Naruto admitted that he was many different things; always bored, he looked for ways to get in trouble. Living without parents, or just anybody really, in that matter, wasn't very fun. He knew that he could be considered as an annoying brat. But what he didn't understand was why people seemed to call him a freak. I mean, sure he was a little different from the other people in the village where he lived, but everybody is at least slightly different from everyone else.
Gripping tightly to the shirt he was wearing, he willed himself not to lash out. A man who looked to be around his forties was leaning over him, his face an ugly shade of red as he started to shout obscenities.
"Get away! You are going to make my business run downhill!"
Snarling, Naruto unsteadily took a step back. "Stupid old man! All I wanted was that mask!" The man paused, before a look of hysteria crossed his face, "You want this mask? Well, here, take it!" With an almost alarming force, the man threw the mask at Naruto's head. Before he could even react, Naruto felt himself being pushed to the ground. "What the heck?!" "Get out," the man whispered venomously. "I'm leaving!" Naruto snapped back, getting up and running away.
It wasn't until he had locked himself in his room that he noticed a wetness on his cheeks. Damn. Wiping his eyes, Naruto slumped down, an empty coldness in his heart. Why couldn't people understand that he was in pain? Letting out a sigh, he laid down on his bed and drifted off to sleep.
A thump on the roof above his bed woke Naruto up from his sleep. "Burglars?" In his hazy state of mind, he managed to stumble out of bed and grasp the nearest object which could be used as a weapon, in this case it was a broom. Peeking his head out the window in his room to hopefully see who or what was on his roof, Naruto shouted, "What's happening?"
Unsuspecting anything, Naruto was surprised when he was pushed to the ground, hands pinned behind his head as his assailant straddled his lap so that it was impossible for him to move. The broom that was in his hand clattered to the ground, just out of reach. Right when he was ready to shout a good load of obscenities, the words died in his throat when he managed to get a better look at the person pinning him down. The attacker was a boy who couldn't be much older than him, probably eleven or twelve. He had raven black hair which, in Naruto's opinion, was styled suspiciously like a duck's butt. A lean frame, pale skin, and dark eyes, Naruto felt heat rising to his face for admitting to himself that he thought the guy was good looking. The blush came on full force, though, when the boy looked at him weirdly for staring slightly.
Finding his voice, he demanded, "Get off of me! Who are you anyways?" When the boy didn't reply, Naruto tried to push him away. Finally, the mysterious person relented, sitting beside him.
"My name, it's Sasuke."
"Interesting name."
"Mine is Naruto!"
The raven haired male looked at him in what could have been amusement, "Naruto? You are named after a food?" Becoming slightly defensive, Naruto crossed his arms over his chest, "Oi, what's it to you?" Sasuke tried, and failed, to hide his chuckling, "That has to be the stupidest name I have ever heard of! Sheesh, you're such a dobe." Naruto felt his irritation growing, that prick! "Shut it, teme! At least I don't randomly break into other people's houses!" He didn't fail to notice the raven stiffening up beside him. "Out of curiosity, why were you on my roof?"
"Why are you named after food?" Sasuke snapped back. Naruto looked at Sasuke, slightly hurt. Was his name really that bad? He named himself after his favorite food, never had it occurred to him that his name was just something you laugh at. Sasuke, seeing the hurt expression on Naruto's face, began to clear his throat. "I never said that you have a bad name. It's just that to me it seems to be weird to be named after a food."
"Yeah, well, I named myself after my favorite food," Naruto explained. Sasuke looked at him weirdly, "Idiot your parents are the people who named you, what is the name that your parents gave you?" He sat up and shrugged, "I don't know."
Sasuke looked incredulous, "What do you mean you don't know?! Where are your parents? Now that I think about it, I haven't seen them yet. Aren't they going to check up on you?" Naruto shifted slightly in his position, becoming increasingly uncomfortable on where the conversation was heading, "I don't know where my parents are. Please, don't ask any more questions." Sasuke looked like he wanted to complain, but once he saw the pleading look in Naruto's eyes, he relented.
"So," Sasuke's eyes softened slightly, "you live here by yourself then." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Naruto merely nodded his head in confirmation.
Standing up, Sasuke took hold of Naruto's hand and helped him up too. Naruto gave him a questioning look, so he explained, "I'm taking you home with me. No complaining." His tone left no room for argument. "Wait, what? Why?" "You're here by yourself right? I want you to he my friend, so I am taking you to a place where it can be your new home. Don't you want to be my friend?"
"Yes!" Naruto nearly cried out, joyful that he had finally found a friend. He tackled Sasuke in a giant hug, wanting to express his gratitude towards the boy. Sasuke was startled, to say the least, but he did not push Naruto off.
