Well, the first chapter to "Random Fights" is here, and the characters I'm using are from Alex the Owl. He originally sent me five characters but I was only able use two, Alex and Siax, his O.C. I don't have anything else to say so, enjoy.

The daily life for the citizens of Rio was like any other: busy humans traveling back and forwards in their cars; brightly colored birds flying through the clear blue sky; tourist taking pictures of the Christ Redeemer Statue, and the rays of light dancing around the Island.

Located in club, where avian of all species came to party, Alex the Snow Owl sat at the bar, drinking while sitting next to his friend, Siax; a light green female macaw with white marking on her face, an Egyptian eye marked on her belly, and a golden top around her chest.

Alex had come to the club, not talking to anyone; which was strange since Alex was the type of guy to hang around groups, joking and laughing. The Spix macaw couple, Blu and Jewel, had noticed Alex's unnatural behavior and wanted to help, but Siax had told them to step away. I can talk to him – I've handled a lot of boys in my past, was what the Egyptian warrior had said before she sat with Alex at the bar.

Siax took another sip of her drink, the bright multi colored lights illuminating from the ceiling made the white facial marks reflect a purple hue. She knew ever since Alex stepped foot in the club that he been having relationship problems with Skyler, his mate. Siax was debating with herself about how she should ask him the question – Alex didn't pay her no attention despite her sitting next to him"So, tell me, Alex: how has your relationship with Skyler been working out?" She asked her midnight blue eyes glowed in the light.

Alex clenched his beak – she got his attention. "Are relationship has been... Fine." He said then took a sip of his orange colored drink.

Siax lifted a brow. "What does "fine" mean?" She knew what it meant, but wanted to know the details.

Alex set his drink on the wooden surface of the bar and sighed. "Well, recently, Skyler and I had three eggs together." He started.

Siax's expression glowed with surprise and happiness, but Alex went on with his story.

"This morning, when I left to get breakfast, Skyler was mad at me." Alex tightened his grip on the glass cup in his wing.

Siax cocked her head to the side. "Why?" Don't push him; take it slow, she told herself.

"For the past few days, it took me at least a hour or two to get breakfast, and every time I came home Skyler looked annoyed at me—angry. I didn't know why until this morning. Skyler accused me, saying I wasn't getting breakfast at all, instead I went to hang out at the club. When in reality, mouse and all the other animals we owls eat had been hard to come across those past few days – it makes my blood boil for Skyler to think that way about me. But I held my anger on a leash and tried convincing her that I would never do that, but Skyler didn't believe a word I said. All hell broke loose when I lost my temper, the both of us began arguing with each other, yelling and swearing at the top of are lungs." Alex paused; he buried his face in his wings. And a few sobs were heard.

Siax leaned closer to him. "Alex", she said softly.

Alex's face rose from his wings, his yellow eyes glossy and damp marks stained his white, puffy cheeks. "When… When I finally lost control of myself I called Skyler a good-for-nothing-*****."

Siax wanted to gasp, but she kept a blank expression. "The moment I said that to her, are argument turned into a fight, and Skyler used her outrage curse on me."

Siax flinched. Was Skyler really that angry?

"You see this scar on my waist." Alex shifted to the side on his chair, revealing a huge scar made by talons, dark red damp marks stained some of his white feathers. Blood – a lot of blood. Siax gasped. "She did that to me, and told me to leave and never come back." Alex let a single tear run down his cheek.

"And what Skyler said next hurt me the most: she said even if I was to stay I wouldn't—I wouldn't be a good Father to my kids, or a loyal mate to her, just a failure. I didn't say anything back to her, I just left – I left my home with a shattered heart. I left because I knew what she had said was true: I'll never be a good Father to my kids, or a loyal mate." Tear after tear escaped fell out of Alex's yellow eyes, bloodshot.

