-This Story takes place about five years after the events of Season 5A. In this reality, Hook stays dead, and Rumple is gone.
-My chapter for the prompt "lust" came out very fluffy. Sorry if that disappoints you, but the whole story will most likely proceed that way.
-Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to anything in the Once Upon A Time universe. I am not being paid to write this. I'm simply borrowing the characters for my own amusement.
Late In August
Henry grunts as he throws his mother's suitcase onto the full-sized bed.
"You know you're only going to be staying here overnight right?" He asks her.
Emma comes into the hotel room behind them and laughs. She had said almost the exact same thing to Regina when they loaded the car early this morning. She only has a small backpack for her items.
"I don't need you and your mother ganging up on me." Regina says defensively. "Thank you for carrying it for me." She adds and kisses the top of his head. She's distressed over the fact that she has to lean upwards to do so.
It really shouldn't surprise her that her 18-year-old son is taller than her. Yet, she doesn't think she'll ever get use to it.
"No problem" He says and plops down on her bed.
"I'll just freshen up and then maybe we can have lunch before we move you in?" Regina proposes as she unzips her suitcase to get out her things.
Emma rolls her eyes. Of course Regina would want to change her outfit after being in the car for six hours. The other woman would never be caught wearing her shorts and tank top outfit on the streets of NYC.
In fact, she really doesn't allow anyone but a select few to see her dressed so minimally. Emma has to admit that the sight does funny things to her. This summer has been particularly hot too so Emma has been bestowed with an eyeful of the other woman. Her eyes trial the brunette as long as they can while she settles herself on the other bed in the room.
Regina is fully aware of Emma's eye roll. She knows the other woman thinks she's ridiculous for changing her outfit but this is an important day. They're moving their baby into college and she will not embarrasses him or herself by looking anything less than presentable.
Secretly she hopes Emma stays in her current outfit of tank top and capris. She's looking forward to watching the other woman carrying boxes into his new living space. In the eight years since she's known the blonde she has to admit that Emma has never lost her physique.
Soon they are all dressed, feed, and on campus. Henry and Regina are currently being lead to his room by an RA while Emma tries to find a parking spot nearby.
"It's bigger than I thought it'd be." Henry admits when they walk into the room. Regina has to keep any snide comments she has to herself about the size and quality of the room. She doesn't want to damper Henry's excitement.
It looks like Henry's roommate has already moved in; although he is nowhere to be seen. Regina and Henry put the bags they've carried on the available bed. Regina texts Emma the room number as they begin to unpack.
Emma whistles as she enters the room with a container in her arms.
Regina smiles at the sight.
"Sweet place you got here, kid."
"Yeah seems like it." He agrees.
"Let's go get the rest of his things." Regina suggests.
"You're not doing anything in that outfit." Emma responds.
"What's wrong with my outfit!" Regina demands.
"Nothing! You look…" Emma trails off awkwardly as she glances appreciatively at the other woman. "Yeah" She says as she shakes her head. "Regardless not an appropriate outfit to be carrying boxes in."
"Well you can't do it all yourself." Regina states. "You'll probably break a hip."
"Hey! I'm younger than you!" Emma fires back.
"Moms!" Henry yells. They both pause their argument to look at him. "I could help. It's my stuff after all."
"No Henry, you should get settled in before your residence hall meeting." Regina dismisses.
"Yeah, she's right. We can handle bringing the rest of your stuff up." Emma agrees and they both turn to leave and see an amused boy around Henry's age standing in the doorway. They had inadvertently been blocking the entrance.
"Hey." He says to the two women.
"Hello." Regina says formally trying to recover from the fact that he surely heard them practically yelling at each other.
"I'm Matt." He says to the room.
"Hey Matt, I'm Henry." the other boys shakes his hand.
"Nice to meet you." Emma says "Henry we'll be right back" And with that she grabs Regina's wrist and pulls her out the door.
"So those are your moms?" Matt asks.
"Yup." Henry shakes his head at their antics.
"That's cool. My girlfriend has two dads." He says, clearly tying to make Henry see that he isn't a homophobe or anything.
Henry wants to correct him. He knows if they're living together he will have to eventually. However, the real explanation is long and confusing and not what he wants to have their first conversation be. Besides, he's always had a suspicion that his moms have slept together at some point. It's not something he likes to think about, but he picks up on a lot of things the two other them, as well as other people, have said. So who knows, maybe Henry shouldn't correct him.
An hour and a half later the family is standing in the entrance of the dorm again. This time, they are saying goodbye.
Regina is hugging Henry and looks to be on the verge of tears. Emma's face is stoic, but you can tell she's just holding back her emotions for a later time.
