"I'm sorry Harry but that what needs to be done." Dumbledore said, the 16 year old teen frowned and turned to look around at the others in the room most of them had the same look he has some of the other looked like Dumbledore's word was golden. He closed his eyes and felt the link from his clan tell him what they thought of the old man's plan. Opening his eyes and saw the old nut job lick his lips at him
"I'm done, I've had enough of this bull shit!" Harry said as he pushed himself off the chair he was sat in.
"I'm sorry?" Dumbledore said, looking confused at Harry's outburst.
The dark haired boy turned to look at him and the old man saw the change in Harry's eyes "I said I am done. I will not be your little home grown slut. You don't fool me in the slightest Dumbledore you have been grooming me since I was 11. Coming into my life and saving me from my abusive family." He told him with a dark glare as he paced "I am not going to whore myself out to Death Eaters just to get close to the Dark Lord and then become his pet whore so I can find out his weakness and then kill him…you know what fuck you I don't have do anything you say…"
"I hate to point out…"
"But you like to and you will." Harry said, earning him a glare from the old wizard as a few others sniggered behind him.
"Said was saying I hate to point out Harry but you do have to do what I say as your guardian." Dumbledore smile.
"Ummm here's a thought fuck off." Harry snarled "I have played your sheep I have acted like a dog for his master but no more. Here is something you didn't for see old man but when I was 10 years old I was attacked by a vampire and left to teach myself how to control my powers and my lust. The vampire who bite ran off after he realised he attacked a child. In my first years I marked two people as part of my clan."
All eyes fall to Ron and Hermione, the girl shock her head and Ron looked horrified "No not them." Hr turned to the twins who stood up and bowed with large grins on their faces
"Master." They said together, Harry wrinkled his nose at the word master but said nothing as he turned back to the group looking at them
"You monster! You turned my boys into monsters!" Molly screeched, Harry winced and frowned at her before looking at the others of his clan
"You might as well all stand up." He said, quickly as he said it the rest of his clan stood up. "I've been busy." Harry smiled sheepishly, Fred, George and Bill, Charlie, Remus and Sirius, Severus, and fleur, Hermione, Luna and Neville all stood up. "There are more but these are just the few that are loyal to me!" Harry growled Dumbledore looked speechless at the people standing up out weighing the group that are loyal to him
"Severus?" Dumbledore looked at the man he thought he had Severus under his control "Why?"
"The boy is persuasive." He told him as he walked to the door
"YOU CAN'T DO THIS! WE NEED YOU TO STOP VOLDEMORT!" Dumbledore yelled, Harry looked back at him his eyes darker than normal he could see fangs poking out from under Harry's lips. He still thinks he's of Harry as a little boy that he could control "You were chosen by the fates to destroy Voldemort and it's my job to train you…"
"By turning him into a whore?" Remus asked
"It an idea." He said
"What it's the only idea we got!" Moody yelled, as he stood up and walked over to Harry "I say we stun the boy and send him off Lucius!" Harry lips curled up in a snarl before he pushed Moody in the chest sending him flying back into the old man's desk braking it into two.
"One little problem there Lucius and his family are part of my clan." Harry said fully.
The teen started too turned to the door when Molly shouted "You can't let them do this!" Dumbledore raised his wand
"I'm sorry Harry you are now a dangerous creature and you are now under my care." The teen raised an eye brow and licked his fangs
"I've never belong to you and if you want to defeat the Dark Lord you fucking him yourself!" Harry snarled as he walked to the door and threw it open braking it on the wall as he walked out, the others followed him.
"Fred, George, Bill Charlie please don't go!" Molly cried as he tried to grabbed her son's hands but they were stranger than her and pulled their hands away from her quickly
"Moin?" Ron said standing she turned to look at him seeing the true image of the girl
"Sorry Ron, Harry didn't trust you not hate him for what he is. He didn't ask for any of this but I won't turn my back on my master, my brother." She smiled weakly at him before turning her back on him and walked off.