Siax hung her head low, not a word escaped her beak. She thought she could help Alex, but this…

"Alex, I'm sorry…"

Alex didn't say a word, he just shifted himself to look at the dance floor. He had to hold in a sob when he saw Blu and Jewel; The Spix macaw couple held each other in their wings, Jewel's head rested on Blu's chest as they both did a slow waltz.

"I wish that could be me and Skyler." Alex whispered, his wing tips brushed past his scar, a jolt of pain but Alex didn't flinch. He was emotionless at that point.

Siax rested a wing on Alex's shoulder. "Alex, as your friend, I'll help you through this however way I can, I promise." Siax placed her wing on the eye tattooed on her belly. "I promise on my great ancestors that I'll help you – help you find love again." Alex was shell-shocked. Siax promising on her ancestors was—was unspeakable. That meant that she would kill herself if she were to fail her promise – a deadly promise to make. Does she really care for me that much; would she actually make such a deadly oath to make sure I'm happy.

Unexpectedly, Alex pulled Siax into a hug, his feathers brushed against the collar on her neck. Siax hugged him back, eyes closed. "I promise." She repeated.

"Thank you, Siax; you're a true friend." Alex said as he broke apart from the hug.

Siax said, "like I said: I'll help you no matter what." Siax turned her attention to the dance floor. "Now how about we go on the dance floor and shake are tail feathers."

Alex nodded and smiled – actually smiled. "I agree, it will be a good way to clear my mind."

Siax sprang from her seat. "Great! Let's get partying." Alex sprang off his chair as well, but before they could make to the dance floor a scream ran around the club.

"Let her go, creep." A voice shouted – no, not just a voice, Blu's voice.

A huge Hyacinth had Jewel pinned against a wall, his wings holding Jewel's wing over her head, attempting to kiss her. With the hyacinth being ten times stronger than her, Jewel could only turn her head and clamp her beak shut.

Blu stood next to the Hyacinth, glaring daggers at him.

The Hyacinth smirked, "oh, come on buddy. I just want one kiss from this beautiful chick, and then I'll leave." The Hyacinth said, taking a glance at Jewel who still had her eyes closed and beak clamped.

"This is the third time you tried this, Rhysand, and the answers still no – and I demand you to get your filthy wings off my mate, now." A.N—the hyacinth's name is pronounced Ree-sand.

Rhysand laughed a dark, malice laugh. A chilling spider ran down Blu's spine. "Now, this is hilarious: a worthless pet is demanding something of me. What are you going to do, Blu, tickle me to death." Blu clenched his beak, his talons digging into the stone beneath him.

Jewel glared at Rhysand, but didn't say anything.

"I'm going have my way with you this time, Jewel; you wouldn't mind having a couple of eggs would you." Rhysand said as his eyes gazed at the spot between her legs.

Jewel clicked her tongue. "I wouldn't mate with you even if you were last male on the planet, freak!" Jewel spat at his cheek.

Rhysand only smiled and licked the spit from where Jewel spat, Blu and Jewel cringed. "Ah, taste just like mango." He breathed, eyes closed. Then he looked at Blu. "What is it going to be, Blu, I'm not leaving here until I have my way with Jewel, so are you going to be a good pet and let me do what I want, or are you going to be a fool and challenge a powerful Fae like me to a fight – choose."

Blu took a step closer to Rhysand. "Let. Her. Go."

"Make me."

Despite the huge gap between them, Blu lunged himself at the Hyacinth, talons outstretched. Rhysand didn't have enough time before Blu's talons sliced his cheek, he shrieked. Reflectively, Rhysand let go of Jewel and held his cheek, eyes black with anger and hatred.

Blu held Jewel in his wings – at the moment, he was more concerned for Jewel's well-being than his anger toward Rhysand.

"Jewel, are you okay?" Blu asked softly, his wings enveloped Jewel's middle section of her body.

Jewel nursed her wings which Rhysand had grasped with his gigantic wings. "Y-yeah, I'm fi—Blu look out!" Jewel yelled as Rhysand charged at her mate with terrifying speed.

