promised that he will be there for Irina. She is always cheerful and happy going, saying she will be a Hero. He promised that he will become her partner and stay at her side.
But now...
It was a few days ago when she left... He still remembered that he cried and hugged her who also was crying when they were separated from each other. She said she wished to stay but her father insisted, so do her mother.
In the end, there nothing they could do, other than sleeping together before Irina left, where they spend the night playing and chatting with each other.
After that, things did not go better for him.
The children in school while not bullies they largely ignored him, true they greet him and say 'Hi' but that's it. He was back being alone, in the corner of class, spending time with only his imagination.
He is lonely... He never felt this loneliness until now... He missed her... He really did...
But there is nothing he could do... Irina promised she will write a letter but until now it still did not arrive, he has been waiting ever since she left but everyday there was no letter from his friend.
Currently he drew another picture, alone, by himself in open grassfield where he often spend time with Irina, this is their private or secret place, it is located near outside Kuoh City, but still relatively safe, he was the one who found it in first place.
He slowly smiled as he finished his drawing, it was a picture of the scenery where he now stood. The drawing is perfect and almost looks like it was taken from a camera, showing his talent. But there is a extra addition, there is a blurry image in one of tree that took on a humanoid shape, it's color is white with dark red eyes.
"I wonder how Iri-chan will react when she see this." He giggled a bit, somehow he could hear it already. His friend making a comment on how good the picture is but when noticing the picture, she will probably say something like this.
"Issei-kun... Is that a spirit?"
"Ah, this? This is Narberal! And yup! She is a spirit!" He said aloud "She.. No, calling it 'It' would be more precise! It is a genderless spirit of forest! It usually takes the appearance of the person that people wish to see! It lives in the forest and usually approaches someone who is lost!"
He could feel Irina eyebrow furrowed and focused more to the blurry image "What's with those malicious red eyes? Issei-kun! Don't tell me you make another scary looking spirit!"
"Ehh?! No! Of course not! This spirit approaches someone who is lost and comfort them! Nothing bad! Of course it's kickass! It is strong enough to lift a boulder and is able to manipulate with trees! It is a spirit that live in the forest after all!" He grinned goofily while explaining this.
"Really? That's good then!"
"Hehehe." He chuckled in a shy manner with a small blush on his face before he turned around "Do you like it Iri-cha-"
He cut himself when noticing no one is there. There nothing in the grassfield other than trees, flowers, and sounds of winds that breeze them through them.
His cheerful face curled, slowly turned to a sad one as he looked down, his pencil and paper slipped from his hand, splattering to the ground and the wind took away his drawing.
"There is no one here..." He muttered. He come here to feel better and try to remember the times he spended with his friend, but it seems useless. Slowly he lift his legs and stood up "Iri-chan gone... I'm alone..." He mumbled.
He glanced down at the necklace he had received, it was a cross, a simple silver cross with a blue jewel. Irina gave it to him, she wanted to give him a special pen or brush in the beginning but she doesn't have any and her parent apparently had one unused cross so she gave it to him instead.
Not that he had a problem with it of course, he is happy to get something from her but at same time looking at the cross made him feel hurt as it reminded him of the cheerful girl.
"I miss you... Iri-chan..." He said, tears slipping from his eyes as he gripped the cross tightly.
Unnoticed by him, the darkness that he made by blocking the sun twitched. The shadow beneath the boy slowly began to dance, denying any form of logic as it began to slither on the ground like a snake.
Then, like a liquid, it crawled on the ground, rising like a dead man rising from a grave without a sound, it's mass like slime taking form as slowly it bubbling and swirling, without making any sounds, it shaped itself as a humanoid that standed on same height like it's creator.
Issei who sobbed on his cross suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, surprised, he let out a yelp and turned around quickly.
Only to have his eyes widened when he sees what stood in front of him.
Clad in her casual outfit, followed by her usual sly grin when planning to make trouble, hand on her hip, is Shidou Irina.
"I-Iri-chan?" Issei muttered with disbelief "Iri-chan! Is that you?!" He asked aloud, voice filled with happiness despite what happened to him should be impossible as he hoped to meet with his friend again "Iri-chan what are you-"
He paused when noticing 'Irina' shaking her head, her grin turned to a sad smile as she gave him a bitter look.
"I'm not Iri-chan sadly enough Issei-kun." 'Irina' said in sad tone.
Issei gulped, his sadness suddenly gone as he sees the 'girl' that standed in front of him. There is a small fear in his heart, but somehow the 'girl's' presence makes it dull, it made him feel warm, albeit he feel exhausted somehow but it was forgotten as he stared at the entity in front of him.
"T-Then... What are you?" Issei asked nervously.
He gasped when 'Irina's' eyes turned from violet to red, dark red and malicious, but despite her eyes showing evil, her face is a epiphany of kindness and sympathy.
"I am the one you call as Narberal." She said, red eyes glowing eerily "And like you explained before, I'm the Spirit that comforts people, Master."
Hello! Hello! To all of you, my D×D fans story! It been a while isn't it?! Hahaha! Sorry, I've been busy with my Harry Potter fanfic and also my college
This is new story, I call it Creator among Supernatural
I sure all of you already know what Issei power, to you whom doesn't know, I will give small spoiler, it called Annihilation Maker! One of top Three Longinus! What it power, I suggest you all to see it in wikia
I often read Issei with many powers, where he get True Longinus, Divine Dividing, Sharingan or else. But none of them use this! (There one, if I recall there fic where child-Issei have Annihilation Maker, I forget about it though).
Annihilation Maker is some weapon that have super duper ability! People often use Ddraig, not mean to offense you all since I also use it, but I kinda boring with him having Boosted Gear, so I decide to give him another Longinus and what else better to suit our protagonist other than ability to create any creatures that based only by the user imagination?!
I already have this idea for long time actually, but I hesitate to post but no more! XD
Anyway, this is Fate/Stay Night crossover because there will be character from there. The magic and power theory also going to based from there perhaps or mixture of both since this is AU.
Issei fighting ability, oh, he won't become someone who fight with punches and kicks. No, no, no. That already too many! Sure he still going to kicks and punches his enemy, but his main weapon won't be that
Like I mention in this chapter, his physical aspect only average. He maybe can stand against weakling with fists and legs, but against super enemy like Kokabiel or Vali? Hell no! I will quote what EMIYA said to Shirou
"Emiya Shirou! Listen, you are not "one who fights". You are nothing more than "one who creates". Don't think of irrelevant things. There is only one thing you can do, master that one thing. Do not forget. The thing you image is always "your strongest self." You don't need any other enemies. The opponent you have to fight is none other than "your own image"."
Issei ability, is to create, he not fighter, the one he need to defeat is his own image. Just like Shirou himself, that also one of reason why I decide to make this crossover with Nasuverse
And before any of you ask, no, Issei won't become Devils, but I won't said he still going to stay Human. No, with his imagination and intelligence, he will be something... *add dramatic pause for effect* more.
And I sure as hell everyone notice why I use 'Narberal' name! Hahaha! Anyone who watch top ten 2015 anime going to know how the spirit appearance will be in future! XD
Btw, I going to need some help with OC for Boosted Gear seeing Issei obviously not the user. Any suggestion?
And finally! I will cut all pleasantries and to the point before close this chapter. I need Beta Reader for this story. Anyone who willing, PM me and we will discuss about it
I guess this is it for now, hope you all enjoy the new story! Please Favorite, Follow, and Review
Ja Ne! XD