Here is chapter 4, I hope you all enjoy it! Thank you all for the reviews, I love getting them!

Several hours later back at Uncle John's, Felicity changed into her nightgown. She was both pleased about the dance and frustrated. Lord Wilkes had been an exceptional dancer, and he had complimented her dance skills as well. They had shared several dances before she and Henry had left.

But Lord Grey had stepped in again, while she was dancing with Lord Wilkes. If Lord Grey had to step in, why couldn't he have stepped in when she was dancing with Lord Collins? The younger man who had stepped on her feet?

"Stepping in again, Lord Grey?" Felicity blinked as the dashing, yet arrogant Lord stepped in, very quietly pushing Lord Wilkes out of the way, "I'm surprised you're so daring." It had not been meant as a compliment.

"I'm only daring at the prospect of dancing with the best dancer in the room, Lady Felicity," he had smoothly replied, but his eyes danced with mischief.

"Thank you," Felicity responded, "I wish I could say the same about you."

Felicity lay down and took several deep breaths. Her mind was running on overtime and she needed to calm down before she would be able to fall asleep. Banishing all thoughts, she turned over and was soon asleep.

In her dreams, she was reading in her favorite gazebo by the river and Lord Grey rode up on a large horse.

"Get off of my land!" he ordered.

"But this is my father's land!" Felicity objected. Lord Grey shook his head and motioned for her to leave the gazebo.


Felicity woke with a start and looked around. She wasn't on the river at home, she was in her bedroom at Uncle John's. Sunlight streamed through the curtains and she got up and pulled the rope to call a servant. One of the maids came in as Felicity struggled with the dress she wanted to wear that day. After getting her dress fixed and her hair done, Felicity went downstairs for breakfast.

"Felicity, how are you?" Uncle John greeted her warmly. "How was the ball last night? Henry said it was quite entertaining."

"Except for a few small instances, I had a lovely time," Felicity replied politely as she sat down. "I did enjoy myself."

Curious as to her statement, John placed his teacup in the saucer. "What happened?"

"Well, when Henry and I were first dancing, another man stepped in and I had to dance with him." Felicity made a face. "Lord Grey was a respectable dancer, but I would have much more enjoyed his company if he had been polite enough to ask for a dance, instead of stepping in. Twice!"

"Lord Grey?" Uncle John asked, his tone had an odd turn to it and it caught Felicity's attention.

"Do you know him Uncle John?" Felicity asked, her mouth pinching in a frown. She was not going to be happy if Uncle John was friends with Lord Grey's family.

"I knew his father." Uncle John barely masked a grimace. "Before your parents were married."

Felicity thought for a moment. Her parents had been married for just over twenty-five years, plus with the distasteful look on Uncle John's face and the fact that Lord Grey was unfamiliar to her, she assumed that her family and Lord Grey's had nothing to do with one another anymore. "Oh," she sighed with relief. "The only good thing he did was help Henry when that awful man tried to force me to dance with him."

"What happened, are you hurt?" Uncle John seemed concern. He leaned forward to peer at Felicity, as though he was looking for evidence of bruises or harm.

"No, but there was a man who had been drinking. I had saved a dance for Lord Wilkes and this….." Felicity tried to come up with a proper word

"Drunkard," Henry's voice spoke from the doorway. Felicity nodded in agreement and continued to talk with Uncle John.

"He tried to force me to dance with him. I was afraid he would hurt me-the way he grabbed at me was very frightening," Felicity recalled the incident. "But Henry and Lord Grey showed up and they both made him leave the ball."

"Good for them," Uncle John praised the men's bravery. "As long as you are not injured, all's well that ends well." He picked up the teacup and took a sip. "I've been thinking you're perhaps a bit isolated here. So, if there is anyone you want to invite over, don't be afraid to do so, your friends are always welcome."

"There are a few women that I met…" Felicity trailed off, remembering how she'd actually seemed to get along with a few of the women who were there. "Well, I hope we'll become friends."

"Feel free to invite them over any time," Uncle John encouraged with a grin, "my home is your home."

Unsure as to how she should respond, Felicity nodded politely and began to eat breakfast. After she finished, she went back upstairs to her room. Henry was busy with something today and she was looking forward to a quiet day. She was not used to the hustle and bustle of the city. But just before luncheon, Alice showed up and insisted that Felicity go with her to a play that night.

