Hey you beautiful #EmisonBabies :) Here's the next and possibly last chapter for this story. (For now at least) Please enjoy my other emison stories too.
Hopefully there is minimal errors if any. Hope you like and don't forget to review.
Ali was sitting at Emily's bedside, it had been a quick and mostly uncomplicated delivery but none the less had left her girl exhausted. As she watched Emily dream away, a nurse came in with a tiny bundle in her arms.
(Yet to be named baby boy was born at precisely 10.35pm)
"Shh," Ali told her, pointing to Emily's sleeping form.
"Oh I'm sorry for the intrusion," she said excusing herself
"Its fine. Is he alright?" the blonde whispered back.
"He's perfect, he just requires a feed but I see mum is understandably out like a light. W-would you like to come to the nursery & feed him yourself? Its good for both parents to bond with the baby at feeding time," she informed, a warm smile on her face.
Ali nodded enthusiastically. She was so proud to be the first to feed their little boy. She turned to place a gentle kiss on Emily's head as she slept on "I'll be back soon babe," and followed the nurse out.
"So how long have you & Miss Fields been together?" the nurse asked as she helped Alison seat herself comfortably on one of the chairs.
"We've only been together for a little over nine months, we planned on being married before this little guy came along," she laughed gently stroking the baby's nose as he suckled from the bottle of formula.
"That's lovely. Congratulations,"
"Thankyou. The moment we met we knew it was forever." she yawned. A little time had passed and the baby had drunk his milk. As she cradled him on her shoulder she took a moment to breathe in that scent that all new babies seem to have, that tell tale smell of soap from a bath & warm milk.
"Well I better go check on his other mummy & see how she is." The nurse said wondering off to Emily's room. It was now after 11pm.
You are the most beautiful baby in the entire world, I can't believe I get to call you mine. Ali thought as she rocked him gently. At her words the baby nuzzled further into her shoulder finally settling down in the middle of her chest. She managed to peel herself away from him so he could be placed in his cot for his nap.
When Alison returned to the brunette's room Emily was still fast asleep, she saw that the nurse had set up an empty bed for her to sleep in without having to find one elsewhere. Alison wandered into the bathroom to take a shower when the phone rang on Emily's bedside table. Before it could stir the brunette awake Ali picked it up.
"Hey Ali, How's Emily doing? Are you mummy's yet?"
"Oh my god Hanna! I totally forgot to call you,"
"Don't stress Ali. Boy or Girl?"
"A beautiful boy, He's Emily all over," she chirped happily as the tiredness from earlier left her bones as she rambled on about their son. She told Hanna that they hadn't picked any names yet but would probably end up picking them out of a hat before coming home in the next day or two.
"Send us a pick when you get the chance, ok? By the way Mr & Mrs F arrived, they'll see you tomorrow."
"Ok, How's Chloe?"
"Still sleeping. No drama's here. Get some rest & give my love to Em."
"I will. Thanks Hanna."
Ali hung up and quickly showered before climbing into bed feeling like the luckiest woman alive.
Back at the Dilaurentis/Fields house the next morning was full of excitement at their being a new addition to the family. Mr & Mrs Fields were rushing around the kitchen making breakfast for themselves and Hanna & Chloe when a sharp knock at the front door alerted them.
"Charlotte you finally made it!" Hanna greeted taking the bags from the older blondes hand.
"I'm sorry I missed the wedding Han, my plane was delayed for god knows what reason but I'm here. So where's Ali & her gorgeous fiancé, Emily?"
"Em went into labour last night. A healthy baby boy name undecided, We're actually going over there this morning to see them,"
"Sounds great! I'll just unpack my stuff and i'll be ready to go in a few,".
At the hospital Emily was awake eating her breakfast waiting to see her baby boy. She had only had a quick cuddle after his delivery being that exhausted, the nurse advised that she get some sleep which she was all for as the last few months had been hard to do so. Although the coming months would have her even more exhausted as newborn babies dont stop for anything. Constant care day and night but thankfully this time round she had live in help in the form of her gorgeous Alison. She couldnt wait to have those wedding rings on her fingers when the swelling from being pregnant settled down.