"Be good. Be safe. Eat a balanced diet. Remember to get enough sleep." Regina starts lecturing as the hug ends.
"I know, I know." Henry interrupts her. " Drive carefully." He tells her right back.
"Bye kid. We love you. If you need anything let us know." Emma says after a much quicker hug.
"Love you guys too."
And with that they leave.
They don't even make it out of the building before Regina breaks down. Emma pulls Regina into her arms in the elevator and leads her quickly to the car.
Less than 20 minutes later they are opening the door to their hotel room. Regina has calmed down slightly in that time but Emma can only describe Regina's expression as lost. Emma pulls her down to sit on the bed and Regina again finds herself being held by the other woman. Although she has enough insight to know that Emma is also seeking comfort with the embrace.
After a long time of no words being spoken Regina pulls back to looks at Emma. The younger woman eyes are watery but a tentative smile is held on her face. In that moment, Regina think Emma might be the most beautiful person she's ever seen.
They are already so very close. She simply has to lean forward to capture Emma's lips.
So she does.
And it's like the floodgates have opened. Not in a dirty sense. Well, maybe in a dirty way too. But mostly in regards to the way all of their pent up tension, passion, anxiety, and care is released into the world and now there is no way to contain it again.
Regina grabs a fistful of the blonde hair she loves so much. It's surreal to feel it through her fingers. She hadn't realized exactly how much and for how long she had wanted to kiss the other woman.
Meanwhile, Emma's mind temporarily shuts down. It had been so long since she's kissed anyone, especially with any amount of passion that the current situation has. It has completely overwhelmed her. It honestly takes her several minutes to realize exactly what's happening and what it means. Because despite what Henry may think, they most certainly have never done this before.
Emma would definitely have remembered.
It's when Regina releases her hair and starts pulling off Emma's shirt that Emma finally has the thought to say something. She's starting to remember that they have a son and a soul-mate and a family to think about.
"Wait Regina, are you sure?" She asks breathlessly.
In response Regina pulls off her own shirt. "Do you really want to talk right now?"
All Emma can do is shake her head no.
She doesn't question anything else for the rest of the night.
Regina wakes up very early the next morning due to her stomach protesting it's lack of food. She had been too upset and…distracted to think about diner last night. At the thought Regina jumps out of the bed she'd been sharing. She pulls her entire suitcase into the bathroom with her in an attempt to distance herself faster.
She takes as much time as she can in the shower and getting ready. She wants to sort out her very conflicted thoughts before she has to see the other woman again. She needs to come to some sort of resolution with her mind before that or else she knows she will just end up repeating the events of last night.
Would that be such a bad thing?
Yes. She convinces herself. Right now. It definitely would be.
Emma is awake by the time she walks back into the room. She is still lying in bed just staring at the ceiling.
"Hey." Emma says shyly and looks over at her. Regina quickly breaks eye contact and starts gather their things.
"Good Morning." She says in as normal a voice as she can manage. "If you get ready we can make the complimentary breakfast before we leave. I, for one, am starving."
"Shouldn't we…I don't know…talk?" Emma asks and sits up. She holds the bed sheet around her body.
"We had sex. What's there to talk about." Regina says dismissively. This really isn't how she wanted to be acting but being around Emma while she's still naked under the sheet is throwing her brain for a loop.
"Fine, it was a mistake, I get it. I won't bring it up again." Emma says. She's trying to sound nonchalant but there is no mistaking the hurt in her voice.
Regina sighs and sits on the bed in front of Emma. Now it's Emma's turn to not make eye contact.
"Look at me." Regina gently demands.
Emma does look but is still shifting around. "Really Regina, I get it. It was a distraction that we both needed. I just thought we should talk about it now before it got awkward.
"Okay" Regina agrees.
"Okay." Emma says slightly surprised.
"So…you've been with women before." Regina observes.
"That's not the type of talking I meant." Emma scolds, but she smiles nonetheless and that is really what Regina's goal was.
"I know." Regina says with her own smile. "Look, I don't view what we did as a mistake." She informs the other women in a more serious tone.
"But what about Robin?" Emma can help but ask. It's been eating at her since she woke up. She doesn't want to be the other woman.
"Robin and I…" Regina sighs. "I guess you could say we're on a break." She didn't expect to sleep with anyone on this break but…not the worst thing in the world.
"So while it may not have been smart, what we did wasn't really cheating if that's what you are worried about." She explains to Emma.
She places a hand on Emma's knee and squeezes. Just then Emma's stomach makes noises of protest of its own and Regina chuckles.
"Can we go get breakfast now?"
"Absolutely." Emma responds. Because even though she is a little heartsick and confused, she knows they'll be okay.