I don't own any of the characters of JAG (as I already explained in my first episode), CBS does. I'm just writing this for pure fun. Lucy and Natalie belong to me though. Just for old time sakes and only this once please read and review and please no flames (they do no good). I'm already going to apologize for my editing mistakes because try as I may I'm not an editor and my stories aren't perfect, and I'm already going to apologize for the gaps. Now I say that so I don't have to repeat that. Enough chit chat I hope y'all enjoy my next episode: ).

Episode 4

They Belong to Me

Chapter 1

A baby cried in the dead of the night. Harm rolled over Mac was fast asleep, he knew it was his turn to take care of the twins and the girls must have know as well, because Harm had gotten probably an hour of sleep. Mac though was due in court tomorrow, and had gone through a lot lately Harm owed her. He slowly, reluctantly rolled out of bed and shuffled down the hall towards the twin's bedroom, Natalie was sound asleep but Lucy was the one crying. Harm picked her up and took her out of the room, he knew that any longer in the room and he would have two crying babies. He shuffled into the living room and settled into the rocker that Tiner gave them. Forty-five minutes later Harm and Lucy were dead asleep.

Mac rushed to get her uniform on she had over slept and was due in court in two hour she hoped Harm didn't mind feeding the girls, she knew he took care of them all night but she had overslept. Harm was acting officer while the admiral was taking some sick leave and "recovering" from his shoulder injury, Harm could afford to come in a little later than usual. She went down the hall to the living room to find Harm fast asleep with Lucy sleeping on his chest. Mac grabbed the camera off the coffee table and took a quick snap shot. She then placed down the camera took Lucy and put her in her swing she then leaned forward and kissed Harm on the forehead. Harm stirred away and looked at Mac, a smile crept across his face.

"Don't fall back asleep we have a lunch date to sort through the paperwork to have Lt. Singer and Jenkins court-martialed…. again." Harm chuckled, no way would he miss that. Since Harm and Mac were emotionally evolved they could not prosecute but they were definitely going to be there. Sturgis was prosecuting and had Bud be his second chair they both were allowing Harm and Mac to go through the paperwork with them and of course be witnesses. Harm's brother was back in the US and had volunteered to baby-sit, Mac was originally on maternity leave, but she was only coming back for today and then going back on maternity leave.

Brumby's Apartment

Brumby sat watching TV, Brumby never grasped American TV, he wasn't crazy about America as a whole, the only thing he truly loved was Mac. Which is why he had come back, to try to win Mac back, but when he got to JAG and Tiner informed him that Mac had married, and to of all people Harm, and had twins. Brumby didn't know what to make of himself. He tossed the empty beer bottle into the trashcan, and leaned forward tomorrow he would pay a visit to JAG, and visit some old friends.

Rabb Residence Next Day

This time it was Mac's turn to be exhausted, it had been her first time back to work in awhile and between court and the lunch date she was plum exhausted, she got up to warm the twin's bottles and start breakfast. Harm loved teasing Mac over her choice of food, but today was exception to the typical day and Mac was cooking. Harm woke to the smell of pancakes, he went to the bathroom took a shower and dressed in his uniform. He came in to the kitchen. Mac stood beside the stove pouring the batter into a pan she wore Harm's Navy sweatshirt and jogging shorts. Mac was eager to get back to her original weight so after breakfast she would put the twins in their strollers and go out for a long jog. He came up behind her and took her into his arms, Mac turned around and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Sit down and have some breakfast you don't have much time." Mac reminded Harm sat down at the table and picked up the paper, he was enjoying the peace and quiet before the twins woke up or he went to work.

I know it's a little quick but I wanted to get the idea out, I would love some input from y'all in what you would like to see in this story…I promise I will go slower after this and I have a great idea! : ).