Blu somewhat blocked Rhysand's attack, his bones groaned as he made contact with the stone floor.

He saw stars in his vision as he tried to pick himself up. The crowd, that had ignored the whole scene, now stood in shock at the Spix macaw on the floor.

Rhysand frowned. One punch and your almost done, how weak.

Rhysand turned his attention to Jewel. "Jewel, let me ask you: is this weak, pathetic thing is what you call your mate." Jewel clenched her beak, her anger rising fast. "If so, then you're better off mating with an insect rather than that weak pet." Some snickers were heard from the crowd.

Jewel roared and charged at the bastard of a Hyacinth.

She landed a punch at his torso, he chuckled.

Jewel growled then, with all her strength, jumped and punched the Hyacinth in the throat, Rhysand choked.

Jewel took her chance while he was stunned and jumped up, but this time, she let her talon glide across his left eye-lid.

The giant Hyacinth's screeched made everybody in the club cringed. Rhysand took a giant leaped back from the enraged female, blood dripping from the left side of his face, where both Blu and Jewel's talons made his skin scream.

"Bitch," He hissed.

"You bitch," he hissed again, "how dare you—how dare both of you—scar my face." Rhysand tried to open his eye, but the only result he got was a stinging sensation from his eye-lid.

Jewel smirked, a wing on her hip. "Well it wasn't like you had a pretty face in the first place." Blu, who now stood next to Jewel, smirked as well. Some laughter sprang from the club, all of them mocking him.

Rhysand forced his wounded eye open, ignoring the intense, unbearable pain. "How dare you", He yelled, everyone's laughter stopped. "I'll kill you both!"

Alex and Siax, who were pushing through the crowd, froze, someone was threatening to kill someone else—most likely Blu or Jewel, the ones in trouble—this wasn't good.

Rhysand charged at the couple with unnatural speed. He grabbed Jewel by her neck and through half away across the club.

A crack echoed through the club when she hit the ground, she screamed with such agony it brought tears to some of the onlookers. And then she passed out – nobody dared help her.

Rage, revenge, hate – those were the only things on Blu's mind as he saw Jewel grovel on the ground. He was going to beat Rhysand to a pope – nobody hurts his beloved Jewel. Nobody!

Without thinking, Blu threw a punch at Rhysand, the giant Hyacinth dodged it with ease.

A mili-second, a single mili-second was all the time Blu had before two giant wings grasp his neck, and pinned him against the wall.

Blu could barely breathe; he threw his wing and talons in the air wildly, trying to make Rhysand let go of him.

He shivered when he heard that demon's laugh from Rhysand. "Consider me breaking your neck a mercy killing, pet." A cracking sound was heard as Rhysand tightened his grip. "I would kill you very, very slowly—savoring every scream you made—but, unfortunately, the club isn't that type of place for that, if you know what I mean." Blu's eyes began to roll back in his sockets.

"And don't worry about your mate; Jewel and I will be having a lot of eggs together." Rhysand laughed again, a tear rolled down Blu's eye. Not like this, not so soon. I don't want to leave Jewel alone.

Rhysand put his beak next to Blu's ear. "Good-bye, Blu," he whispered, then he tightened his grasp on Blu's neck and—

A golden energy ball hit Rhysand in his side, knocking him three feet back. Blu was on the floor, holding his bruised throat, coughing.

Alex, who held unconscious Jewel in his wings, ran over to Blu and checked on him.

"Blu, buddy, are you okay?" Alex asks frantically, kneeling half way down to face his best friend.

After a coughing fit, Blu answered. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." Blu assured; then turned his attention to Jewel. "How is she?"

Alex looked at Jewel. "It's just a sprained wing – nothing major." He assured.

Blu let out a sigh of relive. "Good," He breathed.

Siax kneeled next to Alex. "Blu, who is that Hyacinth?" She asked, referring to Rhysand, who was slowly getting to his talons.