"Wait a minute, hey Naruto," Naruto looked up and grinned at him. Sasuke felt his throat suddenly dry at the look of absolute adoration that Naruto gave him. "Yes, Sasuke-kun?" Naruto giggled lightly, arms still around his neck. He blushed lightly at that, "How old are you anyways, I'm twelve." Naruto unwound his arms from Sasuke's neck. "In two months I'll be ten" he stated, making a show of holding up all ten of his fingers in front of Sasuke's face. Sasuke would never admit it out loud, but he found that extremely adorable.
About half an hour later, Naruto had packed everything that Sasuke deemed was necessary. "Wait a minute!" Naruto shouted, just as they were about to leave. "What now?" asked Sasuke, becoming slightly irritated. "Will I be able to eat ramen there?" asked Naruto, almost shyly. Sasuke nearly let out a laugh, that was what Naruto had been worried about? Failing to hide his mirth, he chortled, "Yes, Naruto, you can have ramen there." Naruto, to Sasuke's amusement, looked genuinely relieved, as if he had actually worried about not being able to have ramen.
"Anything else?"
"No, I'm good."
And with that, they were off.
The trip took longer than Sasuke had wanted. Naruto had been stubbornly taking the long way to his house, avoiding the village like it was the plague. But finally, they had reached the Uchiha estate. Sasuke took pride in his home when he saw the look of absolute awe and wonder that Naruto gave it. "This is your home? It-it's like a castle! Who all lives there?" "The main clansmen and some other people who are visiting. Oh, as well as the servants and guards." He told Naruto. Naruto's eyes widened at the answer he had received. "Who are you really? No commoner is that wealthy!"
As if on cue, one of the servants came stumbling towards them. He was a man with brown hair pulled up in a ponytail, a scar across his nose. "Prince Sasuke!" 'Prince?!' Naruto mouthed to Sasuke. Sasuke nodded in affirmation.
"Oh prince Sasuke," the servant named Iruka called out, "do you have any idea how worried we all were?" "As you can see, Iruka, I have a guest as well with me," Sasuke stated coldly, not liking the fact that his friend was being ignored. Iruka gave a quick glance towards Naruto before turning his gaze back towards Sasuke and bowing, "Prince Sasuke, I will take your guest to the guest's quarters to have him fed and checked on. In the meantime, I ask of you to go to your father to let him know that you are here." Sasuke nodded his hand in understanding, "I leave the responsibility of Naruto's care in your capable hands." And with that, Sasuke was off.
Iruka looked down at Naruto, finally checking out the appearance of Sasuke's claimed friend. "You're nervous around me," Naruto observed, somewhat sadly. "W-w-wha―?" "Your hands are restless, you always play with the hem of your shirt. And not once have you looked me in the eye." Iruka looked away in shame, noticing how dejected the boy sounded.
"I'm sorry, that was quite rude of me, and we haven't made introductions yet. My name is Iruka, what is your name." Leaning down slightly, he offered his hand to the blond boy. Said blond boy gave Iruka a blinding smile as he shook hands, saying, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki." Iruka smiled sadly at the child, this is the demonic fox-child he has heard so much about? He became startled, however, when the boy began to cry.
"Naruto! Is something wrong?" Naruto shook his head, smiling and laughing as tears began pouring down his face, "I'm just so happy. Nobody besides you or Sasuke have ever tried to get to know me. I was always so lonely, people treated me like a monster. Thank you, for your kindness." That was all Iruka could take before he flung himself at the crying boy and embracing him in a hug. Naruto sniffled a little, "It's nice, I feel warm. Hey Iruka, is this what it feels like to be hugged by a father?" Iruka didn't reply, he merely tightened his embrace.
A few moments later, Iruka gently unwound himself from their hug and gave Naruto a small smile, "Shall we go in?" Naruto smiled back and began following Iruka to the guest's quarters.
The guest's quarters, to Naruto's shock and awe, was a building completely separate from the main home. At two stories high, Naruto wondered how many guests Sasuke's family usually had over. He was brought out of his musings, however, when he heard Iruka let out a loud yelp. Turning his attention to Iruka, he saw a man with white hair and a mask covering the lower half of his face leaning over Iruka, a weird grin covering his face. Iruka, on the other hand, seemed slightly flushed, a light blush adorning his face. (can you guess what happened? :3)
Tilting his head to the side Naruto asked innocently, "Hey mister? My name is Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki. This man here is my new friend Iruka. Is something the matter with him?"
"My name is Kakashi. You said this fellow was your friend?"
"Of course he is! Iruka is very kind, so if something is the matter with him, I want to be able to help him in any way I can!"
Naruto had his arms crossed in defiance as if daring Kakashi to say that he couldn't do anything, his voice showing the determination he had to help his new friend. Kakashi couldn't help but ruffle Naruto's hair in an affectionate way. Demon child his ass, he could tell that this child would become someone great. Now, if only everybody else would share his opinion, Kakashi wasn't sure.