Star's gear was all packed.

She stood outside the Ghost, waiting for someone. Her blaster lay on top of her trunk, which sat at her feet. Hera had insisted she keep it, and that she had plenty more.

Sabine descended the boarding ramp with Ezra. Since the attack several months ago, he had healed greatly in a small amount of time, but still required a Mobile Life Support whenever he moved. Sabine stood on the ramp with the others, and watched as Ezra walked to Star. She didn't really know what to say.

"Now, you'll stay safe, right? I don't know if I can pull off another miracle rescue." Ezra warned her jokingly.

"Hey, if my parents haven't started six new rebellion causes in my absence, I'm a Mud Limpet." She chuckled back.

"True enough," Ezra admitted. "Keep in touch."

Star smiled. "Wouldn't miss it for the Galaxy."

The two hugged one last time, and star whispered in Ezra's ear,

"Now that I'm going… Sabine can be good company. Just saying."

Ezra laughed out loud.

"Did Sabine ask you to say that?"

Star's eyes widened.

"How did you know she likes you?"

Ezra smiled knowingly.

"Kind of hard not too."

The two broke apart. Star picked up her trunk, and waved goodbye to the crew. They all waved back. Star smiled at Ezra, and then walked off down the hill. And then they blinked, and she was gone.

Ezra just stood staring at the place where his friend had disappeared, and Sabine just stood watching him. The rest of the crew were ushered back inside by Hera, who was possibly the only one who could distinguish between a public moment and a private one. Finally, only the two teenagers remained, in the last rays of the setting sun.

Sabine couldn't have asked for a better moment to speak with Ezra. She slowly walked up to him. Before she could say anything, Ezra had spoken.

"You know, if you want to say something, you shouldn't leave the references to a friend."

Sabine looked almost exactly like Star.

"Uh… I have no idea what you're talking about…"

Ezra stared at her with his signature sceptical look. She sighed, and nodded.

"So is that why you were fighting Star? Because you were jealous?"

Glad they were getting somewhere at last, Sabine nodded.

"Really? You should have said something! We could have-"

"-worked it out, yeah, Star said. It worked out alright in the end, didn't it?"

"Yeah. I guess so." Ezra nodded, and started heading back towards the Ghost. "Goodnight Sabine."

Sabine just stood there for a moment. Before something clicked in her brain, and she ran after him.

"Ezra! Wait, Ezra!"

Ezra stopped, and turned to see Sabine running towards him. He just got as far as opening his mouth to ask, when Sabine stopped beside him, and kissed him.

Ezra looked surprised, but didn't push her away. Eventually, they broke apart, and Sabine stammered, blushing furiously,

"I love you, Ezra."

"I love you too, Sabine."

The End.