"Morning Emily, here's your little man, right on cue for his breakfast. Ali over there had the pleasure last night she was a natural."
"Why wouldnt she be a natural? She's his mama." The nurse placed the baby in her arms and closed the door behind her as she left. Finally Emily was able to get a good look at her little boy she was completely in awe of him. She undid a few buttons of her night down to allow him access to her breast. She neglected to notice Ali had woken on her own bed and was gazing at the two of them with a contented smile on her face as she witnessed their son grasp Emily's little finger in his tiny fist as he continued to feed.
"You think we would have picked a name by now," Ali said taking a seat on the edge of Emily's bed.
"Hey you're awake, How did you sleep?" the brunette asked
"Hey I'm supposed to ask you that,".
Emily chuckled lightly as their baby boy made suckling noises. "He's so perfect Em," The blonde moved closer kissing Em softly. "Happy Wedding Day Darling,"
The brunette locked eyes with Ali a little confused but then realised they would have been getting married today had it not been for their bundle of joy arriving earlier than planned. "Happy Wedding Day Babe," Em replied squeezing the blondes hand and returning her kiss with a little more passionately. It was near lunch time when the rest of the family had arrived to see the baby. Everyone was completely gaga for him. As he was being passed around Ali found time to quietly slip out of the room. She was planning on a surprise for Emily, that had only just occurred to her moments ago, so she texted Hanna and Charlotte from the hallway requesting their help but made them tell Emily they were just going to the cafeteria for a coffee break.
"Awe Ali that's so sweet!" Hanna cooed
"Em's gonna love it!" Charlotte added
"I hope so, I really don't want to wait another minute to call her my wife. So I'm going to propose that we get married right here in the hospital,"
"Are you sure? Its not the most glamourous of places for a wedding," Hanna stated
Alison nodded, "That's the thing it was never about the place, or the dresses or the reception afterwards. At the end of the day it's about us,"
Hanna and Charlotte agreed and said they would do anything to help make it as special as possible.
Finally after about an hour or so everyone left Emily alone to rest some more as Alison's plan was in motion. The kind nurse that had tended to Emily and the baby had overheard the plan and had offered the idea that the courtyard outside was an ideal spot being that it was a beautiful sunny day. Alison thanked her and the other two blondes wasted no time in rushing home to gather the flowers & such Hanna had brought with her to make it perfect. Ali followed the nurse down and saw that the courtyard had a beautiful archway where they would say 'I do' covered in over grown vines & small pink & yellow blooms. The rest of the garden was a little unkempt but it resembled a quaint cottage garden not unlike that of Alison's great-grandmothers home. The blonde smiled to herself thinking how happy this would make her Emily.
Later that afternoon Emily had been woken up by Hanna & Charlotte requesting that she get up and change into whatever was in the garment bag they had brought.
"What's going on you two?" She asked her eyes narrowed in suspicion
"Just get up & let us help you get changed," Charlotte smiled, Emily then looked at Hanna in hopes of a different answer.
"Just put the dress on, Ali's waiting downstairs," When Charlotte pulled out the dress she would have worn for her wedding she gasped in surprise.
"I can't believe Ali did this,"
"I can. She loves you so much Em. She has waited her whole life to be as happy as she is with you," Charlotte told her.
Emily could feel happy tears fill the corners of her eyes, she was beyond thrilled to be getting married on the day they had planned. She had waited almost as long as Alison had for her happy ending after failed relationships, family drama, and whatever else stopped people from being happy.
"You would tell me if I looked fat in this right?" Emily asked them as they helped her into the dress. Both blondes just scoffed and rolled their eyes playfully.
"Em, you look amazing!," Hanna said.
Down in the courtyard Alison was anxiously pacing back and forth worrying that Emily wasn't going to accept her proposal of being married here at the hospital until Pam hugged her calming those nerves. "Sweetheart you have nothing to worry about Em loves you more than anything,".
Suddenly Ali saw Hanna walking with Charlotte close behind pushing Emily in a wheelchair, she looked more beautiful than Ali had ever seen her. Her hair was curled and the way her eyes sparkled when she spotted Ali. As they reached the doorway to the courtyard Emily rose from the chair taking Charlotte's arm, not for a second taking her eyes off Alison. Hanna joined the Mr & Mrs Fields on a bench seat as Chloe positioned herself on her lap.
