"Do you remember how I'd touch you… here?"

The princess nodded breathlessly. "Yes."

"What about… here?"

Anna hissed and arched her back, rising off of the bed. Kristoff had one hardened bud of her nipple tortured between his thumb and forefinger, the other in his mouth, suckling.

"Is that a 'yes'?"

"Definitely yes," Anna gasped out. Her fingers reached down to grip Kristoff's shoulders, urging him back up to her face to passionately lock lips.

They were back in his cabin– their cabin– a roaring fire blazing in the fireplace, making the air in the cabin toasty and warm despite the freezing snow that fell outside in blankets of white.

When Kristoff slid his aching hardness inside of his readied princess, they moaned together in unison at their joining, each one gripping the other as though if they didn't hold on tight enough they would disappear. His mouth found hers once more, swallowing her moans as he thrusted in and out of her tight wetness with increasing urgency, bringing them both to the edge of something wonderful.

Kristoff ensured that Anna came first, the pad of his thumb finding its way down between them to rub and prod at the sensitive pearl at the top of her sex, the way he knew she liked; it caused her to keen and fist her hands in the flesh of his toned back, hanging on for her life as the eruptions crashed through her body, starting at her center and making their way outward to the tips of her fingers and toes and tingling her scalp. He followed after, tumbling into bliss with her.

"God, I love you." Kristoff nuzzled his face into her neck as he came down, breathing in the musky, sweet smell of her sweat-dampened, auburn curls. "I can't wait to finally call you my wife."

"You might as well call me your wife now," Anna giggled, twirling a lock of his golden hair around her finger. "Gothi did marry us, after all. We're already joined in the eyes of the old Norse gods. Our ceremony in Arendelle next week is pretty much just going to be for show at this point."

Kristoff rolled off of her and sighed. She scooted against him, laying her head on his chest and relaxing into his body, they way she always had– the way she always did.

"I'm not sure how you're going to move any of your stuff in here. There's hardly any room. I may have to build an extension." He ran the hand not holding Anna through his hair. "Maybe having our own estate wouldn't have been such a bad idea."

"Having our own estate would've been nice," Anna said. "But spending every other week at the palace, and the weeks in between up here, is going to be even better. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Anna smirked then. "After all, it's going to be the three of us now."

Kristoff pulled away enough to look at her face, cocking his head at her. "You, me, and Elsa?"

Anna shook her head, her turquoise eyes glinting.

"... You, me, and Sven?"

Anna shook her head again, her knowing smile widening.

"You, me, and Ola–"

"No," Anna laughed. "I mean…"

She took his hand in hers and placed it on her stomach; if he hadn't known her body so well, he wouldn't have picked up on the subtle way it ballooned slightly more than normal.

Kristoff's eyes went wide. "You mean…"

He couldn't believe it. He was going to have a family again– a real family– with Anna; his princess.

She nodded excitedly. "Elsa said the doctor confirmed it when he examined me to make sure there was no more poison in my blood. I wanted to be sure before I told you."

Rolling on top of Anna once more, Kristoff stared down at her in awe, his heart swelling with gratefulness at the incredible gift she had just given him. He showered her face and neck in kisses, causing her to let out an airy laugh.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Kristoff asked breathlessly, pulling back to stare into her sparkling blue eyes; he could barely contain the joy in his voice.

"It's still too early to tell. Elsa thinks it's a boy, since it's been easy so far, but I think that's an old wives' tale."

"I'll definitely have to build that extension now."

"Shut up and kiss me."

"Uhh, Anna? You might want to come see this."

The newly-made mother felt a chill run down her spine. Ever since the birth of their child a few weeks prior, statements like the one her husband had just uttered put her on edge almost immediately, putting her protective maternal instincts into overdrive.

"What is it? Is something the matter?" Anna rose from her seat in the castle garden where she had been reading beside the sunflowers, enjoying the summer air, and swallowed thickly, setting her book aside. "Is it the baby? Is he alright?"

She had just put little Kristofer down for a nap less than an hour ago. What could possibly have happened? Nervously, she played with the bracelet on her wrist.

Kristoff nodded hastily, uneasily, and rubbed the back of his head with a hand. "Kristofer's fine. Well... sort of."

After an excruciating, two-day labor, Anna had given birth to a healthy baby boy– whom they had aptly named Kristofer– with Kristoff's amber eyes and Anna's freckled cheeks. His hair, however, was a shocking white-blonde color, similar to Elsa's. It had been a surprise to everyone, especially Anna, but she just figured it must run somewhere in the family line and hadn't been worried about it.

Until now.

As Anna rushed into the nursery ahead of her husband, holding her skirts aloft in her pale-knuckled fists, the sight that greeted her made her head spin; the entire room was covered, floor-to-ceiling, in a layer of…

"Ice," Anna breathed. Everything was frozen, from the window on the far wall to the rocking horse in the corner beside the door; even the crib had kaleidoscope-like patterns and icicles trailing around its posts. Tiny snowflakes drifted through the air, melting when they landed on Anna's face.

"Oh... my... "

Glancing at each other, Kristoff took his wife's hand in his as they walked together towards the bassinet, peering down to see little Kristofer still soundly asleep, seemingly unbothered by the magic he unknowingly manifested around him.

"How in the–"

Realization dawned on Anna's face. "When Elsa healed me..."

Her hand subconsciously moved to touch her side; the side with the snowflake-shaped scar. "... she didn't just heal me."

Kristoff exhaled slowly, carefully, but nodded slightly in agreement with his wife's remark. "That explains the hair."

Gazing upon their child's sleeping face, Anna felt the unconditional love she felt for the tiny life swell in her heart, making her feel warm all over despite the chill of the room. He was a little bit of her, a little bit of him, and now even a little bit of her sister. She couldn't have asked for a more perfect child. Or a more perfect sister. Or a more perfect husband.

Their family was perfect.

Anna turned to Kristoff and kissed him then, moving her soft lips firmly against his. He kissed her back just as lovingly, the way he always did– the way she remembered.

When she pulled away from the kiss, Anna was smiling, and she gave Kristoff's hand a reassuring squeeze as she spoke: "Looks like Arendelle has a new prodigy."

"Don't be silly, feisty pants," Kristoff murmured, kissing the crown of his wife's head. His warm brown eyes crinkled at her in jest. "Nobody could ever possibly replace you."

Anna leaned into her husband's chest and smiled against the fabric, committing everything about him to her memory for the millionth time, knowing that it was moments like these that made the most perfect memories.

Wow. It's frickin' done, my dudes. Hope the cheesy ending makes up for all the angst (it probably doesn't, but still). Huge thanks to everyone who stuck it out with me and left lovely reviews and messages and follows– you guys are the best and you make my day, every single day– seriously! :-)