"It's 'Much ado about nothing'," Alice said. "I've only heard good things about this particular cast. A whole group of us are going, you have to come!"

"I'd love to," Felicity said, absorbing some of the enthusiasm from the young woman. She began to ask where they should meet up, but Alice spoke too quickly.

"Wonderful! I'll pick you up at seven. And plan on staying the night with me afterward, we need to catch up properly."

Several hours later, Felicity tried to calm her nerves. She and Alice were on their way to the play, and Alice had mentioned that she knew that Lord Wilkes would be there. The carriage pulled up to the theater and Felicity shared a smile with her best friend.

"I'm so glad that you've come to London," Alice said eagerly. "I've missed you so, it will be so nice to catch up properly later. I've already got Cook making the pudding you love so much; we'll come home from theater and talk until we can't stay awake any longer."

They got out of the carriage and stepped into the theater. Felicity tried not to look around in awe. This theater was the nicest she'd ever been in, but she didn't want to draw attention to the fact that she wasn't from London. She and Alice giggled as they entered the actual theater and searched for their seats.

"Jane!" Alice greeted one of the women that Felicity had met the night before. Felicity was happy that this woman was part of their group. She'd enjoyed speaking with Jane Darcy the night before.

Jane Darcy greeted them happily and they sat together, chatting about nothing in particular as they waited for the play to start.

The play was 'Much Ado About Nothing', and it was wonderful! Felicity found herself lost in the splendor of the ethereal scenery and the handsome lead actor. To say she enjoyed it immensely would be an understaetment, but it was right before intermission that Felicity realized, during a particularly emotional part of the play, that she'd neglected to bring her handkerchief.

Discreetly she dabbed her eyes as best she could and hoped that she wouldn't need a handkerchief for the rest of the play. Intermission was brief and she settled back into her seat to watch the rest of the play. It was only a few minutes into the third act that she realized that she needed a handkerchief to make it through the rest of the play. She leaned over to Alice and quietly asked if she had a spare. "I thought I'd packed one in my bag but it's not there," Felicity confessed with embarrassment, knowing Jane could hear them. What well-bred lady of proper upbringing forgets her handkerchief?

"Here," a deep voice spoke, as a man in the row behind them leaned forward and held out a square of fine silk. His voice was thick, as if he was holding back tears. Without turning, Felicity took the proffered cloth and dabbed her eyes.

"Thank you,"she whispered and continued watching the play.

"You're welcome, Lady Felicity," the man spoke, his voice didn't sound familiar and Felicity was momentarily confused as to how he could possibly know her name. She shrugged it off as him being someone at the ball the night before, or he'd heard Alice or Jane say her name before the play started.

The play ended to cheers and applause. It was a while before the auditorium was cleared, so Felicity spoke with Jane about the play. Once the crowds had dispersed, Felicity turned around to try and locate the mysterious man who had given her the handkerchief. But the seat was empty. It was as though he had been a brow furrowed in confusion.

She stood and smoothed the front of her skirt before stepping out into the aisle.. It was time to leave, but a part of her wanted to stay and find the kind hearted gentleman. Unladylike as it may have been, she stood on tip-toe to scan the area again, but the only people behind her were older couples and families with young children.

"Come on, Felicity," Jane urged from near the exit. "The carriage isn't going to wait all night."

Lifting her skirts, Felicity hurried to where her friend stood.

"I thought you were going to stay here all night. Are you feeling well?" Jane scanned Felicity's features for anything out the ordinary-flushed cheeks or a possible fevered brow.

"I...was thinking," Felicity made the weak excuse. How could she explain to Jane that her mind was lost in thoughts of a mysterious man who had saved her dignity? At least she knew it had been a man who had given her the handkerchief. She glanced at it again, It was white with initials in gold, JWG.

"We can think about whatever it is that has your mind occupied, at home. I am sure that Cook has prepared a custard for us to enjoy. It's getting late, and I do despise cold custard," Jane dismissed with the wave of her gloved hand.

Felicity only nodded. Custard was as important as the questions in her heart. But Jane was correct, the carriage wasn't going to wait, and it was almost past bedtime. Sighing, she fingered the expensive silk. Finally she slipped it into her bag and followed Alice out of the theater.

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