Blu coughed once. "His name is Rhysand; he has been trying to steal Jewel away from me for a whole month now. He even knows we have kids and yet he still try's in vain. Rhysand has been sending Jewel a bunch of gifts—roses, mangoes, or love notes—but she rejects them all." Blu coughed again, holding his throat.

Alex, who was still listening, felt his anger rising. How dare he, trying to steal Jewel away from Blu, it's sickening, he clicked his tongue.

Blu continued. "Yesterday, when Jewel and I took Carla, Bia, and Tiago to the beach, Rhysand followed us there, and tried to kiss Jewel, in front of the kids. Jewel slapped him and told him to never show his face again, but I guess he took Jewel's threats too lightly. And today is a perfect example to show how desperate he is to get Jewel – he probably would have kidnapped one of our kids to get to Jewel, the crazy bird." Blu coughed again, but it wasn't as bad as the other ones.

Alex stood on his talons, his beak clenched. "Well, you don't have to worry about Rhysand after today, Blu. I'll take care of him."

Shocked, Blu looked at Alex. "Alex, you can't fight Rhysand—even with your prototype, or even if Siax is on your side—he's too strong." Alex clicked his tongue.

Siax stood on her talons, glaring at Blu. "What do you mean by "even if Siax is on your side", uh? Are you suggesting that I'm a bad Egyptian warrior?" Siax said sternly, her energy rising.

Blu gulped. He knew insulting Siax's warrior skills—or instincts—would be his worse mistake yet. The last bird that did that, who was a Harpy Eagle, never lived the same way again.

"N-no, not at all, Siax", Blu stammered, "it's—it's because Rhysand is a Fae."

Siax raised a brow. "A Fae", she asked.

"Yes. Fae's are powerful being, normally in magic and the elements; it's why I'm telling you guys not to—"

"Blu", Alex interrupted, "like I said: I'll take care of him."

Blu stared at Alex, bewildered if he heard him or not. Alex doesn't stand a chance against a Fae – against Rhysand, he'll get himself killed.

"Alex, listen to me: if you or Siax fight Rhysand you will die." Blu said, standing up to his talons. "And what about Skyler – how do expect me to tell her that you, the one she loves most in this world, is dead, Alex? How?" Blu almost yelled, he was getting frustrated at his friend's arrogance.

Alex held back a sob. You don't have to tell her anything, Blu. Skyler doesn't love me – not anymore, was what he wanted to say, so badly. He felt like—like he had nothing to live for – no reason to live. He was an empty soul.

Alex turned to Blu, who was glaring at him, and placed unconscious Jewel in his wings. "Take her to the aviary, if her wing isn't treated soon it could be something worse than sprained, and don't worry us – Siax and I will be joining you there shortly." He said, his tone emotionless.

Blu sighed and turned away from Alex. "Good luck, my friends," was all Blu said before he disappeared in the crowd.

Alex and Siax turned their attention to the Hyacinth staring right before them, his expression surprisingly calm.

Rhysand frowned. "So, a scrawny Snow Owl and a weak Egyptian doll are here to play hero – how pathetic."

Siax curled her wing into a fist. "Just who do you think you're calling weak, rapist."

"Rapist", Rhysand clicked his tongue, "at least this rapist isn't dressed like a clown."

Siax clenched her beak. "I'll kill you," she hissed.

Alex put a wing in front of Siax. "Save it for later, Siax", he said, "the club isn't a place to have a fight." Especially with a Fae – God knows what how much power he's hiding right now.

Alex turned his attention to the Hyacinth. "Tell me something Rhysand: why do you keep trying to make Jewel fall in love with you, when you know she already has a lover and kids? Do you not know that there're thousands of female macaw's you can mate with that are single?" Alex asked plainly.

Rhysand put a wing on his hip. "Yes, I am very aware of the fact that there're thousands of other single females that I, myself can mate with, but Jewel is the only bird whom catches my eye. And there is a reason to why I won't give up on Jewel – besides the fact that I love her."

Alex raised a brow. "And what is that?"