"Who gives this woman to wed this woman," the minister asked as Charlotte and Emily reached the archway.
"We do," Charlotte, Mr & Mrs Fields, Hanna said together with Chloe chiming it a little later than the rest of them, as did another voice, A male voice. Alison turned to see who it was...her father Kenneth Dilaurentis had shown up in suit and tie.
Alison was so lost for words she almost fainted. "Daddy," she said breathlessly,
"Sorry I'm late...a few years too late but someone told me I'd live to regret not being here on your wedding day," he said winking at Charlotte who smiled back.
Alison looked around her, her beautiful bride, their 2 beautiful children, her mother & father in law, her best friend, her sister were all here. Silent tears cascaded down her cheeks as she embraced her father. Kenneth had not found it easy to accept Alison's attraction to women all those years ago up to now but knew he would hate himself more for missing one of the happiest days of his daughters life.
"Excellent, now that we're all here..." the minister went on about the importance of commitment and life long fidelity, Alison & Emily just stared at one another blissfully happy almost like no one but them stood there.
"I know you haven't had the luxury of time for wedding vows Miss Fields but would you like to say a few words to Alison?" the minister asked, Emily giggled trying not to cry.
"Alison, Even though I have been in and out of love. I always felt somewhat incomplete. It wasn't until I met a beautiful woman wearing nothing but a red bikini, flip flops and a towel on a deserted beach that I thought I would ever find love again. I promise, come hell or high water I will always love you completely & faithfully as I promise to love our children, I am yours as you are mine." At the close of Emily's vows Alison smiled squeezing her brunette's hand.
"I don't know if I could top that speech but here goes. Emily all my life I have waited for the perfect person to share my life with. I never thought I would be standing here today with anyone as close to perfect as you are. Nothing in life ever goes the way we planned. As we so often like to do, we do things in the wrong order, we fell in love, had a baby and now stand here today getting married. I stand here not only promising to love you but this entire family we have brought together. I love you Emily Fields & promise its forever,"
"I now pronounce you Mrs & Mrs Fields," Alison leaned in capturing her wife's lips in a passionate kiss. After a minute or so both pulled back for air.
"Yay, i have two mummies now," Chloe squealed jumping off Hanna's lap into Ali's waiting arms. "Don't forget your little brother," she teased planting kisses all over the young girls cheeks. "Mama stop it!" she giggled. "What's his name?"
Alison looked over at Emily who nodded, they had decided on picking a name out of a hat, cause they couldn't agree on one by themselves. Hanna stood up having had a hat hidden under her chair giving it to Chloe to pick one, who handed the small piece of paper to Alison.
"Our sons name is Hudson James Fields," Ali said happily, to which everyone cheered, Mrs Fields had Hudson in her arms at the time and started babbling at him.
After the small ceremony everyone headed off and left the happy couple dancing in the closed off courtyard not that they seemed to care or even notice. Hudson was taken by Emily's parents back to the nursery with Chloe in toe not wanting to leave him alone or he might fearing he might forget what his big sister looked like.
"I can't wait to take you home and have my wicked way with you," Emily whispered seductively into the blondes ear. Alison blushed bright red, not daring to look her wife in the eye. "Don't you think we might be a bit preoccupied with two kids in the house?" Ali asked bluntly.
"If there's one upside to having a baby, it would definitely be the fact that my hormones are going crazy for you right now!" Emily's eyes darkened as she looked into Alison's blue orbs.
"Well Mrs Fields, I think we better ask everyone to go out tonight, I've wanted to have you all to myself for way to long now. Are you sure you're ready for...".
"Ali, if I wasn't already sore, I would be after you finished with me so.."
The blondes eyes widened at Emily's eagerness to be intimate with her so soon after giving birth.
"Only if you're sure?" the blonde asked again as they continued to dance on the spot.
Emily nodded, "Lets go home,"
So there's that chapter done. I may write more if you request. Thankyou to those that suggested names for the baby. :)
Till later darlings