His footsteps echoed throughout the space as he paced the basement room. How had this happened? He was supposed to be here to kill the Argents and the pack of Beacon Hills.

Yet here he stood.

No Argents and several missing pack members.

"This is all wrong." The man huffed to the grey walls. He would have to settle for killing those who remained. But how to go about it?

He would kill Scott last, by the time he got to that point the alpha would be broken.

It didn't really matter who was killed first… Perhaps whoever he could catch alone. Then there was the human, he would kill him simply to make a point.

Turning, he paced into the dim light and stopped. A thoughtful frown sat upon his lips. His bald head was covered in tattoo's which came down to surround his lifeless grey eyes. There was no light behind those eyes and as they stared he almost seemed dead. The tattoo's had amounted over years, usually signifying those he had killed… but only one mattered to him.

Lacie. The girl he had loved, the one who betrayed him… the one who killed his brother.

She had been stringing him along, pretended to be his friend and care about him. And then she turned on him. Told him she never loved him and ran off with his brother like the little tramp she was. A week later his brother was dead to Lacie's claw and Lacie was dead by his father's hand.

That had been the man's first kill.

He could still remember it. Standing over his father's unmoving body with a lifeless Lacie just feet away. The two people who had betrayed him… the hunter and the werewolf.

The man was snapped out of his thoughts by the vibration of his phone.

"What?" He wanted to make it clear to whoever was on the receiving end that he wasn't in the mood for…

"It's the Winchesters." The voice was low and breathless with nerves. "They're on their way to Beacon hills."

Frown was replaced by sickening smile. "Then I'd better roll out the red carpet."


Lydia had been quiet for the whole conversation, staring off into space. She wasn't even sure what was being talked about anymore. But then Stiles' hand was on her shoulder.

"Where are you going?" He asked, a concerned look on his gaunt face.

Realizing she had been walking away Lydia now turned to face the group, though she rocked slightly on her heels. She could sense it. Somewhere nearby someone was about to die. She tried to keep her mouth closed as the feeling slowing altered itself. Dying, dying, dead. Finally unable to choke back the rising flood, she just screamed.


The sleek, black Impala whipped into the parking lot and two tall men climbed out. They gave each other a nod while the taller one straightened his suit and they moved inside Beacon Hills Memorial.

A dead body right as they arrived in town was a bad sign. Sam had found articles a few days before, which spanned several years back, archiving the strange deaths and odd occurrences of the town. The evidence was enough to convince Dean of a case but hearing about the body off an old police scanner had been the last nail in the coffin. There was a case here.

They arrived at the morgue just as the body was being wheeled inside.

"The heart was missing, right?" Dean asked the closest deputy as he flashed his badge.

"Yeah." They young man slipped his fingers in his belt loops as he looked back towards the closing doors. "Too bad… He was a good kid."

"You knew him?" Sam asked as he slipped his own badge into the inner pocket of his jacket.

"He went to Beacon Hill High with the Sheriff's son. They are on a sports team together." The deputy responded.

"Anything odd about him or the case?" Dean asked.

The officer became suddenly stand-offish. "What do you mean by odd?" His body had shifted to the side as if this might help him hide whatever was on his mind.

Dean nodded with his bottom lip jutting out slightly as he thought. "You know. Anything you don't normally see on a wild animal attack."

The officer was now sweating slightly. "Nothing comes to mind."

Dean seemed about to respond when the younger Winchester took over. "Thank you officer…" Sam paused kindly as he waited for the man to respond.

"Parrish." The man spoke then seemed to find something of interest behind the fake federal marshals. He excused himself and hurried to a group of teens who had piled off the elevator.

Sam and Dean shared a look. Missing heart would most likely mean werewolf, though they would have to inspect the body when not so many people were around.

"Well that guy wasn't hiding anything at all." Dean said sarcastically.

"Maybe we should talk to the sheriff's son." Sam suggested in response. "Might be easier to find something out from him."

Dean was looking at the group of kids talking to Parrish. Something seemed off about them. "Let's get some case details first. We can ask the sheriff about his son's relation to the deceased while we're at the station." Dean finally tilted his head to look up at his brother as he spoke.

"To the station then?" Sam asked quietly, checking for prying ears.

"Nah." Dean motioned to the officers bustling around as he spoke. "Sheriff's probably here somewhere. Let's go find the greasiest diner we can and grab a bite, maybe get some pie while we're at it. Give the sheriff some time to get his story straight."

Sam nodded in agreement and the two moved to the elevator.


Stiles, Scott and Liam let their mouths hang open. Kira seemed about to cry and Lydia had a morbid expression plastered across her face. Malia just felt confused.

"I don't get it." The werecoyote finally expressed her feelings. "Was this kid important?"

"He was on the lacrosse team." Lydia finally explained after a long silence.

"And you think a werewolf killed him?" Stiles finally found his voice.

"Your dad does and he's gonna stick me with another week of desk duty if you don't go home." Parrish pleaded. He couldn't stand another week behind his desk, though he wasn't sure what had earned him the punishment.

"Let me see the body." Scott spoke up, his head tilting to the morgue doors.

Parrish seemed about to protest when someone cleared their throat from behind him.

"Hey dad." Stiles said, a cheerful smile plastered to his face as he waved slightly.

With a grimace Parrish turned to face the sheriff.

"We'll discuss this later." Stilinski muttered at his deputy before ushering the group inside the morgue where Melissa waited.

Scott sniffed the air. There was no scent from a predator such as himself. Odd. The scent should have been all over the body. He then walked up to the corpse and surveyed the open chest cavity. His hand hovered over the wound for a moment as he thought. The cuts were ragged but not like they would be if it were clawed open. The marks were spaced all wrong for a werewolf, they were just barely too far apart.

"This wasn't done by a werewolf." Scott announced his conclusion, drawing his hand back to his side as he spoke.

"And what does that mean?" There was a slight vibration to Melissa's voice.

"It means we have a copycat killer who knows about the Supernatural." Stiles clarified, his eyes hard.

"Is that good or bad for us?" Liam had been quiet up until this point, but he couldn't take it any longer. "Why would someone try to frame a werewolf?"

Scott was shaking his head slightly but the Stiles was the first to respond. "What if they're trying to draw hunters here? That would be a pretty good way to get you all killed."

Malia nodded in agreement. "Argent said there were other hunters."

"But we didn't do this." Kira pointed out.

"People will find any reason to kill something supernatural." Scott suddenly hit his fist on the table. "We'll have to lie low. Don't give anyone a reason to come after us."

Lydia had again been silent but now piped up. "I can sense the death… Something's coming. And we don't stand a chance."

Don't own anything Supernatural or Teen Wolf related.

Sirenfox is my amazing Beta on this story… actually on almost every story. Go check her out!