Rhysand put both wings behind his back, his broad best held high. "I'm trying to make Jewel understand something, something very obvious."

"A message? About what?"

"You see my owl friend: Jewel is such a beautiful and free spirited bird, and she deserves better than a low life like Blu – that human's pet is a garbage bag disguised in feathers."

Alex's talons engraved the stone. You scum.

"Therefore, no matter what you say, I will always see to that Jewel either finds a manlier, handsome mate who's not a pet, or falls in love with me." Rhysand removed his wing from his back. "Do you understand, my owl friend?" Rhysand said a mischief tone.

Alex face remained blank – emotionless. "Yes, I understand." He said. Siax looked at him with disbelief. "Alex." She whispered angrily.

The crowd, musicians, and singers were all silent as the three birds stood with immortal stillness. They all knew what was going to happen: a fight to the death, a bloody one.

"Good." Rhysand smiled. "Then you'll understand why I want to kill Blu, why I want Jewel to be with me rather than him. I'm—"

"I understand", Alex interrupted. "I understand that I can't allow rodent like you to live, not while you pose a threat to my friend's lives and their relationships."

Rhysand chuckled. "Oh, so now you're going to try to fight me, little owl. Didn't you see what I did to Blu and Jewel: I tossed them around like rag dolls."

Alex curled his wing into a fist.

"But I'll tell you what: if you beat me, then I'll leave Jewel alone and let her stay with her pathetic mate."

"And if you beat him?" Siax said, her wings still curled into a fist.

Rhysand looked down at Siax's clenched wing, smiling. "Isn't obvious what I get if I win, little lady: none of you can disturb me from making Jewel fall in love with me – and that also includes killing Blu." Rhysand chuckled.

Siax was tempted, so, so tempted to claw that bastard Hyacinth's eyes out and shove them down his throat. A little smile cracked on her beak at the thought of it.

Rhysand saw the hesitation in the Snow Owl's face, and added, "I'll give you two worms some time to think about my challenge." Then he crossed his wings, waiting.

Alex looked at the floor, he didn't notice how tense his body was until he saw his talons; they were curled up, engraving the stone like a jackhammer would. But he didn't have time to think about that, he had to decide rather he should do this fight or not.

Blu had said Rhysand is a Fae, a very powerful being, so in most cases he couldn't win. But what if Siax's join him in the fight; they might be able to win then. But still… If Rhysand really is that powerful then there's a possibility that Siax could die, and he doesn't like it when other birds suffer, so he would face Rhysand one on one. Even if he did die, it wouldn't matter, he has nothing to live for anyways.

"Deal," Said Alex. "I accept your challenge." Rhysand smiled evilly.

"Fine –we'll fight at sunset, on the beach – and you can bring your lady friend, too, if you want. I want to see how loud I can make both of you scream with my brute strength." Rhysand said with a dark, demonic voice.

Alex had to force himself not to take a step back.

Rhysand ambled to the entrance of the club, but stopped right beside Alex. And what Rhysand said next, made every feather on his body stand up: "And after I kill both you and your lady friend, I'll find your mate and make sure she dies a very, very slow death." Then he left, vanishing through the exit.

A few moments of silence later, the club came back to life again, the partying and music. But Alex remained still, not moving a muscle. At that second that Rhysand had spoken to him, he felt the bottomless pit which was Rhysand's power. The power that will be used to give him and Siax the slow painful death, Alex's legs trembled. He'd had made a big mistake, because of him Jewel might get raped by that bird; because of him Blu could be murdered, slowly and painfully; because of him Skyler and his unborn children's life's are on the line. Everything he loved is going to be destroyed, and the only thing he could do was cling on to false hope.

"We're going to die." Alex trembled, he fell to his knees.

Siax opened her beak to say something, but nothing came out as she looked down at her wings; they were trembling. And she could only expect the obvious truth: they're both going to die a slow, horrible death.

Alex and Siax: belongs to Alex the Owl

Rhysand: belongs to BlackFeathers33

And as always.
